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      • 발효 옻 제조용 장수버섯 액체종균 배양시 옻피 첨가 효과

        김민지 ( Min Ji Kim ),지텐드라우파드햐야 ( Jitendra Upadhyaya ),김대운 ( Dae Woon Kim ),김명곤 ( Myung Kon Kim ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2015 농업생명과학연구 Vol.46 No.1

        The stem bark of Rhus verniciflua (RVB) has been used in Korea as a folk medicine to treat diabetes, stomach diseases, blood circulation, hypertension. Most of these various activities are result of the phenolic compounds. However, RVB contains a high level of urushiols and are known to cause allergies in sensitive individuals thus it is not allowed to be used in food. So we therefore attempted to transform the toxic urushiol into an edible ingredient for food and medicine by fermentation with Fomitella fraxinea liquid spawn which supplemented with different RVB concentration for laccase induction. Approximately 91% of urushiol detoxification was accomplished by 10day fermentation with Fomitella fraxinea liquid spawn on Rhus verniciflua Stokes barks. But supplementation of RVB to Fomitella fraxinea liquid spawn inhibited mycelial growth of Fomitella fraxinea for laccase induction and not effective for fermented RVB production. The total polyphenol (gallic acid) and flavonoid (fustin, fisetin, sulfuretin and butein) content decreased to 34.4% by fermentation with Fomitella fraxinea liquid spawn.

      • 장수버섯균 발효에 의한 칠피의 무독화 및 이의 생리활성

        김명곤 ( Myung Kon Kim ),김민지 ( Min Ji Kim ),지텐드라우파드햐야 ( Jitendra Upadhyaya ),용경림 ( Gyeong Rim Yong ),박효숙 ( Hyo Suk Park ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2014 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.1

        칠피 및 버섯균 발효 칠피 중의 allergy 유발물질인 urushiol의 함량과 기능성에 크게 관여하는 것으로 알려져 있는 polyphenolic compounds 및 flavonoid 성분과 생리활성을 비교하였다. 채취 후 3년간 장기 보관하여 자연적인 산화반응을 일으킨 칠피의 경우 urushiol 화합물이 신선 건조 시료에 비해 90% 이상 감소하였던 반면 칠피에 장수버섯을 1개월 배양하여 무독화한 시료의 경우 3개의 성분 모두 극미량으로 검출되거나 거의 검출되지 않아 처리가 간편하고 시간적으로도 효율성이 높은 방법으로 평가되었다. 칠피의 flavonoid 성분은 fustin, butein, sulfuretin, fisetin 순으로 많이 함유되어 있었으며, 저장기간이 길어지거나 버섯균 발효에 의해서 urushiol 감소 속도보다는 낮았지만 flavonoid 함량에서도 감소하는 경향을 보였다. Total phenol 양은 버섯균 처리에 의해서 총 polyphenol 함량이 1/4로 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 항산화 활성은 버섯균 처리구에서 칠피의 1/2~1/4 수준으로 감소하였다. ACE 저해활성은 칠피와 버섯균 처리구 모두 그리 높지 않았으며, tyrosinase 저해활성은 칠피에서 89%, 발효 칠피에서는 95%의 높은 저해활성을 보였다. The stem bark of Rhus verniciflua (RVSB) has been used in Korea as a folk medicine to treat diabetes, stomach diseases, blood circulation, and hypertension. Most of these various activities are the result of the phenolic compounds. However, RVSB contains a high level of urushiols and are known to cause allergies in sensitive individuals thus it is not allowed to be used in food. Therefore, we attempted to transform the toxic urushiol into an edible ingredient for food and medicine by fermentation with Fomitella fraxinea mushroom while maintaining its superior physiological activities. Moreover, approximately 98% of detoxification was accomplished by fermentation with Fomitella fraxinea on Rhus verniciflua Stokes barks. The content of total urushiol (C15:3, C15:2, C15:1) was decreased approximately 90% in natural oxidization bark for three years (NORVSB), almost being extinct in fermented Rhus verniciflua stem bark (FRVSB). The total polyphenol content and total flavonoid (fustin, fisetin, sulfuretin and butein) content decreased by 75% and 25%, respectively, by fermentation with Fomitella fraxinea. DPPH radical scavenging activity of FRVSB was higher than BHT. Angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitory activity was not high in RVSB and FRVSB whereas tyrosinase inhibitory activity was higher and inhibition activity was 89% and 95%, respectively.

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