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      • 국적항공사의 운송서비스 제고전략에 관한 연구

        정익준(Ik-Joon Chung) 한국여행학회 2000 여행학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        This study explores the relationship between the purpose of travel and the various properties of service offered by airline companies in an attempt to see if travel purpose as an independent variable decides passengers priority among the five properties and to measure the varying degrees of satisfaction on those properties. The significant points among the five major factors are : the on-plane/en-board) service in factor 1; the navigation service in factor 2; and significance of business travelers and travelers as tourists , which showed variations in degrees. Business travelers deemed two factors as most important. These findings are consistent with previous studies according to which on-plane service and navigation service are the two most properties of air transportation service. This study also finds a significant difference between passengers on business and passengers on leisure in their levels of satisfaction for services provided by the two airline companies of Korea. It is also found that the customer-satisfaction levels of business travelers were higher than that of passengers for leisure. The results indicated that the two Korean airline companies generally offer satisfactory service in this field. However, this study shows that other service such as airport service as well as reservation and information services are relatively insufficient, thereby in need of improvement. The most important factors passengers consider when they choose airline are also reflected on variation in the levels of satisfaction. They are the hospitality of crew members, variety of duty-free goods available in plane among on-plane service factors; safe navigation among navigation service factors; the hospitality of airport and kindness of reservation staff among airport service and information service factors. In the service offered by national airline companies, hospitality and kindness, which are based on the area of person-to person service, are particularly insufficient. Thus, it was found that training and alternative proposals to improve these are needed. Airline companies of Korea must take this into consideration when they create programs for employee training. It is the crew, reservation staffs, and airport check-in staffs whom passengers meet first when they fly. Front-liner employees are important in all service industry, but they play a more vital role in airlines service. Not only do they directly participate in the production and delivery of service, but passengers perceive and evaluate the service quality based on the attitudes and behavior of front employees they contact. They participate not only in the production and delivery of air transportation service, but also in communicating with passengers. Furthermore, since the elements in the quality control of transportation service as a package such as hospitality, provision of solutions to customers' problems, and prompt response to passenger requests or queries are handled only by front liners employees, they stand at the very core of air transportation service. If the attitude or manners of a reservation staff is not kind enough when passengers make reservations which is the first stage of air transportation service, they would be very dissatisfied and might cancel the reservation of decide not to fly with airline again. However good the on-board service may be and fine the meal on the plane may be, the quality of transportation service will receive a low rating. As mentioned earlier, perfect service is possible only when the best material conditions are accompanied by human interchange between passengers and crew. Therefore, research and training on this point must be executed. It is likewise essential to note that the level of customer-satisfaction concerning the safety of domestic airline companies is low. Evaluation of safety may depend indirectly on second-hand experience or through media reports of accidents, delays, returns, cancels and

      • KCI등재
      • 오세아니아 해외여행시장 충족형 여행상품개발에 관한 연구

        정익준(Chung Ik-Joon) 한국여행학회 2002 여행학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to suggests a favourable travel products to meet Australian inbound tourists by analysis their travel purpose and participant activities while staying in Korea that seek to find resonable way of classifying Australian travelers and competitive tourism strategies. Korea has now one of the fastest growing outbound tourist numbers in the world. Now foreign travel is one of the most popular forms of leisure among koreans. According to Australia Tourist Commission(ATC) Statistics, Australia is one of the most desired travel destination by Korean tourists, the ATC has designated Korea as one of the most promising travel markets and Australia has been attracting an increasing number of Korean Tourists. In 1999, 101,170 and in 2000 a total 135,457 Korean traveled to Australia, while the number of Australian tourist to Korea is very small, only 33,378 in 1999 and 39,614 in 2000. There has been a significant tourism trade imbalance unfavorable to Korea. In this situation, to induce many Australian tourists to Korea in near future and to break down the tourism trade imbalance, considerable devices must be conducted. To do so, First task is to identify and analysis the travel purpose to Korea and participant activities while visiting in Korea by Australian travelers. This is the best way to understand Australian tourists's demand and aspiration and to offer the travel products to meet their desires. 428 Australian tourists were selected by purposive quota sampling method and a questionnaire survey was conducted on them. The major findings of this study are as follows: (l) 83% of them visit and enjoy the Korean traditional music(Kookak) concert hall (2) 37.4% of them visit Korean heritage. Several marketing strategies according to Austarlian tourist are proposed. (l) Development of cultural tourism products of Kookak related to regional events (2) Development of cultural tourism products of Kooak which posiible to play with by foreign tourists (3) Development of cultural tourism products of traditional ceremony music (4) Packaging the cultural tourism products by participating through inbound travel agency.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        박물관 관람객의 몰입경험이 만족도에 미치는 영향 연구

        정익준(Chung Ik-Joon) 실천민속학회 2008 실천민속학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        오늘날의 한국인들은 사회문화적인 환경변화로 교양과 여가활동에 대한 욕구가 증대되고 있다. 이런 상황에서 여가활동의 하나로 박물관관람에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있는데 이런 현상은 박물관이 현대인들에게 여가를 선용하고, 삶의 질을 제공하는 공간으로 인식되고 있는 한 증거이다. 여가활동으로서 박물관관람은 전시물을 통해 문화와 역사를 이해하고 그것들과 친숙해지려는, 이러한 풍부한 여가의 삶이 확산되고 있는 것은 바람직한 현상이 아닐 수 없다. 이러한 문화적 지적활동이 관람객 자신의 선택으로 행위에 몰두하는 한, 그리고 관람자에게 삶은 가치가 있는 것이라고 느끼게 해주는 한, 박물관관람은 자기성장과 자기계발을 위한 여가활동이라는 점에서 중요하다. 따라서 자기의사에 따라 박물관을 찾는 관람객들은 일상생활에서보다 많은 즐거움과 행복 그리고 성취감을 느낄 수 있는데, 그것은 몰입을 통해 자아의 새로운 구조로 이어지는 경험을 하기 때문이다. 이처럼 박물관관람을 통해 관람자가 몰입경험을 하면 삶의 질은 향상되고 문화창조의 길도 담보해 줄 것이므로 심리학 연구 분야인 플로우 이론(flow theory)을 박물관관람이라는 여가활동에 연계하여 논의할 여지가 있다. 이러한 문제의식에서 박물관관람이라는 상황에다 여가심리학적 변인을 적용해서 본 연구를 수행하였다. 즉 관람객들의 몰입경험은 만족도에 유의적으로 영향을 미치며, 또 어떤 몰입 경험 구성요소가 만족도에 유의하게 영향을 미치는지, 그리고 관람객의 몰입경험의 정도에 따라 만족도에는 차이가 있는지 등을 실증조사를 통해 분석하고자 하였다. 분석결과, 내재적 동기에 기초해서 박물관을 찾은 개인관람객들은 대체로 몰입경험을 많이 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 결과는 능동적 여가활동과 자발적 참여의식에 따른 박물관관람은 몰입경험을 쉽게 유도하며, 또 박물관관람이 자신의 내적목적과 부합되고 가치가 있는 것이라 판단할 경우 몰입경험을 한다고 풀이할 수 있다. 이와 함께 관람객의 몰입경험은 만족도에 유의한 영향을 미치고, 또 ‘주목'과 '호기심'과 같은 몰입경험 구성요소가 만족도를 높이는 유의적 영향요소임도 확인되었다. 이러한 분석결과로 박물관관람의 몰입경험은 관람객들에게 지속적인 활동을 유지시키는 선행요인임이 밝혀졌다. 관람객들은 박물관 전시의 한계와 환경을 대체로 인식하고 있는 바탕위에서 이러한 연구결과는 관람객들을 몰입경험으로 유도한 후 재관람까지 유도하는 일은 그리 어려운 과제가 아님을 알려줌으로써 박물관관리에 유용한 시사점을 제시해 주고 있다. 마지막으로 고몰입집단이 저몰입집단 보다 전반적인 만족, 재방문, 적극 추천 등에서 적극적임이 확인된 것도 본 연구의 성과 중 하나이다. Nowadays, Koreans have been expressing more interests and needs for culture and leisure activities under the influence of changing sociocultural environment than before. In same context, there are increasing interests in visiting museum as a part of leisure activities. It is encouraging to see the nationwide propagation of this affluent leisure life to understand our culture and history with exhibits or get familiar with them by visiting museum as a part of leisure activities. As long as these cultural and intellectual activities focus on behaviors motivated by visitors’ own choice and make the visitors feel real value of life, visiting museum has certain implications in a sense of leisure activities for self-growth and self-development. Accordingly, museum visitors who have their own intentions and clear objectives are likely feeling more senses of pleasure, excitement and achievement than in daily life, possibly because they have flow-driven experiences into encountering a new ego structure. If visitors have flow experiences in leisure activities like visiting museum, it is possible that their life quality gets improved in parallel with assured ways to creation of culture. Thus, this study found it necessary to discuss flow theory as a psychological branch in association with leisure activities like visiting museum. Starting from such critical mind, this study applied variables of leisure psychology to circumstances around visiting museum. The purpose of this study was to determine which flow experience factors may contribute to stimulating strong flow experience of museum visitors, and how much the extent of such flow experiences may be effective in their satisfaction, whether negative or positive. As a result, it was found that individual visitors with intrinsic motivation to spontaneously visit museum without relying on external compensation had typical tendency of flow experience through visiting museum. This finding indicates that visiting museum motivated by active leisure activities and voluntary participation mind-set is likely to induce flow experiences, and museum visitors tend to experience flow, if they think visiting museum valuable and complying with their inner objectives. In addition, it was found that museum visitors’ flow experiences had significant effects on their satisfaction, and flow experience factors such as ‘attention’ and ‘curiosity’ are significantly effective in their satisfaction. This finding demonstrated that flow experiences in visiting museum act as predisposing factor contributing to their persistent activities. Based on visitors’ common awareness about limitations and environment of museum exhibitions, the results of this study show that it is not so much difficult to motivate visitors to experience flow and revisit museum, and also have implications useful for museum management. Finally, it is notable that high flow group showed higher satisfaction, higher revisit frequency and more active recommendations than low flow group on the whole.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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