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        고려전기 지방지배체제의 다원성과 계서성

        채웅석 한국중세사학회 2016 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.47

        Although the Goryeo Dynasty enforced the centralization policy, it neither determined the size and grade of the local administrative districts in accordance with a uniform standard nor adapted the unitary ruling system that did not consider regional differences. From a general point of view, the ruling system shows that the centralization was incomplete due to strong local powers. However, from the other point of view that values local self-government and plurality, it could be interpreted differently instead of being considered to be incomplete. This Study is meant to establish the pluralistic and hierarchical aspects of the local ruling system in the early Goryeo Dynasty by reviewing following points. Firstly, how was the situation of the local society which the local ruling system in the period was based on? Goryeo, on the one hand, allowed local self-government, integrating local powers having the decentralization tendency. On the other hand, Goryeo executed the Kun-Hyeon System and imposed the duty of tribute and labor depending on the condition of location. Secondly, did the Kun-Hyeon System or the Bonkwan System have unitary aspect? If the classification of the common villages and the ordained villages(Bugok, Hyang, etc), the classification of the main prefecture (Juhyeon) and the subprefecture(Sokhyeon), the classification of the hierarchical grades of the regional name title and official, and the local governing methods based on the number of Jeong are considered, it can be realized that Goryeo neither determined the size and grade of the local administrative districts by applying a uniform standard nor accomplished the unitary ruling system regardless of the regional differences Lastly, did the local ruling become unitary centering on local officials? The early Goryeo dynasty granted the local self-government to local clerks(Hyangri), and the local officials were dispatched only in the main prefecture(Jugyeon). The local ruling system was complimented by dispatching various special inspection officers(Byeolmyeongsasin) and appointing Inspectors General(Sasimkwan). Adopting the policy that financial resources were to be distributed also could be inconsistent with the unitary ruling system by the local officials.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대의 사송(詞訟) 인식과 운영

        채웅석 한국중세사학회 2020 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.63

        This thesis examined the perception of Sasong (Civil Procedure) and its operation in Goryeo dynasty. It seems that Sasong wasn't severe during the early Goryeo dynasty. But it increased significantly and piled up according to social changes since the 12th century. There was not choice to use a lot of historical records of the latter period due to the lack of records related to Sasong in the earlier period. So it should be distinguished between what was common in the whole period of Goryeo and the new phenomenon appeared in the latter period. It considered that political ideal is to realize a society without Sasong according to Confucian ideology. However, in reality, it acknowledged the inevitability of Sasong and operated the Sasong system to resolve Woneok (resentment). In Confucianism, Woneok was recognized as a cause of natural disasters. The state legally protected Sasong rights and emphasized that the judge should make fair and speedy trial. It operated the Sangpi system (the system to prevent conflicts of interest) for fairness while the plaintiff and the defendant were given equal chance to plead before the court, and judged according to the rule of evidence. And it set the deadline legally to prevent the delay in judgment. If disagreeing with the results of the trial, it could be taking retrials or appeals. But as Sasong increased sharply, it began to limit the repetition of Sasong at the last period. It valued justification and moral feelings as the standard of judicial hearing and decision. However, if considering moral feelings, it may be criticized as making by personal feelings and may not be able to strictly apply the law. So it generally tended to value the objective documentary evidences and to judge in accordance with laws and regulations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고려전기의 다원적 국제관계와 문화인식

        채웅석 한국중세사학회 2017 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.50

        The interstate relations of East Asia in 10th-12th century were generally studied with the nationalism or functionalism perspective. From such research perspective, it was easy to understand the interstate relations only in an individual relationship, rather than in the network between various countries in East Asia. It was also emphasized the need for Goryeo to embrace Chinese culture and that the government led the interstate relations. In this paper, the characteristic of East Asia interstate relations in the period is considered pluralistic. A state was not able to exercise supremacy over other states, and each state recognized the order of the world by relativism. Goryeo, Song, Liao, Western Xia, Japanese, etc. called themselves the empire, believing that their state was the center of the world. In reality, there was also a hierarchical relationship between the states. Meanwhile, strategic thinking and realistic responses for state security and interest were conspicuous in Goryeo. Goryeo was openly exchanged with other states in various fields. Traders, doctors, scholar, and monks played a role in interstate relations apart from diplomatic envoys, not completely included in formal diplomacy. And products, information, technology, etc. were actively exchanged with other states in various ways such as diplomacy, study abroad, trade, migration and residence. The pluralistic interstate relations in the early Goryeo dynasty became an important background in which the culture of Goryeo was pluralistic. Recognizing the world as pluralistic, it was also possible to perceive culture as pluralistic rather than unified one. For example, not only Confucianism but also Buddhism and Taoism were recognized the universality. And Goryeo tended to accept the cultures that were excellent and universal, while strengthening the identity of the native culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고려중기 외척의 위상과 정치적 역할

        채웅석 한국중세사학회 2014 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.38

        In the mid-Goryeo dynasty, the human networks among Munbeol aristocrats were formed in connection with class endogamy and cognatic(bilateral) kindred system. We have generally understood that the Lee clan of Inju, a typical Munbeol aristocratic clan consistently had produced king’s maternal relatives and come up against the king. Nevertheless, the queen consorts from the Lee clan of Inju were not selected considering the patrilineal descent group. Queens were most likely to be selected considering the human networks among Munbeols in a broad sense and the Gamun, in narrow sense, which consisted of a figure having a central role in politics and society at that time and their descendants. King’s maternal relatives being selected in such way were expected to support the king and crown-prince. During the period when the king exercised his leadership, his maternal relatives could not assert their power. However, when a weak king ascended the throne, they gained the ground. This can be understood not only in light of ‘loving one’s parents’ which Confucianism underlines but also the status and role of the queen dowager. The queen dowager was able to act as regent when her son, the king was weak. During her regency, the king’s maternal relatives’ political activity became apparent. Especially in Goryeo dynasty, Hunyo which allowed brother to become heir to the throne was serious considered. So royal relative’s regency could have ended up being accepted in order to follow the principle of primogeniture. During king’s maternal relatives in power, it was easy for their power to be exercised arbitrarily and privately because the king was not able to show his leadership and manage bureaucratic politics. The typical example of king’s maternal relative forming a political power group was Lee Ja-Kyeom. He had a central role in Munbeol networks at the period and belonged to the Gamun of Choe Sa-Chu, the most honored man at the era. He took charge of protection and instruction for the crown-prince. However, when Lee Ja-Kyeom could not exercise integrated leadership in Munbeol society and reinforced his Jogtang-political group, he was recognized that he actually weakened the king’s authority and asserted his power privately. As grown up, the king In-Jong tried to purge his maternal relatives in the help of royal crony group, but failed. Then it caused Lee Ja-Kyeom’s rebellion.

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