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        東學思想의 社會意識

        鄭昌烈 한양대학교 한국학연구소 1986 韓國學論集 Vol.9 No.-

        The religious movement called Tonghak or "Eastern Learning" was originally launched by Choe Che-u (1824~1864). This paper is designed to elucidate the social consciousness of Tonghak thought mainly in terms of The Bible of Tonghak Doctrine (東經大全) and Hyuns from Dragon Pool (龍澤遺詞). Choe Che-u ascribed the chaos, unrest, disorder and uneasiness of social reality to moral degradation, and this demoralization to abandoned tenets such as 不順天理 不顧天命 and 名自爲心. His vision necessitates the internal humanizatin of such morals and ideals. The social situation brought about his vision that human beings be intrnally armored in the spirit of the morals and ideas suggested above. Choe Che-u identified the prototype of the future ideal society with 後天開闢, 同歸一體 and 輔國安民. Nevertheless, such an ideal society could be realized only in a fanitastic dream. Tonghak thought is completely independent of political ideology. However, Tonghak's total negation, even fantasitic, of actual reaties naturally took on political coloration and attributes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        안진경 ‘변법 (變法)’에 대한 고찰

        정창열 동방문화대학원대학교 문화예술콘텐츠연구소 2017 문화와예술연구 Vol.10 No.-

        중국 서예사에서 왕희지는 이전의 질박한 서풍을 유미한 서풍으로 변화 시켜 첫 번째 ‘변법’을 실행하여 서성이라는 칭호를 얻었고, 안진경은 두 번째 ‘변법’을 실행하여 성당시기의 장엄하고 혼후한 서풍을 이루어 아성 이라는 칭호를 얻었다. 이러한 안진경의 ‘변법’을 서예사적 배경과 핵심적 인 요소를 필법ㆍ풍격ㆍ결구로 나누어 살펴보았다. 필법은 내엽법을 외탁법으로 변화시킨 것으로 횡획ㆍ종획ㆍ적획ㆍ책 획을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 내엽법은 굳세고 강건하며 상쾌하여 귀족적인 서풍의 면모가 나타난다고 한다면, 안진경의 외탁법은 둥글고 윤택하며 온후한 특징을 나타내었다. 풍격은 왕희지가 이전의 질박한 서풍을 유미한 서풍으로 변화시켜 첫 번째 ‘변법’을 실행하여 서성이라는 칭호를 얻었다면, 안진경은 모든 것이 변하여 풍성함을 숭상하는 성당시기의 장엄하고 혼후한 서풍을 이루어 두 번째 ‘변법’을 실행하여 아성이라는 칭호를 얻었음을 알 수 있었다. 결구는 글자에 따라 자태를 나타내고 기운 것으로 오히려 바름을 삼으 며, 허실ㆍ주차ㆍ읍양ㆍ소밀 등을 통해 서로 다른 변화를 나타내고, 필세 ㆍ절주를 통하여 영활하며 생동함을 나타내었다. 이러한 필법ㆍ풍격ㆍ결 구 등은 모두 안진경이 실행하였던 ‘변법’의 내용을 이루는 핵심적인 요소 들이다. 세상의 모든 것이 변하기 때문에 서예도 변해야 한다는 것은 자명한 이 치이다. 그러나 문제는 어떻게 변해야 하는 것인데, 이는 한국서단의 화두 이자 서예가 각자의 화두일 것이다. 이러한 면에서 볼 때 안진경의 ‘변법’ 은 한국서단에서 타산지석으로 삼기에 충분하다. 특히 새로운 창작에 두 려움을 느끼면서 옛것과 자신의 선생 글씨만 답습하거나 법첩의 임모에만 열중하고 있는 이들에게 더욱 의미가 있다고 하겠다. 이 글은 비록 안진경 의 ‘변법’에 대해 살펴본 것이지만 이를 초석으로 삼아 새로운 창작을 모 색하거나 자아의 성정을 나타낼 수 있는 서예로 발돋움을 할 수 있다면 분 명 의의가 있을 것이다. While Wang Hue-Ji was called the greatest calligrapher because he changed the previous simple and unadorned style into elegant and graceful one and carried out the first ‘modification’ in the history of Chinese calligraphy, An Jin-Kyung was called the second greatest calligrapher because he carried out the second ‘modification’ and established magnificient and oriented-calm and humane style of the Seong Tang Dynasty, which is the second Tang Dynasty of the four Tang Dynasties in Literary history. I researched An Jin-Kyung’s ‘modification’ by being classified into background of calligraphy history and main contents, which are Pilbub(a style of penmanship), Pungkyeok(a calligraphic style) and Gyelgu(a calligraphic frame). Pilbub(a style of penmanship), which is changed Naeyeopbub(a kind of calligraphy technique created by Wang Hue-Ji) into Oetakbub(a kind of calligraphy technique), is reviewed with Hoenghoek(cross stroke), Jonghoek(vertical stroke), Jeokoek(stacked stroke) and Chaekoek(oblique stroke). Naeyeopbub features an aristocratic calligraphic style which is strong, powerful, fresh. On the other hand, An Jin-Kyung’s Oetakbub expresses the public aspect of private caligraphy which is round, rich, and mild. What I learned about Pungkyeok(a calligraphic style) is that while Wang Hue-Ji was called the greatest calligrapher because he changed the previous simple and unadorned style of calligraphy into elegant and graceful one and carried out the first ‘modification’ in the history of Chinese calligraphy, An Jin-Kyung was called the second greatest calligrapher because he carried out the second ‘modification’ and established magnificient and oriented calm and humane style of the Seong Tang Dynasty Gyeolgu(a calligraphic frame) expresses a figure according to letters and is based on rightness through incline, shows another difference through Heosil(weakness and strength), Joocha, Yeopyang(courteous concession), and Somil, and presents smartness, agileness and vividness through a stroke of the brush, and temperance. These Pilbub, Punggyeok and gyeolgu are core factors of An Jin-Kyung’s ‘modification’. It is obvious that Calligraphy must change, too because everything in the world changes. However, the problem is how calligraphy should change and it is the topic of both Korean Calligraphy Institute and every calligrapher. In this way, it is appropriate that we should let An Jin-Kyung’s ‘modification’ be a good lesson to ourselves. Especially, it is very meaningful to people that are afraid to create something, imitate letters in Korean or Chinese calligraphy of teachers’ and theirs or are absorbed in imitating copybooks printed from the works of old masters of calligraphy. Even though this article is about researching about An Jin-Kyung’s ‘modification’, it is absolutely meaningful if we try to create new works of caligraphy or can develop into calligraphy that expresses the nature of ourselves.

      • KCI등재

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