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        대학 영어행정강좌에서의 직업 개발 주입의 효과성 인식에 관한 연구

        앤더슨채드 ( Chad Anderson ) 단국대학교 융합사회연구소(구 단국대학교 사회과학연구소) 2019 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.13 No.2

        취업이 점점 더 어려워지면서, 행정학 전공이 아닌 학생들에게도 공무원 등 정부 관련 직종이 인기가 있다. 이는 많은 행정학 학위 보유자들이 정부와 관련된 직종 외의 진로를 고려해야 하고 이미 정부 관련 직종에서 근무하는 사람들은 그들의 향후 진로를 관리할 필요가 있다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구는 11개의 진로 발전 competency를 제시하고 일반적인 교과강의에 진로 발전과 관련된 콘텐츠를 투입하는 것에 대한 문헌들을 검토하였다. 또한 강의자가 학생들의 진로 competencies를 향상시키기 위해서 적극적으로 진로 발전을 투입하는 사례를 제시하였다. 사례 연구를 진행하는 동안 교과과정의 시작과 마지막에 26 명의 대학생들을 대상으로11개의 competency 준비도에 대한 인식이 어떠한 지 묻는 설문조사가 실시되었다. 11개의 진로 competency를 향상시키는 데 도움이 되는 점에 대한 학생들의 인식을 평가하는 데에 중점을 두고 설문조사 자료가 분석되었다. 그 결과, 학생들의 상호 작용과 평생 학습을 개발하고 유지하고, 일을 획득하고 유지하고, 경력 개발이 나타났다. 교과과정의 마지막에 시행된 설문조사에서 모든 결과가 유의미하지는 않았지만 모든 competency가 증가했다. 이는 더 많은 진로 발전 투입과 관련된 후속 연구의 필요성을 시사한다. As Korean students face job stress, civil service and government jobs are very popular, even for students outside of public administration. Many public administration graduates will need to pursue careers outside of government and all still need to manage their career. This study presents a set of 11 internationally-recognized career development competencies and reviews literature on infusing career development content into regular subject classes. An example is presented of a class where the instructor actively infused career development to enhance career competencies. Survey data from 26 students is examined regarding student perception of preparedness in the 11 competencies early in the class, and at the end of class. Survey data is also reviewed assessing student perception of the class in terms of helpfulness at enhancing the 11 career competencies. There were significant results for interaction, lifelong learning, securing and maintaining work, and career building. All of the competencies showed increase from the first survey to the second, though not all of the results were significant. Even though not all of the results were significant, the experience was positive enough to suggest more career development infusion where reasonable and relevant. Further study is warranted, particular with larger class size.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Cities: Evidence from Liaoning Province

        채드앤더슨,이종열,왕보 한국자치행정학회 2015 한국자치행정학보 Vol.29 No.4

        China has become an urbanized country and the number of Chinese mega cities has been increasing, making Chinese urbanism a significant force in the world. The Chinese economy still lacks sufficient domestic investment, requiring FDI to play the role of domestic entrepreneur.This study examines ten years of data from the 14 cities of Liaoning Province to explore local Chinese data from Chinese cities that provide contrasting examples from cities with different policy and different economic emphasis in order to discover what determines FDI in Chinese cities.This study used time series data with a random effects GLS regression model to estimate the factors correlating with FDI.The dependent variable was FDI, measured in units of USD$10,000. Eleven independent variables were employed to test the effects on FDI of different factors identified in the literature review. These included population density, per capita GDP, tertiary industry, unemployment, real estate employment, ICT employment, science and technology employment, health and social welfare employment, personal income tax, government debt, and a dummy variable for the Coastal Economic Zone. All of the independent variables were significant except for the dummy variable.All of the significant variables were positive except for health and social welfare employment, which was negative. The findings were consistent with predictions, except for the positive result for real estate employment.

      • KCI등재

        Factors Influencing Social Media Use in Local Government

        노재인,채드앤더슨,서진완 한국정보화진흥원 2019 정보화정책 Vol.26 No.3

        The use of social media in government has expanded steadily around the world on the basis of Web 2.0 technology. The government uses social media as a tool for enhancing transparency, participation, collaboration, and saving costs. However, the use of social media in the public sector has not only been positive. It has also been described as a double-edged sword. Most local governments in South Korea use social media for a variety of reasons but there has not been enough practical study of the effectiveness of social media use in the public sector. Local governments generally have positive views of their social media use but the real application of social media is not consistent in each local government. This study tried to determine the reality of social media use in local government and what factors influenced its use. The research analyzed the data from a survey conducted by the Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (KLID) in 2015 and data from Facebook in each local government. The results show that most local governments were using Facebook for promotional purposes and local government officials similarly recognized that they were using Facebook well. However, local governments showed great differences in their use and practical effect. Meanwhile, the study found that population, financial independence, level of government, the entity operating social media, the median age, and whether social media are used for interaction or to gather opinions were the most influential factors that make a difference in utilization in local government.

      • KCI등재

        Political Orientation as a Determiner of Cultural Expenditures at the District Level in Local Korean Government

        이종열,채드앤더슨 한국자치행정학회 2015 한국자치행정학보 Vol.29 No.2

        The mayoral tenures of conservative Lee Myunbak and Oh Sehoon cemented the association of conservatives with local cultural spending in Korea. However, international experience suggests a prominent role for the left in cultural spending, particularly at the local level. Local cultural budgets have been studied well internationally, particularly with regards to political influences on expenditures. Local government autonomy, with popular political demands placed on the budget, suggests more opportunities to look to international explanations and how they can account for the dynamics of cultural spending in Korea. The study seeks to answer the question of the relationship between party and cultural spending by examining cultural expenditures from all 69 autonomous metropolitan city district governments over a period of five years (covering a full political budget cycle) from 2008-2012. The data were gathered and then analyzed using a random effects GLS regression model. In addition to party orientation, incrementalism, and political budget cycles (PBC) are considered as potential explanations, as are administrative, social, and economic factors. All of the variables were significant, except for election year. The variable for liberal district chief was positive and significant and well within the range predicted by the international literature. The PBC variables were negative or not significant. Incrementalism and local tax burden variables were positive and significant, while local budget autonomy was negative. The youth variable was also negative.

      • KCI등재

        Support for Measures to Address the Marginalization of the Third Gender in Bangladesh

        Mohammad Rubel,채드앤더슨 한국사회과학협의회 2023 Korean Social Science Journal Vol.50 No.2

        The third gender, or hijra community, is the representative transgender community in Bangladesh that faces discrimination and marginalization due to social stigma and broad discrimination in many social areas. This paper presents the status of the third gender or hijra in Bangladesh, benchmarks international policy approaches regional standards for third gender policy in South Asia and presents ongoing and proposed Bangladeshi initiatives. This study conducted structured interviews of a purposive sample of 50 people from groups likely to participate in politics and help from public opinion to investigate attitudes towards third gender or hijra and current policy measures and options proposed by government and transgender advocates and based on the measures found internationally. It was found that improvements in transgender rights internationally have most often taken the form of recognition, followed by legal equality, then antidiscrimination, and finally, various welfare measures ranging from quotas to various benefits, including income support. Welfare measures are much less common. Most interviewees supported most of the measures implemented or proposed in Bangladesh, with the broadest human rights, antidiscrimination, education, inclusion, equality, and recognition measures receiving the most substantial support. In contrast, the weakest support went to measures that involved increased administrative burdens and costs, while a few interviewees were hostile toward most measures. Conclusions are then drawn for policy and further study.

      • KCI등재

        Determinants of Environmental Pollution in Provincial Areas in China

        왕보,이종열,강희찬,채드앤더슨 한국자치행정학회 2019 한국자치행정학보 Vol.33 No.3

        Environmental pollution has become an issue in China following rapid economic development, especially in transitioning parts of China. The government has made environmental protection part of the national agenda. A knowledge of what factors affect pollution will help make policy. The relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth has been widely studied. Most studies have tried to explain the relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth in China using just one province or national level data as the target of study. This paper investigated the relationship between urbanization level and air pollution based on province-level panel data over the time period from 2007 to 2014 in China. Two measures of pollution emissions are used in the empirical study: SO2 and soot. Most researchers link the relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution to the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) that indicates an inverted U-shaped relationship. This study investigates the relationship between environmental pollution and development, as well as trade openness, urbanization level, energy consumption, expenditure on environmental protection, secondary industry, and local share of financial revenue by examining data for 30 provinces (covering all mainland province-level administrative units except Tibet) over eight years. The combination of cross-sectional and time series data allows for richer econometric model specifications and more accurate conclusions. The analysis found an inverted U-shaped relationship between economic development and air pollution is strongly verified in the case of SO2, supporting the EKC hypothesis, while soot had a U-shaped relationship. Urbanization level also had opposite relationships, negative for SO2 and positive for soot. Trade openness was associated with decreasing emissions for both pollutants. Electricity consumption was associated with increased emissions. Secondary industry had an unexpected effect of relating to decreased emissions of soot. Environmental expenditure was associated with decreases in both pollutants. Financial resource autonomy had a strong relationship with rising SO2 emissions but not with soot. There appears to be different processes involved in the two pollutants in spite of a number of common sources. The Chinese government at all levels has strong scope for addressing emissions of both pollutants investigated in the study.

      • KCI등재

        환경오염 결정요인 분석 - 중국 지방정부를 중심으로 -

        왕보 ( Bo Wang ),이종열 ( Jong Youl Lee ),강희찬 ( Hee Chan Kang ),채드앤더슨 ( Chad David Anderson ) 한국자치행정학회 2019 한국자치행정학보 Vol.33 No.3

        Environmental pollution has become an issue in China following rapid economic development, especially in transitioning parts of China. The government has made environmental protection part of the national agenda. A knowledge of what factors affect pollution will help make policy. The relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth has been widely studied. Most studies have tried to explain the relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth in China using just one province or national level data as the target of study. This paper investigated the relationship between urbanization level and air pollution based on province-level panel data over the time period from 2007 to 2014 in China. Two measures of pollution emissions are used in the empirical study: SO2 and soot. Most researchers link the relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution to the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) that indicates an inverted U-shaped relationship. This study investigates the relationship between environmental pollution and development, as well as trade openness, urbanization level, energy consumption, expenditure on environmental protection, secondary industry, and local share of financial revenue by examining data for 30 provinces (covering all mainland province-level administrative units except Tibet) over eight years. The combination of cross-sectional and time series data allows for richer econometric model specifications and more accurate conclusions. The analysis found an inverted U-shaped relationship between economic development and air pollution is strongly verified in the case of SO2, supporting the EKC hypothesis, while soot had a U-shaped relationship. Urbanization level also had opposite relationships, negative for SO2 and positive for soot. Trade openness was associated with decreasing emissions for both pollutants. Electricity consumption was associated with increased emissions. Secondary industry had an unexpected effect of relating to decreased emissions of soot. Environmental expenditure was associated with decreases in both pollutants. Financial resource autonomy had a strong relationship with rising SO2 emissions but not with soot. There appears to be different processes involved in the two pollutants in spite of a number of common sources. The Chinese government at all levels has strong scope for addressing emissions of both pollutants investigated in the study.

      • KCI등재

        Student Perception of Career Infusion Efectivenes in an English-Language Public Administration University Class

        앤더슨 채드 단국대학교 융합사회연구소 2019 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.13 No.2

        As Korean students face job stres, civil service and government jobs are very popular, even for students outside of public administration. Many public administration graduates wil ned to pursue carers outside of government and al stil ned to manage their carer. This study presents a set of 1 internationaly-recognized carer development competencies and reviews literature on infusing carer development content into regular subject clases. An example is presented of a clas where the instructor actively infused carer development to enhance carer competencies. Survey data from 26 students is examined regarding student perception of preparednes in the 1 competencies early in the clas, and at the end of clas. Survey data is also reviewed asesing student perception of the clas in terms of helpfulnes at enhancing the 1 carer competencies. There were signifcant results for interaction, lifelong learning, securing and maintaining work, and carer building. Al of the competencies showed increase from the first survey to the second, though not al of the results were signifcant. Even though not al of the results were signifcant, the experience was positve enough to sugest more carer development infusion where reasonable and relevant. Further study is waranted, particular with larger clas size.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Gender Equity in the University English Language Classroom in Korea

        채드 앤더슨,허선영,손승희 한국교양교육학회 2016 교양교육연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The question of fair and equal treatment of men and women in the university classroom has become more important as the proportion of female students has been increasing and the role of women in society has been increasing. Korea rank slowest on the OECD G lass Ceiling Index and education can be seen as the most influential area for removing gender differences between men and women. This study conducted a two-stage investigation to determine gender differences in a Korean university English-language classroom setting and to compare how close the perception is to the objective reality of gender equity. This was done through surveys of perceived gender equity in classes that were then observed to evaluate gender equity through objective measures. A total of 175 students were surveyed and observed in eight English-language classes at two different universities in the near Seoul area. The classes were taught by two professors (one Korean female and one foreign male), with four being taught by each. Both teachers had more than ten years’ experience teaching English in Korea. The overall sample was 49% female. The survey was regarding the student perception of the fairness and equality by the teacher in class in general as well as regarding relative bias towards men or women in particular. Following the surveys, the classes were observed by an observer in class. The observer used objective measures to record the quantity of student teacher interactions and subjective perception to record differences in quality. The results showed that fairness and equality have a close relationship between the student perception and what actually happened in class. It is hoped that this research contributes to greater realization of gender equity in Korean university classrooms, headed for removing gender biases in Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Analysis of Urban Redevelopment from the Viewpoint of Ethical Redevelopment: Seoul’s Cheonggyecheon and the New York High Line

        앤더슨 채드 재단법인 경기연구원 2019 GRI 연구논총 Vol.21 No.3

        Linear redevelopment has become more common in recent decades, especially on expensive real estate that is attractive for development. However, advocates may push forward because of the value. Such projects may arouse strong sentiment among the public and are not easy contained to a single geographic area. All of this makes evaluation more difficult. The principles of ethical redevelopment are being used for redevelopment in the US and have been used in one Korean study to evaluate the qualitative traits of Seoul’s Seoullo 7017. This study used more detailed qualitative data to evaluate and compare Seoul’s Cheonggyecheon and New York’s High Line. The study calculated qualitative scene data from 665 High Line amenities and 1703 Cheonggyecheon amenities photographed on site in the first half of 2016. The scene sub-dimensions were matched to the ethical redevelopment principles and the scene scores were compared. Neither project was a complete match with the ethical redevelopment model, with the Cheonggyecheon only having a partial match for two of nine traits and the High Line partially matching five of nine traits. Ethical redevelopment shows potential for further qualitative evaluation of urban projects, especially large and linear projects that are not compact.

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