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      • Alterations in Nucleic Acid Content and RNase Activity In the the Course of Germination of $^{60}Co$ Irradiated Soybeans

        이기영,김한섭,전형원,최영조,안현진,Lee, Ki-Yung,Kim, Han-Seob,Cheon, Hyeong-Won,Choi, Young-Jo,Ahn, Hyun-Jin 생화학분자생물학회 1969 한국생화학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        방사선이 건조 및 수침(水浸)대두의 발아 성장 과정에서 핵산(DNA 및 RNA), 단백함량 등과 및 RNase 활성에 미치는 영향을 약 일주간 매일 관찰하기 위하여 요약 다음과 같은 실험을 하였다. $^{60}Co$ 원감마선 232 KR을 건조 및 수침대두에 조사(照射)하고, 대조군인 비조사 건조대두군과 함께 $4^{\circ}$ 냉암소에 보관하여 놓고 각군대두를 7 일간 매일 일정량식 분배하여 암소(暗所) $17^{\circ}$에서 발아시켰다. 대두를 부치(孵置)한지 제 8 일째에 각군대두의 1~7 일간 발아한 시료 전 21종을 동시에 얻어 일제히 처리하였다. 실험결과는 대략 다음과 같다. 방사선 조사건조대두의 발아성장억제도는 대조군의 50%, 동(同)수침대두에서는 67%를 보였는데, 후자의 발아성장억제도는 건조대두에 500 KR의 방사선을 조사하였을 때와 같다. 각군대두의 7일간 발아성장과정에서 매 hypocotyl 당 DNA, RNA, 단백질소, 아스콜빈산, 그리고 지용(脂容)및 산용인(燐)의 함량은 모두 상술 각군에 특유한 발아 성장도와 대략 비슷하게 변동하였으나 수침조사군의 RNase 활성은 대조군 및 건조조사군의 그것과는 판이한 변동상을 보여 주었다. Gamma rays from $^{60}Co$ source in dose of 230 KR was irradiated to dry as well as previously soaked soybean seeds. By the irradiation the germination and seedling growth of dry beans was arrested by 50%, whereas that of soaked ones 67%, which was equivalent to what would be seen in 500 KR dry irradiated seedlings. In the course of 7-day growth and maturation of seedlings, the DNA and RNA contents per embryo or per unit grain of gamma irradiated dry seeds were reduced by 50 and 57%, respectively, and those of soaked and irradiated group 76% and 75%, respectively. These changes in nucleic acid content as well as those in ascorbic acid and lipid-and acid soluble-phosphorus were all alike consistent with the germination and growth pattern of the irradiated on soaked or dry seeds. The RNase activity of soaked and irradiated soybean was characteristically different from that of simply dry irradiated one as well as the control. Discussion was made to relate these differences between the irradiated soaked and dry soybeans to the indirect effect of radiation via water molecules imbibed.

      • The Effact of Panax Ginseng on the Ascorbic Acid and Nucleic Acid Contents of Various Tissues in the $^{60}Co$ Irradiated Rabbits

        이기녕,김한섭,전형원,안현진,최영조,Lee, Ki-Yung,Kim, Han-Seob,Cheon, Hyeong-Won,Ahn, Hyun-Jin,Choi, Young-Jo 생화학분자생물학회 1969 한국생화학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        방사선 생체장해에 대한 인삼의 방어작용 유 무를 검색할 목적으로 가트를 실험 동물로한 실험의 결과를 보고한다. 본 실험에서는 방사선에 가장 예민하게 반응한다는 조직내 ascorbic acid 및 핵산(DNA 및 RNA)량을 방사선 생체장해의 기준으로 삼았다. 실험동물 가토는 다음과 같이 4 군으로 나누었다. 제 1 군: 인삼의 가열수용성추출물을 건조인삼으로 쳐서 20 mg/kg 체중 되게 매일 위관(胃管) 투여하고서 $^{60}C_o$ 감마선을 전신조사(照射)한 군. 제 2 군: 인삼대치물(증류수)을 제 1 군에서와 같은 분량, 같은기간 투여하고 방사선을 조사한 군. 제 3 군: 인삼만을 제 1 군에서 처럼 투여하고 방사선은 조사하지 않은 군. 제 4 군: 인삼대치물(증류수)을 제 2 군에서 처럼 투여하고 방사선은 조사하지 않은군. 방사선조사량은 500 R 와 800 R 을 썼으며 800 R 조사시에 제 3 군은 실험군으로 포함시키지 않았다. 방사선 조사일엔 전(全) 4 군 동물을 굶기고, 해당동물군을 조사하고 난 다음도 전동물군을 계속 하루 더 굶긴체 조사 제 2 일째에 동물을 일제히 도살하고서 간, 비 및 부신(ascorbic acid 측정용) 대퇴골수 및 비(핵산 측정용)를 신속히 적출, 또는 수집하였다. 실험결과는 요약 다음과 같다. 즉 단순한 인삼투여(제 3 4 군의 비교)로 조직내 ascorbic acid 나 핵 산량상에 별로 변화를 야기치 않았다. 조직 ascorbic acid 및 핵산량은 500 R 나 800 R 의 방사선 전신조사 (제 1 3 군의 비교)로 현저하게 감소하므로서 문헌상에 보고된바를 재확인케 하였다. 한펀, 인삼을 미리 투여하였을 때는 방사선조사로 인한 검색조직중의 ascorbic acid 및 핵산량의 감소가 단순조사시보다 (제 1 2 군의 비교) 훨씬 경감됨을 관찰할 수 있었다. 이와같이 조직 ascorbic acid 및 핵산량상에 나타난 인삼의 방사선방어작용은 조사선량과 무관한 것이 었다. 이상의 실험결과에 나타난 것처럼 과연 인삼의 방사선방어작용이 있을진데, 그것이 현재 알려진 기존 방사선방어제(劑) 계열상 어디에 귀속시켜야 할 것인지를 결정짓는 것이 앞으로의 과제로 남아 있음을 본 논문의 끝부분에서 시사하였다. We are reporting on the basis of animal experiments the possibility of Panax Ginseng as being one of the chemical protectors against radiation injury. Our observations were made on two parameters, that is, tissue ascorbic and nucleic acid contents which are generally known to fall by irradiation. Reduction of these substances by whole-body gamma irradiation was confirmed in rabbit in our studies. However, the administration of aqueous Ginseng extract to the rabbits in amount of 20 mg/kg body weight for 10 days prior to the irradiations almost always prevented, with statistical significnace, the otherwise reduced liver, splenic and adrenal ascorbic acid, and bone marrow and splenic nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) contents by irradiation. The protective effect of Ginseng against anticipated lowering of tissue ascorbic and nucleic acids by irradiations was similar in degree whether the radiation was given 500 R or 800 R in dose. Brief review on the mechanisms of actions of chemical protectors are given, and on the basis of this, a logical direction for probing the mechanism of protective action of Panax Ginseng against radiation hazard was also indicated.


        60Co 감마선조사가 대두 발아 성장 과정에서 핵산량 및 RNase 활성에 미치는 영향

        이기영,김한섭,전형원,최영조,안현진 ( Ki Yung Lee,Han Seob Kim,Hyeong Won Cheon,Young Jo Choi,Hyun Jin Ahn ) 생화학분자생물학회 1969 BMB Reports Vol.2 No.1

        Gamma rays from ^(60) Co source in dose of 230 KR was irradiated to dry as well as previously soaked soybean seeds. By the irradiation the germination and seeding growth of dry beam was arrested by 50%, whereas that of soaked ones 67%, which was equivalent to what would be seen in 500 KR dry irradiated seedlings. In the course of 7-day growth and maturation of seedling, the DNA and RNA contents per embryo or per unit grain of gamma irradiated dry seeds were reduced by 50 and 57% respectively, and those of soaked and irradiated group 76% and 75%, respectively. Theses changes in nucleic acid contents as well as those in ascorbic acid and lipid-and acid soluble-phosphorus were all alike consistent with the germination and growth pattern of the irradiated on soaked or dry seeds. The RNase activity of soaked and irradiated soybean was characteristically different from that of simply dry irradiated one as well as the control. Discussion was made to relate these differences between the irradiated soaked and dry soybeans to the indirect effect of radiation via water molecules imbibed.


        인삼이 60Co 전신 조사한 토끼의 각종 조직 Ascorbic Acid 및 핵산 함량에 미치는 영향

        이기녕,김한섭,전형원,안현진,최영조 ( Ki Yung Lee,Han Seob Kim,Hyeong Won Cheon,Hyun Jin Ahn,Young Jo Choi ) 생화학분자생물학회 1969 BMB Reports Vol.2 No.1

        We are reporting on the basis of animal experiments the possibility of Panax Ginseng as being one of the chemical protectors against radiation injury. Our observations were made on two parameters, that is, tissue ascorbic and nucleic acid contents which are generally known to fall by irradiation. Reduction of these substances by whole-body gamma irradiation was confirmed in rabbit in our studies. However, the administration of aqueous Ginseng extract to the rabbits in amount of 20 ㎎/㎏ bode weight for 10 days prior to the irradiations almost always prevented, with statistical significance, the otherwise reduced liver, splenic and adrenal ascorbic acid, and bane marrow and splenic nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) contents by irradiation. The protective effect of Ginseng, against anticipated lowering of tissue ascorbic and nucleic acids by irradiations was similar in degree whether the radiation was given 500 R or 800 R in dose. Brief review on the mechanisms of actions of chemical protectors are given, and on the basis of this, a logical direction for probing the mechanism of protective action of Panax Ginseng against radiation hazard was also indicated.

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