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      • KCI등재

        재일조선인의 주체적 이동과 ‘8·15’의 자기서사 : 김석범의 『1945년 여름』을 중심으로

        조수일(CHO, Su-Il)(趙秀一) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper focused on the autonomous movement and floating self of Kim, Tae-Jo, the protagonist of a serial novel titled “Summer in 1945,” written by a Zainichi(在日) Korean author named Kim, Seok-Beom. The aim was to capture the question thrown out to readers through this representation and self-narrative. First, the ‘mother country’ to Kim, Tae-Jo would have been the Japanese Empire in Boots. However, the author derived a thinking process for the quaternity of mother country, Korea, Korean language, and Korean people through the experience of meeting the ‘nature of hometown’ called ‘Korean language.’ In Hometown, Kim, Tae-Jo showed a defense mechanism of using the Japanese language and describing himself as a Japanese person, which formed a crack in the quaternity concept. Also, the protagonist was pointed out as a figure who regards the embodiment of the quaternity to be the most important proposition while objectifying his floating self and repeating self-questioning.Next, Wandering was analyzed by focusing on questions generated repeatedly when the protagonist conflicts with a different language called the ‘native Korean language’ in the unfamiliar world of Gangwon-do where ‘the land breathings like the heat spouted by grass.’ Such questions are fundamental questions asking whether the Korean language is a single language and what the Korean language is. This paper pointed out the narrative that describes the reasoning of the protagonist, which cannot take place within the time frame of the novel. This narrative was found to be a sign that foretells Part 4 Departure. This paper contemplated on the fact that Summer in 1945 is a story that reorients the floating self while reminding the time described outside the world of the novel. Lastly, this paper paid attention to the reason of the protagonist who self-questions ceaselessly about the confrontation of the Korean language and the Japanese language and Korean people and Japanese people in Departure. Since the liberation occurred when the protagonist was in Japan, he was unable to find the significance of the ‘August 15 Liberation.’ For this reason, he had to continue asking for the meaning of the ‘August 15 Liberation.’ The embodiment of Kim, Tae-Jo, who moved autonomously from Japan back to the liberated homeland, was an intent to reexamine ‘August 15’ by placing his living body in the unfamiliar world of liberated Joseon. He wanted to face his limits constantly by pushing his floating self into reality. 本稿は、在日朝鮮人作家·金石範の連作小説『1945年夏』を、主人公· 金泰造の主体的移動と流動する自己に焦点を当て、その形象化に企図された 読者への問いを捉えようとしたものである。 まず、「長靴 ちょうか」では、金泰造にとっての「祖国」は皇祖の国としての大日本帝 国であったが、「朝鮮語」という「故郷の自然」に出会う移動の経験を通じて祖国 =朝鮮=朝鮮語=朝鮮人という四位一体の観念が生成する思考のプロセスを 明らかにした。 次に、「故郷」では、生成された四位一体の観念的な認識に齟齬をきたす日 本語と日本人としての自己という金泰造の防衛機制を導き出した。また、主人 公はその流動し続ける自己を対象化して「自問」を繰り返しつつ、四位一体の体 現を至上命題とする人物であることを読み解いた。 続いて、「彷徨」においては、主人公が江原道の「草いきれのような土地の息 吹きのする」異界で「土着の朝鮮語」という異言語に出会うことによって反復的に 生成される問いに焦点を当て物語を分析した。それは、朝鮮語は単一ではない のではないか、はたして朝鮮語とは何かという根本的な問いである。さらに、物語現在では考えられないことを考える主人公の内面を描写する語りをとりあげ、そ れは第四部「出発」を予告する前兆であることや、『1945年夏』は物語世界外か ら物語られる時間を想起し、流動し続ける自己を定位し直す構造からなる物語 であることを示した。 最後に、「出発」を中心に、自己における朝鮮語と日本語、朝鮮人と日本 人とのせめぎ合いに対し、「自問」し続ける主人公の内的思考に注目し、日本 で<8·15>を迎えた金泰造にとって、「8·15解放」は依然としてその意味を定位 することができない出来事であり、それ故に彼は「8·15解放」の内実を事後的に 問い続けているということを捉えた。また、再び日本から解放された祖国へと主 体的に移動することを描いたのは、解放された朝鮮という異界に生身の体を置い て<8·15>を捉え直すためであり、その現実に流動し続ける自己を追いやること で、現在の自己の限界に絶えず向き合うためであることを示した。

      • KCI등재

        당사자의 증언과 기억을 전승하는 서사 전략 : 김석범의 「남겨진 기억」을 중심으로

        조수일(CHO, Su-Il)(趙秀一) 한일민족문제학회 2021 한일민족문제연구 Vol.40 No.-

        本稿は、金石範自身に語り継がれた済州4·3事件の証言を初めて形象化した1975年作「遺された記憶」を読解した。まず、冒頭分析を通して「私」が読者の想像力に働きかける語りの中で生成されることを明らかにした。物語の結末部における語り手「私」の死と枠物語化するが、それは死者の声がどのように生者に語り継がれるかを示す装置であり、死者をして語らしめたことの露呈であると捉えた。次いで、〈遺された記憶〉は、単純に宋東丘の記憶が息子の宋有根に残されたということだけを意味しない点を解き明かした。宋有根の語りにおいて伝聞として語り継がれる宋東丘の記憶は、ただ単に彼の網膜に刻まれた〈遺された記憶〉ではなく、それを越えた身体と精神の、つまり全身全霊の感覚に<遺された記憶>であることを読み取ることができた。最後に、済州4·3事件に生み出された密航者である作中人物の共通項の背面には、各々が思い起こされたことに対して語り得ることと語り得ないこととの間で揺れ動く格闘があり、読者は小説表現の空白に光を当て、想像力をもって向き合っていくべきであることを指摘した。 This study read the Memories left behind that embodies the testimony of Jeju 4·3 Incident that Kim Suk-pom himself heard. First, this study analyzed the beginning, and made it clear that “I” is generated in stories that influence the imagination of readers. At the end of the novel, the narrator “I” dies and frame novel is formed, which is a device to show how the voice of the dead is passed down to the living, and to let out the dead spoken. Next, this study considered that this novel’s title Memories left behind is not only meaning which the memories of Song Dong-gu was left behind his son Song Yoo-gun. And this paper figured out Song Dong-gu’s memory, presented as hearsay in Song Yoo-gun’s story, was not just a memory engraved on his retina, but a memory beyond it, that is, a memory left to his whole body and soul. Finally, this study paid attention the common points of the characters in the background that they were stowaways. And it pointed out that behind them, there was struggles between being able to speak and not being able to speak, and that readers should read that the gaps in novel’s expression, with using their imagination.

      • KCI등재

        전체과제제시와 부분과제연습이 학습자의 사전인지기능에 따라 문제해결과 인지부하에 미치는 영향

        조수연(趙修年),정선영(鄭善永) 서울대학교 교육연구소 2011 아시아교육연구 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 교육현장에서 복합적 인지기술의 습득을 위한 교수설계모형으로 알려진 4C/ID모형의 네 가지 요 소 중 전체과제제시와 부분과제연습이 학습자의 사전인지기능에 따라 문제해결과 인지부하에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 본 연구를 위해 I시 소재 중학교 108명의 학생이 실험에 참여하였다. 본 연구는 ‘엑셀 학습 프로그램’을 총 7주에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 복합적 인지기술을 필요로 하는 학습과제의 경우 전체과제제시를 제공하였을 때 문제해결을 쉽게 할 수 있었으며, 문제해결에 대하여 학습전략과 사전인지기능 간에 상호작용효과가 있었다. 즉, 전체과제제시는 사전인지기능이 높은 상위집단이 사전인지기능이 낮은 집단보다 상대적으로 효과적이었다. 또한, 전체과제제시는 본유적 인지부하를 높여주었다. 그러나 인지부하에 대하여 학습전략과 사전인지기능 간에는 상호작용효과가 없었다. 본 연구결과 복합적 문제해결을 위해서는 전체과제제시를 사용하는 것이 효과적이라는 것을 시사해 준다. 따라서, 전체과제제시는 문제해결 시 본유적 인지부하를 높여 주는 역할을 하기 때문에, 본 연구는 실제 교실환경에서 복합적 문제해결 시 전체과제제시전략의 사용을 제안한다. The current study is to investigate the effects of whole task practice and part task practice among four components of 4CID model, which is instructional design model for complex cognitive skill acquisition. 108 subjects from middle school located in I city participated. For the purpose, an instructional program for excel was conducted for seven weeks. After completing the program, post-test for problem solving and cognitive load test was administered. As the research results, subjects were able to solve problems better when whole task practice was provided. There was an interaction effects between learning strategies and previous cognitive skills. That is to say, while whole task practice was effective for the subjects with higher previous cognitive skills, part task practice was effective for the subjects with lower previous cognitive skills. Also, whole task practice raised germane cognitive load. Previous cognitive load skills had significant interaction effects for all types of cognitive load. However, there was no interaction effects between learning strategies and previous cognitive skills. The current research results reports that whole task practice is more effective for students with high cognitive skills whereas part task practice is more effective for students with low cognitive skills. Since the whole task practice took a role of raising the germane cognitive load while students solve a problem, we suggest whole task practice strategies for complex cognitive problem solving in the practical classroom learning environment.

      • Synthesis and characterization of hyperbranched poly(amicacid) and polyimide via A2/B3 system

        조수나,유경석,김병각,유영재,원종찬,김용석 한국공업화학회 2015 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2015 No.1

        Aromatic polyimides are known as important high-performance polymers in various industrial fields. Hyperbranched polymers with 3-dimensional dendritic architecture have been received as attention due to their unique structure and physical and chemical properties. Therefore many kinds of hyperbranched polyimides have been investigated as novel dendritic macromolecules so far. In this study, we synthesis hyperbranched poly aminc acid and hyperbranched polyimides by condensation polymerization using conventional dianhydride and new type of triamine as core. By changing the monomer feed ratio and the method of monomer addition, we can control molecular weight and amine or anhydride terminated polyimides. The new polyimides were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NNR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), IR spectroscopy.

      • KCI등재

        “有+(數量)名” 結構的語法化及其動因

        曹秀玲(조수령) 한국중국어교육학회 2005 중국어교육과연구 Vol.1 No.-

        본고는 중국어의 수량명사구 앞에 ‘有’가 출현하는 구조를 대상으로 하여, 그 문법화 과정과 기제를 고찰하였다. 본고에서 도출된 결론은 다음과 같이 간략히 제시할 수 있다. ‘有+(?量)名’ 구조의 문법화 과정은 중국어사에서 보이는 여러 문법 현상과 직접적인 연관성을 맺고 있다. 예를 들면, 양사의 발전이나 ‘的’자 구조의 출현, 수량성분의 위치 변화 등과 깊은 연관성이 있다. 하지만 ‘有+(量)名’ 구조가 어휘적 형식을 대신해 비한 정성을 나타내게 된 것은 구조 자체의 확장성과 중국어 통사의 형태화라는 총체적 발전 경향에 기인한다고 보아야 할 것이다. ‘有+(量)名’ 구조는 인류의 언어가구 정보에서 신정보로 배열되는 일반적 현상에 부합하고 있다. 실험에 의하면, 각기 다른 모국어를 구사하는 실험 대상들이 동사 앞에 한정성 성분이 위치하고, 동사 뒤에 비한 정성 성분이 위치하는 문장에 대해 높은 문법적 적합도를 부여했다. 또 이외에도 많은 언어에 ‘有’나 그 대응형식을 써서 새로운 화제를 도입하는 현상이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다.

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