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        일반논문 : 착각 모티프 사설시조의 의미구조와 미의식 -만횡청류와 명대 악부민가 비교를 중심으로-

        조성진 ( Seong Jin Jo ) 한국고전연구학회 2011 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.24

        본고는 착각 모티프가 나타난 사설시조와 명대 악부민가를 비교하여 그 의미구조와 미의식을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 그 둘의 공통점과 차이점이 지닌 의미를 밝혔다. 아울러 평시조 작품도 함께 살펴 사설시조에 나타난 착각 모티프의 변모와 그 의미를 분석하였다. 착각 모티프가 나타난 사설시조와 명대 악부민가는 공통적으로 ``착각-깨달음-반응``의 의미구조를 지닌다. 화자는 ``님이 왔다``는 생각에 방(집) 밖으로 뛰쳐나가지만, 그것이 자신의 착각이었음을 깨닫고 한결 더 깊은 슬픔에 빠진다. 이로써 님의 부재는 더욱 명확해졌고 결핍 감은 심화되었다. 이러한 착각은 님의 부재와 그로 인한 절절한 그리움이 만들어 낸 ``상상적 현실``이라고 할 수 있다. 이런 점에서 착각 모티프 사설시조 화자의 과잉된 행동과 이에서 비롯되는 우스꽝스러움을 그저 ``골계미``로만 이해해선 안 된다. 오히려 님을 향한 그리움과 기다림의 고통을 돋을 새김하는 요소로 보아야 한다. 그런데 자신의 착각이 드러난 뒤에 보이는 화자의 심리적 반응에서 사설시조는 악부민가와는 아주 다르다. 말하자면, 악부민가 의 화자가 부끄러움과 자기 비웃음에 휩싸이는 데 반해, 사설시조의 화자는 엉뚱하게 개를 탓하거나 남 웃길 뻔 했다며 남의 시선을 의식한다. 이러한 반응은 조금 전까지의 심리적 긴장감을 일시에 무너뜨릴 뿐만 아니라, 서정시적 일관성을 깨뜨리는 쪽으로 작용한다는 점에서 매우 문제적이다. 이와 같은 차이는 종장의 반전에서 명확하게 나타난다. 종장에서 화자는 초·중장과는 다른 목소리를 내면서 혼선을 드러내는데 이로써 시적 상황에 대한 상반된 정서가 표출된다. 이는 님의 부재로 인한 절절한 그리움과 기다림의 고통을 스스로 부정하는 셈이다. 특히 과잉된 행동을 통해 스스로를 우스꽝스러운 존재로 보이게 함으로써 ``자기풍자``의 의도를 드러낸다. 여기에는 자기마저 풍자의 대상으로 삼아 부질없이 님을 기다리는 자신에 대한 비판적 시선이 감지된다. 이를 통해 화자는 슬픔 속에서도 거기에 완전히 매몰되지는 않겠다는 ``삶의 균형감각``을 유지한다. 이처럼 미의식으로 말하면, 명대 악부민가는 사설시조와도 아주 다르고 오히려 신흠 의 평시조와 비슷하다. 그렇다면 착각 모티프가 나타난 사설시조와 명대 악부민가가 같은 의미구조에서 보이는 공통점을 어떻게 보아야 할까. 이들 노래는 강익과 신흠의 시조와 비교해 볼 때 명확하게 드러나듯이, 님을 기다리는 여성화자의 절절한 그리움의 노래라는 점에서 같은 모티프의 한시나 평시조와는 다르다. 그것은 이들 노래가 남녀의 사랑을 핵심 주제로 삼는, 기방과 같은 유흥공간의 확장과 밀접한 연관을 갖고 있기 때문이라고 생각한다. 이는 화자의 성격에서 뚜렷하게 드러난다. The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning structure and aesthetic consciousness in ``Saseoulsijo``(사설시조) with illusion-motif through the comparison with Yuefumin`ge in Ming dynasty, and to uncover the meaning of similarity and difference in them. At the same time, this study analyze the variation of the illusion-motif in ``Saseulsijo`` and its meaning through the comparison with ``Pyeongsijo(평시조)`` These poems have the meaning structure of ``illusion-realizationreaction`` series in common. The woman narrator deludes herself that the lover(님) have come, so she runs out to realize it`s a illusion, and to be in sorrow. As a result, the absence of the lover is clearer, and that makes her sence of lacking more serious. However in the narrator`s psychological reaction after her illusion having been revealed, Saseoulsijo is quite different from Yuefumin`ge. In other words, while the narrator in Yuefumin`ge is seized with shame and self-deprecation, the one in Saseoulsijo gives a dog totally unrelated scolding, or is aware of the way other people are looking at one. The reaction like this is very problematic in that it pulls down the previous psychological tension at the same time, moreover, destroys the lyrical consistency. This difference is apparently exposed in everse of the last of the 3 verses of a (sijo) poem. The narrator in the last line in Sijo, makes different voice with first and second line, which causes confusion to express the feelings of conflict on the poetic situation. It means she herself denies ardent longing for her lover and the agony in wating him. Through this section, her intention of self-parody is shown, critical eyes are perceived, and she can maintain a sense of balance in a life that is intended not to be buried under the sorrow. As these works are apparently different from Gang-ik`s and Sin-heum`s sijo works when they are compared, they are distinguished from ``Hansi(한시)`` or ``Pyeongsijo(평시조)`` in that they take the ardent longing for her lover. It is because they are closely related to the expansion of entertainment establishment like ``Gibang(기방)`` which is characteristic as the theme of Love.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고전시가에 나타난 음식 이념의 양상과 그 의미

        조성진(Jo Seong jin) 한국고전연구학회 2015 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.32

        이 글은 시조에서 음식이 소재로 쓰였거나 주제와 밀접한 관련이 있는 작품을 대상으로 작품 속에 나타난 음식 과 먹음 의 다양한 의미를 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 음식 이념(Food Ideology) 이라는 개념을 중심으로 그 이념들이 작품 속에서 나타나는 양상을 살피고 그 의미를 분석하였다. 쾌락주의(hedonism)는 감각적 쾌락을, 영양주의(nutritionism)는 건강과 영양 가치를, 영성주의(spiritualism)는 도덕이나 형이상학적 가치를 중시하고 지향하는 이념이다. 연구 결과 주목할 점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 음식이 술인 경우 세상일을 회피하고 시름을 달래는 수단의 의미를 띠면서 동시에 욕망 긍정과도 상통한다. 둘째, 시조 작품에는 쾌락 지향과 이념 지향이 뒤섞여 나타나는 경우가 많다. 이는 사회적 균형 감감과 관련이 있을 것으로 본다. 셋째, 음식과 먹음이 화자의 사회정치적 지향을 드러내고, 그가 지닌 이념을 구현하는 매개물 구실을 할 때도 있다. 이런 점에서 시조 작품에 나타난 음식과 먹음은 사회정치적 함의가 아주 강함을 알 수 있다. The main purpose of the study was to investigate and analyze various meanings of Food and Eating that appear in Sijo, particularly the works which used food as the theme or the subject. In order to do this, the study was conducted to find and interpret the meanings and ideas in Sijo works that are related to the concept of the Food Ideology . Hedonism indicates sensual pleasure, Nutritionism for health and nutritional value, Spiritualism as moral or metaphysical value. The result of the study follows: If the food is alcohol, it functions as a way of running away from the world which also stands out as an affirmation of desire. Secondly, in many cases, Sijo works carry both ideology-oriented and pleasure-oriented tendency. This is considered to be related with the sense of social balance. Lastly, the topic of food and eating indicates the socio-political views of the narrator and used as the tool to construct ideology. In this sense, food and eating used in Sijo works are strongly carrying the socio-political implications.

      • KCI등재

        가집편찬에서 음사(淫辭) 수록의 논리: 시교(詩敎)와 정교(情敎) -김천택(金天澤)과 풍몽룡(馮夢龍)의 경우-

        조성진 ( Seong Jin Jo ) 한국고전문학회 2012 古典文學硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        이 논문은 김천택과 풍몽룡의 가집편찬에서 음사 수록이 지닌 문제성을 지적하며, 그것을 정당화 하는 논리로 ``시교론``과 ``정교론``을 비교·분석하였다. 우선 『청구영언』 서발문을 중심으로 정래교와 이정섭, 김천택이 『청구영언』 편찬과 음사인 만횡청류를 어떻게 인식했는가를 살폈다. 그 결과 그들은 공통적으로 채시의식을 강조하며 노래가 지닌 교화적 효용을 중시하였는데, 특히 김천택이 두드러졌다. 이 점은 풍몽룡의 경우에도 크게 다르지 않다. 그는 악부민가를 ``風雅``로 지칭하며 자신의 가집 편찬을 태사의 陳詩와 견주었다. 여기에는 악부민가집 편찬에 대한 자부심이 강하게 배어있다고 할 수 있다. 이로부터 김천택의 시교론과 풍몽룡의 정교론이 지닌 핵심 개념과 의도, 문학적 실천의 양상을 간단히 살폈다. 그리고 이들 ``시교``와 ``정교``의 공통점과 차이점을 밝히고, 그 의미를 탐구하였다. 한편으로 이들 교화의 이론이 지닌 표면적 성격 외에 그 이면의 특징을 두어 가지로 나누어 살폈다. 이런 가운데 교화론의 성과와 한계를 살폈다. 성과라고 한다면, 음사 수록을 정당화 하는 구실로 쓰였을 뿐만 아니라, 노래, 특히 시속의 노래를 긍정했다는 점이 그렇다. 한계라고 한다면, 이는 시대적인 것으로서 음사를 그 자체로 긍정하지 못하고 교화의 수단으로서 긍정했다는 데에 있다. This paper considers the problematic aspects of including obscene language in a compilation of collections of poems by Gim Chentaek and Feng Mengrong, from which compares the logic of ``Sigyo (edification by poetry)`` and ``Jeonggyo(edification by emotion)`` justifying that obscene language. This comparative study begins with an examination of the Jeong Laegyo, Lee Jeongseop and Gim Chentaek`s recognition of compilation of Chengguyeong-eon and its including obscene language in a compilation of collections of poems expressed in a preface and a postscript of Chengguyeong-eon. From this, we know that they emphasize consciousness of collecting poems and regard their effects of edification as important in common. This point is not so different from Feng Mengrong`s case. He regards Yuefu-Minge as ``Fengya(風雅)``, and compares his own compilation of collections of poems to Taishi(太史)`s telling emperor about those poems. Further more, this paper analyzes concepts, intention, and aspects of literary practice the logic of Sigyo by Gim Chentaek and the logic of Jeonggyo by Feng Mengrong. And then investigates common points and the differences, and their meanings between those concepts.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        실시간 화상시스템을 통한 피부과 원격진료와 진료만족도 평가

        조성진 ( Seong Jin Jo ),조현희 ( Hyun Hee Cho ),백승환 ( Seung Hwan Paik ),김규한 ( Kyu Han Kim ),은희철 ( Hee Chul Eun ),권오상 ( Oh Sang Kwon ) 대한피부과학회 2010 대한피부과학회지 Vol.48 No.9

        Background: Telemedicine is broadly defined as using telecommunication technology to transfer medical information. Teledermatology is defined as using telemedicine in the field of dermatology, and this can be divided into a storage-and-forward system and a live interactive system. The latter uses video-conferencing equipment and it is known to be more useful than the former. However, there have been few studies on live interactive teledermatologic consultation in Korea. Objective: We wanted to describe and quantify teledematologic consultation and to assess patients` satisfaction with the live interactive consultation by using a questionnaire. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of the patients who were consulted through the teledermatologic system. To assess patients` satisfaction with the live interactive teledermatologic consultation, we asked the patients to complete a questionnaire after the consultation. Results: A total of 98 patients were consulted for 112 skin problems. The most frequent skin problem was eczematous diseases (33.9%), followed by infectious diseases (25.0%). Concerning the treatment efficacy, 90.7% of the patients experienced improvement of their initial symptom. Only one main diagnosis was recorded for 64.3% of the cases, and one main diagnosis with one other possible diagnosis to be differentiated was recorded for 30.4% of the cases. For the aspect of the technical quality, 66.1% of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with the erformance of the instruments for live interactive communication. In addition, half of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with the teledermatologic consultation, and 59.7% of the patients answered that they would use teledermatologic consultation system again if another skin problem develops. Conclusion: With its good performance, teledermatologic consultation seems to be helpful and satisfactory for the patients who are unable to visit the dermatologic out-patients clinic. (Korean J Dermatol 2010;48(9):749~757)

      • Pitfalls during Mohs surgery: tissue flattening-staining artifacts

        조성진 ( Seong Jin Jo ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.2

        Tissue flattening Tissue flattening is critical for achieving appropriate sections. Proper flattening makes it possible to section the complete undersurface, the sidewall, and the epidermal margin in a single piece. ·When the edges are vertical, it is required to make requiring relaxing cuts. ·If there is inadequate relaxation of the tissue, peripheral margins may not be teased down, which results in missing epidermis. ·In some anatomic areas such as periocular tissue, flattening and embedding can be difficult, because delicate periocular tissue may fold easily before embedding. Freezing The tissue specimen should be kept at -22° to -30oC, to obtain good quality frozen sections. ·If tissue is frozen too slowly, ice crystals can leave holes in the tissue. ·Condensate that accumulates in humid condition can form ice crystals that cause cracks and holes in the specimen. ·If the cutting blade in the cryostat is not cold enough, the section may attach to the blade or curl during the cutting. Cutting The goal in cutting is to get the thinnest sections possible. ·Thin sections may make it difficult to cut fat and holes or tears may be visible. ·Thick sections are difficult to read because some of the cellular details may be obscured. ·Dull blades may cause tearing or curling of the tissue, or sometimes chatter lines in the tissue. Slide fixation Usually 10% neutral buttered formalin, alcoholic formalin, alcohol, or acetone are used as a fixative for frozen section slides. ·If the slides are removed too quickly from the fixative, they will not have enough time for dehydration, which affects the staining quality. ·If glass slides have any defects or are dirty, tissue may not adhere properly to them. Staining The staining steps are postfixation preparation, nuclear staining, cytoplasm staining, dehydration, clearing, and cover slipping ·Unless all water is removed, the final slides will have artifact and be difficult to read. ·A floater to the slide may be introduced from a contaminant in the staining solution well.

      • Practical aspects of phototherapy in atopic dermatitis and pruritus

        조성진 ( Seong Jin Jo ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        In old times, sunlight was used to treat a variety of skin conditions in old times and now phototherapy is an important therapeutic option for inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis (AD) and various pruritic conditions. It was observed that many patients with AD improved in the summer. Although many phototherapeutic modalities showed a beneficial effect in AD, narrow-band UVB (nbUVB) and UVA-1 are the most commonly used in modern practice. The use of nbUVB is regarded as the first line of phototherapy for patients with AD beyond topical therapies because of its efficacy and safety. It is usually recommended to irradiate the lesion 2-3 times weekly for 6-8 weeks with starting dose of 50-70% of minimal erythema dose and increment dose of 10-20% per session. Erythema, pruritus, and xerosis may develop as acute adverse effects during nbUVB phototherapy, but they are not so frequent. Although some clinicians concern about the long-term carcinogenesis and photoaging in children, it is an effective and well-tolerated treatment. UVA-1 which was introduced in the early 1990s may be considered second-line therapeutic option in patients who fail nbUVB phototherapy. Also, phototherapy is a treatment option for chronic pruritus of different origin. Its beneficial role has been demonstrated in various pruritic conditions such as prurigo nodularis, solar urticaria, aquagenic pruritus, etc. It could be an alternative for histamine-resistant pruritus during pregnancy. In addition, UV radiation ameliorates pruritus in chronic renal disease although the mechanism of action is not completely understood. Phototherapy provides an excellent benefit in many challenging diseases without severe systemic adverse effects, and thus it is relevant to modern dermatologic practice.

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