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        중국어 개사를 모델로 한 한국어 후치사의 문법복제에 대하여

        고창수 ( Ko Changsoo ),조서형 ( Cho Sohyong ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.29 No.-

        This thesis focuses on the effects of the Chinese adposition on the Korean postposition in the era of Middle Ancient Chinese, through the focal point of grammatical replication. The common consensus is, as Korean and Chinese have shared a long history of geo-graphical and anthropological contact, numerous Chinese lexical words has been borrowed, or loaned to Korean. Yet due to the differences in typology of the two languages, grammatical phenomenon would prove more difficult to transfer. The crux of grammatical replication states that even if two languages experience different grammatical phenomena as long as geographical and anthropological contacts are established, the grammatical phenomenon of one language can be transferred to the other Numerous European Languages` history of transferring from other grammati-cal systems through grammatical replication has been an issue of many discussions and research as of late. With this established, the grammaticalization that allowed verb to transform to adposition in Chinese was replicated (transferred) to the trans-formation from verb to postposition in Korean. This replication processes is essen- tial in establishing a universal model for grammatical replication. As grammatical replication is most evident in the field of literary translations, the undisputable rule of correspondence can be seen in the likes of DWUSI ENHAI(杜詩諺解, translation of poem of DUFU(杜甫)) and the translated version of LAO QIDA(老乞大).

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