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      • 표면 대응 이론의 특징과 문제점

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2021 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.56 No.-

        This paper examines the traits of Surface Correspondence Theory and analyzes some English phonological phenomena within this framework. In this process of the analysis, certain problems of Surface Correspondence Theroy are indicated. The Theory of Surface Correspondence developed to analyze Consonant Harmony, however, recently, Inkelas and Shih (2014), Cho, (2017) did unified analyses of consonant harmony and local assimilation. Although Hansson (2001, 2010) among others suggest that consonant harmony differs from local assimilation in that it is a copying process. That is, while consonant harmony is the independent repetition of articulatory gestures, local assimilation is the anticipatory movement of articulatory organs. However, recent studies of Consonant Harmony Systems tend to perform unified analyses of consonant harmony and local assimilation and the distinction between them is one of the problems. In addition, in the anslysis of phonological processes, the same representation of the different output candidates is another problems of Surface Correspondence Theory. This paper indicates those problems of the theory and proposes that it would promote the further development of the theory if these problems are solved immediately.

      • 영어의 동의어 생성 저지 현상

        조형묵 忠州大學校 2010 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        Synonymy blocking is the phenomena whereby a lexical item with a particular meaning prohibits the formation of another lexical item with the same meaning. For instance, Aronoff (1976) argued that the nonexistence of *furiosity and *gloriosity can be explained by the blocking of the corresponding abstract nominals fury and glory. This paper examines aspects of synonymy blocking in English, especially the relationship between blocking and level ordering. As to the relationship between blocking and level ordering, Giegerich (2001) argues that they are not independent concepts and provided some analyses about the relationship between blocking and level ordering. However, his analyses are based on the assumption that the blocking items and the victims of blocking have the same meaning. Therefore, taking into consideration the fact that a lot of studies show non-synonymous nature of the blocking items(e.g. abstract nominals) and the victims of blocking (e.g. the words with level 1 affixes or level 2 affixes), the relationship between blocking and level ordering cannot be defined in absolute terms. In addition, Aronoff (1976) explained the existence of the words with level 2 affixes(e.g. gloriousness, variousness) regardless of the existence of the corresponding abstract nominals(e.g. glory) or the words with level 1 affixes(e.g variety) in terms of the productive nature of level 2 affixes. However, this paper proposes that the existence of the words with level 2 affixes regardless of the existence of the corresponding abstract nominals or the words with level 1 affixes should be accounted for both by the full productivity of level 2 affixes and the non-synonymous relation between them.

      • KCI등재

        한국 영어 학습자들의 능격 동사 구문 과수동화

        조형묵 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 2001 동화와 번역 Vol.2 No.-

        This paper is concerned with Korean students' tendency to overpassivize the English ergative constructions. For this research, we have organized an experiment with Korean EFL learners and the subjects were 63 sophomore English majors in English composition classes at a university in National. The experiment was done as a test form to assess students' writing skills. In the test, subjects were asked to but the given Korean sentences into appropriate English expressions. The result shows that Korean EFL learners' tendency to overpassivize the English ergative constructions is correlated with the LI passive morphemes and the characteristics of ergative verbs. That is, we find that the characteristics of ergative verbs, which assigns the theta-role of Theme to its subject, is one factor that explains Korean EFL learners' tendency to overpassivize ergative constructions. In addition, we find that LI passive morphemes and inanimate subjects contained in Korean sentences also encourage Korean students to overpassivize the ergative constructions.

      • 영어의 형태규칙에 음운부가 미치는 영향

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2016 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.51 No.-

        Since the linguistic component is assumed to consist of subcomponents, the interaction among the subcomponents has attracted the attention of linguists. This paper discusses the interaction between the phonological component and morphological component, and particularly, pays specific attention to the effect of phonological structures on morphological processes. In most cases, phonological rule applications are conditioned by the morphological structure or morphological domains. However, there are some cases where phonological structures influence morphological rule applications. For example, addition of stressed suffixes is influenced by final stress of the base. In this case, addition of certain stressed suffixes is blocked to avoid consecutive stressed syllables. This paper discusses the influence of the phonological component on the morphological component, which makes basic material for the analysis of blocking in the word-coinage processes, and furthermore, for the education of word-formation rules and their characteristics. In addition, by providing the analyses of specific cases in Raffelsiefen (1999) within the framework of Optimality Theory, this paper accounts for the merits of Optimality Theory. That is, this work shows the strengths of Optimality Theory that the features of processes are well-represented in the constraints employed for the analysis and the constraint rankings.

      • 이화에 관한 연구

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2014 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.49 No.-

        Dissimilation is the process to avoid similar sounds in the phonological structures so that the neighboring sounds become different by this process. Although this process is not so much prevalent as assimilation, it has been regarded as one of the significant testing grounds for linguistic theories. Especially, in Optimality Theory, the process of dissimilation made an important ground for the study of markedness and constraint interaction. This paper discusses the aspects of dissimilation and review the features of dissimilation. Especially, this paper examines liquid dissimilation in English. In English, the suffix –al changes into –ar when the stem already contains /l/, and this phenomenon has been analyzed in various linguistic theories. The early generative approach to dissimilation was criticized because of the arbitrariness of the structural change and environment in the rule scheme. The non-linear approach was criticized by the problem of interpretation of locality and the representation of tier and plane. Compared with the previous approaches, the Optimality-Theoretic approach describes the dissimilation process in English neatly with the constraint interaction, thereby, showing itself to have more explanatory power.

      • 형태론적 생산성의 측정

        조형묵 忠州大學校 2009 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        Morphological productivity can be defined as the probability that the combination of a root plus an affix will lead to an acceptable and transparent word at a certain moment in time. However, it is not easy to measure morphological productivity. This paper attempts to investigate a most proper way to measure morphological productivity. For this purpose, this paper examined and compared previous approaches toward measuring morphological productivity. As a way to find the most appropriate way to measure morphological productivity, this paper compared the productivity values of four typical English affixes in each approach. A closer examination of previous approaches and comparison of the productivity values of the four English affixes revealed that the suggestion proposed in Brown (2001) that utilized dislegomena and excluded high and low frequency words can be identified as the one that best satisfies our intuition. In addition, we found that corpus based analysis represented by Baayen (1989) can be extended and revised for more effective measure of morphological productivity.

      • 영어 음운 단어 순환성

        조형묵 忠州大學校 2005 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.40 No.2

        Prosodic Phonology (cf Nespor & Vogel 1986, Selkirk 1982) sets syllable, foot and prosodic word as prosodic constituents in the lexicon. In addition they set phonological phrase as the prosodic constituent for the combination of more than two prosodic words(i.e. [prosodic word+prosodic word)). However, In this paper, we argue that, when two prosodic words are combined in English, the prosodic constituent that comprises the two prosodic words is recursively prosodic word. This argument is based on the theory of Prosodic Lexical Phonology (of. Booij & Rubach 1984, 1987, Booij & Lieber 1993). The theory of Prosodic Lexical Phonology argues that prosodic structure and morphological structure copresent in the lexicon and level 2 affixes in English should be assigned as prosodic words by the interaction of the two structures. Therefore, in this paper, we assumed level 2 affixes in English as prosodic words on the basis of the theory of Prosodic Lexical Phonology and provided evidence for our assumption in various areas. Furthermore, we adopted the arguments for the recursivity of prosodic words in Selkirk (1995) and Booij (1996).They propose that prosodic word has some special characteristics such as recursivity and nonexhaustivity. By adopting the proposals of Selkirk (1995) and Booij (1996), we argued that, when two prosodic words are combined in English, the prosodic constituent which contains the two prosodic words should be recursively prosodic word.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 연속적 언어 처리 모형과 비연속적 언어 처리 모형

        조형묵 충주대학교 2006 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.41 No.-

        Prefixes and suffixes in English exhibit some notable differences. For instance, prefixes exert an influence on the consonant of the stem, while suffixes do not. And the effect of phonotactics on listeners' decomposition of morphemes is stronger when prefixes are attached to the stem than when suffixes are added. This paper is an attempt to account for the asymmetrical behaviors of prefixes and suffixes in English on the basis of language parsing process. For the explanation of the language processing of morphologically complex words, there are, roughly speaking, two competing models; 1) the continuous or left-to-right processing approach, 2) the discontinuous or decompositional processing approach. One of the typical arguments for the discontinuous(decompositional) language processing approach would be the Prefix Stripping Hypothesis(cf. Taft and Foster 1975). The main claim of the Prefix-Stripping Hypothesis is that prefixes should be stripped off before the lexical access, since the lexical access can be done via only stem. To the contrast, the continuous processing approach claims that language processing is performed by the continuous left-to-right parsing(cf. Marslen-Wilson and Welsh 1978; Marslen-Wilson 1984). Besides providing an explanation of the asymmetrical behaviors of prefixes and suffixes in English, we will argue that, for the proper explanation of the prefix/suffix asymmetry in English, both the continuous and discontinuous processing approaches are necessary. To be specific, for the explanation of suffixing preferences and independence of prefixes, we will argue that the discontinuous processing approach is more suitable. On the contrary, in order to account for the different effect of phonotactics on listeners' morpheme decomposition, it was suggested that the continuous processing approach may be a more proper model.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effect of Lexical Frequency on Phonological Processes in English

        조형묵 한국중원언어학회 2009 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.14

        It has been observed that lexical frequency affects various areas of speech production. In this paper, we attempt to analyze the effect of lexical frequency on the application of phonological processes. Specifically, as to the relationship between lexical frequency and lenition, we explain that, if a word is easily accessed since it is predictable and frequent, the leniting and automating processes will be processed more easily. However, if a word is less frequent and predictable, the leniting processes could be suppressed because more complete articulation will be required for the word. In addition, we pursued the way to encode the effect of lexical frequency in Optimality Theory. By analyzing the different application mode of vowel reduction in high-frequency and low-frequency words, we provide an analysis of the effect of lexical frequency on phonological processes with the assumption of different constraint rankings.

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