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      • KCI등재

        산업안전보건법의 체계 정립 방안에 관한 미래의 방향

        조흠학,백희정 한국비교노동법학회 2023 노동법논총 Vol.59 No.-

        본 논문은 국내・외 안전보건 기술기준 체계 등을 분석하여 우리나라의 안전보건 기술기준 체계의 문제점을 파악하여 산업안전보건법의 체계 정립 개선방안을 마련하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 현행 산업안전보건 기술기준 체계의 문제점으로 첫째, 기술기준의 연계성의 부족이다. 현재는 법과 령, 규칙 및 기술표준 및 자율 기술지침으로 구성된 현행 안전보건 기술기준 체계는 개별적・단절적으로 제도적 정비가 되고 있어 각 기준의 규율 수준이 서로 중첩되는 경우가 있다. 또한 법령체계 내 연계성・합리성 및 구체적인 획일적 집행 규정이 미흡하여, 수규자 입장에서의 산안법의 준수를 위한 구체적 실행방안을 제시하지 못하는 사례들이 발생하고 있다. 둘째, 기술기준의 명확성의 문제점을 지적할 수 있다. 현행 산업안전보건기준에 관한 규칙과 고시와 KOSHA guide를 비교해 본 결과, 각각의 규정 내 수치 적용의 문제점, 조문 내용의 명확성 문제점, 단위 및 용어 차이의 문제점, 추상적인 표현 사용의 문제점 등이 나타나고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해 산업안전보건 기술기준 체계의 일원화 정립 방안을 제시한다. 첫째, 통합 고시 및 기술 CODE 방안이 필요하다. 산업안전보건법 제13조의 근거에 따라 “기술 또는 작업환경에 관한 표준에 관한 고시”를 제정하고 있는 19개의 고시를 통합고시로 변경할 경우, 기존의 19개의 고시를 코드화 시키기 위한 법률적 근거를 마련하기 위하여 통합 고시가 필요하다고 본다. 통합 고시를 바탕으로 기존의 19개의 고시를 업종별・위험요인 별로 코드화 시킬 필요가 있다. 둘째, 19개의 업종별 고시를 두고 기술CODE 방안을 검토할 필요가 있다. 우리나라의 각 기술기준 체계(법, 기준규칙, 기술표준, 자율 기술지침)를 재정비하여 업종별 고시를 두고 위험요인별 기술 CODE화 한 후 코드에 따른 내용을 중심으로 예방조치를 취하는 방안이다. 끝으로 산업안전보건법의 기술기준 체계 정비 방안은 단계적으로 이루어질 필요가 있으며, 관계전문가, 노・사 관계자 및 학계 등의 의견을 수렴하여 진행할 필요가 있을 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this study is to rationalize the scope of appropriate discipline and level between occupational safety and health laws and KOSHA Guides. To strengthen the connection between occupational safety and health technical regulations, this study is to suggest alternative measures. To identify the problems in South Korea’s safety and health technical regulations system, this study reviewed two perspectives as follows; First, reviewing and analyzing the problem of the establishment of occupational safety and health technical regulations. Second, suggesting the establishment plan for the unification of occupational safety and health technical regulations system. Ocupational safety and health technical regulations system had two problems, which poblem of connection in technical regulations and poblem with the clarity of technical regulations. This study suggested two alternative measures. first, itegrated Notice and Technical CODE Plan is that based on Article 13 of the OSH Act, in the case of changing 19 notices that enact “Notices on Standards for Technical or Work Environment” to integrated notices, it is deemed necessary to provide legal grounds for coding the existing 19 notices. Based on the integrated notice, it is necessary to code the existing 19 notices by industry and risk factors. Second, technical CODE Plan is that by this field application method, general and comprehensive means are stipulated in the rules on occupational safety and health standards with further details presented in the technical CODE. The results of this study expected to improve the applicability of technical regulations in the field, effectively conducting risk assessment, safety work training, and safety inspections of dangerous machines and equipment.

      • KCI등재

        산업안전보건법의 제정에 관한 역사적 의미에 관한 연구

        조흠학,이관형 경북대학교 법학연구원 2011 법학논고 Vol.0 No.37

        Looking at the legal history of Korea and foreign countries, it is evident that the change in the Occupational Safety and Health Act went along with social changes in both Korea and the rest of the world. In countries with the written law system, the source of law is what is written in the statute and what constitutes the source of law has great significance. When talking about source of law in practical law system (customary law system), the emphasis is given to the written law as well as interpretation of the court. However, customs, cases, theories, and law of nature often take precedent over the written law or the court’s interpretation. On the contrary, in regards to Occupational Safety and Health Act, decisions are made solely based on the factual relation rather than the previous court rulings. The criteria for what constitutes an occupational disease are changing. The previous criterion of “clear causal relationship” has changed to “considerable causal relationship.” For example, in the case of multiple cerebral infarction, which can be caused by various factors, clinical findings that shows the base group significantly exceeding the average incidence rate of the control group (even after adjusting for age) can be interpreted as the base group having “significant” causal relationship to the hazardous substances, unless other explanations are given. This led to the change in the recognition criteria of occupational diseases from clear causal relationship to considerable causal relationship, and this brought changes to the grounds for legal decisions. Acknowledging significant causal relationship as a valid explanation for the occurrence of occupational disease can be considered as the first case of “resipsa loquitur the thing speaks for itself” in Occupational Safety and Health Act. Also this serves as a milestone for Korea because Korea’s legal system, which is based on the Continental law system, as it went through a partial change by adopting Anglo-American legal system, which emphasizes precedents. Against this backdrop, the historical background of the Occupational safety and Health Act of Korea shows rapid legislative process of the Act as well as the fast improvement in public awareness on safety and health, together with the fast economic growth. However, what requires attention is the effectiveness of the Act in preventing accidents in workplaces. For the Act to function as a basis for reducing accidents, the current legal system and structure should better reflect the reality of Korea’s labor relations. 법제사적인 측면에서 나타난 한국의 노동관계는 구한말부터 노동관계와 산업안전보건의 인식이 미약하나마 존재하였다. 외국의 경우를 보면 노동법의 효시라고 하는 도제보건의 건강에 관한 법률이 사실상 산업안전보건법이라 볼 수 있다. 따라서 산안법이 제정되고 이후에 근로관계에 관한 법률들이 싹터왔다. 그러나 우리나라는 근로기준법이 우선이고 이후에 산업안전보건법이 제정되어 산업안전보건이 근로관계의 후속적인 조치처럼 되어지고 있어 사업장에서 지키지 않아도 되는 법률처럼 인식되어 왔다. 그러나 산안법이 사회적 변화에 따라 개정되면서 산안법의 질병에 관한 판단기준이 기존의 “명백한 인과관계”에서 “상당한 인과관계”로 변화되어 진 것은 고무적인 것이라 볼 수 있다. 질병인정에서 인과관계에 관한 다른 설명이 가능하지 못할 경우 위해물질에 대한 판단집단군이 “상당한” 인과관계가 있음을 인정하게 되는 것으로 직업병 판단의 명확한 인과관계를 상당 인과관계로 전환시킨 중요한 계기가 되었다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 상당인과 관계는 일명 ‘일응추정의 원칙’이라 하여 산업안전보건법에서 최초로 도입하였다고 할 수 있으며, 현행 대륙법 계통을 따르는 한국 법률특징에서 영미법계의 판례적 특징으로 일부 전화되어진 커다란 기준이 되고 있다. 이러한 배경으로 우리나라의 산업안전보건법은 짧은 역사속에서 산안법이 어떻게 효율적으로 재해 예방에 기여하느냐가 가장 큰 문제이다. 보다 효율적인 재해 감소의 기준 틀로서 사업장에서 작동하기 위해서는 현재의 법률체계와 구조에서 나타나는 산안법의 법적 성질과 규제방식의 변화, 산안법 적용제외의 재정비, 산안법에서 나타나는 의무충돌현상의 배제와 개인정보보호 등에 관한 폭넓은 연구가 필요하다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        산업안전보건법에서 사업주 교육의 실효성 확보방안에 관한 연구

        조흠학 한국사회법학회 2008 社會法硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        Yielding the effectiveness of occupational accident prevention becomes difficult unless the responsibility of prevention mechanism is fully recognized by the employer and the employers are prominently educated on this matter. Article 32 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act states about the employers’ education, and with the amendment of Law No. 4220 on January 13, 1990, employers’ job education regulation was established. With the amendment in December 1996, Article 38 of the Ministerial Decree with the objective of reducing incidents was stipulated from “management inspector who manages and inspects the tasks that were involved in occupational accident appointed by the Minister of Labor” to “employers of the enterprises with more than 2 work-related casualties per year.” However, since there were some problems relating to the contents of the employers’ education system and only the large companies were covered for the serious accidents, the effectiveness of the act was questioned. Thus with the latest amendment of the OSHA, employers and management inspectors’ education mentioned in Article 32 of the OSHA was abolished. The primary factor for recently plateaued accident rate could be singled out to political errors of occupational prevention projects, but it is in fact the lack of employers’ consciousness and recognition conversion, although in ideal theory, employers should be fully responsible for the workplace safety and health prevention measures.

      • KCI등재

        개정 산업안전보건법령의 현황과 문제점

        조흠학,장유리 한국비교노동법학회 2019 노동법논총 Vol.46 No.-

        The “Occupational Safety and Health Act” promulgated this year focuses on expanding the scope of protection and clarifying responsibilities. The purpose of the contract is to clarify the ‘worker’, and the concept of the owner in the contracting business, the duty of establishing the safety and health plan of the representative of the company (representative director), prevention of occupational accidents at the affiliated headquarters, the registration of tower crane business. It can be evaluated that the workplace has rearranged the safety and health preventive responsibilities that should be taken against the protected object, focusing on what is and what is needed. Sub-legislation (Enforcement Decree, Enforcement Regulations) of the “Occupational Safety and Health Act” to be enforced next year has been enacted on April 22, 2019. Sub-legislation is important because it enacts the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which will be enforced next year. As the industrial safety and health law, which faced criticism that the opinions of stakeholders have not been sufficiently gathered during the revision process, the contents of the subordinate statutes that specify this should be examined more carefully and carefully. From this point of view, this study reviewed the contents of the sub - ordinance, focusing on the articles newly established in the revision of the Industrial Safety and Health Law, and sought to draw up improvements.

      • KCI등재

        사법제도개혁에 따른 노동분쟁제도의 재정립 - 노동법원설립의 당위성에 관하여

        조흠학 한국비교노동법학회 2005 노동법논총 Vol.8 No.-

        Close examination of current labor disputes shows that labor courts are more effective in settling labor disputes than Labor Commissions. Nevertheless, under the current system, most labor disputes are resolved by judicial decisions in ordinary courts if there are disagreements between the parties concerned after a mediation process. These practices have caused a lot of ineffectiveness since it needs a long period of time and big amount money to reach a verdict in ordinary courts. Therefore, it is desirable to establish a labor court with the function of prompt mediation of current Labor Commissions for the prompt and efficient settlements of labor disputes. Mediation between labor and management is also possible in the labor court since disputes can also be settled through reconciliation, mediation and arbitration as well as trials. In other words, it is more appropriate to establish a labor court with a department exclusively responsible for reconciliation so that labor disputes can be resolved through reconciliation rather than by arbitration in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

      • KCI등재

        영국의 산업안전보건법 발달에 관한 고찰

        조흠학 한국사회법학회 2013 社會法硏究 Vol.0 No.21

        This study shows that the United Kingdom(UK) enacted the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act in 1802, and this act became the first of the Labor Law and the Occupational Safety and Health Acts(OSHA). After that, many kinds of OSHA have been legislated to protect workers and applied up-to-date. The UK adopts case law and an unwritten law called 'Common Law' to be a base. This 'Common Law' has been built up and developed around law reports made by Common court. The UK law, unlike the Continental law which is a special law, legislates when there are specific objectives. And according to the objectives of special regulation, it applies legal binding force. The type of legislation like this plays an important role to change an employer's way of thinking about safety and health of workers at workplace.

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