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      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 : 주행시 군화종류에 따른 운동역학적 특성비교

        최지영(JiYoungChoi),김우엽(WooYeobKim) 한국체육학회 2001 한국체육학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        본 연구는 달리기 중 발이 지면과 접촉할 때 세 가지 종류의 군화 뒤굽의 경도 및 높이가 발과 하지에 미치는 영향을 운동학적 및 운동 역학적으로 비교 분석하여 그 결과를 근거로 군화를 제작하는데 필수적인 과학적 설계 기준의 기초자료를 제시하기 위한 목적으로 실시되었다. 피험자는 입대한 후 6개월 이상 경과한 현역 장병들로서 군화를 신고 활동하는데 아무런 지장이 없는 병사들을 대상으로 하였으며, 연구 대상 군화는 국산군화, 국산 사제군화(일명:정글화)와 미군 군화의 세 가지 종류로 하였다. 영상분석을 위하여 고속카메라를 100frame/sec로 설정하여 피험자가 4m/sec의 속도로 달리는 동안 피험자의 후면에서 발과 하퇴부분을 촬영하였으며, 지면반력 측정기는 570Hz의 빈도로 지면반력 성분을 측정하였다. 실험을 통하여 얻은 결과는 SPSS 통계프로그램을 이용하여 각 변인들의 평균과 표준편차를 구하였으며, ANOVA를 이용하여 각 군화간의 평균과 표준 편차를 비교하였고 Duncan multiple range test로 사후검정을 시행하였다. 본 연구에서 뒤굽의 경도는 초기 회내각과 초기 후족각의 변화 범위 등 초기 회내운동과 최소 후족각의 발생 시각에는 영향을 미쳤으나, 최대 아킬레스 건각과 최소 후족각에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 경도가 작을수록 회내운동이 많이 일어나서 후족의 안정성에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 뒤꿈의 높이는 초기 회내각과 초기 후족각의 변화 범위 등과 같은 초기 회내운동에는 영향을 미쳤으나 최대 아킬레스 건각과 최소 후족각의 크기에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 또한 뒤굽의 높이가 높을수록 최대 회내속도의 발생 시각을 감소시켰다. 뒤굽의 경도와 높이는 최대 수직 충격력의 크기에 영향을 미쳤으나 최대 수직 충격력의 도달 시각에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 또한 경도가 클수록 부하율이 크게 나타나서 발의 충격 흡수에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of the design features and properties of the three types of army boots in running by kinematic and kinetic analysis, and to suggest a basis for scientific standard of construction, which was essential to manufacture the army boots.The subjects of present study were 6 enlisted men who served at least 6 months or more and did not experience any pain or injury in their feet. They had no difficulties in moving and acting with army boots. The subjects performed heel-toe running on 8.1m long runway at the speed of 4 m/sec with 3 kinds of army boots. The current research was conducted by using cinematography to analyze kinematic variables and force-platform to evaluate kinetic variables. The data obtained were compared by Windows SPSS statistics package to identify the significant differences of the mean and standard deviation of each variable.The results of this study can be summarized as following.1. The heel hardness of the army boots had effects on the initial pronatory movement including the initial pronation angle and initial rearfoot angle, but did not influence on the maximum Achilles tendon angle and minimum rearfoot angle. As the heel hardness decreased, the more pronation occurred, and brought about negative effects on the rearfoot stability.2. The heel height of the army boots had effects on the initial pronation especially on the initial pronation angle and initial rearfoot angle, but did not show any significant differences in the magnitude of maximum Achilles tendon angle and minimum rearfoot angle. The heel height influenced the time for maximum velocity of pronation.3. The heel hardness and height influenced the magnitudes of max. vertical impact force peak, but had no effects on the time for max. VFIP. As the hardness increased, the higher loading rate was occurred, so resulted in negative effects on the shock-absorption of the foot.

      • KCI등재

        자연과학편 : 태권도 돌려차기의 인체 관절과 분절사이의 협응 형태

        최지영(JiYoungChoi),이옥진(OkJinLee),김승재(SeungJaeKim) 한국체육학회 2007 한국체육학회지 Vol.46 No.6

        이 연구는 협응 변인들을 동원하여 태권도 돌려차기기술을 지배하는 기본적인 제어기전의 이해를 토대로 돌려차기기의 동작형태를 분류하고, 차기동작의 단계별 학습순서를 제시하는 데 목적을 두었다. 한국 올림픽 국가대표로 선발된 6명의 남자 선수들을 연구대상자로 돌려차기 기술 동안 3차원 영상분석법을 이용하여 개개 관절과 분절들의 각도를 계산하였다. 이용된 협응 변인으로는 각도 대 각도 도면과 각도 대 각속도 도면이었다. 돌려차기 동안 몸동의 단축성 수축에 의해 시작된 스프링과 같은 제어기전은 하부몸통과 엉덩관절의 공간적 협응에 의해 하지관절의 탄도적 제어기전으로 전이되는 과정을 관찰할 수 있었다. 이렇듯 협응 변인을 이용한 총체적인 돌려차기의 연구는 단편적으로 차는 다리만의 운동학적 변인들에 기초하여 돌려차기를 스피드 총합의 원리 혹은 분절순서이론에 기초한 던지는 듯한 동작유형과 유사한 후려차기 유형으로 분류한 결과보다 돌려차기의 기본적인 제어기전을 깊이 이해하는데 매우 유용한 연구방향인 점을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to classify movement pattern of Dolryeochagi with coordination variables based on the understanding of basic control mechanism dominating in it and provide basic information for graded learning sequences of it. By utilizing three-dimensional cinematography, the angles of individual joint and segment of six male Taekwondo experts during Dolryeochagi were calculated. The used coordination variables were angle vs. angle plots and angle vs, angular velocity plots. It was observed during Dolryeochagi that spring-like control mechanism of upper and lower trunk initiated by concentric contraction was transferred in切 ballistic control mechanism of lower leg passing through spatial coordination between lower trunk and hip joint. This study that utilizes coordination variables seems to be one of useful research direction to understand basic control mechanisms of Taekwondo kicking skills when compared with the previous studies that merely used biomechanical variables of a kicking leg.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 아이스하키 리스트 샷(Wrist shot) 동작의 3차원 운동학적 분석

        최지영(JiYoungChoi),문곤성(GonSungMoon) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between the segments of the body, the three dimensional anatomical angle according to wrist shot in ice hockey. The subjects of this study were four professional ice hockey players. The reflective makers were attached on anatomical boundary line of body. For the movement analysis three dimensional cinematographical method(APAS) was used and for the calculation of the kinematic variables a self developed program was used with the LabVIEW 6.1 graphical programming(Johnson, 1999) program. By using Eular's equations the three dimensional anatomical Cardan angles of the joint and ice hockey stick were defined.1. In three dimensional linear velocity of blade the Y axis showed maximum linear velocity almost impact, the X axis(horizontal direction) and the Z axis(vertical direction) maximum linear velocity of blade did not show at impact but after impact this will resulted influence upon hitting puck.2. The resultant linear velocity of each segment of right arm showed maximum resultant linear velocity at impact. It could be suggest that the right arm swing patterns is kind of push-like movement. therefore the upper arm is the most important role in the right arm swing3. The three dimensional anatomical angular displacement of trunk in flexion-extension showed flexion all around the wrist shot. The angular displacement of trunk in internal-external rotation showed internal rotation angle at the backswing top and and increased the angle after the impact.. while there is no significant adduction-abduction.4. The three dimensional anatomical angular displacement of trunk showed most important role in wrist shot. and is follwed by shoulder joints, in addition the movement of elbow/wrist joints showed least to the shot. this study result showed upperlimb of left is more important role than upperlimb of right.

      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 : 철봉내리기 동작의 각운동량 분석

        최지영(JiYoungChoi),김승재(SeungJaeKim) 한국체육학회 2004 한국체육학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate to the relations between the segments of the body, the three dimensional anatomical angle and the angular momentum of the air born phase and understand the control mechanism of the high-bar movement, the somersault, the double somersault, the double somersault with full twist. For this study seven well trained university gymnastics volunteered, Zatsiorky and Seluyanov’s sixteen segment system anatomical model was used for this study. For the movement analysis three dimensional cinematographical method(APAS) was used and for the calculation of the kinematic variables a self developed program was wed with the LabVIEW 5.1 graphical programming program. By using Eular’s equations the three dimensional anatomical Cardan angles of the joint and angular velocity were defined.1. As the rotation of the body increased in the air born phase the projection angle of the CM of the total body increased, this resulted the increased of the max hight of the CM.2. In three dimensional angular velocity the Z axis(vertical direction) projection angular velocity increased as the rotation of the body increased in the airborn phase, but the Y axis and the X axis projection angular velocity did not show significant differences.3. The somersault angle, the twist angle, the tilt angle of the upper body related to the global reference frame in the releas phase the average somersault angle of the three types of hight-bar movement was 57.7˚, 38.8˚,39.7˚, the average tilt angle was -1.5˚, -5.4˚, -8.4˚, the average twist angle was 13.4˚, 10.6˚, 23.3˚. This result showed that the double somersault with full twist had the largest movement.4. The angular momentum in the somersault angle the double somersault showed the largest with the average of 72.5±4.81kg·㎡/s, the somersault showed a average of 37.5±9.20kg·㎡/s, the double somersault with full twist showed a average of 63.7±13.22kg ·㎡/s. This result showed that the angular momentum of the double somersault was 35.0kg·㎡/s larger than the somersault, ant the angular momentum of the double somersault with full twist was 26.2kg·㎡/s larger than tie somersault.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 투사거리에 따른 농구 점프 슛 동작의 운동학적 분석

        최지영(JiYoungChoi),황인승(InSeongHwang),이성철(SungCheolLee) 한국체육학회 1992 한국체육학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to suggest mechanical variables of successful 3-point jump-shot movement by identifying variations of jump-shot movement patterns accompanying horizontal distance variables.Five male basketball players of Yonsei University were filmed on a 16mm Photosonic 1PL High Speed Camera performing jump-shot movements accompanying projection distance. A spatial peformance point, four points on basketball and 17 two-dimensional X. Y coordinates of body segment anatomical marks were used as input in a movement analyzing-computer program and then. smoothed with cutoff frequency set at 7㎐ to obtain kinematic data needed for movement analysis. After comparing and analyzing kinematic data, the following results were obtained through the statistical analysis process.1. In the shooting phase, that affects projection angle and projection velocity, the short duration variable was obtained in the 3-point shot movement, and horizontal displacement distance in airborne phase in 3-point shot movement indicates that the horizontal displacement distance moved more(26㎝) toward the target relative to the 2-point shot.2. During projection, center of gravity displacement is almost the same. But, on the other hand, maximum displacement occurs 0.13sec after in the 2-point shot and 0.18sec after in the 3-point shot movement. This indicates that the projection movement occurs before arriving at the maximum point.3. In each arm segment, at the moment of jump and projection. X axis direction velocity variable between two movements show significant difference Especially X axis direction velocity variable of the 3-point shot movement in hand segment at the moment of jump and projection were high. Also, in the case of the 3-point shot movement from the moment of jump to pojection X axis direction velocity variable of the hard joint shows a sudden increase.4. At the height of projection there are no significant differences between the two movements but. angle of projection in the 3-point shot movement is small, and projection velocity in the 3-point shot movement shows a significant increase.In conclusion. since the 3-point jump shot movement needs additional momentum relative to the 2-point shot, that has short. horizontal distance variable, by shortening the duration variable in shooting phase, the shooting movement from a far distance can successfully be performed through transition of momentum, developed at the moment of jump, to the basketball quickly and powerfully. Especially, by additionally increasing each body segment`s velocity variable of X axis direction during the jump and projection. can overcome horizontal distance variable that acts on 3-point shot movement, and a successful projection movement can be performed. Also, in an effort to adopt additional horizontal direction momentum, that is developed in each body segment accompanying horizontal distance variable held farther apart, to the basketball, decrease in projection angle and increase in projection angle were discovered.

      • KCI등재

        운동역학 : 보행 속도에 따른 발목 관절과 하퇴 근육의 운동 역학적 분석

        문곤성(GonSungMoon),최지영(JiYoungChoi),김로빈(RoBinKim) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinetic variables of ankle joints and lower limbs muscle activity for the different walking speed. The subjects were 6 males of twenties. It was classified into three different walking speed(0.75m/s, 1.25m/s, 1.75m/s). The walking performances were filmed by high speed video camera and the ground reaction force was measured by the force platform-#B30210 Type 4060A which made by Bertec company with collecting frequency of 600Hz. EMG signal was gained by ME3000P8 Measurement Unit. Tibialis anterior(TA), Gastrocnemius medial head(GM), Gastrocnemius lateral head(GL), Soleus(SO) were selected for the dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle joint. The result of this study were as follows: 1. The moment of ankle joint was showed the significant difference for LTO, LHC, MDF and MPF, and knee joint was showed the significant difference for LHC and MF, and hip joint was showed the significant difference for RTO, LHU and ME along the walking speed. 2. The ground reaction force for X(medial-lateral side)direction was showed no significant difference along the walking speed. The ground reaction force for Y(anterior-posterior)direction was showed the significant difference for LTO, RHU and the braking force Fy1 and the progression force Fy2, and Z(vertical)direction was showed the significant difference for LTO, LHC, Fz1 and Fz2 along the walking speed. 3. TA was showed about 2-3 times muscle activity at the 1.75m/s than 1.25m/s in some phases. And it was showed the similar muscle activity between the 0.75m/s and 1.25m/s but, showed a little much muscle activity in the 0.75m/s. GM was showed about 2-3 times muscle activity in the 1.75m/s than 1.25m/s, and even much muscle activity at the 0.75m/s than 1.25m/s in some phases. GL was showed increasing pattern of muscle activity specially in the initial swing phase as the walking speed increased. SO was showed about 3 times muscle activity in the 1.75m/s than 1.25m/s during the plantarflexion of ankle joint. It was showed the similar muscle activity between the 0.75m/s and 1.25m/s but, showed a little much muscle activity in the 1.25m/s.

      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 / 세가지 축구 슈팅 동작의 운동학적 비교

        진영완(YoungWanJin),최지영(JiYoungChoi),신제민(JeMinShin) 한국체육학회 1999 한국체육학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        축구에서 최종목표인 슈팅이 대부분 공이 움직이고 있는 상황에서 일어나는 것을 감안하여 8명의 축구선수를 대상으로 세 가지 상황에서 슈팅을 하여 3차원 영상분석 법을 통하여 운동학적 변인들을 알아 보았다. 공의 투사절대속도의 비교에서는 유의한 차이가 나타났다(p<0.05). 사후검정 결과 정지된 공과 굴러가는 공, 정지된 공과 굴러오는 공의 속도에서는 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 공의 투사각도 비교에서는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 보폭은 사후검증 결과 정지된 공과 굴러가는 공, 정지된 공과 굴러오는 공의 보폭에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 공중심에서 무릎까지 수평거리는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으며, 공중심에서 무게중심까지 수평거리는 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으며(p<0.05), 사후검증 결과 정지된 공파 굴러가는 공, 굴러가는 공과 굴러오는 공의 변인에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 임팩트 순간 발끝 속도 비교에서는 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 임팩트 순간 공의 절대 투사속도 평균의 비전에서 근 순서대로 보면 공이 정지된 상태, 공이 굴러오는 상태, 공이 굴러가는 상태 순으로 나타났다. 임팩트 순간 지지다리의 발목각도, 무릎각도, 차는다리의 발목각도, 무릎각도는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 평균의 비교에서는 공의 투사속도와 투사각도에 영향을 미치는 변인으로 차는 다리의 발목각도는 굴러가는 공에서 작은 것으로 보아 임팩트 순간 다른 두 동작에서 보다 배쪽굽힘(dorsi flexion)을 보여 주고 있다. 고관절의 상대각도 변화에서 세종류 각도 모두 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 임팩트순간 고관절의 상대 회전각을 살펴보면, θ1은 큰 순서대로 정지된 공, 굴러가는 공, 굴러오는 공 순서대로 나타났으며, 정지된 공의 슈팅에서 악간의 각도가 큰 것은 대퇴관절의 각속도에서 기인된 것으로 나타났다. θ2는 세동작 모두 음(-)의 값을 보여 외전의 상태에서 임팩트가 일어나는 것을 알 수 있다. 주목 할 것은 발목에서도 외전이 된 상태에서 임팩트가 일어나고 있었다. 이것은 인스텝 슈팅시 임팩트 순간에는 하지 전체가 의전이편 상태에서 동작이 일어나는 것을 뒷받침 해준다. θ3는 큰 순서대로 굴러오는 공, 정지된 공, 굴러가는 공 순서대로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to compare and to analyze the kinematic factors of the shooting movements, which come as the ultimate aim, of a ball standing still, rolling away and rolling towards the player, considering that most times the shooting occurs when the ball is moving, and also to understand the physical characteristics of each shooting movement.This study was carried out using three dimensional image analyzing method. Relative angles were calculated through Cadan Angles, which is frequently used in biomechanics and the moment was found with Motion-dependent interaction analyzing method which was used by Feltner and Dapena. Through such methods it was assumed that "the results of the kinematic factors are the same" and after compiling statistics with One-Way ANOVA and post hoc testing with Tukey`s Honestly Significant Difference method. The following conclusions were made. The speed of incidence was classified into absolute speed and the three movement were compared. The absolute speed showed some differences(p<.05). The angle of incidence didn`t have much differences, The strides, in proportion of the height, showed some statistical differences of 0.97 for the ball atanding still, 0.99 for the ball rolling away, and 0.98 for the ball rolling towards the player(p<.05). In comparing the speed of tip of the foot at time of impact, the three movements didn`t have much differences(p<.05). The angles of the ankle and knee of the supporting leg and angles of the ankle and knee of the kicking leg at the time of impact showed no statistical differences. The three movements showed no differences in the change of the relative angles of the upper leg.

      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 : 만성 상해 요인인 발목관절 복합체 ( ankle joint complex ) 에서의 회내와 최대수직충격력에 영향을 미치는 발분절의 인체계측학적 특성 분석

        김보영(BoYoungKim),이세용(SaeYongLee),최지영(JiYoungChoi) 한국체육학회 2002 한국체육학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        The multiple regression results of intrinsic factors influence on impact force and pronation is as follows.The influence load value of intrinsic factors on maximum vertical reaction force were .597 β value in arch height, .358 in eversion, .297 in dorsiflexion, -.207 in plantar flexion, and -.194 in inversion Though there was only significant difference in eversion range of motion(p<.05), β value of arch height also reveals high impact on maximum vertical reaction force. These results indicates that decrease; of arch height result in decrease of maximum vertical reaction force to absorb and dissipate impact force. To decrease individual arch height, the orthotic is recommanded Decreasing the range of motion of eversion makes decrease of maximum vertical reaction force. These result also indicates that the subjects engaged in the gait analysis experiment should be controled arch height and eversion range of motion.The influence load value of intrinsic factors on maximum pronation angle were .350 β value in eversion, .298 in arch height, -.253 in inversion, -.047 in dorsiflexion, and -.038 in plantarflexion. Though there was only significant difference in eversion range of motion β value of arch height also reveals high impact on maximum pronation angle. These results indicate that control of eversion range of motion, decrease of arch height could prevent lower extremity injuries that occurred when excessive pro nation take place. These result also indicates that the subjects engaged in the gait analysis experiment should be controled arch height and eversion range of motion.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 골프스윙 시 스포츠 테이핑의 적용에 따른 상지근의 근전도 분석

        강현욱(HyunYukKang),문곤성(GonSungMoon),최지영(JiYoungChoi) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        The purpose of this study was the electromyographical analysis of the upper limb according to application of sports-taping on golf swing. Six professional players taking active parts in KPGA Professional Tour were selected as the subjects of the study. Right and left side of the Pectoralis Major muscle(PM), Latissimus Dorsi muscle(LD), Trapezius muscle(T), Deltoid muscle(D) were selected. EMG signal was gained by ME3000P8 Measurement Unit and used Surface Electromyography for golf swing motion, and video data being collected by 6mm digital video camera. The result of this study were as follows:1. In the phase of back swing, LLD was showed less muscle activity in the application of taping than without taping but, LPM, LD, LT muscles were minutely showed high muscle activity in the application of taping.2. In the phase of back swing, RT was minutely showed high muscle activity in application of taping but, RPM, RLD, RD musceles were showed less muscle activity in the application of taping.3. In the phase of down swing, LD was minutely showed high muscle activity in application of taping but, LPM, LLD, LT muscles were less muscle activity in the application of taping.4. In the phase of down swing, RPM, RLD, RT, RDN were showed less muscle activity in application of taping.

      • KCI우수등재

        운동역학 : 달리기 시 오소틱 (orthoric)의 착용이 발목관절복합체(ankle joint complex)의 외번과 경골의 내측회전에 미치는 영향

        이세용(SaeYongLee),김로빈(RoBinKim),최지영(JiYoungChoi) 한국체육학회 2001 한국체육학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 발목관절복합체의 외번뿐만 아니라 경골의 내측회전을 정량화하여 분석해 봄으로써 발분절의 상해와 무릎과 경골의 상해를 예방하기 위한 보조기구로서 오소틱의 효능을 검증해 보는데 있다.본 연구의 디자인은 오소틱 착용 조건과 운동화만을 착용한 조건간의 경골내측회전 관련변인, 발목관절복합체, 발생 시각 관련변인들의 차이를 검증하고자 구성되었다.일반적으로 외번은 경골의 내측회전으로 전이된다. 과도한 외번은 과도한 내측회전을 유발하여 무릎과 경골 중간부위의 상해를 일으킨다. 그러므로 외번만을 정량화한 분석을 통하여 무릎과 경골중앙부위의 상해를 예측하는 것은 바람직하지 못하다. 오소틱의 효능을 알아보고자 할 경우 경골의 내측회전도 동시에 정량화하여 복합적인 비교 분석을 통해 보다 정확한 상해 예방을 위한 효능을 검증할 수 있다.이러한 취지에서 실시된 본 연구에서는 최대 경골내측회전각, 초기 외번각, 최대 외번각, 최소 외번각에서 유의수준 p<.05에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다.이러한 결과는 오소틱의 착용으로 인하여 외번을 감소시킴으로써 발 분절에서의 상해를 예방할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 경골내측회전을 감소시킴으로써 경골로의 전이도 감소시켜 무릎과 경골의 중앙 부위에서의 상해를 예방할 수 있는 복합적인 효과를 볼 수 있음을 나타내주고 있다. The object of this study was to quantify and analyze not only the eversion of ankle joint complex but also tibial internal rotation to verify effect of orthotic that prevent knee, tibia, and foot related injuries.The research model of this study was 2 x 10, that independent variable were orthotic condition, shoe condition and dependant variable were 10 variables which were 4 tibial internal rotation related variable, 4 ankle joint complex related variables, and 2 timming variables of max. tibial internal rotation and eversion.The result was that there were significant differences in max. internal rotation, initial eversion, max. eversion, min. eversion. These results indicates that orthotic condition prevents not only hyper-internal rotation of tibia but also hyper-eversion of foot to prevent foot and tibial related injuries.

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