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      • KCI우수등재

        체육철학 : 마틴 부버의 체육사상

        안진규(AnJin-Kyu),진윤수(JinYoon-Soo) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        The purpose of study was to explore the relationship between the concepts of physical education and Martin Buber's 'I-Thou' concept. Martin Buber didn't articulate through theory of physical education, but it is possible to see connections between modern physical education theory and the principal aim of his thought by analyzing his thoughts on education and his 'I-Thou' conception of relationships.- Martin buber's thoughts physical education can be summarized as follows-1. M. Buber indicated an aim of physical education very similar to that of modern physical education theorists, As with all education, the aim is to develop a whole person. To this end, the primary focus of physical education is the 'I-Thou' relationship.2. Conventional physical education and a Buber-oriented way have things to offer the development of physical and cognitive and motor development each other. Noticeably, modern physical teaching can offer programs for the achievement of Martin Buber's aim of character education and, in thus, physical educator can be helped to better recognize the need to prepare varieties of curriculum for developing individual character and autonomy and to choosing curriculums for bring up whole persons.3. Martin Buber indicates that the right teacher imagine is very important for achieving the aim of education. A student may learn the wrong way by a bad imagine of teacher, although the teacher has good programs and the methods of teaching for bring up person as a whole. The aims of character education can be achieved by an anthropocentric teacher.The requirement of an anthropocentric teacher is to understand the standpoint of the student and recognize students' capability creativity and individual difference : The teacher should not have partiality. In particular the teacher should have the modesty to develop himself and be consciousness of the responsibility for the whole person.4. Ideally students heartily respond to the teacher's call for having an 'I-Thou' Relationship.The minimum necessary requirement for having an 'I-Thou' Relationship is that students love themselves, because students who love themselves can love others. Students are able to accept responsibility for their own actions while being open to information and criticism.To conclude, Martin Buber's thought on education and the 'I-Thou' Relationship indicate that modern physical education comes out of a community of education, because the field of the -'I-It' Relationship is larger than that of the 'I-Thou' Relationship.Therefore Martin Buber requires physical educatiors to focus on the 'I-Thou' Relationship for recovering the validity of modern physical education, which will contribute to establishing the characters of the physical educator and the student.

      • KCI우수등재

        대전체육중ㆍ고등학교의 실태와 발전 방안

        정문현(JungMoon-hyun),진윤수(JinYoon-soo),박만석(ParkMan-seok) 한국체육학회 2017 한국체육학회지 Vol.56 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 체육고등학교의 실태와 발전 방안을 살펴보는 것으로 전국 체육고등학교의 실태를 알아보고 대전체육고등학교의 문제점을 파악하고 이의 개선을 통한 발전 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 전국체육중고등학교 실태와 대전체육중고등학교를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 실태조사 결과 전국 체육고등학교는 16개 교에 3,915명이 재학하고 있었으며, 학생 수는 서울이 392명으로 가장 많았고, 부산 291명, 광주 290명, 경기 286명 순으로 나타났다. 일반고와 혼합형인 제주가 113명으로 가장 적은 것으로 조사되었다. 두 번째로 대전체육중고등학교 학생 323명, 지도자 35명을 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과, 학생들은 학년이 높을수록 만족도가 낮으며, 종목과 따라 학교 시설 만족도에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 지도자들은 근무 경력이 높을수록 체육시설에 대한 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 체육고등학교의 발전 방안으로 실태 분석을 통해 시설현황과 만족도, 운영의 문제점 및 해소 방안, 우수 체육인재 양성을 위한 훈련장 설치를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the present condition and advancement of Daejeon physical ed. High school & Middle School, and it aims to review the present condition of physical ed. High school across the country and identify the problems with their facilities to present a plan of improvement and advancement of physical ed. high schools. Accordingly, research on present condition of physical ed. high school and survey research were conducted. The research on present condition showed the result of 16 physical ed. high schools across of country with 3,915 enrolled students. The number of students was found to be the highest with 392 in Seoul, followed by 291 in Busan, 290 in Gwangju and 286 in Gyeonggi. The number of students was found to be the lowest with 113 in Jeju with its combined type with general high school. Survey research was conducted with 323 students and 35 instructors at D physical ed. high school in D Metropolitan City, and the result showed that students’ satisfaction level lowered among upper year students with differences in satisfaction level according to event and school facilities. In regards to instructors, their satisfaction level was found to be high among instructors with a high number of working experiences. Based on the analysis of present condition of physical ed. high school, this study suggested that it would be necessary to install training facilities as a way to solve the problem with present condition of facilities, satisfaction level and operation, as well as cultivate competent athletes.

      • KCI우수등재

        전국체육대회의 의미와 변화

        정문현(JungMoon-hyun),진윤수(JinYoon-soo) 한국체육학회 2017 한국체육학회지 Vol.56 No.1

        일제 강점기에 운동회를 통해 형성된 민족 독립의 의지가 전국체전의 전신인 제1회 전조선야구대회를 통해 지금의 전국체육대회로 발전해 왔다. 일본에게 주권을 빼앗겨 식민지가 되고만 한반도에서 스포츠가 지니고 있는 민족정신 함양의 기능이 활용됐다. 일본인이 조직했던 “조선체육협회”에 대응하기 위해 조선체육회를 만든 것인데, 이 조선체육회에서 만든 전국체전이 조선의 독립을 이끌어 내고 대한민국 스포츠의 저력을 오늘날과 같이 성장할 수 있도록 이끌어 준 민족체전이 된 것이다. 역사를 지내오면서 8.15 해방과 민족화합의 역할을 수행하고 경기력 향상을 통해 우수선수와 우수지도자를 양성하여 전 세계에 이름을 떨치고, 대한민국을 국제적 스포츠 강국으로 성장시켜 국격을 높이고, 국가 생활체육을 성장시키고, 개최 지역의 경제, 문화의 성장과 지역민의 화합을 이끌어 낸 전국체전의 역할이 재조명되어야 한다. 선조들의 피와 땀으로 물려받은 우리민족의 역사적 유산이며 민족체전인 전국체전이 역사기념사업 등을 병행하여 전국체전의 의의를 깊이 되새길 수 있는 시간이 되어야 하겠다. The volition of independence of the people formed through the athletic meet during the Japanese occupation period has been advancing through the 1st All Joseon Baseball Tournament, a predecessor of the National Sports Festival, into the National Athletic Competition. The National Sports Festival, which was organized by the Joseon Amateur Sports Association in response to the “Joseon Athletic Association” organized by Japanese people utilizing the function of the national spirit cultivation of sports in the Korean peninsula that had lost its sovereignty to Japan and became its colony, is Korea’s largest national sports festival that has brought about the independence of Joseon and allowed the sports potential of Korea to grow to current capacity. It is necessary to reexamine the role of the National Sports Festival throughout our history that played the role of the national liberation and racial harmony and cultivated highly competent athletes and instructors through the improvement of athletic performance to make their mark in the world. In addition, it has elevated the national status of Korea as being a sports powerhouse, cultivated the national sports for all, increased the local economy and culture of the host regions and brought about the harmony of regional people. For the National Sports Festival that is our historic heritage and national sports event handed down through the blood and sweat of our ancestors, it would be necessary to make it into an event during which the significance of the National Sports Festival can be reflected upon in collaboration with historical commemorative programs.

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