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      • KCI등재

        解防前後 소련의 對韓半島政策

        崔光雄 東義大學校 法政大學 1991 공공정책연구 Vol.7 No.-

        During World War Ⅱ, the first object of the Soviet Union was Manchuria, not the Korean Peninsula. Russia regarded the Korean Peninsula as the buffer zone with the intention of protecting its interests in Manchuria. Russian troops to intervene in the Far East Warfare were capable of occupying all the areas of the Korean Peninsula before the US Armed Forces arrived in Korea but they accepted United States' proposal as to the division of the peninsula and stationed only in northern Korea of 38th Paralle, 1. As for the problem of the Korean Peninsula, the Soviet did not play the leading role not only in the war conferences of the Allied Forces but also in the process of the Korean Peninsula to be provisionally divided. And it had no concrete policy to the problem of Korean Peninsula after the War as well. After occupying northern part of the Korean Peninsula, however, the Soviet Union changed its attitude which was not active and made an efort to have the North Korea to be conformed to the direction and interest of its own country. American-Soviet Joint Committee which was established for the settlement of provisional division of Korean Peninsula repeated in its ineffective activity but after all came to break down because USA and the Soviet Union had individually the different objectives of their countries. Soviet Union strove together with USA in the cause of unification of Korean Peninsula and establishment of the provisional government. But it was nothing but a cold war based on the power politics of mighty countries so as to intend to make the fixation of Korean Peninsula which was alread fundamentally divided into two blocks of USA and USSR.

      • KCI등재

        러시아의 對朝鮮政策 : 政策變化와 그 要因

        崔光雄 東義大學校法學硏究所 1989 공공정책연구 Vol.5 No.-

        1860年 러시아와 淸國사이에 北京條約이 체결됨에 따라 러시아와 朝鮮은 서로 國境을 接하게 되었다. 러시아는 朝鮮과 國境이 接하게 된 以後, 朝鮮과 公式的 交流를 위한 關係를 수립하고자 努力하였다. 그 당시 朝鮮政府는 러시아의 存在를 無視하여 러시아의 交流提議를 거절하였다. 그러던 朝鮮은 甲申政變以後 韓半島內에서 淸日의 角逐戰이 치열해 지자 그 소용돌이 속에서 말려 들어 가지 않기 위해 第3國인 러시아勢力을 韓半島에 끌어 들이려고 하였다. 朝鮮國王은 세번이나 韓露密約을 試圖하였으나 모두 失敗로 끝났다. 韓露密約事件의 失敗要因은 이무렵 러시아는 朝鮮에 대해 關心은 高潮되어 있었지만 적극적인 對朝鮮政策을 追求할 意思가 없었기 때문이다. 淸日戰爭이 발발하기까지 러시아는 朝鮮에 대해 적극적인 政策을 展開하지 않고 現狀維持政策을 견지한 理由로 다음의 몇가지 點들을 들수 있겠다. 朝鮮市場은 貧弱하다는 點, 朝鮮은 地理的으로 먼 位置에 있기 때문에 防衛하기가 不便하다는 點, 朝鮮領土의 全部나 一部를 占領했을 경우 韓半島에 대한 期待를 가지고 있었던 英國및 淸國과의 關係에 긴장을 초래시키지 않을까 하는 두려움이다. 이에 덧 붙여서 시베리아 橫斷 鐵道의 不在와 러시아정부의 財政缺乏도 指摘할 수 있겠다. 러시아가 對朝鮮積極政策으로 轉換하게 된 것은 淸日戰爭과 러시아의 國內政治에 새로운 進前이 있었기 때문이다. 즉 시베리아 橫斷鐵道의 부설과 財相「윗테」에 의한 工業化가 시작됨으로써, 러시아는 朝鮮과 滿州에 대해서 戰略的 重要性 뿐만 아니라 經濟的 重要性까지도 인식하게 되었다. 그리고 러시아는 淸日戰爭에서 승리한 日本勢力이 더 以上 膨脹되는 것을 無關心하게 방관할 수 없었으므로 積極的인 對朝鮮政策이 필요했던 것이다. 이즈음 閔妃는 殺害되었고 朝鮮國王은 신변이 不安한 狀態에서 공포에 젖어 있었다. 러시아公使와 親러시아派가 결탁하여 朝鮮國王이 러시아公使館으로 避身하게 했다. 朝鮮國王의 俄館播遷을 계기로 朝鮮에서 日本勢力을 排除시키는데 成功한 러시아는 韓半島에 그 勢力을 대거 進出시켰다. 그러나 러시아는 露日戰爭이 발발하기 훨씬 以前에 朝鮮에 파견되어 있던 財政顧問官과 軍事敎官을 撤收시키고「로젠」一西協(The Rosen-Nishi Protocol)을 체결하고 朝鮮에서 退進해 버렸다. 러시아의 退進에 대해서 多數의 見解가 있다. 러시아는 獨立協會의 活動과 같은 朝鮮人의 거센 低抗에 부딪쳐 어쩔수 없이 韓半島에서 退進했다는 見解도 있다. 이러한 見解들은 妥當性이 희박하다. 러시아가 韓半島에서 日本에게 많은 양보를 하고 退進한 것은 英國의 介入이 두려웠다는 點, 滿州의 經營에 專念하기 위해 日本과 一時的인 妥協을 願하고 있었다는 點, 그리고 그 당시에 英日同盟이 成立될 可能性이 있었으므로 이를 妨害하여 러시아의 安全을 도모하려는 意圖가 있었다는 點등의 原因이 있었기 때문이다. 그러나 러시아가 朝鮮을 완전히 포기하고 물러난 것이 아니고 作戰上의 一時的 後退였다고 보아진다. 그렇다면 러시아의 對朝鮮政策을 總體的으로 어떻게 理解하고 把握해야 할 것인가? 러시아가 韓半島를 占領하려고 努力해 왔다는 主張이 있는가 하면 歷史的 事實은 이와 다르다고 主張하는 反論도 있다. 러시아의 對淸國政策은 攻擊的인 것이었다고 볼 수 있고 對朝鮮政策은 淸國에 대한 利害關係에 의해 決定되었다고 볼 수 있다. 1880年代에 러시아가 韓半島의 占領을 試島하지 않은 것은 淸國과의 利害關係를 위태롭게 하는 것을 願치 않았기 때문이다. 1890年代와 1900年初에 러시아가 韓半島를 占領할 수 없었던 것은 日本과의 戰爭이 따르기 때문이었다. 바꾸어 말하면 러시아는 淸國이나 日本과 戰爭을 치러가면서 占領해야 할 만큼 價値있는 存在로 判斷되지 않았는 것 같다. 그러나 러시아의 一次 占領目標는 滿州였고 그 다음 目標가 韓半島였다. 러시아는 滿州를 占領하고 있는 限, 朝鮮을 완전히 포기하지 않고 러시아의 勢力을 다소라도 扶持하고 있으면 언제라도 必要에 따라 韓半島를 내려 칠 수 있다고 생각하고 있었다. 러시아가 韓半島內에 그 勢力을 다소라도 扶持하려고 試圖하지 않고 完全히 포기했더라면 露日戰爭은 발발하지 않았을 것이다. 러시아는 露日戰爭에서 敗戰하게 됨으로써 韓半島는 물론 滿州까지 잃게 되었다. 엄격히 말한다면 이 期間동안의 러시아의 對朝鮮政策은 하나의 政策이었다고 볼 수 없으며 일연의 미봉책적인 措置였다고 하겠다. In regard to the Policy of Russia to Chosun, it is notable to look over three of the variant courses as follows: (1) Russia's negative attitude to the problems of Chosun (2) Russia's positive intervention in the problems of Chosun (3) Russia's withdrawal from Chosun In the course of intensive struggling between China and Japan in the Korean Peninsula after the political change of government in Kapshin Year, Chosun tried to draw the third power, Russia, into the Korean Peninsula so as not to be involved in the struggling vortex. However, Russia had held on to the status quo policy and appeared to assume a negative attitude to Chosun before the outbreak of Sino-japanese War. Russia converted her policy into the positive policy toward Chosun, for she could not remain indifferent to an expansion of Japan which won the victory in Sino-Japanese War and commenced the construction of trans-Siberian railway with an industrializing policy. Accordingly, Russia came to realize not only the strategic importance of the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria but also the economic account. Russia who was converted into the positive policy toward Chosun, could exert their strong influences on the Korean Peninsula thanks to Chosun Kings flight to the Russian Legation. However, long before an outbreak of Russo-Japanese war, Russia recalled the financial advisers ; and military instructors who had already been sent to Chosun, and concluded the Rosen-Nishi agreement and then decamped from Chosun. The causes for which Russia left Japan a free hand and decamped from Chosun are as follows: (1) in fear of intervention by England, which had sent a naval detachment to Inchon, (2) in the hope of temporary compromise with Japan in Russia's all-engrossing activities in Manchuria, and (3) for the purpose of strengthening Russia's security by preventing possibility of Anglo-Japanese Alliance. However, it is supposed not that Russia did throughly give up Chosun and decamp from it, but that it was a temporary decampment for strategy.

      • KCI등재후보

        제주지역의 오버투어리즘 평가

        최광웅,김민철,장모나,구본준 제주대학교 관광과경영경제연구소 2019 産經論集 Vol.39 No.2

        Purpose – The main purpose of this study is to find out the relative importance of the problems caused by over-tourism in Jeju Island and to provide a clue for policy response to the problems caused by over-tourism in Jeju at this time. Specifically, we will investigate the perception of problems caused by over-tourism felt by Jeju residents through surveying Jeju residents and seek areas that require policy response, especially among problems caused by over-tourism through analysis using IPMA (Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis). Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, SmartPLS 3.0 software was used to perform IPMA (Importance-Performance Map Analysis) analysis based on PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling). Result -The first quadrant, where both importance and performance (the degree of awareness of the damage) are measured highly, is the ecological environment and living prices. On the other hand, it can be seen that the items located in the second quadrant are issues of high importance but low level of damage, but the level of destruction of local legitimacy (regional culture and habits) in Jeju Island is still not worrisome. Items located in the third quadrant includes low importance and performance, and relatively low priority, such as stench, privacy violations, and declining kindness. The issues located in the fourth quadrant should be seen as the most pressing issues, such as traffic jams, trash, damage to historical sites and damage to the real estate market. Conclusion - The theoretical contribution of this study, firstly, as a relatively recent field of research, was intended to expand the theoretical understanding and base of over-tourism of the island's tourist destination by studying the problem of over-tourism, especially in the field of over-tourism, which lacks a domestic theoretical background, through literature research. Second, by addressing important issues in Jeju, we can compare problems caused by over-tourism in urban areas with those caused by over-tourism in island tourist destinations. In addition, Jeju residents attempted to analyze problems related to over-tourism into a new relationship called 'criticality and degree of victimization' to prevent over-tourism, providing important clues in setting policy priorities for policy authorities.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 관광 측정평가 연구 - 제주도 사례를 중심으로 -

        최광웅,서용건 한국지역사회학회 2019 지역사회연구 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop a sustainable tourism index that reflects the characteristics of Jeju Island, which is the destination of the island, and to measure the level of sustainable tourism in Jeju at present. In order to develop the indicators, we firstly extracted the key tasks and candidate subdivisions from the literature on sustainable tourism concepts, sustainable tourism indicators and island tourism. Secondly, we conducted in-depth interviews with tourism experts in Jeju, consisting of academics, business, and industry, in order to derive three categories, nine key tasks, and 40 detailed indicators. The method of measuring detailed indicators was set up to provide practical assistance in measuring the sustainability of Jeju tourism considering the actual policy effectiveness, the frequency of data collection and the reliability of the data. The theoretical implication of this study is to build a foundation to measure the level of sustainable tourism in Jeju, The practical implication is that the three levels of environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and socio - cultural sustainability can be compared with each other by assessing the level of sustainable tourism in Jeju. 본 연구는 지속가능관광의 중요성에 착안하여 섬 관광목적지인 제주도의 특징을 반영한 지속가능관광 지표를 개발하고, 현시점에서의 제주지역 지속가능관광 수준을 측정하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 지표의 개발을 위하여 1차적으로 지속가능관광 개념과 지속가능관광 지표 및 섬 지역 관광과 관련된 문헌연구를 통하여 핵심과제와 세부지표 후보군을 도출하였고 2차적으로 학계, 관계, 산업계로 구성된 제주지역 관광전문가와의 심층면접을 통하여 3개 부문, 9개 핵심과제, 40개 세부지표를 도출하였다. 세부지표의 측정방법은 실제 정책실효성 여부와 자료수집 빈도 및 자료의 신뢰성을 고려하여 제주관광 지속가능성의 측정에 실질적인 도움을 줄 수 있도록 설정되었다. 본 연구의 이론적인 시사점은 제주지역의 지속가능관광수준을 측정할 수 있는 기반을 구축한 것이며, 실무적인 시사점은 제주지역 지속가능관광 수준을 평가하여 환경적 지속가능성, 경제적 지속가능성, 사회문화적 지속가능성의 3부문을 상호 비교가능 할 수 있도록 한 것이다. 지속가능관광 지표는 관광정책당국의 의사결정에 있어서 중요한 판단기준으로 활용할 수 있을 것이며, 제주지역 관광에 대하여 환경적, 경제적, 사회문화적 측면을 통합적인 관점에서 관리할 수 있는 근거가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative study on Tourist Attractions according to Ownership Types Using Stakeholder Theory

        최광웅,서용건 (사)한국관광레저학회 2019 관광레저연구 Vol.31 No.8

        This study focused on differences in the types of possession of tourist attractions (public or private ownership), and conducted comparative studies on overall management. The comparative study of public and private organizations has been actively conducted in the field of business administration, but there is no precedent study comparing and analyzing the tourist attractions. In the case of public tourist attraction, the government was classified as a particularly important stakeholder, and the policy by the government was found to affect the motivation, work-related attitude and value of the management and employees. For the private tourist attraction, executive, government, and tourists are categorized as particularly important stakeholders, and they are more active in terms of revenue and interaction with local residents than in public tourist attraction. The contribution of this study is comparative analysis of tourist attraction classified as public ownership and privately owned tourist attraction. It is also a new attempt to analyze result by applying stakeholder theory. Based on the results of the study, practical implications were derived. Based on this, research hypotheses related to incentive schemes were proposed for public tourist attractions, and research hypotheses related to exchange with local residents were suggested for private tourist attractions.

      • KCI등재

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