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      • KCI등재

        여성의 정치참여와 국민의식의 연관성 : 여성국회의원에 대한 국민들의 평가를 중심으로

        鄭惠淑(Jung Hye-Sug) 한국지역사회학회 2007 지역사회연구 Vol.15 No.4

        Along with the expanded demand for woman's political participation, a study was conducted on the nation's mind and how the populous evaluates female politicians who participate in the 17th round congress. Regardless of gender, education level, occupation, and income, most people evaluated female politicians positively, however, 50% of people still evaluated female politicians as similar to male politicians, which means they don't feel that there is a significant difference between male and female politicians. Many female politicians have received high attention for their activities, however, due to the small number of female politicians, it is difficult to show their role well during the amendment process because they are overrun by the majority opinion in their party. Moreover, it was determined that local size or conservative mind of the locality has a greater effect on evaluating female politicians than the age, income, and education level. Also because conservative men have negative views and opinions about female politicians, one of the most important things is 'changing the mind set' to overcome conservative and paternalism mind towards female politicians. Favorable impressions about female politicians were significantly high regardless of the variables. Also there was a large percentage of pros regarding the female quota system for party nominations. Now, it requires a great deal of effort from politics, woman associations, and various citizen societies to make continuous interaction between various efforts and systematical execution to expand the participation of female politicians because those efforts can bring a more positive evaluation about female politicians, and furthermore, it can increase the amount of attention and evaluation about the overall congress and politics in general.

      • KCI등재

        만 3세 이야기 나누기 활동에 대한 실행연구

        정혜숙(Jung, Hye-Suk),김숙령(Kim, Sook-Ryong) 한국어린이교육문화비평학회 2012 영유아교육과정연구 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구는 유아교육기관의 만 세 학급에서 이루어지는 구조적인 이야기 나누기 활동의 실태와 문제 점을 파악하고 개선 방안을 모색하여 실행하는 순환적 과정을 거치며 변화되는 과정을 연구하고자 하였다 본 연구는 대전에 위치한 유치원 내 만 세반인 달님반에서 이루어졌으며 연구 참여자는 이 학급 유아 명과 담임교사인 본 연구자이다 연구는 만 세 이야기 나누기 활동의 실태 및 문제점 파악 차실행 중간 점검 차 실행 중간 점검 차 실행 종합 점검 순으로 진행되었다 본 연구의 결과는 첫째 이야기 나누기 시간을 통해 교사는 유아들과 자유롭게 대화할 수 있는 분위기를 조성해야 하는데 교사 유아 간의 대화보다 유아 유아들 간의 대화의 비율을 더욱 높이기 위하여 다양한 자리 배치를 시도하였고 그 중에서 교사의 시선을 벗어나지 않고 유아 간 서로의 얼굴을 마주보며 대화할 수 있는 반원대형을 형성하게 되었다 둘째 유아들이 가진 작은 경험을 꺼내고 교사의 지식이 합쳐져 예전에 알고 있던 지식이 견고히 된다거나 혹은 새로운 지식이 성립될 수 있도록 이야기 주제 선정 시 유아의 입장을 충분히 고려하고 부족한 부분은 이야기 나누기 시간을 통해 경험할 수 있도록 수업을 계획하는 것이 효과 적이었다 셋째 어떤 이야기 나누기이든지 소통적인 요소도 가지고 있고 단절적인 요소도 가지고 있다 다만 주제에 따라 다를 수는 있지만 교사가 이야기나누기에 대한 배경지식이 얼마큼이며 소통에 대한 부분을 어느 정도 인식을 하고 있느냐에 따라 노력의 여하가 결정되며 이야기의 질 이야기 나누기 시간의 역동성 유아 참여도와 완성도 은 달라질 수 있다 The study aimed to understand the current condition and problems of the str4uctured story sharing activity which was implemented for 3 year old children in the child care institution and to implement this activity in an improved way. The participants of the research were 16 children who were 3 years old in Dalnimban of P kindergarten located in Daejeon and 1 homeroom teacher, the researcher. The current status and problems of the activity were explored and then the 1st implementation was made. After then, the second implementation, interim reviews, the third implementation and the final comprehensive review were carried out in order. The results of the research involve the following. First, During the sharing story time, a teacher is supposed to form an atmosphere in which they can freely converse, and the teacher attempted to make various placements in order to further enhance the ratio of conversations between younger children rather than between a teacher-younger children. Among others, the teacher created a semi-circular form in which younger children could converse face-to-face within the eyesight of the teacher. Second, it was effective that the class was planned considering the following points: when children s experiences could become stronger with an impact of the teacher s knowledge; when children s situation could be considered for the formation of the new knowledge when the subject is chosen; and when children could experience what the did not know before the class through sharing stories. Third, any story sharing has communicative factors and intermittent factors. However, it may be different in accordance with the topic, yet, the effort for story sharing can be determined according to how much background knowledge a teacher has concerning story sharing and how much a teacher recognizes a communicative part; in addition, the quality of a story can be different(the dynamics of a story sharing time and the participation rate of younger children and the degree of completion).

      • KCI등재

        누보로망에 나타난 도시의 이미지 - Les Gommes와 L' Emploi du temps을 중심으로 -

        정혜숙 ( Hai Souk Jung ) 한국불어불문학회 1997 불어불문학연구 Vol.34 No.1

        Les deux romans Les Gommes d`Alain Robbe-Grillet et L`Emploi du temps de Michel Butor racontent une histoire de la ville, en particulier, l`antagonisme entre les protagoniste(Wallas, Jacques Revel) et les antagonistes(ville anonyme, Bleston). Ce the`me joue a` plusieurs niveaux : la ville, d`abord, repre´sente un re´seau, mais un re´seau complique´, en appuyant le plan de la ville. Il tente de faire un portrait d`une ville si disperce´, si de´fait et si se´pare´. Le premier but de cette recherche est done la de´couverte d`un monde tel que les deux personnages nous de´ssinent. En effet, l`espace apparai^t comme une force transcendante male´fique, pour conque`rir la ville a` la fois e´trange et e´trange`re les he`ros de´ambulent tous les coins. en essayant de mettre les rapports entre le monde et le moi, le sentiment d`e´trangete´ est toujours renouvele´ et multiplie´. Il s`agit d`une ville-labyrinthe ou` l`on cherche la ve´rite´, de la descente aux enfers ou` l`on cherche son moi profond. La de´ambulation est un moyen efficace pour de´couvrir les significations cache´s dans les dedans et dans les replis du moi. Leurs enque^tes et leurs parcours labyrinthiques des personnages correspondent aussi a` l`e´criture. Leurs aventures symbolisent en re´alite´ la recherche passionne´e d`une e´criture chez les romanciers, ils savent que l`e´criture est la seule cle´ pour ouvrir les portes des secrets des myste`res et des e´nigmes du monde en chaos.

      • KCI등재후보

        마르그리뜨 뒤라스의『여름 날 저녁 10시 반』에 나타난 욕망의 판타즘

        정혜숙(Hai-Souk Jung) 한국라깡과 현대정신분석학회 2010 현대정신분석 Vol.12 No.2

        현대 프랑스 문학에서 사랑과 욕망을 논할 때 우리는 마르그리뜨 뒤라스를 빼놓을 수 없다. 그녀는 사랑과 욕망의 작가이다. 이 주제는 거대한 강물처럼 그녀의 모든 작품을 관통하며 순환하는 공통적 코드이다. 뒤라스에게 사랑은 욕망이다. 그리고 그 욕망은 라깡의 이론에서처럼 죽음과 관련되어 나타난다. 1960년에 발표한 소설 『여름 날 저녁 10시 반』은 1958년의 『모데라토 칸타빌레』와 연작소설이라 할 수 있을 만큼 작품의 내용과 구조가 닮아있다. 이 소설의 서사구조는 총 8장으로 구성되어있으며, 흔히 연애소설의 전형이라고 말할 수 있는 삼각형의 관계가 노출되어 있다. 한 남자와 두 여자, 이들 세 사람 사이에는 매우 전형적인 기하학적 관계가 형성되며 정교한 연극적인 조명장치 아래서 두 개의 욕망의 시나리오를 담고 있다. 그날 오후 프랑스를 출발하여 다음날 오후 목적지에 도착까지의 하루 반 사이의 시간과 함께 두 개의 욕망의 이야기가 액자기법 속에 현란하게 변주되어 흐르고 있다. 소설의 제목이 지시하듯 여름이라는 계절과 시간의 흐름에 따라 빛과 색체의 리듬에 맞추어 로드 무비처럼 주인공의 욕망의 여로가 기록되어 있다. 작가는 누보로망의 특징적 글쓰기인 액자소설 기법(mise on abyme)을 차용하여 하나의 이야기 속에 다른 이야기를 겹쳐놓고 있다. 뒤라스의 많은 작품 속에 나타나는 이미지들의 반복과 교차, 폭우와 뇌성 번개 햇빛 등이 그들의 불온한 욕망을 반추하는 환상적인 연출하며 욕망의 무대장치를 마련한다. 이 완벽한 영상효과와 더불어 뒤라스 특유의 단순하고 평범한 단어가 주는 상징의 힘은 이 소설의 주인공의 무의식 욕망을 정교한 무의로 수놓고 있다. 우리는 어떤 극적 사건도 없이 천천히 전개되는 이 작품 속에 내재된 욕망의 주제를 라깡의 중심이론인 거울단계와 그의 세 위상학(trilogie)인 실재계, 상상계, 상징계의 이론을 적용하여 주인공들의 사랑과 욕망의 미완의 여정을 분석하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        부탄올 내성 미생물의 분리, 동정 및 변이주의 개발

        정혜숙 ( Hye Sook Jung ),이진호 ( Jin Ho Lee ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2013 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        부탄올 용매에서 생존하는 부탄올 내성 미생물을 분리하였다. 분리된 미생물들의 세포성장은 부탄올 농도가 증가함에 따라 감소하였으며, 그 중에서 BRS02가 12.5 g/L에서 가장 높은 내성도를 나타내었다. 또한, UV를 이용하여 BRS02 균의 변이를 유도하여 고농도 부탄올 내성균 BRS251을 개발하였다. 부탄올 생산 모델균주로 대장균과 함께 부탄올, 프로판올 및 펜탄올에 대한 내성도를 비교한 결과, 대장균은 7.5 g/L 부탄올과 20 g/L 프로판올, 2 g/L 펜탄올 농도까지 생육이 가능한 반편, BRS251은 더 고농도인 17.5 g/L 부탄올과 32.5 g/L 프로판올, 6 g/L 펜탄올 농도까지 생육이 가능하였다. 분리된 세균을 동정하기 위해서 그람염색 후 광학현미경으로 관찰한 결과 그람양성의 구균으로 확인이 되었으며, 6.5% NaCl에서 생육이 가능하였다. 생화학적 특성을 분석한 결과, arginine dihydrolase, α-glucosidase, urease 효소활성을 가지고 있었으며, 호기적인 조건에서 D-galactose, Dmaltose, D-mannitol, D-mannose, methyl-β-D-glucopyranoside, D-ribose, sucrose, D-trehalose를 탄소원으로 자화하여 산을 생성할 수 있었으며, bacitracin, vibriostatic agent O/129 및 optochin에 대한 항생제 내성을 나타내었다. 16S rRNA 유전자 서열을 결정하고 계통발생도 분석을 통해 BRS02는 최종적으로 Staphylococcus sp.임을 동정하였다. Butanol-resistant bacteria were isolated from butanol solvent. The cell growth of isolated strains declined with increasing concentrations of butanol, and isolated strain BRS02 displayed more resistance to 12.5 g/L of butanol than other isolated strains. In addition, strain BRS251, which was resistant to even higher concentrations of butanol, was developed by the mutation of BRS02 using UV. BRS251 could grow in LB medium containing up to 17.5 g/L of butanol, 32.5 g/L of propanol, or 6 g/L of pentanol, whereas the control strain Escherichia coli was found to be tolerant to 7.5 g/L of butanol, 20 g/L of propanol, or 2 g/L of pentanol. The isolated BRS02, a Gram (+) bacterium seen to have a cocci form under the microscope, grew in 6.5% NaCl. According to biochemical tests, BRS02 can metabolize and produce acid with D-galactose, D-maltose, D-mannitol, D mannose, methyl-β-Dglucopyranoside, D-ribose, sucrose, or D-trehalose, as carbon sources. Also, this strain showed resistance to bacitracin, vibriostatic agent O/129, and optochin, alongside positive activities for arginine dihydrolase, α-glucosidase, and urease. The BRS02 strain was identified as Staphylococcus sp. by analyses of the 16S rRNA gene, phylogenetic tree, and biochemical tests.

      • KCI등재

        대구지역 시민운동단체의 조직 내 젠더관계 : 여성상근활동가들을 중심으로

        정혜숙(Jung Hye-Sug) 한국지역사회학회 2008 지역사회연구 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper intends to investigate the relationships of their gender and the full-time women activists who work for Daegu based civic groups. In other words, it is focused on what discriminations they have concretely undergone in job distribution, role and organizational culture of their own groups and also on conflicts that they have gone through in the relationships of public sector(group) and private sector(home). In addition, it takes into consideration the way they have adapted and dealt with such circumstances. This analysis has not yet been conducted at a local level. That is not only because subjects, in actuality, are not sufficient to do such an investigation, but also because civic groups are believed to be gender-neutral. Accordingly, this paper has a significance of being the first attempt at a local level. As civic groups clearly have the regional peculiarities of political conservatism and patriarchal value system that Daegu has had, they show hierarchical order inside and outside organization, discriminative role sharing, male-centered culture, and so forth. In these situations, full-time women activists choose the same way of life as their male counterparts in order to lead an activist life. Therefore, they adapt themselves to organizational structure, behavior, culture, and others; to this end, they often manage to gather active support from their husbands and families. On the other hand, however, they choose a positive way of countermeasure such as adopting a new meeting culture, enlarging women participation institutionally, and training second-generation women activists. These efforts could make full-time women activists more active and independent, thus paving the way for the next generation.

      • KCI등재
      • 콩떡의 제조 및 저장과 포장에 따른 물성 변화와 관능적 특성

        정혜숙 ( Hye Sook Jung ) 한국가정과학회 2002 한국가정과학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        This study, observing each respectively packaged Kongdduk during 12-day storing period and comparing it with unpackaged Kongdduk, through a cross-sectional view of its fiber and temperament, through a sensory evaluation rheometer measurement of theological change depending on storing period and packaging type and through the organic acid content, micro-organic change, and retrogressive process. The results are as follows: 1. Kongdduk made of bean oil shows better chewiness, cohesiveness, and moistness than Kongdduk made of bean flour while Kongdduk made of bean flour shows better rheological properties as to roasted nutty taste or roasted nutty ordor. 2. The test of the cutted loaves of Kongdduk shows that adding oil of proper proportion to the dough of steamed rice cake in accordance with the amount of rice flour has a good influence on rheological properties of softness. 3. Rice cakes were prepared by addition of yellow soybean flour or peanut flour and packaged with CMP or VP, and their physical characteristics were monitored by sensory evaluation and mechanical measurement while storing for 6 days. For VP samples, yellow soybean rice cake showed little changes in cohesiveness, moistness and chewiness for 6 days of storage, while pure rice cake and peanut rice cake showed an increase in strength and hardness from the 4th day of storage. In case of CMP, yellow soybean rice cake hardly showed a difference in cohesiveness, moistness and chewiness for 6 days, while pure rice cake and peanut rice cake showed a significant difference from the 4th day in sensory evaluation. 4. For rheometer measurement, yellow soybean rice cake with CMP or VP showed little changes in strength or hardness for 6 days, while peanut rice cake and pure rice cake showed a drastic decrease in cohesiveness from the 2nd day and adhesiveness from the 4th day of storage. As there was no remarkable difference or deterioration for 6 days of storage in yellow soybean rice cake between CMP and VP, the ingredients of rice cakeappeared to be more important than the type of packaging in terms of quality deterioration of rice cake. 5. As the storing period passed by, organic acid is detected less at CMP-packaged Kongdduk than at wrapped, and its increasing speed proves to be slower as well. 6. The one wrapped with plyethylene film began to get moldy from pure rice cake or Kongdduk(rice cake mixed with yellow soybean or peanut) after 6 days, and more and more modly after 9 daysor after 12 days, but the CMP-packaged ones didn,t get modly until 12 days or more. 7. CMP-packaged Kongdduk showed higher enthalpy of retrogradation than PE-wrapped one. As storing period passed by, Kongdduk,s enthalpy grew high. That is to say, it shows that Kongdduk got retrograded.

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