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        1990년대 한국자본주의의 경쟁과 독점 분석

        주무현(Joo Moo Hyeon) 한국사회경제학회 2005 사회경제평론 Vol.- No.25

        이 논문은 1990년대 한국자본주의의 경쟁과 독점을 시장구조의 변화와 그것의 이윤율 효과 분석을 통해 실증하고자 한다. 이와 같은 연구 과제를 해명하기 위해 《광공업 통계조사보고서》의 원시자료가 이용된다. 본 논문의 실증분석은 다음과 같은 결론에 도달했다. 첫째, 1990년대 한국자본주의의 시장구조는 경쟁심화와 독점약화로 특징된다. 둘째, 시장구조의 독점 및 자본간 경쟁 제한이 이윤율 결정의 주요 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 결론적으로 한국자본주의에서 독점적 산업부문이 초과이윤율을 획득하고 있더라도, 그것은 항상적이고 필연적인 영역으로 고착되어 있지 않다. This paper empirically estimates competition and monopoly of Korean Capitalism in the 1990s. Report on Mining and Manufacturing Survey of Korean National Statistical Office(NSO) is used to do analytical purposes, general trends of market structure and the effects of these trends on profit rate by industry According to the estimated results, the market structure of Capitalism in manufacturing Korea is characterized by 'decrease of monopoly' and 'increase of competition'. However, the 'traditional argument' that monopolist capitalists restraints on the move of capital between industries can be effectively survived in Korea of 1990s, because profit ratie rises proportionally with the degree of k concentration ratio and HHI index. Korean economy is featured by the 'entangled' regime of competition with monopoly, and the interruption and realization of general trends in capitalism. So, the monopolistic industrial areas will be changed to competitive areas for monopoly is not a permanent phenomena.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자동차산업의 인적자원관리와 노사관계의 특성

        김형기(Hyung-Ki Kim),주무현(Moo-Hyeon Joo) 한국고용노사관계학회 2001 産業關係硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        We have tried to research into what degree the Japanese style of human resource management practices and industrial relation were adopted into automobile industry in Korea, and what happens to the production system since the second half of 1980s: it is used of Japanization. To do this, firstly, we survey the key factors of Japanese production system. We introduce the notion of Jananization for investigating the pictures and degree of the adoption of Japanes style of human management practices and industrial relation in automobile industry. Based on the results of the experimental studies surveyed at assembly line of Korean Big Three, we conclude that the changes of human resource practices and industrial relation are characterized as the Japanization to be the hybridization process in which Japanese productive methods and principles are partially and unevenly interbreeded into existing American type of fordist production system.

      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 중소기업 정책자금 고용효과의 지속성 분석

        노용환 ( Yong Hwan Noh ),주무현 ( Moo Hyeon Joo ) 한국중소기업학회 2012 中小企業硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        이 연구는 「중소기업 정책자금 융자사업」의 고용효과 분석을 통해 동 자금지원 사업이 ``고용 없는 성장``(jobless growth)의 해결방안으로 제 역할을 수행하고 있는지를 분석하고자 하였다. 기존의 대부분 정책금융 고용성과 분석은 정책금융기관의 입장에서 소규모 표본 설문조사나 산업연관표를 이용한 간접적 고용효과 추정에 머물러 있어 지나치게 공급자 입장만을 대변한다는 의문의 시각이 많은 것이 사실이었다. 또한 고용성과가 순수하게 정책자금에 기인하는 것인지, 아니면 정책자금 지원이 없었다 해도 거둘 수 있었을 것인지를 구분하지 못하는데서 발생하는 선택편이(selection bias) 문제로부터 자유롭지 못했다는 비판을 더할 수 있다. 반면에 이 연구는 처음으로 정책자금이 집행된 제조업, 도소매업, 서비스업 등 전 산업에 속하는 2만 5천여 개의 대표본 중소기업을 대상으로 정책자금 이용 기업 및 비이용 기업의 재무자료와 고용보험 DB의 상용근로자수 기준 고용통계 수집을 통해 미시경제적 관점에서 「중소기업 정책자금 융자사업」의 고용효과를 분석하였다. 보다 강건한 고용효과의 도출을 위해 기술통계분석, 이중차감법을 통한 분석, Heckman류의 2단계 추정을 통한 결과를 비교분석하였다. 정책자금 신청기업 중 채택기업을 처리집단으로, 탈락기업을 통제집단으로 구분하여 단순 이중차감방식으로 분석한 정책자금의 업체별 고용효과는 1년 후에 1.37명, 2년 후에 1.55명(누적치 기준), 3년 후에 1.84명(누적치 기준, 자금투입 1억 원당 0.5명) 수준으로 자금투입 초기에 집중되며, 3년 이후에는 더 이상 나타나지 않았다. 정책자금 이용기업이 정책자금을 이용하지 않았을 때 예상되는 성과와 정책자금을 이용한 경우에 얻은 성과의 차이인 평균 고용효과는 3년 후 0.12명에 불과하여 고용의 지속성이 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 상대적으로 전기·전자·의료정밀·영상음향·통신장비·광학기계 제조업이 고용효과가 높은 생산활동 부문으로 분석되었으며, 자금유형별 고용효과를 보면 단기고용효과는 긴급경영안정자금이, 중장기 고용효과는 개발기술사업화자금, 신성장기반자금, 창업자금의 성과가 높게 나타났다. 자금용도별 고용효과의 경우 단기에는 운전자금이 중장기에는 시설자금의 고용효과가 더 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 한편 정책자금 승인이 중소기업의 고용에 미치는 효과는 업력이 낮고 고용자수가 적은 소규모 기업에서, 그리고 초기 매출액 영업이익률이 높은 미래 유망한 기업일수록 높게 나타났다. 반면에 기업의 담보수준과 부채비율 등 재무상태는 고용효과에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 정책자금의 고용효과 증대를 위해서는 경기둔화시 운전자금의 투입증가를 통해 고용을 유지하고, 경기회복 이후에는 다시 중·장기적 고용증대의 견인을 위해 설비투자자금의 투입비중을 증가시켜야 한다. 아울러 정책자금 투입으로 증가한 고용의 지속성을 강화하기 위한 노력이 수반되어야 한다. Since the Korean economy is considered as being trapped in a jobless economic growth stage, it is important to create jobs via implementing various economic policies. Among them, this study investigates whether the policy loan on the SMEs in Korea is being operated in employment-friendly ways. Using a micro-econometrics analysis, we compare the performance between treated and controlled establishments to calculate the employment impact. While the employment effects using an input-output table of a central bank in the perspective of macro-level public expenditure have an indirect impact on the establishments which have used policy loans, micro analysis could generate a direct impact on employment in the participating establishments relative to the non-participants. This study focuses only on the loans associated with the ``Small and medium Business Corporation`` (SBC), which is a non-profit public organization established to implement such government policies for the development of SMEs. Regarding this program, it is well known that commercial banks are reluctant to serve SMEs. This is mainly due to lenders` incomplete information about SMEs and the firms` lack of collateral to secure commercial loans. Policy loans for SMEs, therefore, are implemented to compensate commercial banks` losses and take inherent risks, while keeping borrowing rates low relative to the commercial rates. In this study, we evaluate the job-creation effects of the policy loans in the following ways: First, we use an establishment-level employment insurance database of the Korea Employment Information Service for the employment effects evaluation. Second, to cure a potential bias from treatment selection conditional on observed variables due to the effects of unobserved variables, we first introduce a simple two-period, two-group comparison associated with the employment effect before and after implementing government programs, which is well known as the ``difference in difference`` (DID) method. Third, since we do not know outcomes for untreated when it is under treatment, and for treated when it is not under treatment, individual performance cannot be observed simultaneously. Thus, we estimate the employment effect by comparing the performance of the treatment group that participated in the relevant policy and that of a similar control group. Forth, we propose strategies for increasing jobs with the support of policy loans for SMEs. Analyzing the effect of SME policy funds on employment, we extracted 25,613 establishments out of the establishments that applied for policy-loans between 2005~2010. To control for double support, the sample is restricted to the establishments that applied only once to the policy loan. The employment effect of the beneficiary establishments of the SBC policy funds is analyzed to see the T+1 year, T+2 year and T+3 year,starting from target year (T). After the policy fund support, within the three years of the research period, the result clearly shows that the number of average employees of participant establishments increased compared to that of non-participants. According to a simple DID analysis, the average number of employees of the participants increased by 1.84 persons after three years from receiving the policy loan compared with non-participants. This effect, however, seems to be a short-run phenomena as we have difficulty finding evidence of employment sustainability associated with policy loans. This result is robust with the Heckman (1976) type of adoption and usage models. It is also investigated that the employment effects are higher in the industries such as electronic components and precision instruments than other industries. The short-run effects are higher in policy loans associated with the management stabilization, while the long-run effects observed in loans associated with the commercialization of R&D results, foundations of new economic growth, and venture business start-ups. It was also found that in the short run, working funds are an effective way of maintaining and increasing employment rather than plant and equipment investment, and vice versa. The effect of approved policy loan on employment is negatively associated with firm age and its size, while it is positively associated with the return on net sales. It also found that the collateral and debt ration of establishments do not significantly affect establishments` employment. SME financing from the public sector seems to be essential. It has been shown that, at the minimum, there exists a significantly positive relationship between the policy fund and its effectiveness on employment in the short run. Our results also imply that when providing policy loans to increase the employees, it is more desirable to target young prospective SMEs rather than matured firms in terms of firm size and age. Lending to SMEs via commercial banks is decreased in a recession phase, while increased in the expansion phase, causing excess investment. Policy loans can play a pivotal role in alleviating this kind of co-movement between commercial loans to SMEs and the business cycle. In particular, for maintaining and increasing employment of SMEs, policy loans in the recession phase should be concentrated on short-run working funds, while those in the expansion phase should be concentrated on long-run plant and equipment investment. This paper is divided into four sections, including the introduction. In section 2, we introduce the methodology and the description of data used in the paper. In section 3, we empirically analyze the effect of policy loans on the establishments` employment using micro level pooled data. The last section concludes the paper by providing policy recommendations to reinforce the employment effect of loans from the public sector.

      • KCI등재

        조사논문 : 농식품 수출 환대 지원 정책의 파급효과 분석

        박순찬 ( Soon Chan Park ),주무현 ( Moo Hyeon Joo ),김성훈 ( Soung Hun Kim ) 한국축산경영학회 2013 농업경영정책연구 Vol.40 No.2

        In 2008, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries declared that the exportation value of agro-food will be increased to 10 billion dollars by 2012, and introduced various program to promote the exportation of agro-food. Some studies discussed about the government programs to promote agro-food exportation and evaluated the effect of programs, but they usually focused one side of the promotion programs for agro-food exportation. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of promotion programs for exportation of agro-food. Especially, this study used the modified CGE model (Computable General Equilibrium Model), in order to analyze the overall effects considering more various factors. The results of studies present that the promotion programs in 2010 might contribute the 1.41% increase in agricultural industry and the 0.12% increase in GDP. The results also show that the promotion programs might contribute the 0.04% increase in social welfare, which could be 2.1 billion dollars. Consequently, the promotion programs for agro-food exportation showed the clear positive effects.

      • 노동운동과 정치운동의 맥락적 의존성 : 부마민주항쟁 사례연구

        주무현 경상대학교 사회과학연구소 2003 사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        I analyse the contextual dependency between labour movement and political movement in the case of the Busan and Masan Areas' democratic movement of 1979. This paper focuses on the concept of political and industrial opportunity structure as a determinant of labour movement an political movement. Busan and Masan Areas' democratic movement depended contextually on the growth and development of the democratic union movement of 1970s. The success of the political movement opened the political opportunity structure of labour movement of 1980 in Korea. At same time Korean labour movement was contextually determined by the political movement as such Busan and Masan Areas' democratic Movement. In conclusion, the success of labour movement will depend on how it use the political opportunity structure in Korea.

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