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      • 선박용 LED 조명등 제작을 위한 요소기술 개발동향

        남대근(Nam, Dae-Geun),이수형(Lee, Su-Hyung),정창일(Jung, Chang-Il),윤형표(Yoon, Hyung-Pyo),조형호(Jo, Hyung-Ho) 한국신재생에너지학회 2010 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        최근 에너지 절감과 환경 문제에 대한 관심이 커지면서 친환경적이고 에너지 효율이 높은 LED에 대한 관심이 대두되고 있으며, 국가 저탄소 녹색성장에 맞는 신성장동력산업의 하나로 LED가 선정되어 적극적으로 육성되고 있다. LED를 활용한 조명등은 현재까지 활발한 연구개발이 진행되었으며 백열전구를 능가하는 조명 효율을 확보하여 조명 광원으로서 이용되고 있다. 그런데 선박용 조명등의 경우에는 아직 관련 기술개발이 초기단계에 머물러있어 대부분의 선박들이 기존의 백열등 및 형광등과 같은 조명등을 사용하고 있다. 이러한 유리 조명등은 고소비전력과 제한된 수명에 따른 높은 유지비 및 제품 누수나 파손 등과 같은 안전성의 문제가 있다. 이에 따라 장기적인 관점에서 선박용 LED 조명 등에 대한 기술 개발이 필요할 것으로 보이며 기술 개발을 저해하는 요소인 방열, 가격 등에 대한 추가적인 기술개발이 뒷받침 되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 한국생산기술연구원에서는 부산광역시 지원사업의 일환으로 선박용 LED 조명등을 개발하고 있으며, 체계적인 연구를 위하여 선박용 LED 조명등의 요소기술에 대한 연구동향과 기술특성을 분석하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 선박용 LED 조명등 개발에서 요구되는 요소기술에 대한 기술개발동향을 살펴보고자 한다. 고효율의 선박용 LED 조명등 개발에 필요한 요소기술로는 방열, SMPS, 광학, 제품 내진동, 제품 방수 등의 설계 및 제작기술이 있다. 이러한 요소기술을 알아보고 선박용 LED 조명등 개발의 방향을 제시하고자 한다.

      • 鄕歌表記의 「叱」字 硏究

        鄭昌一 圓光大學校大學院 1981 學位論叢 Vol.6-1 No.-

        There are lately good views of Silla song which such scholars as kim-wan Jin and Sue Jai kug held after Yang Ju-dong and Okulajnpei died. Because I think that Silla song is a kind of song and the writing-system Silla song, Silla Character(Hyang chal) also should had a consistent rule as a kind of character, I examined only the word 「叱」 in the writing-system of 「Hyang-ga]. Matters that demand special attention in making out the meaning of [Hyang-ga] are as follows. Ist;Thes changes of syllable and meaning resulted from the changes of the times should be considered as follows. For example;드르>들, 므로>믈 and 어엿브다>예쁘다 and 어리다(foolish)>어리다(young) 2nd;The synonym used in the Nothern and the Southern languages, homonym resulted from the differentiation of meaning, they should be considered as follows. For example 소ㅎ:못(pond), 사ㅿㅣ:서리(gap), ㅁㆍㅣㅎ:드르(field) and ㅁㆍㅣㅎ:달(mountain) correspond to synonym. ㅂㆍㄹ(foot, wall or arm), 외다(lonely, wrong or left), 닐다(get up or rise) correspond to homonym. 3rd;Because the word 「叱」 is located at the middle of a word in the word-ending inflection, the word 「叱」 corresponds to 「-시-」, the non-final suffix added to an inflectional stem in the Yi dynasty language. Therefore, the word 「叱」 can be explained as follows. Ist; The word 「叱」 is not the spelling 「ㅅ」 but the syllable 「-시-」, and is mostly 「the onn-final suffix added to an inflectional stem」 which means respect. The word 「叱」 is 「-시」 in an uninflected word. In addition to the word 「叱」, many stem-supplements are as follows. 「屋」,「于」,「友」,「玉」,「反」,「乎」,「鳥」,「奴」,「臥」, 「內」,「於(閼)」 and 「서(=叱)」. 2nd;a) The word 「賜」 should be read by not a sound but a meaning, and should mean 「드리다」 or 「주다」 case by case. b) The word 「史」 means 「~ㅅㆍ」 in 枝史 and 母史, and means 「-ㅈㆍ」 in 枝次. c) The word 「抄」 means 「사」 which corresponds to「~ㅿㆍㅏ」 used for a word ending for emphasizing the meaning in the Yi dynasty Ianguage. d) The word 「叱」 is 「-시-」, a kind of 「stem-supplement」 meaning respect at the middle of an inflected word, and 「 -시 」 at the end of an uninflected word. The word 「叱」 corresponds to 「~ㄹㅅㆍㅣ」 or 「~ㄹ?」 in the Yi dynasty language. For example, the word 「叱」 means 「-시-」,「이시˚리」,「이실˚고」,「이시니」「이시˚며」 and 「이시˚면」, and the word 「叱」 means 「~시」 in 「날?˚만뎡」,「부?시˚」,「衆生시˚」and「普賢시˚」. 3rd;The sound of 「叱」 means 「ㅿㅣ」 or 「시」 in the Yi dynasty language and correponds to not ㆆ>ㅿ>ㅈ but ㅅ>ㅿ>ㅈ. For example, the word 「枝」 used in 「枝史」 and 「枝次」 was changed into 가ㅅㆍ>가ㅿㆍ>가ㅈㆍ>가지. The word 「叱」 was changed into ㅅㆍ(시)>ㅿㆍ(ㅿㅣ)>ㅈㆍ(지).

      • 鄕歌表記의 「叱」字 硏究

        鄭昌一 圓光大學校 文理科大學 國語國文學科 1981 國語 國文學 硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        There are lately good views of Silla song which such scholars as kim-wan Jin and Sue Jai kug held after Yang Ju-dong and Okulajnpei died. Because I think that Silla song is a kind of song and the writing-system Silla song, Silla Character(Hyang chal) also should had a consistent rule as a kind of character, I examined only the word 「叱」 in the writing-system of 「Hyang-ga」. Matters that demand special attention in making out the meaning of 「Hyang-ga」 are as follows. 1st;Thes changes of syllable and meaning resulted from the changes of the times should be considered as follows. For example;드르〉들, 므르〉믈 and 어엿브다〉예쁘다 and 어리다(foolish)〉어리다(young) 2nd;The synonym used in the Nothern and the Southern languages, homonym resulted from the differentiation of meaning, they should be considered as follows. For example 소ㅎ : 못(pond), 사ㅿㅣ : 서리(gap), ㅁㆎㅎ : 드르(field) and ㅁㆎㅎ : 달(mountain) correspond to synonym. ㅂㆍㄹ (foot, wall or arm), 외다(lonely, wrong or left), 닐다(get up or rise) correspond to homonym. 3rd;Because the word 「叱」is located at the middle of a word in the word-ending inflection, the word 「叱」 corresponds to 「-시-」, the non-final suffix added to an inflectional stem in the Yi dynasty language. Therefore, the word 「叱」can be explained as follows. 1st; The word 「叱」 is not the spelling「ㅅ」but the syllable 「-시-」, and is mostly 「the onn-final suffix added to an inflectional stem」which means respect. The word 「叱」 is -시-」 in an unifl-ected word. In addition to the word 「叱」, many stem-supplements are as follows. 「屋」, 「于」, 「友」, 「玉」, 「反」, 「乎」, 「烏」, 「奴」, 「臥」, 「內」, 「於(閼)」 and 「서(=叱)」. 2nd;a) The word 「賜」 should be read by not sound but a meaning, and should mean 「드리다」 or 「주다」 case by case. b) The word 「史」 means 「∼ㅅㆍ」 in 枝史 and 母史, and means 「-ㅈㆍ」 in 枝次. c) The word 「沙」 means 「사」 which corresponds to 「∼ㅿㅏ」 used for 「a word-ending for emphasizing the meaning in the Yi dynasty langugge. d) The word 「叱」 is 「-시-」, a kind of 「stem-supplement」 meaning respect at the middle of an inflected word, and 「-시」at the end of an uninflected word. The word「叱」corresponds to 「∼ㄹㅅㆎ」or 「∼ㄹ싀」 in the Yi dynasty language. For example, the word 「叱」 means 「-시-」, 「이시^o리」, 「이실^o고」, 「이시니」, 「이시^o며」 and 「이시^o면」, and the word「叱」means 「∼시」 in 「날싀만명」, 「부텰시」, 「衆生시」and 「普賢시」. 3rd;The sound of 「叱」 means 「ㅿㅣ」 or 「시」 in the Yi dynasty language and correponds to not ㆆ〉ㅿ〉ㅈ but ㅅ〉ㅿ〉ㅈ. For example, the word 「枝」 used in 「枝史」 and 「枝次」 was changed into가ㅅㆍ〉가ㅿㆍ〉가ㅈㆍ〉가지. The word 「叱」 was changed into ㅅㆍ(시)〉ㅿㆍ(ㅿㅣ)〉ㅈㆍ(지).

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