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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        담낭대장루 증례

        이승민(Seung Min Lee),이상철(Oh Won Ju),최병인(Choi Byoung In),오원주(Lee Sang Cheol),박홍배(Park Hong Bae) 대한소화기학회 1989 대한소화기학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Choleystocolonic fistulas represent the second most common form of spontaneous enterobiliary fistula, and its incidence is from 109p to 20g of all enterobiliary fistulas. The development of fistulas is accociated with cholelithiasis in 75 per cent of cases or more. The operation motality in biliary fistula (10.5 per cent) and the incidence of malignancy in bi]iary fistulas (15 per cent) is much higher than the operation mortality (1 per cent) and the incidence of rna]ignancy (0.8 per cent) on routine cholecystectomy. The c]inica] symptoms, Lab. Findings, physical examination are often nonspecific. So, the presence of the fistula is diagnosed preoperatively in 20gp to 48.59(> of cases. Of some diagnostic significance was the sudden relief of the symptoms of cholecystitis followed by the development of gastro-interstinal symptoms. The presence of air or barium in biliry tree on simple abdomen or barium enema is considered pathognomic. A 52-year-old female was admitted to Kwangju Christian Hospital because of persistent diarrhea. 5 month before admission, she had been suffered from the right upper quadrant pain, and then followed by persistant frequent diarrhea. Pneumobilia is found on simple abdomen, and the fistulous tract between gall bladder and colon is revealed on barium enema and E.R.C.P.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        유두주위 담관 십이지장 누공(瘻孔)의 임상적 중요성

        이승민,박홍배,이상철,여향순,강명원,김규순,최병인,오원주 대한소화기내시경학회 1988 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.8 No.1

        Sine 1976, 2380 eases of ERCP were performed at the Kwangju Chrietian Hospital. Nighty eight patients with periampullary choledochaduodenal fistula diagnosed at ERCP were revewed, Following result were obtained 1) Cases were most commonly noted from fifth decade to seventh decade, and sex distribution was similar. 2) Right upper quadrant abdominal was most common clinical manifestation, and duration of illness prior to diagnosis were from 2 months to 20 years. Several weeks or days before ERCP, sudden disappearance of pain suggeeted spontaneous extrustion of a stone from the common bile duct to the duodenum with resultant PACD formation. 3) On past history, various types biliay operations had carried out in 26 patients. Subtotal gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy in 1 patients, operation for CBD ascaris removal in 1 patient. 4) Most PACDF had finding formed recently on ERCP and fibrosis, inflamation, granulation, atrophic change, adhesive stenosis were noted additionally. 5) Most common cause of PACD by ERCP was biliary teact stone. 6) Endoscopic sphincteropapillotomy(EST) were performed in 39 patients with PACDF due to CBD stone and surgical intervention were done in 36 patients due to CBD stone also. It was interesting that EST were performed in 3 patients with old stenotic fistula.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간디스토마증을 동반한 담관세포암 1예

        이승민,박홍배,이상철,여향순,이상운,박순희,오원주,최병인 대한소화기내시경학회 1988 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.8 No.1

        A fifty-five year old male was admitted because of fever and chill for one month. He complained of upper abdominal pain, malaise, anorexia and weight loss. So diagnostic procedures were performed: stool exam., bload chemistry testing, ultrasonography, radionuclide scintigraphy. ERCP, abdominal CT, and sonoguided liver aspiration, which revealed intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma associated with clonorchiasis.

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