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      • KCI등재

        [판례평석] 매립지귀속 지방자치단체결정 취소소송과 대법원 판결에 대한 소고

        정태종(Chung, Tae Jong),양지마 첸드아요시(Yanjmaa Tsendayush) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2016 法學硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        공유수면 매립지의 관할 지방자치단체의 결정을 둘러싸고 지방자치단체간 분쟁이 빈번하였으나, 관할 결정에 관한 법적 근거가 없어, 헌법재판소의 권한쟁의심판으로 해결해왔다. 이러한 문제를 입법적으로 해결하고자 2009. 4. 1. 지방자치법(법률 제9577호)을 개정하여 행정자치부장관이 지방자치단체중앙분쟁조정위원회의 심의·의결에 따라 매립지 등이 속할 지방자치단체를 결정하고, 이 결정에 이의가 있으면 대법원에 소송을 제기할 수 있도록 하는 조항이 신설되었다. 이 사건 대법원 판결은 개정된 지방자치법에 근거하여 공유수면 매립지의 관할 결정에 관한 사법부의 첫 결정이라는 데 의의가 있고, 종래 관할구역 결정에 있어 유일한 기준이었던 국립지리원의 해상경계선이, 매립지 관할구역 결정에 있어서 유일한 기준이 되지 않음을 확인하는 성과가 있었다. 이 판결로 법적 근거 없는 해상경계선만을 근거로 하는 매립지 관할결정이 더 이상 불가능하게 된 것은 바람직하다. 그러나 지방자치단체중앙분쟁조정위원회가 매립지 관할 결정시에 준거할 수 있는 객관적이고 합리적인 의사결정기준에 대한 근거규정이 여전히 불비상태이고, 종래 공유수면에 관련되어 생활해온 지방자치단체 주민의 의견을 묻는 과정이나 지역의회의 동의 등을 생략하고 행정자치부장관이 관할 구역을 결정하는 것은 주민의 자치권을 침해하는 것이므로 결국 지방자치단체의 지역고권을 침해하게 된다 할 것이므로 이에 대한 입법적 보완이 필요하다 할 것이다. 게다가 지방자치법 제4조 제8항이 공유수면매립지의 지방자치단체 귀속에 관한 행정자치부장관의 결정에 대한 이의소송의 재판관할권을 대법원에 부여한 것은 헌법 제111조 제1항의 헌법재판소의 권한을 침해했다는 비판을 면할 수 없다. 또한, 대법원이 이 사건 재판에 있어서, 매립지 관할결정 시의 방향기준을 제시한 것은, 매립지 관할 결정에 관한 행정자치부의 형성의 자유를 제한한 것으로, 사법부가 구체적인 형량기준을 설정해서 제시한 것이어서, 사법이 지니는 소극적 국가작용수행이라는 한계를 일탈한 것이다. 법에 규정된 절차와 기준에 따라, 지방자치단체가 관할권과 관련된 의견을 제시하고, 관련 지방자치단체간의 이해와 협조할 수 있는 기준을 규정함으로써, 관련된 분쟁을 해결할 수 있도록 지방자치법의 개정이 필요하다. Surrounding the determination of the “council” on “public waters reclaimed,” the “local government” claimed to the dispute frequently, but “the Constitutional Court” has solved the matter with the “rights dispute judgment” since there is no “legal basis” of the “competent decision.” To solve this problem in the “legislative terms,” on April 1, 2009, the “Local Autonomy Law (Law No. 9577 Issue)” was amended as newly established provision as, depending on the deliberations and decisions by the “central municipalities of the Dispute Committee,” “Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs,” determines the “local authorities” that associated with “landfill”, etc. and if you disagree with this decision, you may sue through the “Supreme Court.” “Supreme Court Ruling” on the case has the significance of “the first decisions of the judiciary” about “competent decision” of the “public waters reclaimed” based on the revised “Local Government Act,” and the achievement to determine the “maritime borders of the National Survey Institute,” which was conventionally considered as the only criterion in “Jurisdiction Decision,” is not only the standard in the “landfill jurisdiction decision.” Due to this decision, it is highly desirable that it became no longer possible to rule with the “decision competent landfill” on the basis of the “maritime boundary” which does not have “legal basis.” But the “evidence rule” on objective and reasonable “decision criteria” that “Local Government Central Dispute Resolution Committee” could be “conforming” in decision making process of the “landfill jurisdiction” is still deficiency states, and it is necessary to establish “complementary legislative” because the way to determine, while the process of asking the opinion of residents in “Municipality” related to “shared surface” come to life or the consent of “local councils” was omitted, the “jurisdiction” by “Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs” is the infringement of the “local sovereignty” of “local government” as well as the infringement on the “autonomy” of residents. Besides, the fact that the “Supreme Court” is given the “jurisdiction of counterlitigation” for the determination of “Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs” on the “public waters reclaimed” “municipalities belong” in the “Local Autonomy Law, Article 4, paragraph 8” could not be escaped from the criticism for “infringement of the rights of the Constitutional Court, the “Constitution, Article 111, paragraph 1.” In addition, presented a “reference direction” by “Supreme Court” for the landfill competent decisions” in the trial of the case, “the judiciary” did present the specific “standard sentence” as well as did limit to “freedom of the formation of the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs” on the “landfill competent decisions,” and it had deviated the limits of “passive national acts perform” that “Jurisdiction” is having. The revision of the “Local Government Act” is necessary to solve the “dispute” concerning by providing feedback of the “Municipality” related to “jurisdiction” and defining a “reference” to understand and cooperate between “local government,” according to the procedures and criteria as it defined in Laws.

      • KCI등재

        자율주행자동차의 운행과 안전에 관한 공법적 과제

        정태종 ( Chung Tae-jong ) 경상대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        자율주행자동차의 등장이 현실화되면서 운행에 있어서의 안전 담보는 공법적 과제가 되었다. 해외에서는 이와 관련된 논의 결과 입법적 대비가 가시화되고 있다. 그러나 우리 나라에서는 자율주행자동차 관련 제도정비와 법적 규율의 수준이 기술의 발전과 산업계의 요구를 따라가지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 자율주행자동차가 제공하는 이동의 편리성과 효율적인 시간 관리의 가능성에도 불구하고, 자율주행자동차의 상용화에 앞서 운행의 안전성이 전제되어야 한다. 2019년 ‘자동차의 상용화 촉진 및 지원에 관한 법률’이 제정되었으나 상용화 촉진에 중점을 두고 있어 자율주행자동차의 상용화에 따른 운행의 안전을 담보하지 못하고 있다. 이 글에서는 자율주행자동차관련 외국의 법·제도적 동향을 고찰하고, ‘자동차의 상용화 촉진 및 지원에 관한 법률’ 제정 이후 자율주행자동차의 상용화에 따라 요구되는 구조적 안전기준, 안전운행 요건, 기능적 안정성 요건을 담보할 수 있는 공법적 과제에 관하여 검토하였다. 그 결과 자율주행자동차의 안전운행을 담보하기 위해서는 기존의 자동차운행 관련된「자동차관리법」,「도로법」,「도로교통법」등에 자율주행관련 전반적 사항을 반영하여 개정하거나, 자율주행자동차의 구조, 운행 및 안전과 그에 따른 책임문제, 관련 프로그램 및 데이터 관련 보호규정, 자율주행기능을 활성화하는 도로의 개설과 같은 구조적 요건까지 전반적으로 규율하는 단일법제의 제정방안이 고려하여야 한다는 결론에 이르렀다. Despite the convenience of the movement and the possibility of efficient time management that the Automated Vehicles will present to humans, safety collateral according to driving should be considered prior to the commercialization of the Automated Vehicles. That's because conventional car-driving systems are centered on humans, while the era of commercialization of the Automated Vehicles requires new definitions of existing road facilities, licensing systems and transportation systems on the premise of artificial intelligence, and the establishment of regulatory and safety systems. Especially in advanced automobile countries such as the United States, Britain, and Germany, not only the development of related technologies but also related legal and institutional discussions are underway, and related legislation is being reorganized. South Korea also established the ‘Act on Promotion and Support of Commercialization of Automated Vehicles’ in 2019 to provide a institutional basis for promoting and supporting the commercialization of the Automated Vehicles. However, the Act mainly focuses on promoting commercialization of the Automated Vehicles, so it is hard to regard it as a legal basis to secure operation and safety following the commercialization of the Automated Vehicles. In this article, I will identify legal and institutional trends in the development of the Automated Vehicles overseas, analyze the contents and problems of Korea's ‘Act on Promotion and Support of Commercialization of Automated Vehicles’, and review the areas that need to be overhauled and supplemented before commercializing the Automated Vehicles in the future, and present future legal tasks.

      • KCI등재

        「감염병 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」의 내용과 개선방안

        정태종(Chung, Tae-Jong) 한국법학회 2020 법학연구 Vol.79 No.-

        역사상 세 번째 펜더믹을 야기한 COVID-19로 인하여 대한민국은 2020년 2월 23일 이후‘심각’단계의 감염병 위기 상태를 유지하고 있다. 7월 22일 기준 감염자는 13,897명, 완치된 격리해제자는 12,698명, 사망자는 297명, 치명율 2.14%에 이른다. 기존에 유입되었던 사스(SARS)나 메르스(MERS) 달리 COVID-19는 감염자 및 사망자, 격리대상자 등 양적 숫자뿐만 아니라 사회경제 전반에 미치는 파괴력의 측면에서 종전의 외래 감염병과 비교할 수 없을 정도의 충격적 결과를 낳고 있다. 사스와 메르스 등을 겪으면서 드러난 감염병 예방 및 관리체계가 정비되었으나 여전히 미비된 부분들이 남아 있고 COVID-19에 의한 감염가능성이 일상생활의 위험요소로서 상당기간 지속될 것으로 예측되기 때문에 감염병 예방과 대응을 위한 관리체계의 검토와 정비의 중요성이 커지고 있다. 이와 같은 필요성에 근거하여 감염병 대응 법률체계에서 중요한 역할을 수행하는「감염병의 예방 및 관리에 관한 법률」을 중심으로 감염병예방과 관리의 현황을 개관하고, 감염병 대응과정에서 요구되는 엄격한 절차적 요건 및 기준의 확립에 문제가 있음을 확인하였고, 특히 확진자의 위치 정보 및 이동동선 등 개인정보의 공개, 조사대상자에 대한 동의 없는 정보수집, 격리대상자에 대한 강제조치와 관련된 문제, 중앙정부와 지방정부의 감염병 관리에 있어서 역할분담, 역학조사관 등 전문인력의 확충, 법적 근거 없는 지침의 시행 등 직간접적으로 드러난 문제점을 분석하여 관련 사항에 대한 개선방안을 도출하였다. Due to COVID-19, which caused the third pendulum in history, the Republic of Korea has been in a critical condition since February 23, 2020. As of July 22, 13,897 people were infected, 12,698 were completely cured of isolation, 297 were killed and 2.14 percent fatal. Unlike SARS and MERS, COVID-19 has a shocking result that is incomparable to the previous foreign infectious disease in terms of the destructive power of the overall social economy as well as the quantitative number of infected people, deaths and those subject to isolation. Although the prevention and management system of infectious diseases revealed during the SARS and MERS cases has been overhauled, the importance of reviewing and improving the management system to prevent and respond to infectious diseases is growing as there are still insufficient parts and the possibility of infection by COVID-19 is expected to continue for a considerable period of time as a risk factor in daily life. Based on these needs,「Infectious Case Control and Prevention Act」, which plays an important role in the legal system for responding to infectious diseases, opened the current status of infectious diseases prevention and management, and confirmed that there was a problem in establishing the strict procedural requirements and standards required in the process of responding to infectious diseases. In particular, legislative tasks for related matters were derived by analyzing problems that were directly or indirectly revealed, such as disclosure of personal information such as location information and movement lines of confirmed patients, collection of information without consent to those subject to investigation, compulsory measures against those subject to quarantine, division of roles in the management of infectious diseases by central and local governments, expansion of professional manpower such as epidemiologists, and enforcement of legal and groundless guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        토지재산권의 특수성과 토지공개념

        정태종(Chung, Tae-Jong) 한국토지공법학회 2018 土地公法硏究 Vol.83 No.-

        최근 토지공개념이 다시 뜨거운 이슈가 되었다. 토지의 편중은 토지의 합리적 이용에 막을 뿐만 아니라 토지를 투기의 대상으로 삼아 불로소득을 양성하는 등 재산권 무질서를 초래한다. 또한 토지를 기초로 삼아 이루어지는 인간의 다양한 기본권 영위행위 및 생산활동를 방해하는 결과를 초래하기 때문에 토지재산권에 대한 고양된 규제의 형태로 토지공개념이 등장하게 되었다. 토지공개념은 헌법 제23조 제2항의 재산권의 사회적 구속성과 헌법의 기본원리로서 사회국가원리, 헌법 제120조 제2항 및 헌법 제122조 등에서 그 근거를 찾을 수 있다. 토지공개념의 기초가 되는 소유권 이념은 토지를 소유하는 것이라는 관념에서 이용의 관점으로 전환하는 것이다. 이 글에서는 토지의 특수한 성질과 이로 인하여 토지재산권에 가하여지는 제한을 검토하고, 토지재산권 제한의 헌법적 근거규정과 성격 및 토지공개념 입법에 대한 헌법재판소의 결정례를 통하여 헌법체제하에서의 토지공개념 구현의 가능성에 대하여 검토하고자 한다. The bias of land not only prevents the rational use of land, but also raises the income of the land as a target of speculation, resulting in property rights disorder. The public concept of land ownership emerged in the form of enhanced regulations on land property rights, as it caused interference with various basic human rights activities and production activities. The concept of land opening can be found in the social structure of property rights under Article 23, Clause 2 of the Constitution and the basic principles of the Constitution, such as social principles, Article 120 of the Constitution, and Article 122 of the Constitution. The ownership ideology underlying the concept of public ownership is to shift from the idea of ownership of land to the point of use. Such changes in the perception of land property rights are an effective way to regulate land so that it can be used effectively in human life and in production activities due to the liquefaction of land. In this article, the special nature of the land and the limitations imposed on it are considered. The Constitutional Court intends to review the possibility of implementing the concept of public ownership of land under the Constitution through the provision of constitutional grounds for restrictions on land property rights and the Constitutional Court s decision on the enactment of the principle of personality and land ownership.

      • KCI등재

        감염병행정으로 인한 소상공인 손실보상의 입법정책

        정태종(Chung, Tae-Jong) 한국토지공법학회 2021 土地公法硏究 Vol.95 No.-

        2020년 벽두에 시작된 COVID-19의 전염은 벌써 2년째 시민의 일상을 짓누르며 그 위세를 떨치고 있다. 감염병에 대한 백신개발과 보급, 감염자의 치료제 개발 등 의료부분 종사자의 헌신, 감염병 확산과 감염자의 격리 및 치료를 책임지는 방역당국의 노력과 희생은 감사와 격려로도 부족한 부분이 있다. 그러나 이와 같은 적극적·소극적 방역과정에서 발생하는 행정행위는 의도치 않은 소수의 피해자를 양산하였고, 그 기간도 1년 6개월여를 지나고 있는 실정이다. 메르스와 사스를 겪으면서 감염병 행정작용으로 인한 손실보상의 근거가 ‘감염병예방법’에 규정되어 손실보상의 길을 텄다. 그러나 그 내용이 감염병환자 발생에 따른 의료기관과 관련 업무에 제한된 보상에 그치고 있어, COVID-19가 초래한 시민의 이동제한 및 소상공인의 영업제한 등으로 발생한 막대한 손실이 불가능하였다. 정부의 각종 재난지원금 역시 근본적인 해결방안이 될 수 없었으므로, 영업제한조치의 장기화로 인한 영업손실 등에 대한 연구와 입법적 해결 논의가 진행되었고 최근 국회는 ‘소상공인법’을 개정하여 관련 손실보상을 입법하였다. 이 글에서는 감염병행정작용으로 인하여 발생한 손실보상의 기본 틀을 검토하고, COVID-19로 초래된 소상공인들의 영업제한조치 등으로 발생한 손실보상에 대한 입법적 근거를 검토하고 향후 행정입법과정에서 보완되어야 할 부분 등을 검토하고자 한다. 이 논의가 감염병 행정작용으로 인해서 위축된 경제활동과 그에 따른 적절한 보상논의에 도움이 되기를 바란다. The spread of COVID-19 that began at the beginning of 2020 has already weighed down on citizens’ daily lives for two years. The dedication of medical workers, such as the development and distribution of vaccines for infectious diseases, and the efforts and sacrifice of quarantine authorities responsible for the spread of infectious diseases and isolation and treatment of infected people are also lacking in audit and encouragement. However, such administrative activities during the active and passive quarantine process have resulted in an unintended number of victims, and the period has passed for about a year and a half. Through MERS and SARS, the basis for compensation for loss due to administrative action of infectious diseases was prescribed in the Infectious Disease Prevention Act, which paved the way for compensation for loss. However, since the contents were limited to medical institutions and related work due to the outbreak of infectious diseases, it was impossible to cause a huge loss due to restrictions on the movement of citizens and business of small business owners caused by COVID-19. The government’s various disaster support funds could not be a fundamental solution, so research and legislative discussions on operating losses due to prolonged business restrictions were conducted, and the National Assembly recently revised the Small Business Act to legislate related loss compensation. In this article, the basic framework of loss compensation caused by the administrative action of infectious diseases is reviewed, the legislative basis for loss compensation caused by restrictions on the operation of small business owners caused by COVID-19, and the areas to be supplemented in the administrative legislation process. It is hoped that this discussion will help with economic activities that have been dampened by the administrative action of infectious diseases and the appropriate compensation discussions.

      • 現金흐름表에 관한 硏究

        정태종 광주보건대학 1997 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Today international managerial activity of enterprise requires financial report and financial statements is accounting information useful for decision making of foreign interest groups. Therefore, every procedure of accounting proposal is necessary for the translation of account and financial statements expressed by foreign currency. Moreover, as overseas trade is enlarged and multinational enterprise grows, foreign investors establish branch office and subordinate company in foreign country and operate their managerial activity, which results in putting interest on international accounting business and problems, such as remittance and bill collection in connection with the exchange of foreign currency. In case of translating account subject and amount of money expressed by foreign currency, the concept and standard of accounting between countries should be unified, the unification of which depends on whether subsequent method of accounting disposal is expressed in the course of announcing financial statements publically. Most countries is putting importance on the usefulness of accounting information by historic cost under postulates of stabilization of money value. Therefore, the adherence of traditional cost basics and amendment of financial statements according to price index is thought to be desirable methods for the solution of problem. In our country, research and achievement on accounting disposal is insurficient and the contents of its regulation is fragmental as well. The fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate is also wider in scale than external money value of stable countries. In consideration of such given conditions, our country should strive to study the standard and method of valuation, and accounting disposal method of profit and loss by foreign currency exchange rate etc. concretely and comprehensively. In short, this study is substantially considered on accounting disposal of foreign currency translation and is discussed on the method of every kind of foreign currency translation of financial statements.

      • 外貨換算의 會計處理에 관한 硏究

        정태종 광주보건대학 1998 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Today international managerial activity of enterprise requires financial report and financial statements is accounting information useful for decision making of foreign interest groups. Therefore, every procedure of accounting proposal is necessary for the translation of account and financial statements expressed by foreign currency. Moreover, as overseas trade is enlarged and multinational enterprise grows, foreign investors establish branch office and subordinate company in foreign country and operate their managerial activity, which results in putting interest on international accounting business and problems, such as remittance and bill collection in connection with the exchange of foreign currency. In case of translating account subject and amount of money expressed by foreign currency, the concept and standard of accounting between countries should be unified, the unification of which depends on whether subsequent method of accounting disposal is expressed in the course of announcing financial statements publically. Most countries is putting importance on the usefulness of accounting information by historic cost under postulates of stabilization of money value, Therefore, the adherence of traditional cost basics and amendment of financial statements according to price index is thought to be desirable methods for the solution of problem. In our country, research and achievement on accounting disposal is insurficient and the contents of its regulation is fragmental as well. The fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate is also wider in scale than external money value of stable countries. In consideration of such given conditions, our country should strive to study the standard and method of valuation, and accounting disposal method of profit and loss by foreign currency exchange rate etc. concretely and comprehensively. In short, this study is substantially considered on accounting disposal of foreign currency translation and is discussed on the method of every kind of foreign currency translation of financial statements.

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