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        복합운동프로그램이 고등학교 골프선수의 신체조성, 건강체력, 드라이버 비거리에 미치는 영향

        조성채 한국체육교육학회 2018 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine effects of combined exercise training on body composition, physical fitness and distance of drive shot in high school aged golf players. Methods: Total participants (N = 20) were randomly assigned to either combined exercise training group (n = 10 (CT)) or non-exercise control group (n = 10 (CON)). The participants in the CT performed the combined exercise training program (4 sessions per week, 60 minutes per session, and 12 - 14 rate of perceived exertion(RPE) for exercise intensity) for 12 weeks. At the pre and post training, all variables (body composition (weight, muscle mass, and body mass index (BMI)), physical fitness (grip strength, abdominal strength, and endurance strength(sit-up), flexibility(sit and reach and trunk extension), and the distance of drive shot) were determined.. Results: In the results, grip strength(p=.036), abdominal strength(p=.004), sit-up(p=.004), trunk extension(p=.002), and the distance of drive shot(p=.002) in the CT were significantly improved, but not in the CON. This results indicate that increased distance of drive shot in the CT was influenced by improved strength and flexibility. Conclusion: the strength, flexibility, and the distance of drive shot enhanced by the combined exercise training program may positively influence performance of golf players during a golf match. 본 연구는 고등학교 남자 골프선수들을 대상으로 12주간 복합운동을 적용하여 신체조성, 건강체력, 드라이버 비거리에 미치는 영향에 대하여 연구하였다. 총 20명이 연구대상자로 선정되어 운동그룹 10명 통제그룹 10 명이 실험에 참가하였다. 복합운동은 주 4회 한 회당 60분으로 구성되었고 운동강도는 Borg의 운동자각도(6 – 20)에서 12-14로 설정되었다. 신체조성에 해당하는 체중, 근육량, BMI(Body Mass Index)와 악력, 배근력, 근지구력, 유연성(체전굴, 체후굴), 드라이버 비거리가 운동 전과 후에 측정되었다. 연구결과, 운동집단에서 악력(p=.036), 배근력(p=.004), 윗몸일으키기(p=.004), 체후굴(p=.002), 드라이버 비거리(p=.002)는 통계적으로 유의하게 증가하였다. 따라서 고등학교 골프선수들을 대상으로 한 복합운동프로그램을 통해 근력 증가와 유연성의 증가에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 미루어볼 때, 복합운동프로그램은 골프선수의 체력과 유연성을 증진하여 드라이버 비거리 향상에 도움이 주어 경기력을 크게 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

      • Ergogenic Aids 섭취와 운동후 혈액성분 변화

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 2005 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        본 연구는 한약제의 섭취가 운동시 혈액성분 변화에 미치는 영향을 규명하고, 운동보조물로서 그 효과를 진단하기 위하여 남자 대학생 5명을 대상으로 4주간 투여 시킨 후 treadmill에 의한 운동을 부과한 다음, 여기서 측정한 혈액성분의 반응을 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. WBC는 운동직후 상승하였다가 회복기 10분에 거의 안정시의 수준으로 회복되었다(p<.001). 이는 한약제의 섭취가 신체의 항상성 유지에 영향을 주고 있음을 시사하고 있다. 2. RBC는 운동직후 매우 상승하였다가 회복기 10분이 경과하여도 안정시로 회복되지 않았으나 회복기 30분이 경과한 후에는 운동 직전보다 약간 감소가 나타났다(p<.001). 3. Hb는 운동직후 약간 상승하였으나 차차 감소하기 시작하여 회복기 10분경에 거의 정상을 유지하였다(p<.005). 4. Hct는 운동직후 상당한 증가를 보였으나 차차 감소를 시작하여 회복기 10분경에는 정상 수준보다 약간 낮게 나타났다(p<.001). 본 연구 결과에서 한약제의 섭취는 운동 후 피로회복의 개선과 신체의 항상성 유지에 약간의 긍정적인 효과가 관찰되었으나, 일반적인 운동 후 결과와 비슷한 양상들을 띄고 있기 때문에 한약제의 효과로 단정하기에는 무리가 있으므로 차 후 처방법을 다양화하는 등 다각적인 연구가 뒷 따라야 할 것으로 사료된다. In this paper, When ingested herb medicine that is an ergogenic alds, one of training external aid, we observed what change to constituent parts of the blood after exercise. To diagnose its possibility of utilization, 5 healthy male college students were loaded for four-week administration and then gradual maximal exercise by treadmill. The obtained results of constituent parts of the blood are as follows: 1. The WBC was rised at post-exercise and almost recovered on stability at convalescence for 10 minutes(p<.001). It suggested that the ingestion of herb medicine affected a maintenance of homeostasis. 2. The RBC was largely rised at post-exercise but didn't recover on stability at onvalescece after 10 minutes. After 30 minutes on convalescence, it was lower than pre-exercise(p<.001). 3. The Hb was lightly rised at post-exercise and then getting lower and lower. On 10 minutes at convalescence, it's stable totally(p<.005). 4. The Hct was quite rised at post-exercise but getting lower and lower. After 10 minutes at convalescence, it's lightly lower than normal(P<.005).

      • 체성감각과 해상생활에 대한 연구

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 2004 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        We operated on a VMI(Vividness of Motor Imagery) test for the seaman to find how the seafaring life effects the vividness of somatotopic of them, and obtained the following results. 1. The vividness of skin sensation, kinesthesia, and visceral sensation depending on pre-and post-seafaring appeared low(p<.Ol) significantly in the post compared with the pre. 2. The vividness of somatotopic depending on the work type such as deck or engine department, appeared significantly low (p<.05, p<.01) in skin sensation and visceral sensation as the seafaring life of the seamen of engine department is longer.

      • HUIZINGA(호이징하)의 놀이관에 대한 고찰 : Homo Ludens를 중심으로

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        인간은 어떤 창조적 활동을 하는데 여기에 나타나는 최초의 활동으로서 놀이가 존재한다. 우리는 이러한 놀이에 의하여 경험한 것을 정신적 창조, 또는 정신적 축적으로써 다음 세대에 전달하고 있다. 문화는 인간의 정신적 창조와 함께 발전하고 인간의 창조력에 문화의 근원을 엿볼 수가 있다면, 놀이는 매우 중요한 기능을 가지고 있다. 지금까지 Huizinga의 Homo Ludens를 중심으로 그의 놀이관에 대하여 여러 가지 요인을 살펴보았다. 이를 토대로 몇 가지 요약을 해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 놀이의 본질은 자율성, 허구성, 창조성, 한정성을 갖는다. 둘째, 놀이의 특징을 즐거움과 쾌락, 반복성이라고 할 수 있다. 셋째, 놀이의 목적은 바로 놀이 그 자체가 목적이다. 넷째, 놀이를 일으키는 근원은 Etwas(인간 내부의 심적 에너지)로 볼 수 있고, Etwas는 생명의 원천이며 인간 존재의 근원이다. 다섯째, 놀이는 Kampf(투쟁)와 Darstellumg(표현)의 기능이 있고, kampf의 목적은 승리에 있으며 Darstellung은 창조의 기능과 그 과정이라 할 수 있다. 여섯째, 놀이의 소산은 문화를 형성하고 창조하는 근원이 된다. 일곱째, 놀이의 체육적 가치는 신체적 효과, 지적 효과, 감정적 효과, 사회적 효과를 들 수 있다. Man do some creative activites. With this first activity, the play exists. We experience this play. We are delivering coming generation spiritual creation or spiritual accumulation with this play. The culture develope with the people's spiritual creation. If we can find out sources of culture in human creativity, the play have a very important function. Until now we have looked around various elements about his play view in focus of Huizinga's Homo Ludens. With these foundations, we summarize several thing. It is as follows. First. Instrinsic of play has autonomy, concoction, creationism, and limitation. Second. We can say that a special feature of play is pleasure, a ready consent and repetition. Third. Purpose of play is just purpose by itself. Fourth. The source of play is Etwas-human mental energy and Etwas is the source of life and is the root of human respect. Fifth. The play has a function of Kampf and Darstellung, purpose of Kampf is related to triumph, and we can say that Darstellung is the function of and the course. Sixth. The product of play form the culture and it is the root of creation. Seventh. We can explain that the value of play is physical effect, intellectual effect, emotional effect, and social effect.

      • Power Walking이 VO₂max와 BMI에 미치는 영향

        조성채 목포해양대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 좌업생활을 주로 하는 중년 남성 중 white colour 6명을 대상으로 12주간 power walking을 실시한 후, VO₂max와 BMI를 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. VO₂max는 운동전보다 운동후 피검자 모두 증가하였으며(p<.01), power walking으로 인한 유산소운동능력의 향상을 확인하였다. 2. BMI는 운동전보다 운동후 피검자 모두 감소하였으며(p<.01), power walking이 체중과 체지방분포 변화를 시키는 등 긍정적인 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. In this study, after testing on power walking for 12 weeks to 6 white color person, middle-aged man, VO₂max and BMI were analyzed in detail and then resulted as follow. 1. VO₂max was more increased all pre-exercise than post-exercise(p<.01), and it confirmed that the aerobic exercise ability was improved on power walking. 2. BMI was more decreased all pre-exercise than post-exercise(p<.01), and it confirmed that power walking has positive effects to change weight and body fat range.

      • 운동참여가 해상생활 중 신체운동감각에 미치는 효과

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 2002 論文集 Vol.10 No.2

        We studied to find how the long-time seafaring life effects the vividness of Kinethetic sensation image. We tested and analyzed VMI(Vividness of Motor Imagery) of 200 long-time seafaring members, then obtained the following conclusions. 1. Although the visual sense of action at pre-seafaring life appeared similarly regardless of sports participation, it suggests that they may give bad effects in memory ability, study ability and creative thinking by reducing the visual sense of action after 3 months of post-seafaring life in the case of no exercises. 2. Kinethetic sensation image depending on the sports participation has appeared no difference at pre- and post-seafaring life, but a combined sense of push and pull has appeared difference after 3. months of post-seafaring life(p<0.05). However, in general, when seaman doesn't have sports participation at post-seafaring life, he/she feels difficulty in maintaining and recovering of Kinethetic sensation, and it suggests that those may effects as a blockingfact of controlling voluntary exercise.

      • 장기간 승선생활에 따른 감각수용인자의 선명도에 관한 연구(Ⅰ)

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 2003 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        We operated on a VMI(Vividness of Motor Imagery) test of the seaman to find how a long time seafaring life effects the vividness of sense recipient factors of them, and obtained the following results. 1. The vividness of sense recipient factors in vision, hearing, taste, and smell of post-seafaring life appeared as low significantly(P<.00) compared with pre-seafaring life. 2. The vividness of sense recipient factors depending on the work position where they work at deck department or engine department appeared as low significantly (p<.05, p<.01) in engine department as the seaman's life longer.

      • 운동후 CPK·LDH·Lipase·GOT·GPT 활성에 미치는 Ergogenic Aids의 효과

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.5 No.2

        The following results are obtained by the analysis of the measured activity reaction of the enzyme in blood to examine the ergogenic aids effect after excercise to the activity af enzyme in blood taking individual treadmill excercise before, in two weeks, and in four weeks after administration of ergogenic aids into 10 males. 1) CPK activity showed a quicker recovery in 2 and 4 weeks after administration of ergogenic aids than before administration, but a significant difference at pre-and post-exercise was not appeared and there was no interaction(WxT) effect between the period of administration(week) and blood sampling time(time). 2) LDH activity was increased a lot in post-excercise after administration of ergogenic aids and decreased gradually, but there was no statistical difference in its activity. Also, there was no interaction(WxT) effect between the period of administration(week) and blood sampling time(time). 3) Lipase activity was increased a lot at post-excercise and in two weeks after administration of ergogenic aids, and recovered to initial state gradually, but the with of activity by excercise was small. However, the Lipase activity in stable state after administration was increased gradually compared with that af before administration, and showed a significant difference(p<0.01). 4) GOT activity was increased a lot at post-excercise after administration of ergogenic aids, and recovered to initial state gradually, but a significant difference at pre-and post-exercise was not appeared. On the other hand, the GOT activity in stable state after administration was increased gradually without significant difference. 5) GPT activity showed similar changes at pre-and post-exercise , and recovering state before and after administration of ergogenic aids, but the width of activity by exercise was small.

      • Running과 Runner's High 발현 효과

        조성채 木浦海洋大學校 2001 論文集 Vol.9 No.2

        Nobody disagree that it is necessary to continue exercise to keep a happy and healthy life. One must excise for health, Anybody who wants happiness must invest time and efforts in excercise. Human has running instinct. Regular and appropriate running helps not only physical health that makes various physiological reaction, but also mental health such as psychological well-being and self-esteem. Also, running brings joy and ecstasy which can not be obtained from other exercises, and it is the runnuer's high. There is a correct excise method to feel runner's high. The running intensity should be mediate intensity level, and keep the exercise at least 30 minutes. However, here is a indivi-dual differences. The is no special running course to feel runner's high, but the environmental condition is important. When we run at good environmental condition, we get a biological reaction that makes the running effects maximize. Running is a safe excercise that does not need special skills, and no physical contact, and no tools. Furthermore, there is no limit of place, time, and expense in running. It is attractive to enjoy one's family, too. Let's run, fight against oneself. Then, it makes one's life healthy, rich, and wellness. Human runs, bird flies, and fish swims.

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