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      • KCI등재

        일본고전문학(日本古典文學)에 보이는 남녀(男女)의 사랑 -『만요슈(萬葉集)』의 「불륜」을 중심으로 -

        최광준 ( Choi Kwang-joon ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.99 No.2

        This paper is about liaison of the natural fears about the classics of the literature of Japan at the time, the people`s concept of sex between men and women are how. Take a look at the reflected. As you can see the relationship between the men and women in the dictionary definition of adultery `inappropriate love`, or refers to the `an inappropriate relationship`. Love affair is contrary to morality take a backseat. Japan`s sexual morality is a lot you don`t understand when you see the part of us. That`s a Japanese citizen, not everyone does that mean you. The ancient Japanese people are taken the Meiji Restoration of the practice of polygamy (明治維新) by modern system since changed. And adultery. The adultery in Japan had disappeared in the late 1940s. Modern physical relationship, or the concepts of the affair, in return for sexual intercourse of men and women. Once upon a time and the modern concept of sex. In ancient literature, especially "Manyoshu" in extramarital affair at this point is the song of many song that can say. Japan is in love songs of men and women so. At that time, having an affair not power, and in women, and an ordinary of men and women of noble rank as the central love. But "Manyoshu" the songs of Azuma(東歌) and Sakimoori(防人歌), in having an affair can not find out. Of course, a love affair is not appear, but I`m sure you. In addition to the songs looking in the final announcement on the songs of" Manyoshu". Next time I`ll introduce another paper about the prince Siki`s songs, Abenoiracheume`s songs and Nakatoomminoasomiazumahito`s songs.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 유럽공동체법 (Rome II Regulation)상 불법행위에 관한 준거법

        최광준(Choi, Kwang Joon) 한국재산법학회 2010 재산법연구 Vol.26 No.3

        As of 11 January 2009, Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II) will be applicable in twenty-six European Union Member States. The Rome II Regulation applies to events giving rise to damage which occur after its entry into force on 19 August 2007 in proceedings commenced after 11 January 2009. This Regulation provides conflict of law rules for tort and delict, unjust enrichment and restitution, negotiorum gestio and culpa in contrahendo. It has a wide scope covering almost all issues raised in cases of extra-contractual liability. The majority of the rules in the Rome II Regulation are inspired by existing rules from European countries. Others are pioneering, innovative new rules. Compared to many of the national systems of private international law of non-contractual obligations, Rome II Regulation introduces precise, modern and well-targeted rules on the applicable law that are well adapted to the needs of European actors. It provides, in particular, specific rules governing a certain number of specific torts (e.g. product liability, unfair competition and acts restricting free competition, environmental damage, infringement of intellectual property rights, and industrial action). The provisions of the Regulation will considerably increase legal certainty on the European scale, while at the same time giving courts the freedom necessary to deal with new or exceptional situations. The material scope of the Rome II Regulation is set out in Article 1. The Regulation applies to non-contractual obligations in “civil and commercial matters”, a term which is to be understood in the same sense as in the Brussels I Regulation. The Regulation would therefore not apply to revenue, customs or administrative matters. Article 1(2) specifically excludes non-contractual obligations arising out of family relationships, matrimonial property regimes and succession, obligations under negotiable instruments, the personal liability of officers and members for the debts of a corporate and incorporated body, the personal liability of persons carrying out a statutory audit, the liability of settlors, trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, and, finally, non-contractual obligations arising out of nuclear damage. The approach taken by the Commission in the Regulation is to divide non-contractual obligations into two major categories, those that arise out of a tort or delict and those that do not. The latter category would include quasi-delictual or quasi-contractual obligations, including, in particular, unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio (agency without authority). Article 2 provides that the Regulation is to have universal application so the uniform conflict rules laid down in the Regulation can designate the law of an EU Member State or of a third country. Rome II is not restricted to cross border or intra Community disputes. Its rules would apply and could lead to the application of Californian law in a case before a United Kingdom court brought by an American claiming damages for a traffic accident caused by a United Kingdom citizen when driving on holiday in California. Article 3 lays down the general rules for determining the law applicable to non-contractual obligations arising out of a tort or delict. The law applicable is to be the law of the country in which the damage arises or is likely to arise irrespective of the country in which the event giving rise to the damage occurred or of the country or countries in which indirect consequences of that event arise. There are two exceptions to the general rule. Article 3(2) contains a special rule that where the person claimed to be liable and the person who has allegedly sustained damage are habitually resident in the same country, the law of that country would be applicable. Article 3(3) contains a more general exception. Where it is clear from all the circumstance

      • KCI등재후보

        일본어교육과 일본견학 및 현장체험 -신라대학교를 중심으로-

        최광준 ( Kwang Joon Choi ) 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.16 No.-

        日本語敎育에 있어서의 방법론적 연구는 여러 각도에서 연구되어져 왔다. 일본에서의 일본어 교육은 서양인 중심의 일본어교육이 주류를 이루고 있다. 일본은 우리와 같은 중국의 한자를 사용한 한자문화권의 나라이다. 한국인에 있어서의 일본어 교육은 한자를 모르는 서양인을 포함한 외국인들에게 가르치는 일본어 교육방법과는 달라야 한다. 어순이 같고 한자문화권에 있기 때문이다. 교육의 출발점이 달라야 하는 것이다. 이러한 관점에서 본다면 한국인만을 위한 일본어 교재의 개발이 시급하다. 이와 같은 교재의 개발과 함께 현장체험을 통한 일본어 교육이 필요하다. 현장체험을 통해서 일본을 이해하여야 하는 것이다. 일본어를 배우기 위하여 자극을 주는 기회를 만들어야 하는 것이다. 이러한 현장체험을 통해서 일본을 이해하게 되고 일본어에 자신감을 갖게 된다. 자신감과 의욕은 학습향상에 매우 도움이 된다. 일본어에 흥미를 갖고 교육에 임하면 일본어 실력은 저절로 향상될 것이며 가르치는 교사들에게도 만족감과 성취감을 갖아다 줄 것이다. 이러한 목적에서 신라대학교의 일본어 체험교육에 대하여 전반적으로 살펴보았다. 日本語敎育における方法論的硏究は色色な角度で姸究されられている.日本での日本語敎育は西洋人むけの日本語敎育がおこなわれている。日本は私たちのように中國の漢字を使って來た漢字文化圈である。漢字が分からない西洋人を含めた外國人たちとは違う方法で日本語を勉强しなければならない。特に語順が同じで漢字文化圈である私たちの日本語敎育は他の外國人たちの日本語敎育とは違わなければならない。出發點が違うのである. 韓國人だけのための日本語の新しい敎材の開發が必要である。このような新しい敎材の開發とともに多くの現場體驗を通じて日本を理解しなければならない。日本語の勉强のための刺激を與えることができる機會を作っておかなければならない。現場體驗の機會を通じて日本語に自信感を持つようになるのである。このような自信感と意欲は直ちに學習向上に繫がれる。こういう過程を通して日本語敎育がまともにできるようになる。日本語に興味を感じるようになるとともに日本語實力が向上するはずで、敎える敎師らはそれなりの滿足感と成就感を感じることができるでしょう。このような目的で新羅大學の日本語敎育について考えてみた。

      • KCI등재

        일본문학(日本文學),일본학(日本學) 편(篇) : 『만엽집(萬葉集)』의 매화(梅花) -권(卷)5의 매화가군(梅花歌群)을 중심으로-

        최광준 ( Kwang Joon Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2011 日語日文學硏究 Vol.77 No.2


      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 九州と『萬葉集』

        崔光準 新羅大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.48 No.-

        일본이 자랑하는 고대 최대의 歌集인 万葉集에는 4500여수의 노래가 수록되어 있다. 이 歌集을 올바로 이해하기 위해서는 우선 노래되어졌던 그 시대의 문학적 배경을 이해하지 않으면 안된다. 그 중 하나가 역사적 배경과 지역적 특성이다. 그 당시 노래되어졌던 곳의 風土를 이해하여야 올바른 万葉集을 해석할 수 있는 것이다. 이러한 의미에서의 九州는 日本古代歷史뿐만 아니라, 文學的 측면에서도 많은 자료를 제공하고 있다. 특히 万葉시대에 九州지방을 관장했던 太宰府를 중심으로 한 筑紫文壇은 大和文壇과 대등하게 일본 문학에 있어서의 새로운 章을 열었다해도 과연이 아닐 정도로 중요한 위치를 차지한다. 본 論에서는 九州에 있어서의 万葉歌를 중심으로 旅人과 檍良의 관계, 志賀島와 大野山등을 알아보았다.

      • KCI등재

        왜문부가량마려작품론 : 권 20 , 4372 번가를 중심으로 Based on the Writing of Number 4372

        최광준 한국일어일문학회 1992 日語日文學硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        防人歌である倭文部可良麻呂の卷 20·4372番の長歌一首は, 防人歌の中一番特徵がある. 「幸くと申す」という部分の解釋は作者自身が, 故鄕にいる父母·妻予, 友人たちに安全·無事を祈る意味として解釋するのが可能ではないかと思われる. また,「荒し男も立しやはばかる」の表現を序詞として見ることができれば, 筑紫という任地の地名などを使った事などは, 防人の歌が, 單純·素朴な歌, 防人たちの作家能力を過小評價していることがまちがいではないか. そして, これらのことを考える時, この歌には渡來人として地方, この場合, 常陸國の國廳に何らかの役職を得, 防人一行の隊の長などとして重用された可良麻呂が推測される. その役職の上で, 彼は日本人となりきろうと努力し, この歌をなしたと思われる. この一首こそ, 防人歌唯一の長歌というだけでなく渡來系知識人ではなければ歌い得なかった特徵を指摘できるのではないだろうかということを論じた.

      • KCI등재


        최광준 한국일어일문학회 1997 日語日文學硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        本稿は, 万葉第四期の代表的宮廷歌人である田邊史福麻呂の出自, 渡來人としての可能性, 硏究史, 作品の時間的分布, 卷18の作品を中心とした作品の分析などを通じて, 福麻呂文學の特性を考えたものである. 一般的に福麻呂作品には枕詞·對句表現の多用, 先行歌人の語句の類似性などが指摘されてきた. 特に長歌の表現は儀禮上, 先行歌人の形式と歌を踏襲したものとも見えるが, 自分なりの個性的部分も見られる. 卷18以外に, 卷6の1047番の「櫻花」, 1053番の「うぐいす」, そして「 萩 」 「さを鹿」「しぐれ」 「 黃葉」「百鳥」などの表現などと, 春と秋の景觀, 自然と季節觀が 滿ちた素材の歌などが見られるが, それは天平文學に宮廷歌人でありながら積極 的に參加しようとした福麻呂の一面でもある. 公的な宮廷世界の場所だけで限って歌ったのは, 橘諸兄を意識したからであろう. このようなやりにくい歷史的狀況の中で, 渡來人として推定される福麻呂は万葉集の中で自分なりの作品をのこしたと思われる. また, 渡來人の一世ではないが, 二世ぐらいで多くの惱みを持って宮廷作家 として活動したと考えられる. 万葉第四期を大伴家持と共に代表して, 宮廷の役割を充分に果した福麻呂 に對する硏究はこれから親しい視野で行なわなければならない. 家持と福麻呂の關係, 万葉集の編纂關與に關する問題, 福麻呂歌集に關する問題, 渡來人の可能性としてのより徹底な資料の提示などたくさんの問題点があるが, これらは近いうちに檢討したいと思う.

      • KCI등재

        만요우슈(万葉集)의 도래인(渡來人)과 도래인 작품의 연구(2) : 타카오카노무라지가우치(高丘連河內)에서 하세츠카베노쿠로마로(丈部黑當)를 중심으로

        최광준 한국일어일문학회 1993 日語日文學硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        万葉集は13C傾からいろいろな角度で硏究されて來た. 特に, 最近は次のような角度から硏究されている. 文藝學的硏究. 民俗學的硏究. 歷史·社會學的硏究. 風土·文學的硏究. 比較文學的硏究. 國語學的硏究. しかし, このような活發な硏究の中で, 渡來人の硏究はほとんど行なわれていない. 万葉集には作者をふくめ480余人の人物が見られるがその中, 80余人が渡來人である. これは決して少なくない數である. これら渡來人がしめている作家的, 作品的重要性はいまでもあまり認識されていない. 從って本考では渡來人の個人個人の出自, 經歷, そして作品を一首一首分析し, 歌の正しい解釋と理解, 渡來人の役割, および影響など全般的に日本人の視野ではなく外國人の目で再照明したいと思う. 本考で檢討する人物は高丘連河內から丈部黑當までの20人である.

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