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        TV광고의 지각 차원과 효과: Schlinger's VRP측정

        정철근,최인혁 한국소비자·광고심리학회 2007 한국심리학회지 소비자·광고 Vol.8 No.1

        This study measured viewers' ad perception of 150 TV commercials in pre-testing context using Schlinger's VRP scale of 32 items. Exploratory factor analysis results for study 1 show that they confirm Schlinger's 7 dimensions with the variance of 57%, with 5 positive dimensions of entertainment, relevant news, empathy, familiarity, and brand reinforcement and 2 negative dimensions of confusion and alienation. Regression analysis results for study 2 reveal that 7 dimensions all have significant impacts on both ad likeability and purchase intention, while 4 of 7 dimensions have significant impacts on ad recall. Specifically, all of 5 positive dimensions have plus coefficients and both of 2 negative dimensions have minus coefficients. This means that Schlinger's VRP scale has face validity and it is reliably recommended that we could adopt Schlinger's VRP scale as a useful module for ad effect model in Korea. 본 연구는 Schlinger’s VRP 32개 항목을 사용하여 150개 국내 TV 광고에 대한 지각 반응을 측정한 자료를 2 단계의 연구로 나누어서 분석하였다. 연구 1은 Schlinger 연구의 광고 지각 차원의 형성이 재현되는지를 확인하기 위해서 탐색적 요인 분석을 한 것이다. 57%의 설명 분산을 보이며 재미자극성, 공감성, 정보성/관련성, 독특성, 브랜드 강화와 같은 긍정적 지각 차원 5 개와 혼동성/불명확성, 비현실성/이질성과 같은 부정적 지각 차원 2개가 그의 연구와 동일하게 형성되었다. 연구 2는 이 7개 광고 지각 차원들이 광고 상기, 광고 호감도, 제품 구입 의사와 같은 광고 효과 변수에 어떤 영향을 미치고 있는가를 회귀 분석함으로써 기준 타당성을 확인하려는 것이다. 광고 상기에는 7개 차원 중 4개만 유의한 관련성을 보였다. 광고 호감도와 제품 구입 의사에는 7개 차원 모두 유의한 관련성을 보였으며, 특히 긍정적 차원은 정적 영향을 부정적 차원은 부적 영향을 보여 논리적 타당성을 보이고 있다. 이러한 Schlinger’s VRP 척도의 안정성과 타당성은 광고 지각 척도로서 국내에도 확대하여 적용할 가치가 있다는 것을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        어휘 통계학

        정철근 釜山大學校 師範大學 1995 교사교육연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Nous voudrions e´tudier le statut et l'histoire de la statistique lexicale. A notre e´poque ou` prennent un essor prodigieux les sciences naturelles et les civilisations mate´rielles, celle-ci a de bons re´sultats sur les explications d'un texte. Ainsi, stimule´e par le re´volution informatique, la statistique lexicale est aujourd'hui en plein e´panouissement. En grande partie sous l'influence de Muller, elle s'est dote´e d'une termonologie et d'une symbolique spe´cifiques. Nous pouvons proposer les me´thodes pratiques sur la statistique lexicale: la richesse lexicale, les vocabulaires caracte´ristiques, l'analyse factorielle, l'e´tendue the´orique du vocabulaire, la structure nume´rique des vocabulaires, etc. Si nous utilisons ces faits divers pour estimer et interpre´ter un texte, nous pourrons gagner les bons re´sultats et inattendus. Mais, il ne faut pas oublier les limites de l'analyse statistique. Elle risque de niveler les diffe´rences de qualite´ et de ne´gliser le ro^le du contexte dans un texte.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        21세기를 위한 韓國의 親權制度

        鄭鐵根 朝鮮大學校 法學硏究所 2000 法學論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        Any other child, not being a child who is placed with those parties as foster parents by a local authority or voluntary organization, who has been treated by both those parties as a child of the family. Recently, many countries emphasize the welfare principle for the child by their legislation. For example, In 1989 the Convention on the rights of the child was adopted in UN. Since Korea ratified the convention, it is required to interpret or to reform the law related with parental responsibility in accordance with the spirit of the convention. And A child of the family below the age of 16 years or below the age of 18 if receiving education or training. It may also apply to an adult child if the court so directs. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the unreasonable parts of the parental right in Korean family law, to suggest how to improve them. First of all parents recognige that the child has his own right for his welfare and protection. In these days the concept of parental right is moving fowards welfare and interest of the child. And the parental-right is mean the child-welfare and the welfare principle should be a wide unlimited application. So it should be applied whenever a court is called upon to determine any question about the child-upbringing and the administration of his property and the parental-responsibility. Nowdays, the parental-right is the common social notion that the parent is should protect and raise their children as an adult even when they are underaged persons. Therefore, the current parental-right emphasizes the aspects of duty rather than those of right. But the concept of the child welfare is not sufficiently realized in the Korean family law. It is required to prepare a new system which protect children rights. So in the paper I suggest the special representative for the guardian-ad litem and group-home system in Kore. FINALLY, It conncludes that the new alternative should be taken in all korean codes so that the welfare of the child might be giving to the paramount consideration when any court determines any problem with regard to the welfare principle and the best interest and the right of the child can be protected and improved.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 프랑스어 교과서의 사용 어휘에 대한 제안

        정철근(Chul-Geun JUNG) 한국프랑스문화학회 2001 프랑스문화연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Nous essayons de déterminer les caractéristiques des mots contenus dans des manuels de lycée. D’après cette étape, nous pouvons décider quels sont les mots fondamentaux et les mots disponibles, et quel est le nombre de ceux-là, et en somme nous voulons proposer un modèle du vocabulaire d’un manuel. Dans cette perspective, nous avons examiné les mots questionnés selon trois sortes de listes: Premièrement, tandis que les mots fondamentaux sont comptés environ 800, les mots convenables et réellement apparus dans un manuel environ 1,000. Deuxièment, dans le terme de mots grammaticaux, en plaçant ‘l’adjectif interrogatif’ dans ‘l’interrogatif’ d’une part, et d’autre part nous avons proposé un autre terme, ‘présentatif’ (il y a. c’est, voici, voilà). Dans le terme des mots lexicaux, nous avons recensé certain nombre de mots: les mots des nations et leurs dérivés (Corée, France, Chine, chinois …). Troisièmement, il s’agit des mots réservés aux éditeurs. Nous avons trié certains mots selon trois domaines: ⅰ) thèmes de globalisation et d’informatisation (communication, média), ⅱ) thèmes de prédilection (baseball, ski, concert, rock. jazz), ⅲⅰ) thèmes de culture (mode, château, traditionnel).

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