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      • KCI등재

        한국상사중재의 국제화와 경쟁력

        조정곤,Jo, Jeong-Gon 한국중재학회 1997 중재연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This paper reports the results of an experimental companson of the winning rates in arbitral awards between the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board and the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association, and analyzed the comparative advantages of KCAB in international arbitration compared with ICC. There are so many factors to analyze the level of internationalizaton and competitiveness in the arbitration. From the recent lituratures, arbitration experts reported and debated tremendous elements which is vital to have a competition in the international arbitration market. Arbitration factors such as fairness, reliability, awareness, extension, enforcement, inexpensiveness, closed and expedited proceedings, arbitrators, expert knowledge, service, arbitral award, etc. are very important to appraise the level of the globalization and competitiveness of arbitration organizations Using these factors, I appraised current level of the globalization and competitiveness of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, unique arbitration organization in South Korea. Next, we are able to compare the level of fairness using the concept of 'winning rate' All over the world, only several arbitration organizations published and opened their own arbitral awards even In anonymity. The Japanese arbitration institutions published it regularly as well as the Korean When compared with these two institutions' "winning rates". there is similiar tendency in favor of domestic corporations That is to say, the winning rates in domestic arbitration cases are greater than those in international arbitration cases. This embarks an implication of unequality, a part of unfairness, in these two countries' arbitration. Finally, an analysis was conducted between the statistics of KCAB and ICC, especially to the focus on the number of arbitration cases, arbitration tribunals, arbitration places, parties' nationalities. the types of contents, the amount of arbitration, arbitration costs. There are two meanings to keep in mind for advancement of Korean arbitration. One is to establish new strategy specializing in small amount arbitration less than US$200,000. The other is to rearrange the panel of arbitration, especially in increasing field of arbitration cases such as the disputes of license, technology transfer, patent, etc.

      • KCI등재

        古文書를 통해 본 조선후기 文集 刊行 과정상의 紛爭 - 安邦俊의 저술 『隱峯全書』를 중심으로 -

        조정곤 한국서지학회 2015 서지학연구 Vol.62 No.-

        This study is an example of conflict occurred during the publication of family anthology at one of families in late Chosun dynasty. The object family of this study was the descendent line of Ahn Bang Joon who was the Ahns of Jooksan residing in the Bosung, Jeollanam-do and the object material of the study was concentrated on the ancient documents that owned by the main family including Eunbong Collection of Ahn Bang Joon. First, after looking at the life history of Ahn Bang Joon briefly, the process of publishing the Eunbong Collection has been explained which is an anthology as well as his writing and publishing activity. Ahn Bang Joon did various writing activities including the works related to the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 known as Imjin war and 2 times of Manchu war as well as the party strifes based on his academic background such as ethics and royalty. His works was published by Ahn Chang Hyun who is his descendent in 1773 as the name of Woosan collection and the Eunbong Collection was published in 1836 by Ahn Soo Rok with collecting all works together that were not listed in Woosan collection. Later, based on this, the Eunbong Collection was published in 1864 by Ahn Young Hwan who is the 9th generation of Ahn Bang Joon with active assists from Yoo Gun Hwan who was a governor of Bosung county at that time. Second, two conflicts were described which happened in 1864 and 1867 during publication of Eunbong Collection. Second, two conflicts were described which happened in 1864 and 1867 during publication of Eunbong Collection. Second, two conflicts were described which happened in 1864 and 1867 during publication of Eunbong Collection. The conflict happened in 1867 was touched off by a person from one of branches of Woobong party who stole the main edition and ran away because he was afraid of disclosing that he pretended to be a main family due to the preface that mentioned about the name of main family’s person. Because of this, the publication center were divided into two places, Daegye lecturing hall and Woobongconsa, and the anthology was published without integration and there were difficulties to distribute it. The anthology publication center requested several times to government authority to distribute the integrated edition and eventually the appeal was accepted and the integrated could be distributed to all over the country. Through this conflict, it was understood that there were conflicts occurred with respect to the person and the position of the head family with anthology as a medium. 본 연구는 조선후기 문중에서의 문집 간행 과정에서 발생한 분쟁 사례를 살펴본 것이다. 연구 대상 가문은 전라남도 寶城에 세거한 竹山安氏 安邦俊 後孫家이며 대상 자료는 안방준의 저술인 『隱峯全書』를 비롯하여 종가에 소장된 古文書를 중심으로 하였다. 우선 안방준의 생애를 간략히 살펴보고 그의 저술 및 간행활동을 비롯하여 문집인 『은봉전서』가 간행되는 과정에 대해 서술하였다. 안방준은 도학과 충절이라는 자신의 학문적 기반을 배경으로 임진왜란 및 두 차례의 호란과 관련된 저술과 당쟁 사실을 기록하는 등 다양한 저술활동을 하였다. 그의 저술은 1773년(英祖 49) 안방준의 후손 安昌賢에 의해 『牛山先生集』으로 간행되었고 1836년 安壽祿에 의해 『牛山先生集』에 수록되지 못한 안방준의 저술을 합하여 『은봉전서』를 편차하였다. 이후에 이를 기반으로 당시 보성군수로 부임한 兪建煥의 적극적인 도움을 받아 1864년(고종 1) 안방준의 9대종손인 安永煥에 의해 『은봉전서』가 간행되었다. 다음으로 『은봉전서』의 간행 과정에서 1864년(고종 1)과 1867년(고종 4) 두 차례 발생한 분쟁에 대해 서술하였다. 1864년(高宗 1)에는 문집간행소인 대계서원에서 각 가문에 간행비용을 배정하였으나 이를 수렴하는 데 어려움이 있었다. 그래서 이를 해결하기 위해 관에 청원하여 비용을 거두고자 하였다. 이 사례들은 각각 개별적이지만 간행비용을 수렴하는 것이 쉽지 않았으며 분쟁을 해결하는 데 지방관이 큰 역할을 했음을 파악할 수 있었다. 1867년(고종 4)에 발생한 분쟁은 1863년에 우봉파의 한 지파의 일원이 『은봉전서』의 서발문에 기재된 종손의 이름을 통해 자신이 거짓으로 행했던 종손행세가 탄로나는 것이 두려워 주판을 훔쳐 달아난 것이 발단이 되었다. 이를 계기로 간행장소가 대계서원과 牛峯村舍 두 곳으로 分所되어 문집이 합질을 이루지 못한 채로 간행되었고 결국 배포하는 데 어려움이 있었다. 문집간행소는 합질하여 배포할 수 있도록 관에 여러 차례 요청하였고 결국 그의 처분을 받아들여 전국 각지에 배포하였다. 이 분쟁을 통해 당시에 종손이 누구인지 종가의 지위를 두고 문집이 매개가 되어 분쟁이 발생하였음을 파악할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 전북지방 젖소의 유방염 검색

        조정곤,김종면,최민순,채효석,강명대,송희종 全北大學校 附設 畜産開發硏究所 1987 畜産開發硏究報告 Vol.1 No.-

        A total of 444 quarters milk samples of 111 dairy cattle in Chonbuk area were examined for infection rete and causative agents of mastitis by "the laboratory procedures used in the Connecticut Mastitis Control Program (CMCP) and California mastitis Test (CMT)". The results obtained were as follows: 1. Of 444 samples, 39.2% had positive CMCP value and 24.4% positive CMT reaction. 2. One hendred and seventy four (39.2%) from 82 cattle (73.9%) were found to infected with mastitis. It was found that 8(1.8%0 of the infected quarters were clinical mastitis and all of the rest were subclinical mastitis. 3. The main causative agents were found to Staphylococcus aureus (63 quarters), Streptococcus agalactiae (56 quarters), non-Str. agalactiae streptococci (54 querters), Escherichia coli (19 quaters), the actual total number of quarters detected as mastitis would be 174, as 18 of these quarters showed multiple infection with two different organisms. 4. Having examined the number of infection quarter per head of mastitis in dairy cattle sampling, major finding were that the average number of infection quarters to total dairy cattle exemined was 1.57 quarters, and that of the infected cattle was 2.1 quarters. Infected quarters in cattle with 1, 2, 3 and 4 were noted 27(32.9%), 28(34.1%), 17(20.7%), and 10(12.3%), respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        돼지에서 분리한 Bordetella bronchiseptica의 항생제 감수성

        조정곤 한국임상수의학회 1998 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Susceptibility or resistance of the Bordetella bronchiseptica was determined by using the broth microdilution method. Each Bordetella bronchiseptica was tested fur sutraceptluility with 7 different antimicrobial agents.4 high prevalence of resistance (greater than 80 %) was found when Bordetella bronchiseptica was tested with amikacin (AK), ciprofloxacin ILrJl gentamlcin IGAgf, kanamycin (Kbf) and tobramycin (TM). However, the Bordetella bronchiseptica were sensitive to chloramphenicol (CP) and tetracycline (TC). Three different combination of drug resistance were observed : AM-CF-GM-TM (1 strain), AM-CF-GM- KM-TM (45 strains), and AM-CF-GM-KM-TM-CP (3 strains). The MICs against Bordetella bronchiseptica were 0.13 to >2.00 for TC, 4 to >648 for CP, 8 to >128 for CF 16 to >256 for GM, 16 to >256 for TM, 32 to >256 for KM and 64 to 256 for AM.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        교량형 버티포트 계획 연구

        조정곤,이강준 한국문화공간건축학회 2023 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.84

        This study is to propose a Vertiport design using an overpass and a Han River bridge among unused spaces in the city. In modern cities, as the population and demand for private cars increase in limited spaces, traffic congestion costs by year increase, resulting in waste of transportation and time costs. Urban Air Mobility (UAM), a next-generation aviation mobility that can fly over the air with low noise, is recognized and in the spotlight as a way to solve traffic congestion. However, in the case of UAM, the development of Vertiport, an infrastructure structure for boarding, charging, and management, is also being discussed at the same time because it can only take off and land in a dedicated vertipad space. In addition, Vertiport needs to identify and plan various factors such as demand, transportation facility connection, and safety in selecting a location, so it is necessary to look at its location from a complex perspective. In this study, we analyzed the regulations and standards of vertiport established by each institution to design vertiport, and compared the cases of vertiport abroad, it was difficult to secure a large site as large as a vertiport space abroad, so it was considered an advantageous idea to develop vertiport through an unused space in the city. Considering the location selection factors such as demand, transportation facility connection, and safety among unused spaces in the city, existing vehicle users, buses, and water taxis can be used, and 'overpasses and Han River bridges' that can be less affected by noise problems and the surrounding environment are considered suitable. Among them, the overpasses and Han River bridges within a 1km radius of the K-UAM demonstration route were selected, and the previous location conditions were analyzed in detail to derive a target site that could actually be designed by vertiport. There is no superstructure among the target sites, and Hannam Bridge, which is advantageous in designing vertiport in terms of scale and traffic demand, was selected and a vertiport prototype was proposed. In order to increase the connection of transportation facilities, the existing water taxi deck and bus stop were relocated to be developed in combination, and rapid transportation transfer was possible through a vertical core. Through this design plan, the unused space of the overpass and Han River bridge will be reconsidered as a possible three-dimensional space as a vertiport location, and at the same time, it will be used as basic data necessary for future vertiport development.

      • KCI등재

        한미간 무역과 협상전략

        조정곤 한국관세학회 2001 관세학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        Americans used to threaten Korean negotiation parties with unfair trade measures in the resolution of trade conflicts between Korea and U.S.A. But Korean trade representatives are unwilling to use retaliation measures. Why? The interdependence can explain it. The Korean economy is highly dependent on the USA's, especially for balance of payments. On the other hand, the American economy is not dependent on Korea's. Dependence is related to bargaining power and negotiation strategies. This Dependence means no power. In addition to this interdependence, three more variables are highlighted here to analyze and develop trade negotiation strategies between two countries. (1) calculation method of social benefit; (2) the effectiveness of government intervention into the international market; (3) the difference of negotiators' personal characteristics.

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