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        부활을 부정하는 고린도 교인들과 이에 대한 바울의 논증(고전 15장)

        조광호(Gwang-Ho Cho) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2010 신학논단 Vol.60 No.-

        ??The idea of resurrection is not widespread in the Mediterranean Area in 1. Century A.D. Therefore it is not easy to accept the bodily ressurection of the dead for the Greek, who live in the hellenistic world where dualistic thought rules.<br/> ??Some of the Corinthians are baptized for the dead as a kind of funeral process or to help the trip to Hades. That means, the Corinthians do not deny the existence of the other world after death, although they believe not the resurrection. In connection with this, Paul point out that the vicarious baptism is a proof of the resurrection of the dead.<br/> ??The Corinthians think that they are already sanctified through the baptism and Eucharist. Spiritually full enthused they are the opinion that they have the gnosis and wisdom, so there is no need of resurrection, because they live already in the reality of the resurrection. Paul criticizes these thoughts. He lays emphasis on the bodily resurrection. This aspect goes back to the world view of Old Testament. If one believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, then also he must accept the resurrection of the dead. That's main thesis of Paul in 1 Cor 15. Through the Stress of the body as an instrument to preserve the identity of the human being behind the death, paul preserves the historicity of the human being by resurrection. According to Paul, the body is the concrete place where God's Will get accomplished. Paul emphasizes 'not yet'. He uses so many apocalyptic materials, to give a warning to the hasted expectation of eschatological completion. At the present time the Christian lives in the mode of hope, namely waiting for the parusie of Jesus Christ and for the End of history through his power. Until this time believer as a being dressed in body get along in this world, struggling for a completion. One can't to become perfect, till the last days come. ??The idea of resurrection is not widespread in the Mediterranean Area in 1. Century A.D. Therefore it is not easy to accept the bodily ressurection of the dead for the Greek, who live in the hellenistic world where dualistic thought rules.<br/> ??Some of the Corinthians are baptized for the dead as a kind of funeral process or to help the trip to Hades. That means, the Corinthians do not deny the existence of the other world after death, although they believe not the resurrection. In connection with this, Paul point out that the vicarious baptism is a proof of the resurrection of the dead.<br/> ??The Corinthians think that they are already sanctified through the baptism and Eucharist. Spiritually full enthused they are the opinion that they have the gnosis and wisdom, so there is no need of resurrection, because they live already in the reality of the resurrection. Paul criticizes these thoughts. He lays emphasis on the bodily resurrection. This aspect goes back to the world view of Old Testament. If one believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, then also he must accept the resurrection of the dead. That's main thesis of Paul in 1 Cor 15. Through the Stress of the body as an instrument to preserve the identity of the human being behind the death, paul preserves the historicity of the human being by resurrection. According to Paul, the body is the concrete place where God's Will get accomplished. Paul emphasizes 'not yet'. He uses so many apocalyptic materials, to give a warning to the hasted expectation of eschatological completion. At the present time the Christian lives in the mode of hope, namely waiting for the parusie of Jesus Christ and for the End of history through his power. Until this time believer as a being dressed in body get along in this world, struggling for a completion. One can't to become perfect, till the last days come.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        바울의 ‘카리스마’ 이해와 리더십

        조광호(Gwang-Ho Cho) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2011 신학논단 Vol.64 No.-

        It is through Max Weber’s influence that the word ‘charisma’ be-comes famous in the field of leadership. He understands charisma as an special ability to make one considered as an extraordinary. Thanks to Max Weber, the concept ‘charisma’ has been frequently used in relation to leadership: for example “charismatic leadership.” Max Weber defines ‘charisma’ and theorizes about it, so that the concept ‘charisma’ becomes an fundamental notion in the theory of ‘Legitimate Domination.’ From a historical point of view, it is Paul who uses the word ‘charisma’ in earnest. We can’t find the evidence before Paul, that the word ‘charisma’ ist used as a another term which differs from the Greek “charis.” In New Testament appears the word ‘charisma’ 17 times(Rom. 6 times, 1 Cor. 7 times, 2 Cor., 1 Tim., 2 Tim., 1 Pet. each once). That is, all but one(1 Pet. 4:10) is by Paul. ‘Charisma’ in Pauline Epistles can be classified into 3 groups: 1. One makes use of it, in order to stress the diversity of spiritual gifts received, 2. It means spiritual power in inclusive sense, 3. It is used as the saving act of God explained in the frame of salvation history. Removed the unnecessary usage of ‘charisma’ from the 3 groups, the concept of ‘charisma’ in relation to readership can be summarized as a spiritual power given to the human being as a gift from God. Differently to Max Weber’s Usage, the word ‘charisma’ by Paul is re-lated to the ecclesiology. Each believer has his own charisma. There is no difference in quality between the charismata. That is why, ‘charisma’ can’t be served as a reason of superiority-assertion of one to the other who has the another charisma. The Pauline leadership in relation to the Corinthian church is to be abridged with some key words. Namely, a clear sense of calling, the concentration on the essential value, the emphasis on the diversity on the basis of the universality, serve as a paradox, imitation, parental mind, proposal for the transcendental goal. It is through Max Weber’s influence that the word ‘charisma’ be-comes famous in the field of leadership. He understands charisma as an special ability to make one considered as an extraordinary. Thanks to Max Weber, the concept ‘charisma’ has been frequently used in relation to leadership: for example “charismatic leadership.” Max Weber defines ‘charisma’ and theorizes about it, so that the concept ‘charisma’ becomes an fundamental notion in the theory of ‘Legitimate Domination.’ From a historical point of view, it is Paul who uses the word ‘charisma’ in earnest. We can’t find the evidence before Paul, that the word ‘charisma’ ist used as a another term which differs from the Greek “charis.” In New Testament appears the word ‘charisma’ 17 times(Rom. 6 times, 1 Cor. 7 times, 2 Cor., 1 Tim., 2 Tim., 1 Pet. each once). That is, all but one(1 Pet. 4:10) is by Paul. ‘Charisma’ in Pauline Epistles can be classified into 3 groups: 1. One makes use of it, in order to stress the diversity of spiritual gifts received, 2. It means spiritual power in inclusive sense, 3. It is used as the saving act of God explained in the frame of salvation history. Removed the unnecessary usage of ‘charisma’ from the 3 groups, the concept of ‘charisma’ in relation to readership can be summarized as a spiritual power given to the human being as a gift from God. Differently to Max Weber’s Usage, the word ‘charisma’ by Paul is re-lated to the ecclesiology. Each believer has his own charisma. There is no difference in quality between the charismata. That is why, ‘charisma’ can’t be served as a reason of superiority-assertion of one to the other who has the another charisma. The Pauline leadership in relation to the Corinthian church is to be abridged with some key words. Namely, a clear sense of calling, the concentration on the essential value, the emphasis on the diversity on the basis of the universality, serve as a paradox, imitation, parental mind, proposal for the transcendental goal.

      • KCI등재

        그리스도는 율법의 마침인가 목표인가 완성인가?

        조광호(Gwang Ho Cho) 한국기독교학회 2004 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.31 No.-

        Beim Vesta‥ndnis des Gesetzes Pauli ist Rom 104("Christus ist telos nomos") als eine wichtigaste Stelle bekannt, aber dessen Bedeutung ist heftig umstritten. Mit dem `telos` hat man zum einen "Ziel" im Auge, zum anderen "Vollendung" und zum dritten "Ende". Rom 9-11, zu dem unser Text(Ro‥m 104) gehort, redet von dem Schicksal Israels. Das heil ha‥ngt davon, ob man an Jesus Christus glaubt oder nicht. In diesem Sinne ist anzunehmen, daβ Israel von der Heilsgeschichte Gottes ausgegliedert ist, weil es keinen Glauben an Jesus hat. Dabei taucht das Problem auf, na‥mlich Gott hat diesem durch seine Vorfahren die Verheiβung gegeben. Wenn Israel von dem Heil ausgeschlossen wird, dann erweist sich: Gottes Wort ist nicht true. So ist die Rettung Israels unbedingt no‥tig, um die Treue Gottes unverletzt zu bleiben. Nach dem Urteil des Paulus hat zwar Israel Eifer fir Gott aber steht auf dern falschen Weg. Es hat nach dem Gesetz der Gerechtigkeit (=eigene Gerechtigkeit) getrachtet, die nicht aus dem Glauben mormmt. Im diesen Zusamrnenhang wird Christus `telos` des Gesetzes. Aus der Untersuchung der Verwendungsfalle von `telos` ergibt sich, daβ das Wort bei Paulus nicht mit dern Sinn "Ziel" vorkommt. Und unter Beru‥cksichtigung von V. 5 sollte man das Wort "Gesetz" im V. 4 fir negeativ halten. Das bedeutet: `telos nomou` ist nicht mit "Ziel des Gesetzes" zu u‥bersetzen. Bei diesem Passus (Ro‥m 9:30-10:4) handelt es sich nicht darum, wie Israel gerechtigt zu werden durch die Erfu‥llung der Forderungen des Gesetzes, sondern darum, wie Israel die Gerechtigkeit durch den Glauben an Jesus Christus zuerreichen. Darurn ist das Versta‥ndnis des `telos` als "Vollendung" ebenfalls auβer acht zu lassen. Nach Meinung Pauli liegt das Problem Israels darin, daβ das Problem Israels darin, Christus glaubt. Es versucht, mit Gesetz zur Gerechtigkeit zu erlangen. Aber wenn man 2 Gerechtigkeiten(die aus dem Gesetz vs die aus dem Glauben) im Blick hat, its es deutlich, daβ das Problem "der Unglaube Israels" durch das zu-Ende-setzen des Gesetzes gelo‥st wird, das von Jesus Christus veranlaβt ist. Daraus kann man sagen, daβ das Wort telos` vor allem "Ende" bedeutet.

      • KCI등재

        콘첼만의 ‘종말 지연’에 대한 비판적 논구

        조광호(Cho, Gwang Ho) 한국신약학회 2017 신약논단 Vol.24 No.3

        누가의 종말론은 구속사, 이스라엘, 교회, 성령, 하나님 나라 사이의 내적 관계성까지 포괄적으로 고려해야 하는 주제이기 때문에 누가의 신학 가운데 특히 어려운 테마이다. 콘첼만(H. Conzelmann)이 1954년에 쓴 Die Mitte der Zeit(‘때/시대의 중간’) 덕분에 누가의 종말론은 수 십 년간 학자들 사이에서 격렬하게 토론된 단골 주제 중 하나가 되었다. 각 학자들의 의견을 파악하고, 누가-행전의 주요 본문들을 검토해 보면 재림 지연과 임박한 종말 두 요소가 병존한다는 사실을 알게 된다. 이와 관련하여 지연과 임박이라는 양 날의 검을 가지고 과열된 열광주의와 식어가는 재림 기대, 두 전선을 상대로 동시에 싸웠다는 해석, ‘상황의 시차’로 이해하는 입장(누가 자신의 시대에 임박한 종말이 필요하기 때문에 전 시대인 누가-행전에서는 지연을 강조함), 미래적 종말을 권면의 차원으로 이해하려는 해석 등 다양한 의견이 제시되고 있다. 필자는 누가의 종말론이 현재적이냐 미래적이냐는 논의보다는, 누가가 승천을 강조한다는 사실에 좀 더 주목할 필요가 있다고 생각한다. 누가는 승천과 재림 사이의 ‘지금’을 종말론적 구원의 때로 이해한다. “예수는 하늘로 가심을 본 그대로 오시리라”는(행 1:11) 언명을 통해 현재 확장되고 있는 하나님 나라와 종말에 궁극적으로 세워질 나라 둘 사이의 긴밀한 연관성이 보증된다. 공동체에게는 때의 문제가 아니라 ‘지금 무엇을 해야 하느냐’가 중요하다. 승천한 예수는 하나님 우편에서 자신이 위임한 권세를 제자들이 잘 사용하고 있는지 살펴보고 계신다. 필요에 따라 직·간접적으로 개입하시며 하나님 나라의 확장을 위해 힘을 보태고 있다. 승천은 사람들로 하여금 종말론적 긴장을 유지하며 하나님 나라 건설에 투신하도록 자극하는 역할을 한다. 덧붙여 구속사에 대해서도 약간의 정리할 필요가 있다고 본다. 재림 지연이라는 문제를 해결하기 위한 방편으로써 누가가 이를 창안해 내었다는 콘첼만의 견해에 동의할 필요는 없다. 그러나 누가가 역사 속에서 하나님의 구원 섭리가 구체적으로 ‘어떻게 실현되고 전개되어 가는가’에 대해 관심을 가졌다는 점에서 누가는 어떤 복음서 기자보다도 구속사에 관심을 가졌다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        이방인 선교의 관점에서 본 사도행전의 주요 주제들

        조광호(Cho, Gwang-Ho) 한국신약학회 2013 신약논단 Vol.20 No.1

        사도행전의 주 관심은 ‘말씀의 확산’ 또는 ‘이방인 선교’라고 볼 수 있다. 이방 선교에 대해 언급하며 끝을 맺는 사도행전 28장(16-31절) 분석을 시작으로 저술 목적과 관련된 여러 주제들을(누가의 이방인 선교, 유대인의 거부, 하나님의 새로운 백성으로서 이스라엘의 회복, 로마 제국에 대한 태도, 누가의 율법 이해, 재림/종말 지연 문제 등) 검토함으로써 누가의 사도행전 저술 이유를 간접적으로 확인하고자 한다. 연구 결과, 저술 목적을 규명하는데 중요한 몇 가지 테제들을 도출해 냈다. 1. 누가는 이방인을 대상으로, 처음부터 이방인 선교를 염두에 두고 저술했다. 이방인 선교를 지향하면서도 이방인 선교에 대한 내용이 없는 이유는, 그리고 세 번이나 “이후로는 이방인에게 간다”고 언급한 이유는 이방인 선교의 필연성과 정당성을 강조하기 위함이다. 2. 사도행전에 율법에 대한 강조와 부정적 평가가 동시에 공존하는 까닭은 회복된 이스라엘의 정통성을 유대인이 아니라 이방 기독교인이 물려받았기 때문이다. 사도행전에 나오는 이방 공동체는 율법에 대해 이율배반적인 모습을 보일 수밖에 없다. 3. 당분간 복음이 전파될 것이므로 임박한 종말기대는 약화되었다. 하지만 다가올 환난 때문에 경각심 고취를 위해 임박한 종말 의식은 계속 강조된다. 4. 데오빌로라는 로마 관리, 그리고 로마 제국에 사는 이방인을 선교 대상으로 삼았기 때문에 누가는 기독교와 로마 당국 간에 아무런 문제가 없음을 반복적으로 강조한다.

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