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        최명주 한국강원영어영문학회 1984 영어영문학 Vol.5 No.1

        In writing English as a foreigner, it is necessary for him to master basic sentence patterns upon which more complicated patterns are built until he selects the structures himself. Then he must be familiar with building the English paragraph and writing the whole composition. This work has provided important structures, how to express ourselves effectively in English paragraphs, and guiding principles to make a suitable subject with the models by Ross, Bander, Greenberg, and Sung-Hwan, Lee. Samples of paragraph development are provided with explanation. I firmly believe that we can improve the competency of English composition through the above knowledge and extensive reading. As the paragraph is fundamental to the writing, much has been discussed on developing a paragraph.

      • 國際收支理論의 發展過程과 開途國의 國際收支問題

        崔明周 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 1983 經營經濟 Vol.15 No.1

        A disequilibrium in the international balance of payments was not regarded as one of the essential macroeconomic problems until D. Hume criticized Mercantilism. Mercantilism regarded with the disequilibrium in a form of surplus as a virtue rather than vice. He argued that an equilibrium in the balance of payments is restored through the international mobility of gold which comprises a flexible change in the relative price of trading countries. This is so called price-specie flow mechanism through which an equilibrium in the balance of payments is restored automatically. Afterwards, especially since the end of Second World War, prices became downward rigid, and an automatic adjustment process in the balance of payments through price mechanism could not be sured anymore. Hence it is gradually recognized that the adjustment reguires as artificial policy implementation. Thereafter various theories on the balance of payments appeared and developed in various ways. Each theory reflects the politico-economic circumstances peculiar to that time. And one theory proceeded to another theory which noted the defect of the preceded one, and also reflected changing environments. Those theories of balance of payments are to be summarized as follows: (1) Keynesian「Trade Multiplier Theory」which extends keynesian multipliers to the open economy and argues that an disequilibrium in the balance of payments is adjusted through the income change induced from that disequilibrium. This approach suggests that internal and external balance can not be achieved simultaneously since an increase in income comprises an increase in imports and deteriorates the balance of payments situation, and empirically. In addition, since the role of income and employment level as an adjusment variable weakens, then the adjustment is to be dependent on a change of relative prices. (2) Thus, a focus is transferred to the analysis of the import and export markets. This「Elasticity Approach」argues that a price elasticity of import demands by trading countries must be large enough to insure an equilibrium of the balance of payments in each country. Elasticity condition, so called Marshall-Lerner condition, has an essential status in this theory. But their assumption that a price elasticity of supplies is infinite does not hold anymore since a high level of employment continues for a considerable time during recent decades. (3)「Absorption Approach」regards the phenomenon of balance of payments as a difference between national output and national expenditure(absorption) and analized the phenomenon in a general equilibrium framework rather than partial equilibrium framework as in the「Elasticity Approach」. But this is also criticized by F. Machlup that balance of payments should be dealt in terms of nominal values rather than real terms. (4) Following the drift of Machlup,「Monetary Approach」views the balance of payments as a monetary phenomenon. In this theory, a stock demand and supply of money is essential determinants of the balance of payments, and concentrates on the analysis of a money market. Therefore the balance of payments disequilibrium is conceived in a「stock」term, while「flow」term in preceded approaches. This theory, however, may not be effective in the short run since they concern the problem in the long run which may be irrelevant for policy makers. Above mentioned theories of the balance of payments can be recognized as mutually complementary rather than mutually exclusive. Those, however, can not be applied to the Developing Economies which meet a peculiar politico-economic circumstance largely different from that of the Developed Economies. I dare to take several common characteristics which are native to the Developing countries although there are considerable dissimilarities between those countries. Above all, they have inelastic economic structures and show considerable gaps between industries including financial industries. Thus most policies which approach aggregately can not be successful. Besides, monetary authority in Developing countries lacks an autonomy both because the central bank is under the influence of governments and because the pressures, both from government and private sectors, to increase money supply over the optimum level. And they are inferior to Developed countries in international political bargaining power. This is why the Developing countries must put up with an unfavorable international economic order which appears well in historical records that the gap of per capita real income between Developed and Developing countries has become larger year by year. This fact bears perverse controversy, so called North-South Problems, between those two groups in various ways. In this viewpoint, the disequilibrium of balance of payments in the Developing countries must be dealt by New Approaches which are different from those preceded theories. Those orthodox theories are well-known to us still now and are largely set from the Developed countries. And adjustment policies should also be induced from the New-approaches which reflect well the peculiar situations in the Developing Countries. From this critical survey of the balance of payments theories, we can get some policy implications: (1) Developing countries should choose policies that improve domestic socioeconomic structures and that give some direct incentives in order to expand supply capacities step by step rather than aggregate demand management of devaluation policies. The latter, of course, is more familiar to us than are policies mainly concerned with Developed Economies. (2) And they also should search for more efficient ways of deficit financing from international money markets and try international politico-economic cooperations both with the Developed and Developing Countries. At first stage, the proposals for international cooperations should be those feasible both politically and economically. In other words, mutually favorable proposals are more desirable rather than those of unilaterally favorable.

      • 表現 規則에 관한 硏究

        崔銘周 春川敎育大學 1987 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        Geoffrey Leech(1981) provides us with Expression Rules relating semantics to syntax, which are lexicalization, structural compression, linearization, and thematization. Lexicalization is the process of linding words for particular sets of semantic features. Structural compression has the effects of reducing the complexity of structure in terms of number of elements and depth of subordination. Linearization is the rendering of semantic representations into a fully sequential form. Thematization is the process of organizing the elements of the message so that weight and emphasis fall in appropriate place. The above expression rules have been discussed referring these to the works of Chomsky, Cooper and Paccia-Cooper, Palmer, Swan, and the sentences read by the writer. All the four rules have been verified to be true.

      • 開途國 外債理論에 대한 批判的 考察

        崔明周 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 1984 經營經濟 Vol.17 No.1

        Since the beginning of 1980's, many developing countries have faced many difficulties in servicing their foreign debt. Developing countries found that their financial obligations both from principals and interests grew with increasing speed and many of them had to reschedule some of their debt. Some specialists on international financial issues fear even a possibility of default in some developing countries. In these circumstances, a concrete solution or unique theory for the debt problems in developing countries was proposed in various ways by many politico-economists concerned. This paper. however, will not follow the fashion, and not try to rack brains in order to find such a solution or genuine theory of debt issues. Rather, this study surveys and arranges various approaches to the debt problems in critical manner. And then more correct viewpoints might be found by categorizing those approaches according to the main arguments in each approach. Since World War Ⅱ, various approaches on foreign capital and foreign debt in developing countries have appeared and developed in various directions. Each theory noted the defect of the other, or reflected some specific socio-economic environments in those days. Those theories of foreign debt in developing countries are to be summarized as follows: (1) At first, single gap theory estimates foreign capital requirements for developing countries by savings-investment gap or foreign exchange earnings-expenditure gap. Absorptive capacity theory says that foreign capital requirements are determined by the capacity to absorb capital imports. Capital absorptive capacity· is usually said to te limited by a lack of skills, managerial experience and appropriate technology etc. Capital absorptive capacity has been employed as a additional constraint attached to the savings-investment gap or foreign exchange gap approach to capital requirements. This is called two gap theory which was formally established by Chenery and Strout, and is counted as a typical arproach to capital requirements in developing countries. Two gap approach, however, faces some critiques that marginal capital-output ratio is not fixed and sayings are not a function of income only in practice. (2) Debt cycle theory shows how net capital inflow and foreign indebtedness situations vary when the economy proceeds from one stage to the other. And Takagi gropes for an theoretical extention of debt cycle theory by focusing on domestic savings ratio and estimating debt servicing capacity of the economy. (3) The dynamic approach to the foreign debt issues was initiated by Diamond who tried to seek an optimal level of international borrowing and foreign indebtedness in a framework of neoclassical growth model. Hanson gropes for an theoretical extension of dynamic debt theory by considering default risk additionally. And balance of payments stages hypothesis which comes from the empirical facts that balance of payments situations vary with economic development. This hypothesis is supported theoretically in a traditional neoclassical trade model framework by Fischer and Frenkel. (4) Indicator approach is very often used to estimate debt servicing capacity, foreign indebtedness level and loan term of the borrowing country. They use statistical indicators such as debt-service ratio and foreign indebtedeness-GDP ratio etc. which relate one economic variable with another. (5) Finally, system approach deals foreign debt in developing countries in a framework of international monetary system or world capitalist system itself. International monetary system after World War Ⅱ has an inherent problems such as seignorage distribution problem and international liquidity dilemma, both of which operate for reserve currency country and against the other country, especially against developing countries. And world capitalist system after World War Ⅱ also moves against developing countries who have inherent characteristics such as shortage of accumulated capital, low level of technology and underdevelopness itself etc. . So they argue that developing countries might face accumulating foreign debt and ultimately depend on the centre-developed countries-in the process of internationalization of capital. Above mentioned theories of foreign debt in developing countries, however, seem to be in narrow-minded viewpoints. Some approaches analyze debt issues only internally and some views international economic system vulnerability itself generates debt problems in developing countries. And some others judge debt situation using fragmented statistical indicators, most of which lack theoretical backgrounds. Then various approaches above mentioned could be recognized as mutually complementary rather than mutually exclusive. In these respects, it is necessary to approach debt issues in developing countries in a more comprehensive and synthetic framework, not indulging in each piecemeal viewpoint in order to have more genuine and correct angle.

      • 口語體 英語의 特徵

        崔銘周 春川敎育大學 1985 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Colleges teach spoken English which differs from written English. This study has tried to seize some of the characteristics of contemporary spoken English. Useful illustrations used in ordinary conversations are given here to show simplification, idiomatic expressions, short responses, colloquial and slang expressions, meaning shift due to stress and intonation etc. of conversational English.

      • 영유아 복지시설 종사자의 직무스트레스, 교사효능감이 교사- 영유아 상호작용에 미치는 효과에 관한 분석: 서울지역 영유아 복지시설 종사자를 중심으로

        최명주,서보람 한국인간복지실천학회 2017 한국인간복지실천연구 Vol.19 No.-

        본 연구는 서울지역에 위치한 영유아 복지시설 종사자 148명을 대상으로 직무스트레스, 교사효능감, 교사-영유아 상호작용을 분석하고, 직무스트레스와 교사효능감이 교사-영유아의 상호작용에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 분석 결과 연구대상자의 직무스트레스 중 업무 과부하가 가장 높은 수준을 보였으며, 교사효능감의 경우 일반적 교수 효능감이 개인적 교수 효능감보다 높게 나타났다. 교사-영유아 상호작용의 경우 적극적인 활동 참여가 가장 높았으며 기타 하위영역들 또한 비교적 높은 수준을 보였다. 직무스트레스와 교사효능감이 교사-영유아 상호작용에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과 직무스트레스 중 원장 지도력 및 행정적 지원 부족 변인이 교사-영유아 상호작용에 가장 크게 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 교사효능감의 경우 교사-영유아 상호작용의 전 하위영역에 걸쳐 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 곧 교사효능감이 높을수록 교사-영유아 상호작용은 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 교사효능감이 교사-영유아 상호작용을 설명하는 수준 또한 매우 높게 나타나 강력한 영향 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 이를 토대로 종사자의 직무스트레스 중 원장지도력 및 행정적 지원의 수준을 높일 수 있는 방안 마련, 교사효능감의 수준을 높일 수 있는 제도 마련의 필요성을 제시하였다. This study, targeting 148 employees at child welfare facilities in Seoul, analyzed their job stress, teacher’s sense of efficacy, and teacher-child interaction, and examined the effects of job stress and teacher’s sense of efficacy on the teacher-child interaction. The analysis revealed that, of subjects’ job stress, workload was the most stressful, and that, in the case of teacher’s sense of efficacy, the general teaching efficacy sense was higher than the individual teaching efficacy sense. In the case of teacher-child interaction, positive participation in activities was the highest, and participation in other subarea activities was relatively high. The analysis of the effects of job stress and teacher’s sense of efficacy on the teacher-child interaction revealed that, of the job stress, a lack of the facility head’s leadership and a lack of administrative support had the greatest negative effects on the teacher-child interaction. The teacher’s sense of efficacy had positive effects on the overall subareas of teacher-child interaction. The higher the teacher’s sense of efficacy was, the higher the teacher-child interaction was. The teacher’s sense of efficacy offered a powerful explanation of the teacher-child interaction, suggesting that it was a strong influential factor. Based on these findings of this study, this study suggested a need to prepare measures for enhancing the facility head’s leadership and the administrative support in relation to the employee job stress, and to prepare systems designed for increasing the teacher’s sense of efficacy.

      • 전문대학생 스마트폰 사용과 가족의사소통 및 자기통제력에 관한 연구

        최명주 한국인간복지실천학회 2014 한국인간복지실천연구 Vol.13 No.-

        본 연구는 전문대학생의 스마트폰 사용과 가족의사소통, 자기통제력에 대한 연구로 스마트폰 사용과 가족관계 및 스스로에 대한 통제력 및 스트레스를 살펴봄으로 이 연구를 통해서 스마트폰 사용으로 인한 가족과 대인관계 및 스스로에 대한 통제력과 스트레스를 살펴보고 이와 관련된 문제에 대해 나아가야할 방향에 대해 모색하고자한다. 연구결과 전문대학생의 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향은 일상생활에서 스마트폰이 차지하는 비중, 가치관 스트레스, 즉각적 만족추구, 부모님과의 대화시간순이었다. 부모님 과의 대화시간이 적을수록, 일상생활에서 스마트폰이 차지하는 비중이 높을수록, 경제적 문제와 가치관으로 인한 스트레스가 높을수록, 즉각적인 만족을 추구할수록 중독위험이 높다고 하겠다. 이러한 연구결과는 전문대학생의 가족과 학교관계 및 대인관계와 스스로에 따른 지원전략과 프로그램이 필요하다고 할 수 있겠다. This study is on the college students’ use of smartphone, and family communication, and self-control, and examines the use of smartphone, family relationships and self-control and stress. By examining the family and interpersonal relationships, self-control and stress caused by the use of smartphone through this study, the direction in which the related problems can be resolved is explored. The results of this study showed that the frequency of the use of smartphone in daily life had the biggest effect on college students’ smartphone addiction, followed by value stress, the pursuit of instant satisfaction, and dialogue time with parents. The lesser the dialogue time with parents, the more the use of smartphone in daily life, the higher the stress caused by economic problems and view of value, and the more the pursuit of instant satisfaction, the higher the risk of addiction becomes. The results of this study show that support strategies and programs for college students’ family and school and interpersonal relationships are needed.

      • KCI등재

        PNU CGCM-WRF Chain을 이용한 우리나라 콩의 고온해 및 저온해에 대한 예측성 검증

        최명주,안중배,김영현,정민경,심교문,허지나,조세라 한국농림기상학회 2022 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        This study evaluates the long-term predictability of the number of days of heat and cold damages by growth stages of soybean using the hindcast data (1986∼2020) produced by Pusan National University Coupled General Circulation Model-Weather Research and Forecasting (PNU CGCM-WRF) model chain. The predictability is accessed in terms of Normalized Standardized Deviations (NSD), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Hit Rate (HR) and Heidke Skill Score (HSS). For the purpose, the simulation performance of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures, which are the variables that define the heat and cold damages of soybean, are examined first. The result shows that most of the predictions starting from the initial conditions of January to May (01RUN to 05RUN) varies to some extent depending on the month at which integration starts. However, the result after a systematic bias correction by the Variance Scaling method is similar to the observation compared to the bias-uncorrected one. The model simulates well the regional patterns and characteristics of the number of days of heat and cold damages by growth stages of soybean compared with observations. In the ensemble average of 01RUN to 05RUN with equal weighting (ENS), HR and HSS for heat damage (cold damage) of soybean have ranged from 0.45∼0.75, 0.02∼0.10 (0.49∼0.76, -0.04∼0.11) during each growth stage. In conclusion, 01RUN∼0 5RUN and ENS of PNU CGCM-WRF chain have the reasonable performance to predict heat and cold damages for each growth stage of soybean in South Korea. 본 연구에서는 Pusan National University Coupled General Circulation Model-Weather Research and Forecasting (PNU CGCM-WRF)에서 생산된 hindcast 자료(1986∼2020)를 이용하여 대한민국의 주요 식량인 콩의 생육단계별 고온해 및 저온해 발생일수를 예측하고 예측성을 평가하고자 하였다. 예측성을 평가하는 방법으로는 Normalized Standard Deviations (NSD), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Hit Rate (HR), Heidke Skill Score (HSS)이다. 이를 위해 먼저 콩의 고온해 및 저온해를 정의하는 변수인 일 최고기온 및 일 최저기온의 모의성능을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 1∼5월(01RUN∼05RUN)의 초기조건을 가지고 시작하는 월에 따라 다소 차이가 있지만, Variance Scaling 방법으로 보정한 결과가 기존에 비해 관측과 유사하게 나타났으며, 보정한 3∼10월의 일 최고기온 및 일 최저기온에 대한 모의성능은 전반적으로 01RUN∼05RUN에 동일한 가중치 (weighting)를 주고 평균한 결과(ENS)에서 높게 나타났다. 또한, 콩의 생육시기별 고온해 및 저온해 발생일수의 지역적 패턴과 특성을 관측과 비교하였을 때 모형이 잘 모의하고 있다. ENS에서 콩의 고온해(저온해)에 대한 HR과 HSS는 생육시기별로 0.45∼0.75, 0.02∼0.10 (0.49∼0.76, -0.04∼0.11)의 범위를 가진다. 결론적으로, PNU CGCMWRF chain의 01RUN∼05RUN 및 ENS는 남한 지역에 대한 콩의 생육시기별 고온해 및 저온해를 예측할 수 있는 성능을 가지고 있다.

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