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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        호장의 생약학적 연구 (III) : 둥근잎호장근경의 성분연구

        지형준(Hyung-Joon Chi),최정림(Jung-Rim Choi),유승조(Seung-Cho Yu) 한국생약학회 1982 생약학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Three species of genus Polytonum, namely P. cuspidatum, P. sachalinense and P. ellipticum are distributed in Korea. Polygonum ellipticum Migo is a perennial herb in Polygonaceous plants. The root of the plant (Polygoni Rhizoma, Ho-Jang) have been used as laxative, diuretic and for the treatment suppurative dermatitis in the oriental medicine. As the part of the study for the comparison of the three species in their components, the authors attempted to isolate the anthraquinones and stilbene derivative from the rhizome of P. ellipticum. The methanolic extract of dried rhizome of this plant was fractionated into ether soluble and insoluble fraction and each fraction was applied to column chromatography to isolate above mentioned components. Anthraquinone derivatives were isolated first: comp. I, mp 204∼205°(physcion), comp. II, mp 254∼255°(emodin), comp. IV, mp 191∼192°(emodin-8-O-β-D-glucoside) and comp. III, mp 280∼282°(β-sitosterol-glucoside). They were identified by chemical properties and UV, IR and NMR spectra and by the direct comparison with authentic samples. Stilbene derivative was isolated secondly; comp. V, mp 255∼256°which was reported to possess antibacterial and antifungal activities.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개발나물 열매의 Coumarin 성분

        지형준(Hyung-Joon Chi),최정림(Jung-Rim Choi),문희수(Hee-Soo Moon) 한국생약학회 1982 생약학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        개발나물은 우리나라 중부지방의 습지에서 자라는 산형과에 속한 다년초봄으로써 중국에서는 그 뿌리를 고본의 자원식물의 하나로 신경통에 사용하고 있고 그 달인액은 피부진균 억제작용을 가지고 있다고 한다. 연자들은 산형과식물 성분연구의 일환으로 개발나물의 과실 즉 택근자(澤芹子)의 coumarin성분을 검색하였다. 개발나물 과실의 탄메을 엑기스의 에테르가용부를 colum에 걸어 EtOAc: n-Hexane=1:7로 용리하여 무색결정 2종을 얻었다. 이들은 모두 UV. lamp아래에서 자청색 형광을 나타내며, 물질 I은 m.p. 122∼124˚ 물질II는 m.p 58∼62˚였다. 이들 물질에 대한 화각구조에 대하여서는 계속 추구하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        우주탐사용 질량분석기들의 과학적 성과와 기술 동향

        홍익선,이유,이진근,이남석,강성원,김선태,장규하,최정림,민경욱,정종일,Ik-Seon Hong,Yu Yi,Jingeun Rhee,Nam-Seok Lee,Sung Won Kang,Seontae Kim,Kyu-Ha Jang,Cheong Rim Choi,Kyoung Wook Min,Jongil Jung 한국우주과학회 2023 우주기술과 응용 Vol.3 No.1

        우리나라의 첫 달 탐사선 다누리호가 달 궤도에 진입을 성공하면서 이후 화성 탐사와 같은 우리나라의 새로운 우주탐사 계획을 기대할 수 있게 되었다. 우리나라의 우주탐사 탑재체는 한정적인 분야에서만 개발되어 새로운 우주탐사 탑재체를 개발할 필요성이 있다. 국외에서는 우주탐사에 거의 기본적으로 탑재되는 장비로 질량분석기가 있으며, 탐사 대상의 대기와 휘발성 물질 관측과 더불어 유기물 분석을 통한 생명체 탐사까지 아우르는 매우 유용한 탑재체이다. 하지만 우리나라에선 우주탐사용으로 질량분석기 탑재체를 개발한 전적이 없으므로 앞으로의 우주탐사를 대비해 기술을 확보해야 할 필요가 있다. 그에 앞서 국외의 우주탐사용 질량분석기 탑재체의 과학적 성과를 살펴보고 동향을 파악해본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        질량 분석기의 원형 모델 개발

        이진근,이남석,강성원,김선태,장규하,이유,홍익선,최정림,민경욱,정종일,Jingeun Rhee,Nam-Seok Lee,Sung Won Kang,Seontae Kim,Kyu-Ha Jang,Yu Yi,Ik-Seon Hong,Cheong Rim Choi,Kyoung Wook Min,Jongil Jung 한국우주과학회 2023 우주기술과 응용 Vol.3 No.1

        The mass spectrometer, being an essential scientific instrument for uncovering the origin of the solar system and life, has been used since the early 1970s on board spacecraft to obtain information of neutral and ionized elements in the atmosphere and surface of the moon, planets, asteroids, and comets. According to the 4th Basic Plan for the Promotion of Space Development (2023-2027), Korea plans to conduct lunar landing in 2032 and Mars landing in 2045 as the core goals of the plan and focuses on developing the technologies required for unmanned robotic exploration missions. In this regard, it is crucial to develop the technology of a mass spectrometer, which is the most fundamental payload for space exploration for maximized scientific achievements, however never tried before in any domestic space missions. We describe in this paper the principle of a domestically developed quadrupole mass spectrometer, its prototype model, and the test results of its performance. We conclude this paper with intended future improvements.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        둥근호장근의 성분 연구

        지형준(Hyung Joon Chi),유승조(Seung Cho Yoo),최정림(Jung Rim Choi) 한국생약학회 1982 생약학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Three species of genus polygonum, namely P. cuspidatum, P. sacchalinense and P. ellipticum are distributed in Korea. Polygonum ellipticum Migo is a perennial herb in Polygonaceous plants. The root of the plant (Polygoni Rhizoma, Hon-Jang) have been used as laxative, diuretic and for the treatment suppurative dermatitis in the orienta medicine. As one part of the study for the comparison of the three species in their components, the authors attemped to isolate the anthraquinones and stilbene derivative from the root of P. ellipticum. The methanolic extract of dried root of this plant was fractionated into ether soluble and insoluble fraction and each fraction was applied to column chromatography to isolate above mentioned components. Anthraquinone derivatives were isolated frist; comp. I, mp 204∼205˚(physcion) comp. II, 254∼255˚(emodin), comp. IV, mp 191∼192˚(emodin-8-0-β-glucoside) and comp. III, mp 280∼282˚(β-sitosterol glucoside). They were identified by chemical properties and UV, IR and NMR spectra and by the direct comparison with authentic samples, Stilbene derivative was isolated secondly; comp. V, mp 255∼256˚which was reported to possess antibacterial and antifungal activities.

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