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        기간제근로계약의 무기계약 전환, 무엇이 문제인가?

        조성혜(Sung-Hae Cho) 한국노동법학회 2007 노동법학 Vol.0 No.25

        Das neue Befristungs- und Teilzeitgesetz(BefTG) vom 1. 1. 2007 schafft erstmals eine dauerhafte Regelung fur befristete Arbeitsvertrage in Korea. Es regelt im einzelnen, unter welchen Bedingungen ein Arbeitgeber befristete Arbeitsvertrage abschließen darf. Hintergrund fur die Gesetzgebung war zum Einen die wachsende Bedeutung von befristeten Beschaftigungen, zum Anderen die Erforderlichkeit der Diskriminierungsschutzes und der Verhinderung von Benachteilungen. Der Gesetzgeber mochte durch diese Regelungen das Aninanderreihen von befristeten Vertragen einschranken, die Chancen der Arbeitnehmer auf eine Dauerbeschaftigung verbessern und letztlich den Arbeitnehmer vor Diskriminierungen schutzen. Nach § 4 Abs. 1 BefTG ist eine kalendermaßige Befristung eines Arbeitsvertrages ohne sachlichen Grund bis zur Dauer von 2 Jahren. Mit Sachgrund kann der Vertrag uber diesen Zeitraum hinaus verlangert werden. Kurz vor dem Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes wurde jedoch viele befristet Beschaftigte arbeitslos. Grund dafur ist § 4 Abs. 2 BefTG: hiernach ist; wenn das Arbeitsverhaltnis nach Ablauf der vereinbarten Zeit, fur die es eingegengen ist, oder nach Zweckerreichung fortgesetzt, so gilt es als auf unbestimmte Zeit verlangert. Um die Umwandlung befristeter Arbeitsvertrage in unbefristete Arbeitsvertrage zu vermeiden, verweigern die Arbeitgeber Verlangerung der Vertrage. Im Gegensatz dazu erwarteten befristet Beschaftigte die Verlangerung eines befristeten Arbeitsvertrags auf unbestimmte Zeit. Im Hinblick darauf sind zum Teil geforderte weitergehende Schutzvorschriften fur die befristet Beschaftigte sorgfaltig daraufhin zu uberprufen, ob diese nicht ein begehrtes Ziel, namlich dauerhafte Beschaftigung zu fordern, konterkarieren. Die befristeten Beschaftigungsverhaltnisse haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren bewahrt. Befristete Arbeitsvertrage erhohen die Flexibilitat der Unternehmen erleichtern und Zugange in unbefristete Beschaftigung. Gerade aus Sicht von Arbeitsuchenden mit geringen Arbeitsmarktchancen stellen befristete Arbeitsvertrage somit eine Moglichkeit dar, uberhaupt eingestellt zu werden und konnen dann als ‘Sprungbretter’ hin zu dauerhafter Beschaftigung dienen. In Zeiten hoher Arbeitslosigkeit ist ein befristetes Arbeitsverhaltnis immer noch besser als gar kein Job. Die adaquate Flexibilisierung der Arbeitsbedingungen im Arbeitgeberund Arbeitnehmerinteresse ist das Gebot der Stunde; dafur enthalt das BefTG aber keine praktikablen Instrumente. Um das Gesetz nicht beschaftigungshemmend auszuwirken, sollten die sachlichen Grunde bzw. die moglichkeit der Verlangerung der befristeten Arbeitsvertragen erleichert werden, Ein Beispiel dafur ist das Deusche Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz (TzBfG) vom 1. 1. 2001.

      • KCI등재

        노조의 존립ㆍ자주성의 보호와 그 모순

        조성혜(Sung-Hae Cho) 한국노동법학회 2006 노동법학 Vol.0 No.22

        The Korean Constitution guarantees the right of workers to organize and to bargain and act collectively. The Labor Relations and Conciliation of Labor Disputes Act(LRCLDA) forms the core of national policy that controls labor-management relations in private industry. This article attempts to uncover certain contradictory characteristics of Korean regulation of the labor and industrial relations field with regard to the protection of union autonomy: union shop, prohibition of union membership to employees representing employer, and prohibition of payment to full-time union officer. The LRCLDA permits an employer and a union having majority support to make an agreement requiring all employees to become union members(union shop). According the Supreme Court an employer can fire a member for failure to maintain membership in good standing unless that member has been expelled from the union. Because of the vague language of the Act and the conflicting interests it purports to resolve, courts had great difficulty in applying its provisions. The courts have been faced with the paradoxical task of applying the provisions of the Act, honoring the spirit of collective bargaining while at the same time giving freedom to the individual member of the union. Under the LRCLDA employees representing employer have no statutory right to be members of a union. Supervisors who maintain membership may encounter problems of divided loyalties when they act as employer representatives in collective bargaining. On one hand, union membership carries with it a responsibility to abide by union rules. On the other, as the employer"s representative, supervisors often must take positions contrary to union interests. These allegiances can collide when a union disciplines a supervisor-member who has violated union rules while representing his employer. In the past decades, however, there has been a continuous decline in union density in Korean private sector workforce. Therefore the union seeks to increase the member whether the employee representing employer is or not. And the Act prohibits employers to grant paid leaves of absence to employees to work full-time for their union(full-time union officer). This Provision will be in force on 1. 1. 2007. Collective bargaining in Korea is mainly conducted at the level of an undertaking, i.e., between the employer and an "enterprise union." Accordingly the employer representative argue that payments to union full-time officer can corrupt labor-management relations and lead union representatives to pursue their own interests over those of their union members. After identifying numerous conflicts between the LRCLDA and labor-management exercises, the article explains how and why a legislative accommodation for union is not appropriate given the history in Korean labor law of accommodating contradictory interests (freedom of association and collective bargaining) that may conflict with optimal labor policy. By detailing the experiences of several conflicts between the law and practices, the article seeks to demonstrate that current statutory and constitutional doctrines fail to adequately protect both the individual employee and the union. With the LRCLDA and the Supreme Court, it seems as if the right of workers to organize is no longer the central issue of labor law. Industrial relations has become more than simply the conflict between "workers" and "capital." Instead, courts has to settle disputes between workers and unions as well. It is now the responsibility of the courts and the LRCLDA to settle conflicts within the labor movement that has long gone on outside the purview of legal institutions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        독일의 성년후견인 제도와 자기결정권

        조성혜 ( Sung Hae Cho ) 한국법정책학회 2016 법과 정책연구 Vol.16 No.1

        성년후견인제도는 구민법상 금치산, 한정치산제도를 폐지하면서 2013. 7. 1. 시행된 제도로, 인지능력이나 판단능력 부족으로 스스로 일상생활을 영위하기 어려운 성인에 대하여 후견인을 두어 신상관리 및 재산관리를 하도록 함으로써 당사자를 보호하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 금치산, 한정치산제도가 재산상의 법률행위를 중심으로 당사자의 행위능력을 광범위하게 제한한 데 비해, 성년후견제도는 피후견인의 잔존능력에 따른 자기결정권을 존중하면서 재산관리 및 일상생활과 관련된 신상보호를 지원하고 있다는 점에서, 지적장애인, 치매노인, 정신장애인 등 사회적 약자의 인권을 폭넓게 보호하고 있다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그러나 현행법의 내용을 면밀히 살펴보면 여전히 논란의 여지가 많다. 우선 의사능력이 부족한 사람들에게 반드시 성년후견인을 두어야 하는 것인지, 본인 외에 제3자가 성년후견개시의 심판을 청구할 수 있도록 한 것이 바람직한 것인지, 본인이 성년후견인 선임을 반대할 경우에도 성년후견인을 두도록 하는 것인지, 후견계약의 체결 당사자를 본인으로 한정하고 있음에도 불구하고 대리인이 그를 위한 계약을 체결할 수 있는지 여부 등은 여전히 미결의 과제이다. 나아가 후견인의 자격에 관한 규정을 두지 않았다는 점도 문제이다. 우리나라보다 성년후견인 제도를 앞서 도입한 독일에서는 피성년후견인의 안녕과 복지를 최우선의 가치로 두고 당사자의 자기결정권을 최대한 보장하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 그러므로 제3자의 관점에서 피성년후견인에게 성년후견인이 필요하다고 정하는 것이 아니라, 본인의 주관적인 의사를 우선적으로 고려해 성년후견인의 선임 여부를 결정한다. 즉 독일의 성년후견인제도는 피성년후견인이 성인으로서 자기능력의 범위 내에서 자신의 희망과 가치관에 따라 삶을 영위할 권리가 있다는 전제로부터 출발한다. 또한 피성년후견인의 자기결정권적 측면에서 보면 성년후견인을 두지 않는 것이 가장 바람직하다는 사실로부터 설령 의사능력이 부족한 지적 장애인 또는 치매노인이라 해도 가족이나 보호인이 일상생활에서 당사자를 충분히 도울 수 있다면 성년후견인은 둘 필요가 없다고 본다. 따라서 성년후견인은 당사자가 어느 누구로부터도 도움을 받을 수 없는 경우, 즉 반드시 필요한 경우에 한해 보충적으로만 둘 수 있다(필요성의 원칙). 나아가 성년후견제도가 당사자의 행위능력을 제한하는 측면이 있다는 점에서 당사자의 의사에 반하여 후견인을 선임을 해서는 안 된다. 그러므로 피후견대상자는 법률행위능력이 있느냐의 여부와 관계없이 스스로 후견인 선임의 청구를 해야 한다. 타인에 의한 청구는 후견법원이 직권으로 이를 허용할 때에 한해서만 가능하다. 이 글은 독일의 성년후견인제도가 피성년후견인의 자기결정권을 어떻게 보호하고 있는가를 현행법의 주요 내용을 중심으로 기술한다. 다만 독일 제도를 설명하기 전 우리나라의 성년후견인제도가 제한능력자의 자기결정권을 어떤 방식으로 보호하고 있는가를 문제가 되는 법조항들을 중심으로 조명한다. 이어 자기결정권 측면에서 독일 제도가 우리나라에 주는 시사점을 양국간 주요 내용의 비교를 통해 언급한 후 결론을 맺는다. Fur Erwachsene, die ihre Geschafte nicht fur sich selbst besorgen konnen, gibt es in Korea Vormundschaft fur Volljahrige, die seit 1. 7. 2013. als neues Erwachsenenschutzrecht in Kraft getreten ist. Somit ist das alte Rechtsinstitut der Entmundigung aufgegeben. Ein Vormund, der mit der Vormundschaft betraut ist, fungiert als gesetzlicher Vertreter des Mundels. Das Familiengericht kann die Vormundschaft fur Volljahrige anordnen, wenn ein Mundel, seine Verwandte oder die Staatsanwaltschaft auf Vormundschaft beim Familiengericht antragt. Die Auswahl obliegt dem Familiengericht, das auf den Wille des Mundels achten soll. Es gibt aber keine gesetzliche Kriterien uber die Auswahl des Vormundes. Der Vormund hat fur die Person und das Vermogen des Mundels zu sorgen; v. a. ubt er die Vertretung aus. Der Vormund unterliegt der Aufsicht und Kontrolle des Familiengerichtes und benotigt fur zahlreiche Rechtshandlungen die Genehmigung des Familiengerichtes In Deutschland gibt es seit dem 1. 1. 1992 eine Vormundschaft uber Volljahrige nicht mehr; an ihre Stelle ist die Betreuung getreten (§§ 1896-1908 i BGB). Volljahrige konnen in Deutschland seit 1992 nicht mehr entmundigt und unter Vormundschaft gestellt werden. Stattdessen kann das Gericht eine rechtliche Betreuung anordnen. Die Betreuerbestellung kann gemaß § 1896 BGB auf eigenen Antrag des Betroffenen oder aber von Amts wegen erfolgen. Der Betreuer ist der gesetzliche Vertreter des Betreuten. Eine Betreuung darf nur fur diejenigen Angelegenheiten angeordnet werden, die der Betroffene nicht besorgen kann. Wird beispielsweise der Betreute nur in einigen Lebensbereichen beeintrachtigt, so ist die Betreuung auf diese zu beschranken. Die Bestellung eines Betreuers ist nicht erforderlich, wenn die Angelegenheiten des Betroffenen auch durch andere Hilfen ohne die Einschaltung eines gesetzlichen Vertreters besorgt werden konnen. Die Geschaftsfahigkeit des Betreuten bleibt unabhangig von der Anordnung einer Betreuung bestehen. Die alte Entmundigung in Korea wurde zwar durch ein der deutschen rechtlichen Betreuung vergleichbares Schutzinstitut(Vormundschaft) ersetzt. Das Verfahren der Anordnung des Vormundschaft ist jedoch nicht prazis, so dass der Wille des Mundels nicht genugend beachtet wird. Der Grundsatz der Erforderlichkeit existiert in Korea nicht, weswegen die Betroffene gegen seinen Wille der Vormundschaft unterliegen durfte. Dieser Beitrag will Antworten vermitteln, ob fur Fortentwicklungen der koreanischen Vormundschaft fur Volljahrige Berucksichtigung des deutschen Systems erforderlich ist.

      • KCI등재

        법학부의 위기와 노동법 교육

        조성혜(Sung-Hae Cho) 한국노동법학회 2010 노동법학 Vol.0 No.35

        Since the 1. semester 2009, 25 graduate schools of law(law schools) have opened with 2,000 students out of the various major fields of study. At this stage no one can be sure if this law school system for 3 years, which invests the graduates with the right for the examination for the bar, could eradicate the social ills caused by the judicial examination. The introduction of the law school had a serious influence on the education of the remained faculties of law. The faculties of law are now divided into 2 types; the large faculties with the aim of law school entry and the small faculties without the one. The large faculties, which have increased the number of professors for the purpose of the application for law school, have the problems with the curriculum on the grounds of the mismatch between the teaching persons and the subjects. The small faculties are suffering from shortage of students due to the falling birthrate. Therefore their foremost interest is to recruit new students for the time being. The curriculum of labor law, as well as other subjects, is affected by the pending issues of each faculty. The large faculties have the labor law curriculum each semester which is comprised of labor law 1(for example individual labor law system) and labor law 2(for example collective labor law system). While labor law 1 is crowded with students, the labor law 2 falls short of the minimum number of students for the course. In several faculties labor law is composed of the theory(1. semester) and practice(2. semester) which opened separately. In such cases the problem of the half-track class is solved partially. However, one semester is too short to deal with the whole labor law issues. Because of the above mentioned problems, labor law curriculums are consist of largely the principles of Labor Standard Act and the Trade Union Act. The specific problems, which take an increasing interest in the practices, are hard to deal with.

      • KCI등재

        보호고용된 장애인에 대한 최저임금의 적용제외 제도 - 근로장애인의 근로자성을 중심으로 -

        조성혜(Cho, Sung-Hae) 한국비교노동법학회 2020 노동법논총 Vol.50 No.-

        최저임금법 제7조는 “정신장애나 신체장애로 근로능력이 현저히 낮은 사람”으로서 사용자가 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라 고용노동부장관의 인가를 받은 경우 최저임금을 적용하지 않는다고 규정하고 있다. 이 규정의 적용을 받는 장애인들은 대부분 직업재활시설에서 보호를 받으며 직업훈련을 받고 있는 중증의 발달장애인(지적장애인, 자폐성장애인)들이다. 최저임금 적용제외 인가제도의 의미는 고용이 어려운 중증장애인에 대한 근로기회의 제공과 중증 장애인 고용 사업주의 부담 완화에 있다고 할 수 있다. 그런데 「최저임금법」은 근로기준법상 근로자를 사용하는 사업장에 적용하므로 근로자성을 인정하기 어려운 직업재활시설 장애인에 대하여 이 법을 적용하는 것은 법리적으로 문제가 있다. 직업재활시설의 근로장애인들은 시설의 보호를 받으며 직업훈련을 받는다는 점에서 임금을 목적으로 근로를 제공하는 일반 근로자와 동일시할 수 없다. 따라서 근로기준법 또는 「최저임금법」 등에서 이들에 대한 특례 규정을 두고 일부 규정을 적용, 배제 또는 부분 적용하도록 하는 것이 타당하다고 할 것이다. 다만 모든 근로장애인에 대하여 최저임금을 전면 적용하기 보다는 장애인의 근로능력에 따라 임금액에 차등을 두는 것이 현실적이라고 본다. 문제는 장애인들의 인건비를 순전히 생산능력이 현저히 낮은 장애인의 근로로부터 나오는 수익으로부터 충당해야 하는 직업재활시설로서는 최저임금의 지급이 과도한 부담이 될 수 있다는 것이다. 직업재활시설이 인건비 부담으로 경영난에 빠질 경우 불가피하게 감원을 하거나, 근로시간을 단축하거나, 최악의 경우 시설을 폐쇄하는 결과를 초래할 수도 있다. 결과적으로 감액된 최저임금을 지급함으로써 높아진 인건비 부담을 국가가 보전하는 방안이 장애인과 시설을 모두 보호하는 방법이라고 할 것이다. 중증장애인들에게 가장 중요한 것은 최저임금 이상의 임금을 받는 것보다는 직업재활시설에서 보호를 받으며 직업생활을 경험하며 사회에 참여하는 것이라고 할 것이다. Article 7 of the Minimum Wage Act stipulates that the minimum wage shall not apply to “persons with significantly lower working capacity due to mental or physical disabilities.” Most of the persons subject to this Regulation are persons with severe disabilities who are protected and employed in vocational rehabilitation facilities. However, since the Minimum Wage Act applies to employees under the Labor Standards Act, it is problematic to apply the Minimum Wage Act to persons with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation facilities who cannot be regarded as employees under the Labor Standards Act . Therefore, it would be reasonable, legally, to introduce special provisions for persons with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation facilities in the Labor Standards Act or the Minimum Wage Act. However, rather than fully applying or excluding the minimum wage for all the disabled, it is realistic to place a difference in the amount of wages depending on the working capacity of the disabled persons. The problem is that the payment of the higher wage could be an excessive burden for vocational rehabilitation facilities, which have to cover the labor costs purely from the work of the disabled with significantly lower production capacities. If a vocational rehabilitation facility is in financial trouble due to the burden of labor costs, it may inevitably result in job cuts, shorter working hours, or, in the worst case, closure of the facility. Therefore, it is most desirable to support labor costs for rehabilitation facilities by the state. The most important thing for people with severe disabilities is to be protected by vocational rehabilitation facilities, work and participate in society rather than receiving higher wages.

      • KCI등재

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