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      • 後期中等敎育과 農業敎育의 方向

        朱權 건국대학교 농과대학 농업교육학과 1975 農業敎育硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        지역적 농업교육은 지역사회기개발계획의 범주에 속한다. 또 농업개발은 지역사회개발에 직결된다. 국가개발과 그에 수반되는 농업과 농촌의 변모를 예기하면서 지역사회발전의 방향을 모색해야 할 것이다. 지역사회개발의 방향은 양면에서 접근해야 한다. 그 하나는 급변하는 공업사회와 도시적 문화사회에 적응할 수 있는 구조개선의 면이고 다음 하나는 새시대에 적응할 수 있는 인간상의 구현을 위한 교육적 접근이다. 지역적 농업기술과 농촌사회의 교육적 접근수단을 본논문에서는 ① 정규적 학교교육과 ② 부정규적 농촌사회교육의 양면에서 동시적 접근방법을 제시했다. 정규적 학교교육은 후기중등교육의 세계적 추세에 순응한 기초과학교육의 중점적 실시와 더불어 기계화 농업 및 광의 지역사회개발교육의 강력한 추진을 강조했으며 부정규적 농촌사회교육은 새마을 교육의 일환으로 실시하되 농촌지도소의 기술교육과 지역각급학교의 기초적 과학교육이 쌍벽을 이루어야 하나 각급지도자의 양성이 선행되야 함을 강조했다. 교육은 인간개발이며 인간은 유기적 존재이므로 발달속도가 자연법칙적 완만성을 불면한다. 또 농촌지역사회는 후진사회이며 후진사회의 발전속도는 반비례적으로 완만하다. 이러한 이중적 제약요인의 기반을 해결하는 것이 농업교육의 고충이다. 농업교육자는 성직자적 숭고한 정신자세 각별한 연구 노력이 특히 요청된다 하겠다.

      • 農村構造改善과 農民意識變化의 相關性問題

        朱權 건국대학교 1979 學術誌 Vol.23 No.2

        1.Development of rural community requires structural improvement of agriculture and agricultural villages which is carried out side by side with social training to elevate the conceptual standard of farmers. Imbalance between the two, however, is often unavoidable because of the demonstrative material development which outpaces the slow, non-demonstrative human development. A balanced development can accelerate the tempo of the overall community development but imbalance can become a major bottleneck to such development. 2.The process of industrialization is creating a negative commotion in the rural society to become skeptical about farming. Migration of farming populace is an unavoidable phenomenon, which sometimes has nothing to do with the desires of formers themselves. 3.Earning of income by individual members of a family has undermined the prestige of the head of family, and the class structure of rural society is undergoing an alteration process. 4.Increase in farmers' income, competition among farmers for more land and acarcity of arable land, possession of excessively large land by a small few, abnormally high land price, overnight transformation of farm land into a lot for urban-stale housing, etc. -farmers' conventional concept of land is changing because of these happenings which sometimes even mislead them to speculative frivolousness. 5.Long-term objectives of structural improvement of rural village : a.Cooperative farming for main crops and mechanized farming b.Grouping of farm houses and regionalization of rural villages c.Application of scientific farming and agricultural industrialization 6.The question of imbalance must not be overlooked-the imbalance between the ambitious and impatient government policy and the lagging and insufficient administrative support and the lowliness of farmers' conceptual level. Forced implementation of government policies for national modernization in the absence of sufficient administrative support and leadership for the farmers often aggravates the gap between the government policy and the farmers' responsiveness. 7.Conventional farm village democracy is gradually being replaced by a European style modern democracy as the administrative function of the village is strengthened and the scope of cooperative activities expanded through the Saemaul Movement. This is to say that human relations in the villages are changing from the compassionate contacts based on the concept of "your neighbor is your cousin" to the urban-like heartless contacts based on selfish calculation. 8.Korean farmers' history-old self-awareness of their sufferings and their desire to free themselves from the sufferings is finding a breakthrough in the Rural Saemaul Movement. Saemaul Movement is like lighting a light of reality to the subconscious mind of farmers who have been praying for blessings in this life. It may be considered as a movement to revive the SILHAK (pragmatism) doctrine of PAK Che-ka. The government-oriented Saemaul Movement is continuously making a steady progress first by somewhat superficial environmental improvement and then by the stimulus coming from the process of industrialization of the national economy. Permeation of the spirit of Saemaul Movement among farmers can provide a momentum for a conceptual revolution of the farmers.

      • 農業近代化와 人間要素의 役能에 관한 硏究

        朱權 건국대학교 1969 學術誌 Vol.10 No.1

        1. This thesis, a greater part of it, consists of hypotheses and therefore works should follow it in order to establish them as affirmed dogmas. 2. In underdeveloped countries, securing of domestic market is essential for industrialization. Therefore, it should take step by step, roundabout process of first expanding the rural consumer market throught increase in farmers' income and this in turn inducing industrial mass production. 3. Agricultural modernization should be materialized through well-balanced reciprocal development of various relevant fields: a. Agricultural production essentially of farmers b. Production of agricultural producing factors c. Circulative field such as shipment, transportation, processing and storage of agricultural products. 4. The moat important for agricultural modernization are: a) Te increase the capabilities of farming population (b) To improve the quality of material capital. The problem of expanding arable land and increasing fertility is one that is very keenly felt by farmers of underdeveloped countries, but this can be solved automatically if (a) and (b) above are achieved and thus highly advanced scientific farming techniques are being employed. 5. In order to achieve agricultural modernization, development of physical facilities and human education must be carried out side by side. 6. Factors relevant or detrimental to agricultural modernization are as follows : (a) External factors: 1) Inadequate policy 2) Role of industries relevant to agriculture 3) Transportation problem, etc. (b) Internal factors: 1) Lack of indirect contacts 2) Growth of population 3) Conventional way of thinking 4) Conventional method in farming 5) Unstableness and pettiness of agricultural industry 6) Pettiness of agricultural management 7) Seasonal leisure and business 8) Lack of education 9) Uncooperativeness 10) Lack of capital, etc. 7. Areas to be approached in promoting agricultural modernization are outlined as follows : (a) Prerequisite to creation of favorable atmosphere: 1) Fulfillment of prerequisite on policy-Making level 2) Establishment of joint promotion system among development agency, and local neighbors (b) Concrete measures for promoting development: 1) Training and retaining of qualified leaders 2) Development of human resources 3) Improvement of irrigation facilities, readjustment of arable land, increasing of land fertility, expansion and improvement of social and cultural facilities 4) Formation of cooperative farm production centers which will enable farmers to yield high profit 8. Human elements of rural community comprise in general the following : ◁표삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) Agricultural modernization process is to be greatly affected depending on which way the Floating Tyde farmers turn to. Generally speaking, some fifty dercent of Korean farmers apparently belong to the Indifferent Tyde. 9. The role of Leading Farmers in agricultural modernization process is very important. However, current analysis on them reveals the following : (a) The Innovators seem to possess strong desire of gaining reputation by devoting themselves to development work of their communities rather than satisfying their own personal desires. (b) The Innovators are far from being satisfied by the existing status of their cusiness. (c) From the view point of revenue, 77% of the Innovators are either maintains the status quo or even less. Therefore, it is necessary to find away out of this situation. (d) The existing state of things, including what support they are provided by the government, what guidance by the Agricultural Development, and what arrangements and assistance they are provided by the Agricultural Cooperative Bank, are far from satisfying the Innovators. (e) The Innovator's major difficulties in their business management seem to be: 1) Lack of capital, 2) Instabiliiy of price in both sale of farm products and purchase of production goods, and 3) Introduction of new and innovatory agricultural technique. (f) There seems to be prevailing interest among the Innovators in the formation of cooperative farm production centers as countermeasures to the existing managerial difficulties. 10. As for renovation of agricultural technique, extort should be directed toward gaining maximum adoption effect from individual Innovators or Leading Farmers while approaches should be made from the level of social structure to the General and Retarded Farmers so that the maximum diffusion effect may be obtained. 11. General characteristicts of the Rural Instructors are as follows : (a) Majority (53.8%) of incumbents do honour public reputation more than their personal interest. Approximately 30 percent of them actually desire to become the pure-hearted leaders of rural communities of the 6,350 Rural Instructors currently on job, however, only approximately ten percent are truly qualified for the job. (b) Difficulties that confront Rural Instructors are: 1) Lack of capital (poverty) on the part of farmers. This seems to be the most serious facor which is applicable to as much as fifty percent of all cases. 2) Inadequate policy and lack of capability on the part of Rural Instructors themselves. This is so with 25.3 percent of the cases. 3) Ignorance and laziness on the part of farmers. This is so in 19.5 percent of the cases. Consequently, 96.8 percent of these Rural Instructors feel that the existing agricultural development system and guidance method need to be revamped. (7) Rural Instructors are acutely aware of their need for more trainning and skill (84.7%). Therefore, the question of providing sufficient training to these Instructors needs to be considered as a matter of great urgency. (d) Compared with other general administrative service employees, the Rural Instructors' promotion rate is only 45%. The Rural Instructors receive salaries that are only 80% of those paid to school teachers. Annual decrease in number of these Instructors rates as high as 8.5%, the highest of all government services. Because of the factors cited above and of the naive nature of their function, not as showy as some other government functions are, the morale of Rural Instructors is extremely low. Therefore, in view of the fact that these Instructors are educators of rural communities, improvement should be made on their status so that they are accorded the same or similar treatment as general education service employees, and a qualification standard similar to that of public education service employees should be established for them at the same time. (e) No less than 50% of farmers are in disfavour of the Rural Instructors. This seems to be largely because their instructions and guidance are guidance are not practical. Further analyzed, this is attributed to the fact that their morale is low and their workload and work area is far too big, guidance system is inadequate, operational funds are insufficient, lack of capability on the part of Instructors themselves, etc. (f) Objectives of farming or Rural Instructors are not always clear. They do not seem to realize the importance of the Leading: Farmers and they lack interest or belief in helping them. The most effective area of their guildance is in familiarizing the farmers with the method of using farm chemicals and of preventing damages by blight and harmful insects, but this is about the only area of effectiveness. In other areas, the merits and demerits are half and half. (g) For guidance of farm women, specially trained woman instructors are needed. (h) A large number of rural organizations failed to satisfy the needs of affiliated members, and consequently they became mere names and sign boards. Organizations that do not function bring about only adverse effect. 12. Major points of consideration in improving the existing situations are the following: (a) As a prerequisite, a policy for rural modernization should be established in concrete from. (b) Establishment of a Central Community Development Agency that is comparable to the national construction agency. Little can he expected to be achieved under the existing system where the community development jerk is subordinate to rural guidance project under the jurisdiction of a section of the Agricultural Development Office. (c) The ideal way of carrying out rural modernization work is to carry out meterial development and human development side by side with emphasis placed on the latter achievement of which may be realized through promotion of indirect contacts. The existing policy, based one-sidedly on the material and physical aspect of economy, will only aggravate the imbalance between the two factors, material and human.

      • 地域社會開發過程에서의 農村社會敎育의 機能問題

        朱權 건국대학교 1974 學術誌 Vol.18 No.1

        1.The primary concern involving the question of backward communities lies in the fact that the gap is growing wider and deeper between the backward and advanced communities. 2.The fundamental principle of community development calls for a parallel development of the material economic progress with the spiritual human development. 3.The need and inevitability for a vigorous execution of community development projects at the present stage of national development may be summarized in the following. a. Successful implementation of economic development plans and national modernization projects since 1960 has achieved a remakable degree of urban industrialialization. This urban industrial progress, however, caused a widened and deepened disparity, regional and industrial as well as social, such as the gap between city and village and between industry and agriculture, and because of such disparity, social instability and a climate of distrust became prevalent. b. Emergence of the new riches, prosperous import-export trade activities, the demonstrative effect upon our people of advanced overseas countries, the rapidly changing international and domestic situations, rampant social irregularities, cultural inadaptability and sense of frustration on the part of the lower class people and their turning to violence, and the strengthening of political power to cope with such violence, etc... Amidst of these rapidly changing phenomena of the people's livelihood, the discontent of the lower classes for lagging progress is likely to take a more blunt form. c. Communistic rigidness of the north makes it unlikely that the nation be reunified through negotiations in near future. In order to prepare ourselves better against possible attack by force of the north, it is essential to strengthen our national defense capability by making the people realize the merits of democratic politics and by providing them through development of backward communities the conditions and circumstances under which they can enjoy lives in their native communities. 4.Problems of present stage community development, including those listed below, need to be reviewed and readjusted. a. The question of how to adjust the slow progress of community development to the national need for a rapid development. b. The question of eliminating those false theories on community development which are frequently and thoughtlessly voiced by those who attempt to take advantage of the nationwide boom of the Saemaul Movement. c. The question of conducting an effective and scientific appraisal of the community development movement so as to minimize errors and the question of establishing a permanent measure by which the demonstrative physical development and the invisible human development can maintain harmony. 5.Community development can be effectively accomplished only through a harmonized combination of social education program and programs for structural improvement for production and circulation fields. 6.The question of guidance and training in the process of community development include the following. a. Dual characteristics of human growth b. Acquisition of basic scientific knowledges c. Industry-school cooperation d. Securing of qualified leaders e. Accommodation of technical renovation f. Penetration of religion into local communities 7.Construction of a modernized rural community involves the following. a. Mechanization of farming 1) Adoption of scientific farming methods 2) Creation of agricultural foundation for mechanization b. Complete self-sufficiency in food production 1) Diversification of food and structural self-sufficient system 2) Establishment of a combined food policy net dependent solely upon rice production 3) Development of livestock industry 4) Increase of rice production 5) Increase of potato production 6) Increase of fruit production 7) All season production of fresh vegetables c. Development of mountainous areas d. Construction of modernized rural villages 1) Maximization of income and renovation of rural environment 2) Increase in income of rural households 3) Creation of export zones for agricultural products 4) Cultivation of farms for tourism 5) Maximization of extra-agricultural income 6) Vigorous implementation of plans of for modernized rural villages 7) Overall renovation of rural housing 8) Electrification and motorization of rural households 9) Establishment of measures for fuel problems of rural households 10) Expansion of cultural and welfare facilities 11) Water utility facilities for entire rural households 12) Beautification of rural scenery and landscape and prevention of pollutions 8.Problems which confront the guidance and training activity in community development include the following. a. The question of establishing the principles and the basic attitude of the Saemaul Training b. The question of maintaining a close industry-school cooperation in rural area c. The question of generalizing and propagating community training in rural society 1) The question of adopting the TWI(training within industry) method in the training of leaders and the RPT (role playing training) method in the training of the middle classes 2) The question of adopting the most effective training method for the farmers in general 9.The secrets of success in community development may be summarized in the following. a. Community development principles must be observed at all times. b. Hastiness and impatience must not be allowed in any phase of community development. c. The leading role of community development must be played by the community inhabitants themselves. d. Community development must be preceeded by educational training and guidance of community leaders. Execution of community development projects must be conducted strictly in accordance with the democratic principle throughout the entire development process; the interest and concern of community people-their participation-debate-resolution-undertaking of project-continuation of project-maintenance and control-utilization, etc. f. Community development, in principle, comprises two programs to be carried out side by side, the social and educational program for functional development of the community inhabitants and the structural improvement program for material development of the community.

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