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        근대적 일상의 전개와 김기림 시의 일상성 연구

        조동범(Jo Dong-bum) 한국비평문학회 2023 批評文學 Vol.- No.90

        일상은 근대 이후에 나온 개념이며 근대의 시공간을 통해 전개된다. 놀랍게도 19세기 이전까지 일상은 존재하지 않는 개념이었다. 당연히 일상으로 불리는 시공간 역시 없었다. 사전적 의미인 ‘날마다 반복되는 생활’만으로 근대의 개념인 일상을 설명할 수 없다. 일상은 단순히 평범하고 흔한 삶을 가리키는 말이 아니다. 그것은 근대성 속에 새롭게 전개된 시간을 의미한다. 근대 속에 놓인 인간의 삶을 총체적으로 내장하고 있는 인문학적 개념이다. 일상은 19세기 산업혁명 이후 기계문명의 등장과 함께 부여받은 ‘잉여의 시간’이며, 근대의 무의미하고 무가치한 시간을 의미한다. 근대는 일상성과 깊은 관계를 맺고 있다. 그런 점에서 근대성을 내세운 김기림의 시를 파악하기 위해서는 일상성을 분석하는 것이 중요하다. 김기림 시의 근대성 역시 일상성의 세계를 바탕으로 전개되기 때문이다. 하지만 지금까지 김기림 시의 근대성은 일상성의 측면으로 접근하기보다, 근대 문명이나 이기 등을 통해 표면화된 근대성을 주된 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 따라서 근대성이 지니고 있는 본질적인 특성을 간과할 수밖에 없었다. 근대성의 세계는 문학에 대한 개념도 바꾸었다. 근대 이전의 문학은 대체적으로 가치 있는 ‘사건’을 다루었다. 하지만 근대 이후 문학은 더 이상 ‘사건’을 다루지 않아도 되었다. 오히려 ‘사건’을 다루지 않음으로써 당대의 모습을 더욱 실감나게 제시할 수 있었다. 여기에 개입된 것이 바로 일상성이다. 김기림은 작품에 무의미하고 무가치한 일상을 적극적으로 표명함으로써 근대성이 무엇인지에 대한 심도 깊은 문학적 사유를 개진했다. 근대성의 의미를 명확하게 인식하고 제시한 김기림의 시를 통해 일제강점기 근대의 의미는 보다 분명해질 것이다. Daily life is a post-modern concept and unfolds through modern time and space. Surprisingly, the concept of daily life did not exist before the 19th century. Of course, there was no time and space called everyday. The everyday is not just a word that refers to ordinary human life and time. It is a concept that characterizes the modern world. It does not simply refer to the repetition of life, nor does it refer to ordinary time. Everydayness is the “surplus time” that came with the rise of mechanical civilization after the industrial revolution in the 19th century, and it means meaningless and worthless time. It is a concept that refers to a special phase of modern time that can be understood through humanities and philosophy. The modern world has a deep relationship with everyday life. In this regard, it is important to analyze everydayness in order to understand Kim Ki-rim’s poetry that claims to stand for modernity. This is because the modernity of Kim Ki-rim’s poetry is also based on the world of everydayness. However, until now, the modernity of Kim Ki-rim’s poetry has been studied mainly in terms of the modern world itself, rather than in terms of everydayness. Therefore, the essential characteristics of modernity have been overlooked. The world of modernity also changed the idea of literature. Pre-modern literature usually dealt with “events” that had value. But post-modern literature no longer had to deal with events. On the contrary, by not dealing with events, it was able to present a more realistic picture of the times. This is where everydayness came in. By actively expressing the meaningless and worthless everyday life in his works, Kim Ki-rim developed in-depth literary thoughts on what modernity is. Through Kims poetry, which clearly recognizes the meaning of modernity, it is possible to grasp the meaning of the modern world that has suddenly developed, more clearly.

      • 景觀路 周邊의 開發形態에 따른 景觀價値 變化의 分析에 關한 硏究

        趙東範,安建鏞 서울大學校 農科大學 1983 서울대농학연구지 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of potential land development on perceived environmental quality along the scenic corridor. To represent the present corridor and simulate the roadside development, a photographic simulation technique was developed. A judgement-format was made using a semantic diffierential technique, which was handled to student groups. The data from formats were analyzed using means and univariate analysis of variance for each scale, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and regression analysis. The results are; 1. The on-site users group and the students group for simulation are similar in their judgement of roadside scenic quality. 2. Even slight changes in adjacent roadside development affiect significant changes in perception of roadside quality.(Table 1) 3. Most of the total variance of the input data were explained by three factors, the first factor was interpreted as "Scenic evaluative", the second factor was termed "Activity", the third factor was named "Natural potency". 4. The perceived quality-changes by the development patterns were explained as follows a.Topographic changes; Scenic evaluative,Natural potency b.Destroyed vegetation, Land use, Unsympathetic development; Activity, Natural potency c.Elements of environmental complexity;Activity 5. The degree of satisfaction with scenes was decreased in proportion to the increase of additional development. The unsympathetic developments cause the effects in the activity dimension, the topographic changes, elements of environmental complexity, the destroyed vegetation, and the land use in evaluative dimension.

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