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        스터럽간격, 철근직경 및 부식률에 따른 인발 실험체의 부착강도 평가

        지성우,정호성,윤차영,이재연,김강수,Seong-Woo Ji,Hoseong Jeong,Cha-Young Yoon,Jae-Yeon Lee,Kang Su Kim 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2023 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.27 No.3

        In this study, pull-out tests were performed to investigate the effects of stirrup spacing, rebar diameter, and corrosion rate on bond strength of deformed bars in reinforced concrete. Twelve pull-out specimens with different stirrup spacing, rebar diameter, and corrosion rate were prepared following the RILEM RC6 guidelines. The test results showed that the bond strength of specimens with stirrups increased when the corrosion rate was less than 3%, whereas it decreased when the corrosion rate was more than 3%. On the other hand, the bond strength of specimens without stirrups decreased as the corrosion rate increased. The effect of rebar diameter was less significant compared to those of stirrup spacing and corrosion rate. A bond strength model for pull-out specimens was proposed considering stirrup ratio and corrosion rate, and the model showed the lowest error among the previous models.

      • KCI등재

        근로권의 헌법합치적 해석에 관한 연구 -독일에서의 단결권과 단체교섭권 해석문제를 중심으로-

        지성우 ( Seong Woo Ji ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학논총 Vol.34 No.2

        German “labor law” is the rules which are applicable to the employment relationship and which structure the collective relationship between capital and labour. German individual labor law is focused on the individual employment relationship, on the other hand collective law is focused on the structures of industrial relationship. The expression “Freedom of Association” in german fundamental law(Grundgesetz) refers to the right of employees and employers to organize themselves in order to safeguard their occupational interest. In germany “Freedom of Association” is understood not only the “right to set up association”, but also comprises a whole range of rights without which the right to organize would lose much of its meaning. “Freedom of Association” means two different rights, so called “positive Freedom of Association” and “negative Freedom of Association”. The “positive Freedom of Association” is the right to join an association, to remain in an association an to be active in an association, whereas the “negative Freedom of Association” means the freedom not to join an association or to leave an association. For the more the German Constitution not only protects the individual`s freedom of association but also guarantees collective industrial organization that have been set up to guard and promote the employment and economic conditions of their members. In german legal system there is no such article, that restrain the individual right to organize or participate to trade union. However german trade unions are mainly organized on an industry or a branch basis and therefore a union is open to all employees in the industry concerned, no matter which trade or occupation they are engaged in. This again implies that there is practically only one union for all employees of the branch or industry. But according to the general theory of fundamental right, in the future the right to association can be restricted if necessary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경제민주화 논의의 규범적 의의와 실천적 지향점에 대한 헌법적 관점에서의 재해석

        지성우 ( Seong Woo Ji ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.36 No.2

        This Thesis is designed to established a resonable viewpoint about so called economic democratization in Korea. Economics is a broad-ranging discipline, both in the questions it asks and the methods it uses to seek answers. This article is intended to give authors some idea of the sorts of issues that economic analyse helps to clarify and kinds of solutions that constitutional principles suggest. Although economic science can contribute theoretical and factual knowledge on a particular issue, the final decision on policy questions often rests on information that is not currently available or on social values about which people differ. By embarking on export-oriented industrialization policy in the 1960s, the Korean state fostered capital concentration and repressed labor demands. After two decades of economic authoritarianism, political democratization in the late 1980s offers a brighter prospect for the democratization of the economy. Nonetheless, the prospect remains imperiled by the consequences of past policy. An Economic Theory of Democracy is a political science article written by Anthony Downs, published in 1957. His treatise set forth a model with precise conditions under which economic theory could be applied to non-market political decision-making. General causes include systemic forces like democratization and economic development; specific causes, however, vary for different countries. The excessive economic democry, which causes the economic socialism should be sublated. We need say no to excessive demand for economic democratization and go for real.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        멀티미디어 시대에 있어 방송개념의 가변성에 관한 연구 - IP-TV 문제를 중심으로 -

        지성우(Ji Seong-Woo) 성균관대학교 비교법연구소 2005 성균관법학 Vol.17 No.3

        In den letzten Jahren hat in Korea eine Diskussion uber den Rundfunkbegriff eingesetzt, deren Ergebnisse sich noch nicht abschatzen lassen. Nachdem sich das vorherige KRG(Das koreanische Rundfunkgesetz) nur auf terrestrische Frequenzen bezog, wurde zusatzlich und selbstandig das Kabelnetz nach ahnlichen Grundsatzen erlassen. Das neue KRG 2000 erweiterte technisch den Rundfunkbegriff auf Satelliten- und Kabelfernsehen. Das neue KRG halt jedoch am technisch geleiteten Rundfunkbegriff fest. Daher besteht weiterhin Kritik an der mangelnden Elastizat und Anpassungsfahigkeit des Rundfunkbegriffs an die technische Entwicklung im Multimedia-Bereich, und es bleibt ebenfalls die Forderung nach einem offenen Rundfunkbegriff bestehen. Im allgemein umfasst der Rundfunkbegriff Horfunk und Fernsehn. Nach dieser Ansicht ist Rundfunk jede an eine unbestimmte Vielzahl von Personen gerichtete drachtgebundene oder drachtlose Ubermittlung von Gedankeninhalten durch physikalische Wellen. Standig weiter entwickelte technische Moglichkeiten jedoch fuhren dazu, dass der Rundfunkbegriff sich ausweitet und umstrittene Konturen erhalt. In diesem Zusammenhang hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht festgestellt, dass der Rundfunkbegriff nicht unveranderlich definiert werden konne, weil Begriff und Bereich jeweils vom Normbereich abhingen. Die eindeutige Zuordnung der “klassischen” Programme zum rechtlichen Rundfunkbegriff schliesst daher nicht aus, dass angesichts des Verschmelzens der elektronischen Medien mit der Welt des Informationsaustausches und der Informationverarbeitung durch Computer bei neueren Erscheinungsformen elektronischer Medien die Grenzen einer solchen Definition verschwimmen. Wurde daher der Normbereich verandert, konnte dadurch der Rundfunkbegriff abgewandelt werden. Aus diesem Grund mussen einige moderne Informations- und Komminikationstechniken daraufhin vergleichsweise untersuchen werden, ob sie in der Zukunft dem Rundfunk zugeordnet werden konnen.

      • KCI등재

        방송의 자유의 입법형성 기준에 관한 연구

        지성우(Ji, Seong-Woo) 한국헌법학회 2009 憲法學硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        이 논문은 미디어의 다양한 미디어 다양성 지수의 개념에 대하여 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 또한 이 연구를 통하여 미디어 다양성과 관련한 몇 가지의 헌법적 평가의 척도를 제시하고자 한다. 다양하고 상반되는 출처들로부터 가능한 한 가장 많은 정보를 공급받는 것은 공공복리를 위하여 필수적이다. 과거에는 공익을 보호하기 위하여 규제기관이 방송산업 내의 방송사업자들을 특별히 우대해 왔다. 전통적으로 커뮤니케이션 산업 내에서 소유집중의 위험성은 독점기업의 결합과 기업의 합병에 참여하려는 시도를 규제하는 정책에 의해 시행되었기 때문에 미디어기업간의 교차소유는 금지되었다. 이와 같은 정책에 반대하는 견해에 의하면 그동안 미디어 산업은 공익이라는 미명하에 경쟁원리로부터 일방적으로 보호를 받았다고 주장한다. 이러한 견해에 의하면 디지털 융합과 미디어 산업의 변화로 인하여 교차소유와 대기업의 방송참여를 제한ㆍ금지하는 현재의 정책과 규제가 헌법적 가치를 실현하는 데 가장 효율적인 것으로 유지될 수 있는지에 대해 의문을 제기하고 있다. 이러한 견해에 의하면 미디어분야에서의 독점금지는 자유로운 시장을 형성하고 이를 유지하는데 유리하기 때문에 이를 장려하여야 한다고 한다. 현재 여ㆍ야는 미디어법의 개정안에 대하여 계속 대립하고 있으며, 어느 한편의 주장이 일방적으로 옳다고 할 수는 없다. 그러나 원칙적으로 미디어 관계법은 표현의 자유를 진작하는 한편 과도한 미디어 시장의 집중을 방지하는 방향으로 제정되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 미디어법의 개정에 있어 입법자는 ‘공익의 개념’, ‘한국의 미디어와 미디어법의 역사적 의미’, ‘현행 미디어집중방지 규제제도의 합리성’ 등에 대하여 신중하게 고려하여야 한다. 삭제하는 경우에는 충분한 의견다양성 보장조치가 병행적으로 규정되어야 한다. The purpose of this paper is to bring a wide array of perspectives to bear on the concepts of media diversity index. This study also attempts to suggest some indexes for the constitutional evaluation. The widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources is essential to the welfare for the public. In the past, for the protection of public interests, regulatory bodies in the broadcasting industries specially favor the broadcasters. Traditionally the dangers of ownership concentration in the communications industry were addressed by combinations of antitrust and regulatory policies controlling the amalgamation of corporate powers. In this regards, cross-ownership between media corporations have been prohibited. The opposition argued that, under the name of public interests, the broadcasting industry has been protected from competition. They believes digital convergence and change of media industry raise questions about whether current policies and regulations(prohibition of cross-ownership and strong regulation participation of a large enterprise) remain the most effective means of achieving constitutional values. From this perspective, antitrust in the province of Media is based on the idea that competition has a beneficial result on free markets, and should be encouraged. The two political parties currently joined loggerheads together during the entire legislative session. It is difficult to say what opinion has a much adequate grounds. But it is certain that the legislation of media should aim to promote the right to free speech and to prevent the excessive concentration of media market. For this reason, lawmakers of media law should consider basic notions, such as, ‘concepts of public interests’, ‘historical meaning of korean media and media law’, ‘rationality of current media ownership regulation’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        방송심의 제재조치 부과기준 연구

        지성우(Ji, Seong Woo),최경미(Choi, Kyung Mi) 미국헌법학회 2016 美國憲法硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        방송의 궁극적 목적은 시청자 권익보호, 민주적 여론형성, 국민문화의 향상, 방송의 발전, 공공복리의 증진에 있다. 이와 같은 이념과 목적에 기초한 개정 「방송법」 제100조 제1항은 해당 방송프로그램 또는 해당 방송광고의 정정 · 수정 또는 중지, 방송편성책임자 · 해당 방송프로그램 또는 해당 방송광고의 관계자에 대한 징계, 주의 또는 경고의 제재조치를 명하기 위해 “위반의 사유, 정도 및 횟수”를 고려하도록 명시하였다. 그런데 방송심의 의사록 또는 의결 내용에 비추어보면 비록 위반의 정도 및 횟수를 계량화 · 산술화한 것은 아니지만, 방송심의규제 위반의 정도 및 횟수를 이미 고려하여 온 것으로 보인다. 따라서 방송통신심의위원회가 그 독립적 행정위원회의 성격에 따라 법령이 부여한 재량범위에서 위반의 정도와 횟수를 이미 고려하여 왔고, 개별적 · 탄력적 심사를 진행했다고 할 수 있다. 이에 따라 개정법률의 “위반의 사유, 정도 및 횟수”를 창설적 규정으로 해석하여 새로운 제재조치 부과기준을 마련하여야 하는지, 아니면 개정 · 신설된 “위반의 횟수와 정도”를 확인적 규정으로 해석할 것인지에 관한 다양한 논의 및 사회적 합의가 필요하다. 만약 개정법이 방송심의 규정 위반의 사유, 정도, 횟수에 따른 제재조치 부과기준의 점수화 · 계량화를 목적으로 한다면, 양형위원회가 시도하여온 양형기준 제시 방법론 및 절차를 참고할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 위반 사유, 정도, 횟수에 따른 제재조치 부과기준 계량화를 위해 양형위원회가 양형기준을 연구해온 것처럼 장기간의 대대적 연구는 많은 인적 자원과 시간을 요한다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 성급하게 제재조치 부과기준을 점수화 · 계량화하려고 하기보다 우선 양형의 기초이론 및 원칙에서 이론적 시사점을 얻고자 하였다. Recently, the Amendment of the Broadcasting Act obligating it to consider “the reasons, extent and frequency of violation when deciding sanctions pursuant to Article 100-1 of the Broadcasting Act has been approved by the National Assembly. Therefore there is a need to establish relevant criteria. Under the amended law, the scope of the reasons, extent and frequency of violation by the types of sanctions after broadcasting review are the key issues. The regulations on the broadcasting contents based on the fairness and objectivity aim to ensure the functions of broadcasting to realize democracy, so it shall not be applied in such a way that it may unduly constrict the essential roles of broadcasting and impede the fair formation of public opinions. Therefore, the regulations on the broadcasting contents shall be based on the principles of excess prohibition and of the non-infringement of other’s rights. Based on the scope of discretion granted by the law to independent executive committee KOSCS according to its nature, the extent and frequency of violation have already been taken into account, implying that reviews are being made individually and flexibly. Therefore there is the necessity of discussion and agreement concerning whether it is required to interpret the extent and frequency of violation in the amended law as newly established regulation or confirmatory regulation in order to establish new criteria for imposing sanctions. If the amended law aims to score and quantify the criteria for imposing sanctions according to the extent and frequency of the violation of the regulations on broadcasting contents, the sentencing guidelines suggestion methodology and procedures which have been attempted by the Sentencing Advisory Panel can be referred to. However as seen in the sentencing guidelines, the sentencing can be established through compromise or negotiation, which is the realistic limit. Therefore if the quantification of sentencing guidelines such as the Sentencing Advisory Panel is chosen, it is necessary to select the sanctions which are critical for the public and establish the criteria for imposing sanctions and review for the domain for which the criteria for imposing sanctions haven’t been established yet by referring to the existing review criteria.

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