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        Foreign Is No Longer Foreign: Globalization, Hollywood and Asian Film Industries

        주정숙(Jungsuk Joo) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2009 영미연구 Vol.21 No.-

        This article aims to critically examine Hollywood's recent interest in Asian film industries and how this is affecting both Hollywood and Asian film industries and reshaping their relationships. It first examines what has led to Hollywood's turn to Asian film industries. In this context, the article looks at the inflow of Asian elements to Hollywood and Hollywood's strategy of going local in Asia. It then examines implications of these developments. It especially pays attention to how these developments bring together and reshuffle the global and the local. It also challenges the binary view that sees Hollywood and local film industries in opposition to each other by looking at the contradictory, uneven and unpredictable ways in which these developments affect Hollywood and Asian film industries.

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