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        루터성서 출판과 개정의 역사

        최경은 서울대학교 인문학연구원 2018 人文論叢 Vol.75 No.1

        The German theologian Martin Luther dedicated himself, while being confined in Wartburg Castle, to translating the New Testament from Greek to German — something that he had been meaning to do for a long time — over a period of just 11 weeks. Upon returning to Wittenberg later on, he put together a team to translate the Old Testament. The complete works of Luther’s bible was finally published in 1534 — 12 years after the New Testament came out. Luther’s version was a marked departure from previous German bibles. It was indeed the culmination of the time’s publishing culture with its single column structure per page, the total of 117 pieces of artful illustration, and new typography and first letter presentations. In particular, the bible was an unprecedented success in terms of sales and dissemination. However, the aura of Luther’s bible ironically served as a challenge in its later history of revision. After 1545, when the revised version that Luther took part in himself was published, it took a whopping 372 years for another official revision to take place. There were numerous modifications in the meantime, but none were officially recognized. The issue was the language from four centuries ago. The German orthography had been revamped on many occasions, the grammar had undergone changes, and in particular the vocabulary was a formidable challenge for modern readers. In addition, as ancient scripts (notably the discovery of the Qumran) kept surfacing, a critical reading of the text had become crucial; and there was now a need to look over the context of Luther’s bible as well. This led to a total of four revisions to come forth as of 2016 since the first in 1892. The objective has been to enhance the readability and identify concrete errors; while preserving the unique voice of Luther to create a text that is accurate academically and linguistically modern. The final revision that was published to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation has especially centered on featuring the originality of Luther. 루터는 바르트부르크성에 피신해 있을 동안 평상시 자신이 하고 싶었던 신약성서를 단 11주 만에 독일어로 번역하였다. 그 후 비텐베르크로 돌아간 뒤 동료들과 번역 팀을 구성해 구약번역 작업에 착수한다. 신약이 나온 후 12년이 흐른 뒤인 1534년 드디어 루터성서 전서가 출판된다. 루터성서는 이전에 인쇄된 독일어성서와는 많은 차이를 보인다. 예컨대 페이지의 1단 구성, 총 117점에 이르는 삽화의 예술적 완성도, 타이포그래피, 두문자 등 그 당시 출판문화의 정점을 찍고 있다. 특히 루터성서는 판매와 유통에서 그 유래를 찾을 수 없을 정도로 성공적이었다. 그러나 역설적이게도 루터성서가 이런 아우라를 지닌 작품이었던관계로 개정의 역사는 험난했다. 루터성서는 1545년 루터가 직접 참여한 개정판이 나온 이래 무려 372년간에 걸쳐 공식적으로 인정된 개정판이 나오지 않았다. 물론 그 사이 수많은 루터성서 수정본이 출간되었지만, 그 어떤 성서도 공식적으로 인정받지 못했다. 그러나 거의 400년 전의 언어형태가 문제였다. 독일어 정서법이 수차례에 걸쳐 개정되었으며, 문법적 변화도 적지 않았고, 특히 어휘에서의 변화는 현대 독자의 입장에서는 도저히 간과될 수 없는 사항이었다. 그리고 또한 쿰란 발견으로 대표되는 고대의 성서 사본이 계속 등장하고 성서 텍스트의 비평이 필수적 사항이 되자 텍스트 내용 그 자체를수정할 필요성도 대두되었다. 그래서 루터성서는 1892년 개정판이 나온 이래 2016년까지 모두 4번의 개정판이 나오기에 이르렀다. 개정 작업의 목표는 루터 텍스트의 가독성을 향상시키고 명백한 오류를 찾아교정하고, 루터 고유의 표현은 되도록 살리며, 학문적으로 정확하고 동시에 언어적으로도 현대독일어에 맞게 수정하는 것이었다. 종교개혁500주년 기념사업의 하나로 출판된 최종 개정판은 특히 루터 고유의표현을 그대로 살리는 데 방점을 두었다.

      • 더블 니트 편성물의 통기성에 관한 연구

        최경은,김학용,이덕래 全北大學校 附設 都市및環境硏究所 2000 都市 및 環境硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        This study were made on the air permeability of double knitted fabrics using cotton yarn. It is general assumption that the air permeability as double knitted fabrics are resulted from the sum of two parts. The one is a nozzle part such as space among yarns in knitted fabrics, and the other is a capillary part such as space among fibers in knitted yarn. Based on this assumption we had studied on the double knitted stitches in connection with air permeability. And we had made the regression equations between parameter A(nozzle part), B (capillary part) and air-permeability of cotton double knitted fabrics by means of stepwise regression analysis. From the analysis, the following results were obtained : V_rib=26.27621+256.03855A+281.64791B V_interlock+56.51290+56.78075A+54.977157B

      • KCI등재
      • 구약 성경에 나타난 언어의 기원에 대한 소고

        최경은 국제기독교언어문화연구원 2001 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.5 No.-

        Altes Testament ist nicht am Ursprung der Sprache interessiert. Das Hebra¨isch als Ursprache wurde erst in fru¨hju¨discher Zeit betrachtet. Innerhalb der biblischen Urgeschichte (Genesis 1-11) wurde Sprache als Menschheitspha¨nomen interpretiert. Die Urgeschichte ist keine objective Darstellung sprachgeschichtlicher Entwicklung, sondern Frage nach dem Sinn von Sprache im Zusammenhang der Grundgegebenheiten menschlicher Existenz. Sprache wurde auch im Zusammenhang der Grundbedingung "Gemeinschaft" als positive Mo¨glichkeit menschlicher Existenz. Im Turmbau von Babylon wurde die Sprache als Gefa¨hrdung menschlicher Existenz im Zusammenhang politischer Groβprojekte beobachtet. Sprachenvielfalt wird als Schutz vor totalita¨rer politischer und hybrider technischer Selbstu¨bersteigerung des Menschen begriffen. Die Utopie einer U¨berwindung der Sprachenviefalt bekommt erst unter der Perspektive der Gottesherrschaft eine positive Funktion.

      • KCI등재

        성을 통한 독어 명사의 굴절유형 분석

        최경은 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 1995 人文科學 Vol.73 No.-

        Die vorliegende Areit untersucht die deutschen DT. Hier geht davon aus, daß die DT durch den Genus systematisiert werden ko¨nnen Dabei gelen nicht 3 Genera, sondern 2 Genera, na¨mlich Femininum und Nichtfeminimun, als Kriterien fu¨r die DT. Im femininen Bereich haben die deutschen Substantiven 6 DT. Die Nichtfemininum konstituieren 14 DT. Man kann hier auch von 9 Haupt-DT und 11 Neben-DT sprechen. Der Haupt-DT wird regelma¨ßig durch phonologische, morphologische, semantische Merkmale der Substantiven bestimmt. Der Neben-DT bedingt den Haupt-DT durch die Sonderregeln. Die Ergebnis der Untersuchung besagt deutlich, daß das komplizierte Deklinationssystem durch das bina¨re System des Genus systematisch gelernt werden kann.

      • KCI등재

        전통한지를 활용한 초등학교 바느질 교육방안에 관한 탐색적 연구

        최경은,김용숙,이전숙 한국가정과교육학회 2004 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        전통한지는 서양의 종이에 비해, 보존성, 유연성, 강도, 통기성, 자외선차단성 등 여러 우수한 성능 등을 가져 단순히 ‘종이’ 이상의 기능을 하였다. 즉 우리 조상들은 생활 속에서 서적용지뿐 아니라 주거용(창호지, 장판지), 의류 및 생활용품의 소재 등 다양한 용도로 활용하였다. 그러나 현대에 와서는 대량생산되는 새로운 재료들에 밀려 점차 생활 속에서 자취를 감추는 듯했다. 하지만 많은 우수한 물리․화학적 성능, 전통미, 환경 친화적인 요소, 뛰어난 공예활용성 등으로 오늘날 새로이 조명 받고 있어, 21세기 학교교육현장에서 ‘환경교육’, ‘창의성교육’, ‘전통문화교육’ 위한 수업소재로서 교육적 활용가치가 충분하다고 본다. 본 연구에서는 초등 실과 바느질 수업에 전통한지를 활용하는 방안을 모색하고자, 한지의 특성 및 용도, 한지공예의 종류 등에 대해 선행연구 및 참고자료를 통해 고찰해 보았다. 또한 한지를 바느질 소재화 하기 위한 가공처리를 학교교육에서 바느질소재로 활용하기 위한 구체적인 방법과 함께 제시하였다. Korean traditional paper is more than paper itself to the Korean people because of its excellence, compared to western paper, in keeping records, flexibility, strength, air permeability, and blocking ultraviolet rays. It has been used for various purposes such as book-making, covering for walls, windows or floors, making clothes and living appliances, and so on. Notwithstanding these merits, mass-produced paper has been substituted for Korean paper. Recently, however, there is a growing tendency to re-evaluate Korean paper because of its physiochemical properties, traditional beauty, eco-friendliness, and applicability to crafts. Korean paper deserves widely received re-evaluation as teaching materials for the education of ecology, creativity, and traditional arts. The purpose of this study was to find out a way of using Korean paper as sewing materials in Practical Arts classes for the elementary school. Previous researches on what properties Korean paper has and how many kinds of crafts have been made of Korean paper were reviewed. Concrete methods of utilizing Korean paper as sewing materials, especially for the finishing skills of sewing, were also proposed.

      • 1세 미만 여아 난소 탈장의 특성과 임상 경과

        최경은,안소윤,김경아,이연경,신손문,한병희,고선영 대한신생아학회 2008 Neonatal medicine Vol.15 No.1

        Purpose : Inguinal hernias are common in children and sometimes are associated with dangerous complications, such as incarceration. There are no established management guidelines for ovarian hernias. We have reviewed the clinical course of ovarian hernias in infants. Methods : We reviewed the medical records of female infants diagnosed with ovarian hernias by ultrasonogram at Kwandong University College of Medicine, Cheil General Hospital, and the Women's Healthcare Center between March 2001 and August 2007. We analyzed the patients gestational age, birth weight, age at the time of detection of the inguinal mass, the patients chief complaints, operative time, post-operative complications, and ultrasonographic findings. Results : Eight female infants had ovarian hernias, four of whom were born prematurely. Seven infants had left-sided ovarian hernias, and one infant had a right-sided ovarian hernia. Five infants underwent surgery and there were no postoperative complications or recurrences. Three girls did not have surgery, and the ovarian hernias regressed spontaneously, with no recurrences or complications. The regression time of inguinal masses ranged from 70-161 days after birth. Conclusion : Physical examination to detect movable masses within the labium major in premature female infants is important because the incidence of premature inguinal hernias is much higher than in term infants. No rational medical treatment plans for female ovarian hernias have been published to date. We cared for three girls with spontaneous regression of ovarian hernias. Pediatricians should be aware whether emergent surgery for ovarian hernias is indicated.

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