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      • KCI등재

        $CoCl_2$로 유도된 C6 신경교세포의 사멸에 대한 억간산(抑肝散)의 보호 효과

        조문영,신용진,하예진,우찬,김태정,유주연,최용석,최정훈,신선호,Cho, Mun-Young,Shin, Yong-Jeen,Ha, Ye-Jin,Woo, Chan,Kim, Ta-Jung,You, Ju-Yeon,Choi, Yong-Seok,Choi, Jung-Hoon,Shin, Sun-Ho 대한한방내과학회 2013 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        Objectives : In this study, we made an effort to investigate the protective mechanism of Ukgan-san (UGS) extracts on hypoxia-induced C6 glial cell death. Methods : The cell viability was assessed by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MMT) assay and cell morphological changes were analysed with microscope after staining with crystal violet (CV). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation was assessed by flow cytometer after staining with 2'7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA). We also analyzed expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-$1{\alpha}$) and p53, processing of procaspase-3 and procyclic acidic repetitive protein (PARP) by western blot method. Results : We estimated the elevated cell viability by UGS extract on $CoCl_2$-induced C6 glial cells. UGS attenuated $CoCl_2$-induced ROS formation in C6 glial cells and also showed a protective activity compared to antioxidants and exhibited abrogation of LDH-released by $CoCl_2$. UGS suppressed the typical apoptotic cell death markers, caspase-3 and PARP activation. UGS inhibited $CoCl_2$-induced HIF-1${\alpha}$ expression which is known as a major regulator for hypoxia-induced cell death, and suppressed p53 expression. Conclusions : These results suggest that UGS extract contains protective constituents for hypoxia-induced C6 glial cell death.

      • KCI등재

        "결함 있는" 인민: 중국 동북 노동자 밀집지역에서 기층간부들의 "사구자치"(社區自治)가 갖는 딜레마

        조문영 ( Mun Young Cho ) 현대중국학회 2011 現代中國硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        계획경제시기 도시 공간을 구성하는 핵심 역할을 했던 단위가 붕괴하자 중국 정부는 소위 기층성 군중자치조직으로 지역 내에서 단위의 보조 역할을 수행했던 주민위원회를 ``사구 주민위원회``로, 그 관할구역을 ``사구``로 재편하면서 ``사구자치``(社區自治)를 강조하기 시작했다. 본 연구는 중국 동북부 하얼빈의 슬럼화된 노동자 집단 거주지에서 기층 사구간부들의 일상을 통해 사구자치가 갖는 딜레마를 고찰한다. 사구자치란 부분적으로 공동체의 자발성 및 전문성을 권장함과 동시에 정부의 짐을 줄이려는 새로운 기획을 포함했으나, 연구자의 조사지에서 이 과업을 맡게 된 기층간부들은 역설적이게도 정부의 ``공익성 강위``(公益性崗位) 제도를 통해 들어온 중년의 저학력(특히 여성) 노동자들이었다. 본 연구는 정부라는 직장에 재고용됨으로써 ``사회주의`` 중국에서 ``인민``이 가졌던 권리를 환기시켰던 이들 기층간부들이 사구자치를 수행하는 과정에서 ``결함 있는`` 인민으로 스스로를 자리매김하는 과정을 인류학 민족지(ethnography)를 통해 보여준다. 연구자는 누가, 즉 어떠한 역사성을 가진 집단이 사구건설을 둘러싸고 경합을 벌이는가에 주목함으로써 사구건설에 관한 논의가 ``규제``와 ``자치``라는, ``국가-사회관계`` 모델에 바탕한 이분법적 공방에서 벗어날 필요가 있음을 강조한다. Amidst China`s economic reform, the reformulation of urban space from the work-unit to community has become an urgent issue for the Chinese state. This move has generated widespread debates on "community self-governance", including how community cadres can be transformed from the government`s mere messengers to the active partners with the government. Based on ethnographic research in a run-down workers` village in Harbin, this article examines the processes in which community cadres are forced to fashion themselves as voluntary, self-motivating citizens. Despite new governmental emphasis on the professionalization of community service, most community cadres in the peripheral neighborhood have managed to win their jobs through the policy of "the public post", which privileges urban laid-off workers. Although this policy seems to prove that the Chinese state has not abandoned "the people" in the People`s Republic of China, governmental protection has accompanied the re-configuration of "the people" as the historical tension embedded in the concept runs through the management of community. Historical gender/family problematics within "the people", combined with increasing suspicions about the people`s capacities, have led the state to "protect" mostly female, uneducated cadres in highly hierarchical ways while exploiting their liminal position in the state apparatus. These cadres ironically attach themselves to the old Maoist doctrine of self-reliance to prove that they are voluntary, self-motivating citizens.

      • KCI등재

        회전근개 파열에 대한 한의치료의 국내 연구동향 분석

        조문영 ( Mun-young Cho ),신우철 ( Woo-chul Shin ),조재흥 ( Jae-heung Cho ),정원석 ( Won-seok Chung ),김형석 ( Hyungsuk Kim ),송미연 ( Mi-yeon Song ) 한방재활의학과학회 2024 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to analyze trends of domestic research in Korean medicine treatment for rotator cuff tear. Methods Among the clinical papers published before March 2024, we used five databases for searching researches; Korean studies Information Service System, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System, Research Information Sharing Service, KMbase, ScienceON. Results 11 studies were finally selected. Acupuncture was used as a treatment in all 11 studies and pharmacopucture was used in 7 studies. Visual analogue scale and range of motion were frequently used as measurement tools. Most of the studies were case reports. Conclusions This study is a review about literatures on Korean medicine treatment for rotator cuff tear. In order to develop treatment and diagnosis of rotator cuff tear in the Korean medicine, more clinical studies with higher level of evidence should be conducted in the near future. (J Korean Med Rehabil 2024;34(3):43-51)

      • KCI등재

        중첩된 시간성과 벌이는 협상: 중국 동북지역 저소득층 대학생들의 속물성에 대한 인류학적 변명

        조문영 ( Mun Young Cho ) 한국문화인류학회 2012 韓國文化人類學 Vol.45 No.2

        1980년대 이후에 태어난 중국의 청년들은``바링허우(80後) 세대``란 이름으로 특별한 주목을 받아왔는데, 이들의 정치적 무관심이나 속물적 경향은 대개 개혁개방이 가져다준 물질적 풍요의 결과로 해석되어 왔다. 이와 반대로 본 연구에서는``농민·노동자 계급의 아이들``이라는 이데올로기적 수사가 아니라``빈곤 2세대(貧二代)``라는 오명을 뒤집어 쓴 채 경제성장의 그늘을 배회하고 있는 저소득층 대학생들이 마찬가지로 드러내는 속물성에 주목한다. 계층적·지역적 열세에 놓인 중국 동북 하얼빈의 저소득층 대학생들이 취업과 주택구입이라는 화두에 대응하는 방식을 통해 속물성의 역사적 맥락과 문화적 의미를 밝히는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 연구자는 속물성을 주어진 상황에 따라적당히 템포를 맞추는 것으로 정의하면서 신자유주의 하의 청년들이 드러내는``시간적 불안(temporal anxiety)``과 자기계발에 관한 최근의 이론적 논의를 두 가지 측면에서 비판적으로 고찰한다. 첫째, 속물성은``개혁개방``혹은``신자유주의``와 같은 단일한 외적 배경의 산물이 아니다. 이는 청년들이 도시와 농촌, 동북과 남방 등 위계적 공간을 가로지르면서 현대 중국 사회에서 일정한 규범을 강요하거나 역사적인 관행을 구축했던 여러겹의 시간성들(근대적, 신자유주의적, 국가 사회주의적 시간성)과 갈등하고 협상을 벌이는 가운데 나타난 문화적 현상이다. 둘째, 속물성은 현실의 단순한 반영이 아니라 행위자가사회적 고통에 대응하면서 적절한 삶의 템포를 찾아가는 보다 적극적인 과정으로 이해될 수 있다. 이 점에서 자기계발의 의지란 개혁개방의 풍요가 가져다 준 새로운``자유``를 무조건 긍정하는 것이 아니라, 불합리한 현실을 통렬히 인식하고 있는 냉소주의적 주체가 삶의 행로를 모색하면서 악전고투를 벌이는 한 순간을 드러낸다. Broadly called ba ling hou, Chinese youth who were born after the 1980s have become a subject of particular attention. It is commonly said that the political indifference or materialistic concern often found among these youth is the natural consequence of affluence resulting from China`s market reform. This study examines how low-income college students, who are no longer ``the children of socialist peasants and workers``but are merely characterized by the mass media as ``the second generation of the poor``(pin er dai), have come to perform snobbism despite their exclusion from the circles of high affluence. The research presented here delves into the historical contexts and cultural meanings of snobbism by focusing on how disadvantaged students in Harbin respond to two popular topics─the job search and the purchase of housing. Defining` snobbism`as a process of tactfully adjusting one`s life tempo to given circumstances, I engage with recent critiques of` temporal anxiety`and ``self-development,``which are considered widespread among youth living in the age of neoliberalism. First I argue that snobbism is not just a neoliberal product: it is a cultural phenomenon which emerges as disadvantaged youth struggle and negotiate with overlapped (modern, neoliberal, and state socialist) temporalities while intersecting hierarchical spaces such as the urban and the rural, and the northeast and the coastal south. Next, snobbism does not merely reflect harsh realities faced by these youth: rather, it should be considered a more active process in which disadvantaged youth struggle to find a proper tempo while coping with social suffering.

      • NI-9215를 이용한 전기적 신호분석방법에 관한 연구

        조문영(Moon-Young Cho) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2011 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.16 No.2

        This paper is purposed to develop hardware and monitoring program to select NI-9215 of NI comp., which can be used in developing electrical equipment, to analyze and detect the 1∼1000㎃ and 1∼100A current signals. In this paper, The hardware which can interface with current sensors(CTL-24-S28-10Z and CTL-24-TE), is developed by NI-9215 of NI comp. The NI-9215 for use with NI USB chassis includes four simultaneously sampled analog input channels and successive approximation register(SAR) 16-bit analog-to-digital converters.(ADCs) The NI-9215 contains a channel-to-earth ground doubleisolation barrier for safety and noise immunity, and high common-mode voltage range. The monitoring program which can interface with NI-9215, is developed by SignalExpress of LabVIEW. The monitoring program are developed to analyze well at the same time on electrical signals such as RMS value, instantaneous value of current, THD, FFT signals etc, and to measure abnormal signals on the electrical wires. Verification experiment was conducted to evaluate usefulness and availability of the schemes in this paper.

      • ‘보편’중국의 부상과 인류학의 국가중심성 비판

        조문영 ( Cho Mun Young ) 성균관대학교 성균중국연구소 2019 중국사회과학논총 Vol.1 No.1

        중국을 ‘비서구’ 위치에 두면서 ‘서구’식 개념화를 비판해 온 인류학 접근이 ‘서구’를 극복하면서 ‘보편’의 지위를 도모하는 최근의 중국을 어떻게 이해하고 분석할 수 있는가? 본 논문은 ‘보편’ 중국이라는 쟁점에 한국의 중국 인류학이 어떻게 화답할 수 있는가를 탐색하는 시론적 성격을 갖는다. 국가를 상위의 실체로 가정하면서 구심적 힘의 행사를 정당화 하는 ‘국가중심성(state centrality)’이 서구의 인식론적 우위를 자명한 것으로 만든 현대화 기획의 결과이자 조건임을 환기시키면서, 본 연구는 서구가 스스로를 ‘보편’으로 정립하기 위해 거쳐 온 작업과 ‘보편’ 중국 기획의 관계를 규명할 출발점으로 인류학자들의 국가중심성 비판을 검토한다. 그간 한국 인류학자들의 중국 연구는 ‘국가- 사회 관계’ 패러다임에 역동성과 다양성을 부여하면서 ‘하나의 중국’이라는 이데올로기에 균열을 내고, 국민국가의 경계를 고착화 하지 않는 이주와 마주침(encounter)에 주목하면서 정치적 상상의 지평을 확대해왔다. 하지만, 중국이 서구 자본주의와 민족주의 역사에 독점되지 않는 방향으로 국가 개념 자체를 바꿔내고자 한다면 기존 국가 개념의 자명성을 낯설게 보는 작업은 얼마나 유효한가? 서구의 인식론적 우위에 균열을 내는 해체론적 작업은 단순히 신흥 강대국이 아니라 “또 다른 보편”이 되고자 하는 중국의 과업을 분석하는데 여전히 곤경을 유발한다. 이러한 곤경은 ‘보편’ 중국이 새롭게 창안하는 개념들을 직접 문제 삼는 대신 서구의 중국 인식 비판에 초점을 맞춘 영미 유학파 출신 중국 인류학의 접근을 재고하고, 서구의 ‘보편’을 문제화 하면서도 이론의 가공지로서 그 영원한 우위를 암묵적으로 가정해온 성찰적 인류학을 재성찰할 기회를 제공한다. Since the late twentieth century, anthropology, an inherent field of the West’s geography of imagination, has based its primary mission in resisting the epistemological dominance of Western powers. China remained as a part of “non-West” in the discipline’s discursive field. In recent times, however, what we witness is China’s attempt to refuse the West world order and position its status as “universal.” Like Michel-Rolph Trouillot calls “North Atlantic universals,” that is, “words that project the North Atlantic experience on a universal scale that they themselves have helped to create,” Chinese universals do not simply describe the world but offer visions of the world. They are prescriptive inasmuch as they suggest what is desirable or not. In this article, I examine anthropological critiques of state centrality in order to problematize “Chinese universality” in its analogous relationship to “Western universality.” State centrality, that is, the production of “the state” as an overarching entity, is deeply intertwined with managerial projects of modernization, which have naturalized the imaginary production of the West. As I introduced, many scholars who engage in the anthropology of the state have shedded light on state centrality as a “precarious achievement” (James Ferguson and Akhil Gupta), arguing that the seeming centrality of the state is recognized and produced through a series of state practices and processes. Like capitalism, the seeming systematicity of the state results from “the historically specific, nondeterministic encounters that create it” (Lieba Faier and Lisa Rofel). I have reviewed two dimensions in which South Korean anthropologists who study China have contributed to the critiques of state centrality. One is the paradigm of state-society relations. Long-term fieldwork in villages, migrant enclaves or multi-sites between rural and urban, which is rarely found in other disciplines and frequently frustrated in the People’s Republic of China, has helped anthropologists to unveil the dynamics embedded in the relationship between state and society and, furthermore, explore the precarious and patchy nature of state centrality. Given those dynamics, it is not a priori but an event that must be examined to unconsciously identify “China” with “the Chinese state,” “the Chinese government” or “the Communist Party.” However, the binary state-society framework is subject to a reductionist trap, even though one underlines complexities between “state” and “society” as well as within each category. Anthropological attention to migration and encounter has also contributed to unfolding state centrality instead of taking it as a taken-for-granted fact. Many anthropologists have refused to accept the nation-state and its boundaries as a given in their analysis. With an ethnographic eye to cross-border encounters, they have examined how state processes and practices are made and remade through unequal relationship involving various groups of natives and migrants. Those encounters are made in multiple sites such as the Sino-Korean border, Huaqiao associations or schools, multinational corporations, migrant enclaves in China and South Korea, and so forth. However, are such anthropologists’ efforts to denaturalize Eurocentric conceptualizations valid indeed if China attempts to change the concept of “the state” in a way that it is not monopolized by West-centered histories of capitalism and nationalism? China increasingly seeks “Chinese universality” against “Western universality” as well as “a new superpower” against American hegemony. Anthropological critiques of state centrality, which center on disrupting Western epistemology, are limited in investigating the former. From nostalgic futurity of a “Greater China” to the revival of the ancient notion of “All under Heaven” (tianxia) and the tribute (chaogong) system, recent China scholarship pursues a unique and historically sedimented path for universalism, in which China is “much more than just another culture” (Frank N. Pieke). I demonstrate that such predicament, not simply indicative of a failure, offers a reflexive moment for anthropology in two ways. First, it newly problematizes the academic trajectory of South Korean anthropologists of China, inquiring what it means for them to center on Western critiques against Western epistemology, not China scholarship in their own country, as their primary interlocutor. Mostly trained in North Atlantic regions and influenced by “reflexive” turn in the discipline of anthropology, these anthropologists are well-versed in provincializing “Western universality”: however, most of them are not sufficiently prepared for analyzing historically layered concepts that Chinese scholars newly introduced or invoked in order to re-position their nation as a birthplace of “theory.” Second, and more importantly, anthropologists’ predicament offers an opportunity to critically rethink a reflexive turn in anthropology. In the discipline of anthropology, “reflexivity” commonly refers to ethnographers’ awareness of their relationship to the field of study. Since the late 1970s, many anthropologists have reflected on both fieldwork and ethnographic writing, questioning how they are saturated with the colonial baggage of their discipline, as well as with the problematic representation of otherness. Reflexive anthropology has thus paid serious attention to the power relations of knowledge production while indicating the inherent asymmetry between “the West as the producer of theory” and “the non-West as the supplier of data.” However, anthropologists’ difficulty in situating “Chinese universality” in their theoretical framework leads us to question if “reflexivity” in anthropology is nothing but an Eurocentric action of tolerance as a governing technology. Borrowing from Wendy Brown’s conceptualization of “tolerance,” I emphasize that the action of tolerance inevitably affords some access to superiority while marking subjects of tolerance as inferior or marginal. In all, the emergence of “Chinese universality” suggests that even reflexive anthropology is not immune from a tendency to presuppose the permanent superiority of “the West as the producer of theory.”

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 계급적 소비의 거부: 중국 하얼빈 노동자 빈곤층의 주택 구입 열망을 바라보는 인류학적 시선

        조문영 ( Mun Young Cho ) 한국문화인류학회 2011 韓國文化人類學 Vol.44 No.3

        실질적 구매 능력의 결여에도 불구하고 새 주택을 구입하고자 발버둥치는 노동자들의 소비 행태를 어떻게 해석할 것인가? 본 연구는 중화인민공화국에서 ``인민``의 대표적 범주로 표상되었던 동북 지역 노동자 계급의 빈곤화가 갖는 의미를 ``집``을 둘러싼 일상의 실천들을 통해 규명하고자 한 시도이다. 하얼빈 외곽 노동자 단위 마을에서의 현지조사를 바탕으로 연구자는 빈곤화를 겪게 된 노동자들이 새 주택 구입이라는 ``불가능한`` 꿈을 추구하게 된 동기와 과정을 고찰하였다. 연구자는 특히 사회주의 성립 이후 중국의 도시 노동자들이 경험한 이질적인 두 역사적 배경이 우연히 만나는 지점에 주목했는데, 첫 번째 배경은 사회주의적 평등에 대한 공유된 기억이고, 두 번째 배경은 신자유주의적 자본주의의 전형으로 종종 언급되는 카지노식 부의 추구이다. 전자는 계획경제 시기를, 후자는 개혁개방 이후를 표상한다는 점에서 시간의 순차성을 드러내는 것처럼 보이지만, 양자는 노동자들의 생활세계 속에서 기묘한 동시성을 획득한다. 즉 노동자들의 ``불가능한`` 꿈은 그리고 먼저 부를 획득한 자들을 따라잡겠다는 그들의 의지는 "우리는 모두 평등했다"라는 사회주의 신화의 재생작업과 "한 건이면 뒤집을 수 있다"는 투기적 자본주의의 열망이 예기치 않게 결합한 결과라는 게 연구자의 논지이다. 본 연구는 계급과 그 구성원들 사이에 공유되는 문화적 스타일에 관한 결정론적 시각 및 노동자를 ``저항의 주체`` 혹은 ``사회 안정의 위협``으로 전제하는 분석의 틀을 지양할 때라야만 계급적 소비를 거부하는 가난한 노동자들의 이단적 취향을 온전히 분석할 수 있음을 강조한다. Ethnographic research in a run-down neighborhood in northeast China draws attention to the tastes of impoverished workers, who refuse to limit their choices only to necessity. How do these workers shape their aspirations for new commercial housing despite their de facto inability to afford it? This article delves into the experiential contradictions of urban poverty in contemporary China with an eye to the unexpected encounter between the historically unique condition of China`s working classes and the recent neoliberal hunt for wealth. Having grown up in "equal" poverty during the Mao period, impoverished workers shared many life experiences with the newly rich until past social equalities shifted radically into the grim inequalities of the present. Memories of this shared past prompt endless talk about the sudden wealth of old comrades, spurring workers` aspirations to "catch up." The purchase of newly constructed homes, I argue, has become the very manifestation of their aspirations amidst China`s escalating real estate values. I connect workers` ordinary narratives about class subjectivity to extraordinary events in which they "gamble" their savings to purchase homes. Hopes and frustrations are inextricably intertwined in their efforts. In all, this article critically engages in Pierre Bourdieu`s discussion of the cultural reproduction of class boundaries as well as scholarly studies of China in the area of labor studies. Instead of determining that shared cultural practices are indicative of a particular class or exploring the relationship between the party-state and working classes solely in terms of resistance, I contend that the poor person`s "nonconformist" pursuit of better housing brings to light more dynamic and ambivalent processes through which a class subjectivity is constructed as historically relational in China.

      • KCI등재

        안전의 열망과 기여의 의지: 경기도 청년기본소득 수령자들의 서사

        조문영 ( Munyoung Cho ),조민서 ( Minseo Cho ),김지현 ( Jihyeon Kim ) 한국문화인류학회 2021 韓國文化人類學 Vol.54 No.1

        재산이나 노동 여부와 상관없이 모두에게 소득을 지급하자는 기본소득 의제는 최근 들어 철학적 논변에서 정책과 실험으로 빠르게 이동 중이다. 이념상의 기본소득과 현실에서 작동중인 기본소득의 차이가 현저하고, 후자의 효과를 입증하는 과정이 노동윤리와 같은 기존의 통념을 재생산할 위험이 있다면, 기본소득에 관한 경험적 연구는 어떻게 진행되어야 하는가? 이러한 문제의식에서 본 연구는 경기도 청년기본소득을 수령한 청년들의 삶의 경험과 지향을 살피고, 이 삶 속에서 이들이 경험한 기본소득의 의미를 탐색한다. 다양한 배경의 청년 수령자들과 인터뷰를 수행하면서, 우리는 두 가지 질문을 제기했다. 첫째, ‘현재’의 경기도 청년기본소득을 경험한 청년들은 ‘미래’에 기본소득이 충분하고 정기적으로 지급된다면 어떤 삶을 살고 싶다고 상상하는가? 둘째, 기존의 기본소득 운동이 새롭게 재구성하고자 했던 ‘일’과 ‘보장’의 의미는 기본소득이 이제까지 부재했던 시공간을 살아온 청년들의 서사와 어떻게 수렴하거나 충돌하는가? 연구참여자들이 서사화한 경기도 청년기본소득 수령 경험은 ‘기본소득’에 대한 관심과 기본소득이 전면화된 세계에 대한 상상을 촉발하기에는 미흡했다. 특정 연령에 해당하는 개인에게 보편적이고 무조건적으로 지급되는 청년기본소득은 ‘집합적인 보장’이라는 점에서 연구참여자들에게 새로운 경험이었지만, 이 일회적인 경험은 안전에 대한 열망을 개별적인 노력을 통해 충족할 수밖에 없는 환경에서 진행되었다. 이념형 기본소득 지지자들이 구축한 사회상과 현실기본소득 수령자들이 떠올린 사회상의 괴리는 컸다. 기본소득 운동은 ‘일’과 ‘노동’의 의미를 자율적 활동을 중심으로 재구성할 것을 제안하나, 청년들에게 ‘일’과 등치되는 임금노동은 소득과 사회적 인정의 유력한 원천이었다. 또한, 기본소득 운동은 공유부의 평등한 배당을 강조하나, 청년들은 모종의 답례를 해야 할 ‘증여’로 기본소득을 인식했다. 우리가 청년들과의 인터뷰에서 발견한 안전의 열망과 기여의 의지가, 기본소득을 포함하여 ‘지금, 여기’의 집합적 보장을 기획하고 고민하는 이들에게 진지하게 고려할 주제가 되길 바란다. Universal Basic Income (UBI), an idea of providing income without a means test or work requirement, is no longer limited to a philosophical discussion but emerging as a policy, which accompanies pilot experiments and political debates. Given the enormous gap between an ideal basic income and an actually existing basic income, and the pitfall of a study on the latter’s effect in reproducing the conventional work ethics, what alternatives should empirical research on basic income make use of? In this line, we focus on the narratives of recipients of Gyeonggi Youth Basic Income (GYBI), the newly-launched policy in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, as they perceive and interpret GYBI in dialogues with their life experiences. Based on in- depth interviews with young recipients of various backgrounds, our research raises two questions. First, how do their experiences of GYBI prompt young recipients to envision their lives in the future when UBI would be realized with a sufficient and periodic payment? Second, how do the narratives of young recipients, who have never experienced “basic income” in their lifetime, resonate with or collide with those of UBI activists who attempt to redefine the meaning of “work” and “security”? Our research shows that youth experiences of GYBI do not necessarily lead them to imagine their life in a moment when UBI would be full- fledged. To begin, while inspired by the universal and unconditional payment of GYBI, young recipients still try to fulfill their aspiration of security individually through earned income or financial investment. Next, whereas UBI thinkers and activists suggest that “work” should be unmoored from its bondage with wage labor, most recipients consider it as a primary source of income and social recognition. Finally, whereas UBI activism gives critical attention to the equal dividend of the commonwealth, most interviewees tend to perceive basic income as a gift-debt that must be returned. The aspiration for security and the will to contribute, which we unveil in GYBI recipients’ narratives, await further discussion among those who attempt to reconstruct collective security here and now.

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