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        보천교와 무극도의 신앙대상에 대한 고찰

        진정애 ( Jung Ae Jin ) 한국신종교학회 2011 신종교연구 Vol.25 No.-

        보천교와 무극도는 증산 사후 비슷한 시기에 설립된 종단으로서 신앙의 대상이 같고, 증산이 천지공사 한 내용을 토대로 교리를 체계화하였다. 그러나 신앙의 대상에 대한 호칭에 대해서는 각기 달리하고 있다. 신앙의 대상에 대해서 보천교 전기교단에서는 옥황상제(玉皇上帝)라 하고, 무극도는 구천응원뇌성보화천존상제라고 하여 신앙하였다. 또한 보천교 후기교단에서는 신앙의 대상이 유교적인 면으로 전향하여 천(天)과 신(神)으로 바뀌게 된다. 보천교와 무극도가 신앙대상에 대한 호칭은 서로 다르지만 그 특성을 보면 절대자인 상제가 인간의 모습으로 이 세상에 하강한 것과 우주의 질서 속에 자유자재로 그 권능을 행사할 수 있는 최고신(The Supreme Being)의 성격을 지니고 있다 할 것이다. Bocheon-gyo and Mugeuk-do are religious orders of the same origin and similar history which share the object of belief along with the systemization of religious principle based on Jeung-san`s Reconstruction work of heaven and earth. Bocheon-gyo is a religious order founded by Cha Gyungseok. He became a disciple in 1907, 2 years before Jeung-san`s passing into heaven. Despite his late initiation, he was able to attend to Jeung-san`s Reconstruction work, observing the greatness of his omnipotent power. Upon Jeung-san`s passing into heaven, Cha Gyungseok has established a religious order helping lady Ko who had a dramatic experience. Yet, once lady Ko has moved to another place, Cha Gyungseok led that religious order. In Bocheon-gyo`s former religious order, he claimed Jeungsan as Okhwang Sangje(The Great Jade Emperor) based on Jeungsan`s own narrative during his reconstruction work. In latter religious order with its Confucianistic tendency, the object of belief has turned into heaven and God. In Confucianism, heaven is regarded as a form, Sangje as a supreme superintendent being and vice versa. Thus, Sangje is the highest sole existence which contains the conception of supreme presiding heaven and normative heaven altogether. Meanwhile, Doju Jo Jeongsan, despite his no acquaintance of Sangje Kang, has established a Meugeuk-do(The Religion of Boundlessness), a religious order with orthodox authority through receiving a mysterious revelation from Sangje, Doju Jo Jeongsan has constructed a Meugeukdo Dojang(temple complex) in dochang-hyeon, Gutaein, Jeonlabuk-do in 1925. The object of belief was enshrined as Gu-choen Eung-won Nweh-seong Bo-hwa Cheon-jon Kang-seong Sangje(the Great Creative God and Lord of the Ninth Heaven). And by pronouncing tenet, creed and object which consist of the core teachings of belief, all the conditions of doctinal system has completed. Reviewing on the characteristics of object of belief, which is an ultimate reality, it lies on the fact that absolute God, Sangje has descended to this world as a human-being, not as an immaterial entity. Seeing the fact that the world of humans are interrelated with the world of spirits, he clarify his status among the various names of Sangje-God. Finally, through his Reconstruction work, Jeungsan shows himself to be the Supreme Being who can freely wield the omnipotent power.

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