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        순종 사망과 장례과정 -1926년 4월부터 6·10만세운동까지-

        최은진 한국독립운동사연구소 2024 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.- No.87

        1926년 4월 25일 순종이 사망하자마자 일제 경찰은 전국의 경계를 강화했다. 4월 26일 임시 각의에서 순종의 장례를 국장으로 치르기로 결정했으며, 궁내성은 순종의 사망 일자를 하루 늦은 4월 26일로 이날 늦은 밤에야 정식 발표했다. 총독부는 순종의 국장을 고종의 국장보다는 간소하게 치르려고 했다. 한편 이왕직에 대한 비난이 비등했는데, 장례를 준비하며 준비 물품 관리를 소홀히 한 것 등의 이유 때문이었다. 총독부에서 열린 국장위원회에서 국장일은 6월 10일로 정해졌는데, 일반적으로 조선 국왕의 장례는 5개월이 걸린 반면 일제하 순종의 장례는 47일로 그보다 훨씬 짧았다. 이는 대한제국 황실이 일제하 이왕가로 격하되었기 때문이다. 경찰은 순종 국장과 5월 13일 조선박람회 개회에 대비해 국내 경계와 국경 경비를 매우 강화했다. 조선 주재 육군에서도 6월 9~11일 동안은 조선헌병사령부 안에 경비사령부를 두고 일부 군대를 배치하는 등 조치를 취했다. 그런데 6월 6일경 천도교도 등의 6·10만세운동 준비 움직임이 사전에 발각되면서, 경찰은 대활동을 개시했다. 마침내 6월 10일 장례일이 되었다. 장례 절차는 순조롭게 진행되지만은 않았다. 당국의 간섭으로 신련 앞에 모실 명정을 내여 모시지 못하고 명정을 채여에 숨겨 모시는 등 문제가 있었다. 또 이왕직에서 실수로 유릉을 모시는 절차 중 가장 큰 제전을 빠뜨리는 일이 발생하기도 했다. 그리고 장례를 치르는 와중에 6·10만세운동이 발발했다. 거의 장례 행렬이 출발한 때부터 지나는 길목마다 학생들이 중심이 되어 격문을 뿌리며 조선독립만세를 부르다가 현장에서 체포되었다. 결국 국장일에 6·10만세운동이 발발한 것은 중대 문제가 되어 일본 궁내성은 물론 내각과 총독부와 이왕직의 책임 문제가 거론되었다. As soon as King Sunjong passed away on April 25, 1926, the Japanese police strengthened security across the country. On April 26, the Japan’s temporary cabinet meeting decided to hold King Sunjong’s funeral as a state funeral, and the Department of the Imperial Household officially announced the date of King Sunjong’s death as April 26, a day later, late that night. The Japanese Government General of Chosun intended to hold King Sunjong’s funeral more simply compared to King Gojong’s. Meanwhile, there was significant criticism of the Office of the Yi Dynasty, due to reasons such as neglecting the management of supplies while preparing for the funeral. At the funeral committee held at the Japanese Government General of Chosun, the funeral date was set for June 10. Generally, the funeral process for a king of Chosun took 5 months, but the funeral of King Sunjong under Japanese colonial rule was much shorter than that, only 47 days. This was because the imperial family of the Korean Empire was downgraded to the Yi Royal Family under Japanese colonial rule. The police have greatly strengthened domestic and border security in preparation for King Sunjong’s funeral and the opening of the Chosun Exposition on May 13. The Japanese Army stationed in Chosun also took measures, such as setting up a security command within the Chosun Military Police Headquarters and deploying some troops from June 9 to 11. Around June 6, the preparations for the June 10th Independence Movement, led by members of the Cheondoism religious group and others, were discovered in advance, and the police began large-scale activities. Finally, June 10, the day of the funeral, arrived. The funeral process did not proceed smoothly. Due to the interference of the authorities, there were problems such as not being able to properly display the name tablet in front of the spirit palanquin and hiding it in a instrument instead. Additionally, the Office of the Yi Dynasty made a mistake by omitting the biggest ritual during the burial at Yureung Royal Tomb. And while the funeral was taking place, the June 10th Independence Movement broke out. Almost from the moment the funeral procession departed, students took center stage at every street corner passing by, scattering proclamations and chanting for Chosun’s independence, but they were arrested on the spot. In the end, the outbreak of the June 10th Independence Movement on the day of the state funeral became a serious issue, and the issue of responsibility of the Department of the Imperial Household, the Cabinet, the Japanese Government General of Chosun, and the Office of the Yi Dynasty was discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical and laboratory profiles of hospitalized children with acute respiratory virus infection

        최은진,하기수,송대진,이정화,이광철 대한소아청소년과학회 2018 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.61 No.6

        Purpose: Despite the availability of molecular methods, identification of the causative virus in children with acute respiratory infections (ARIs) has proven difficult as the same viruses are often detected in asymptomatic children. Methods: Multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays were performed to detect 15 common respiratory viruses in children under 15 years of age who were hospitalized with ARI between January 2013 and December 2015. Viral epidemiology and clinical profiles of single virus infections were evaluated. Results: Of 3,505 patients, viruses were identified in 2,424 (69.1%), with the assay revealing a single virus in 1,747 cases (49.8%). While major pathogens in single virus-positive cases differed according to age, human rhinovirus (hRV) was common in patients of all ages. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus (IF), and human metapneumovirus (hMPV) were found to be seasonal pathogens, appearing from fall through winter and spring, whereas hRV and adenovirus (AdV) were detected in every season. Patients with ARIs caused by RSV and hRV were frequently afebrile and more commonly had wheezing compared with patients with other viral ARIs. Neutrophil-dominant inflammation was observed in ARIs caused by IF, AdV, and hRV, whereas lymphocyte-dominant inflammation was observed with RSV A, parainfluenza virus, and hMPV. Monocytosis was common with RSV and AdV, whereas eosinophilia was observed with hRV. Conclusion: In combination with viral identification, recognition of virus-specific clinical and laboratory patterns will expand our understanding of the epidemiology of viral ARIs and help us to establish more efficient therapeutic and preventive strategies.

      • KCI등재

        도시부도로 연료차단구역의 관성주행 특성 및 효과분석

        최은진,김응철,김용진,양주영 대한교통학회 2015 대한교통학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        In this study, the effects of inertial driving on a fuel-cut zone were analyzed by measuring the instantaneous variations offuel consumption and speed. Thirteen sites with 2-8% downhill slopes were selected for the vehicle experiments. Thevehicles were driven on the sites in two different driving modes, and the various vehicle states were measured using OBDunder driving. For the analysis of the effects of inertial driving, the characteristics of fuel consumption, speed, and rpmwere compared between normal and inertial driving. As a result, the fuel consumption was reduced from 24% to 78%according to the downhill grade. The amount of fuel consumption reduction was about 30cc for driving 500m downhill. Fuel cost savings amounting to 35 billion won can be achieved if inertial driving will be done in the case of Munemi-ro3. Itis also believed that the reduced fuel consumption and vehicle speed through inertial driving will have considerableenvironmental and safety benefits. 본 연구에서는 실차 실험을 통해 연료차단구역에서의 관성주행 시 연료소모량변화와 속도변화를 통해 주행 특성을 분석하고, 연료차단구역의 효과를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 인천시 지역을 대상으로 2-8% 내리막 경사 13개 지점을 실험대상지역을 선정하여 실차실험을 수행하였다. 내리막 경사를 일반주행, 관성주행 2가지 방법으로 반복 주행하고, 주행하는 동안 차량정보저장장치로부터 수집된 실시간 연료소모량, 속도, 엔진회전속도 등의 차량상태를 비교 분석하였다. 13개 내리막구간에서 관성주행 시 절감되는 연료소모량은 일반주행 시에 비해 최소 24% 최대 78%까지 절감되는 것으로 나타났다. 주행실험구간의 연장은 평균 500m 정도로 실제 해당구간을 통과하는 동안 절감되는 연료량은 최대 30cc정도로 개별차량이특정구간을 관성주행 함에 따라 얻는 비용차이는 크지 않을 수 있으나, 해당구간의 교통량을 고려할 때 무네미로 3구간의 경우 439m 구간에 대해 연간 356억 원의 연료비를 절감할 수 있을 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 절감된 연료소모량에 따른 오염물질 배출과 관성주행으로 인한 교통안전 향상까지 감안한다면 더 큰 편익을 기대할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 매체지식인 연구의 지적 구조와 사회적 함의

        최은진 중국학연구회 2016 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.77

        In this article, to consider the new changes in the circumstances surrounding the Chinese intellectuals connected to the changes in media environment and its implications, it was focused on understanding the current studies on media intellectuals.Since multi-dimensional researches including individual case studies related to the intellectuals’ wrongdoing exposed in various media were accumulated, it was intended to apprehend the meanings, analyze the trends and current status of the studies so as to articulate the implications in this article.To achieve this, I tried to apply both quantitative and qualitative method to analyze the Chinese researches about the media intellectuals. Besides, I attempted to carry out both the author profiling analysis method and co-occurrence keywords analysis which were frequently used to point out research trends and intellectual structure. First, 261 articles with the theme were extracted from CNKI. Then the articles were analyzed through WNET to being drawn out the intellectual map. Through the analysis, it was revealed that the current researches had a tendency to get dispersed, and not reached to the degree of closely inter-connected. However, it should be noted that the expansion of research area and close correlation were being in progress. On reviewing the intellectual structure of study about media intellectuals, the research area was viewed to gradually being divided into three realm. Originally the researches were focusing on the theme of social phenomenon through the TV like Lecture Room and intellectuals or Pierre Bourdieu. Then the issue of so-called opinion leader was emerged with the appearance of WEIBO. Thirdly, the issue of public sphere became interested which was closely related to the previous two. In other words, the research area about media intellectuals was divided into three distinct categories in response to the changes in the media environment and all these three were closely related. It is confirmed that the main research trend that is requesting media intellectuals the recovery of morality and public spirit as responsible intellectuals is continually being reiterated. Therefore, it is concluded that the study about media intellectuals have the effect to evoke the meaning of publicness in Chinese Society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 청소년 정신건강 지원 및 연계체계 개선방안

        최은진 한국보건사회연구원 2013 보건복지포럼 Vol.201 No.-

        청소년의 정신건강문제는 사회경제적 영향과 복합적으로 작용하여 건강한 성장을 저해하고 있다. 우리나라 청소년기의 자살생각 및 우울감이 높고 자살사망률을 낮은 데 비해 20~29세 청년기에는 우울감 및 자살생각이 낮지만 자살 사망률은 급증하는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 특히 최근 성인기 자살사망률은 전혀 감소하지 않는 경향이 있어 심각한 상황임을 알 수 있다. 청소년 정신건강지원을 위한 서비스제공자, 서비스이용자 대상 집단별로 포커스그룹인터뷰 회의를 실시한 결과를 분석하였다. 대체로 부모와 함께 상담관리를 받는 아이들의 성취도는 높다. 그러나 부모의 상담에 대한 낮은 인식도, 아이관찰 및 통찰력에 관한 부모교육의 비활성화, 이혼가정의 증가로 인해, 부모의 동의를 얻어 상담을 받아야 하는 청소년의 경우 지속적 상담과 관리의 어려움이 있다. 정신적 문제의 조기발견 및 의뢰 시기는 부모의 인지와 도움을 찾는 행위정도에 따라 다른 것으로 나타났고, 학교나 지역사회의 지원은 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 고위험 아동청소년들에 대하여 선제적으로 서비스를 제공하는 지속가능한 지원시스템이 학교와 지역사회에 마련되어야 할 것으로 전망된다.

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