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      • KCI우수등재

        AFLP Marker 를 이용한 한우의 유전자 지문 분석

        정의룡,김우태,김연수,한상기 한국동물자원과학회 2000 한국축산학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate genetic variability and to develop the breed-specific DNA markers of Hanwoo (Korean cattle) and to estimate phylogenetic relationships among Hanwoo, Chinese Yanbian cattle and other foreign cattle breeds (Holstein, Angus, Charolais and Hereford) using AFLP markers as a new DNA fingerprinting technique. Genomic DNA was digested with a particular combination of two restriction enzymes with 4 base (Mse I and Taq I) and 6 base (EcoR I and Hind III) recognition sites, ligated to restriction specific adapters and amplified using the selective primer combinations. In the Hanwoo breed, the number of scorable AFLP bands detected per primer combination varied from 37 to 102, with an average of 66.1 using 13 primer combinations. A total of 859 markers were generated and 568 bands were polymorphic (66%). Among the primer combinations, E35/H12, M11/T32, E38/H13 and E32/H11 primer combinations showed a high level of polymorphism with 0.93, 0.89, 0.86 and 0.83, respectively. Therefore, these primer combinations were effective for AFLP analysis of Hanwoo. The level of polymorphism of Hanwoo was similar to that of Chinase Yanbian cattle (65%) and higher than those of other foreign cattle breeds (48% to 55%). E35/H32 and T32/M13 primer combinations generated AFLP fingerprinting showing individual-specific of Hanwoo. M13/H13 and T32/M13 primer combinations produced breed-specific DNA markers when compared AFLP DNA bands between breeds. Three bands (0.84kb, 0.70kb and 0.64kb) identified in M13M13 primer combination and two bands (0.25kb and 0.24kb) identified in T32/M13 primer combination were found to be unique in Hanwoo. Therefore, these AFLP DNA bands could be used as putative breed-specific DNA markers for Hanwoo breed identification. In comparison of genetic distances, Hanwoo was the most closely related to the Chinase Yanbian cattle, followed by the Hereford and Holstein breeds. AFLP fingerprints may be useful for parentage testing, pedigree analysis, genetic variability and relationships and for the development of DNA markers linked to economic traits in Hanwoo.

      • KCI우수등재

        PCR - SSCP 기법을 이용한 소 MC1R 유전자의 다형성 분석 및 한우육 감별

        정의룡,김우태,김연수,한상기 한국동물자원과학회 2001 한국축산학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        The single-strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP) is a point mutation screening method based on changes in the secondary structure in a defined single-stranded DNA fragment caused by a change in sequence. This study was performed to develop the identification technique of Hanwoo meat using PCR-SSCP marker of MC1R gene associated with the coat colors of cattle. Hanwoo, Holstein and imported cattle breeds(Angus, Hereford and Charolais) were used for the detection of PCR-SSCP genotypes of MC1R gene. The specific primers were used to amplify a 138bp and a 390bp of the bovine E-locus(including point mutation) corresponding to positions 318-455 and 318-707, respectively, in the MC1R gene. For SSCP genotype analysis, the PCR products were denatured at 95℃ for 5min, loaded on a 12-15% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel and detected by silver staining. When the PCR product of 138bp was separated by gel electrophoresis, two genotypes of E^+/e and e/e were detected only in Hanwoo meat, but E^D/E^D and E^D/e and E^D/E^D genotypes were observed in Holstein meat and Angus breed, respectively. Also, in the SSCP analysis using PCR product of 390bp, Hanwoo meat produced banding pattern of two fragments, while single fragment was observed in Holstein meat and Angus breed. Therefore, breed-specific SSCP markers showing distinct differences between Hanwoo and Holstein and Angus were found by PCR-SSCP analysis. This study shows that the PCR-SSCP technique is relatively simple, fast and a practical tool for determination of MC1R genotypes of cattle breeds when compared with PCR-RFLP method. Therefore, the PCR-SSCP markers of MC1R gene could be used as DNA markers for identification of Hanwoo meat from Holstein and Angus meats.

      • KCI우수등재

        VNTR Marker 를 이용한 한우의 유전적 다양성 및 친자감별

        정의룡,김우태,김연수,한상기 한국동물자원과학회 2001 한국축산학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        VNTR(Variable Number of tandem repeats) loci also known as hypervariable minisatellite loci are regions of DNA with highly polymorphisms in the number of tandemly repeated nucleotide sequences of around 25bp in length. This study was conducted to investigate allele frequencies and polymorphic information of BTGL1 VNTR locus and to check pedigree records by parentage testing and pedigree analysis of paternal half-sib families using VNTR markers in Korean cattle. The BTGL1 minisatellite locus was amplified by PCR and the DNA fragments were size-separated by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels followed by silver staining. A total of 15 different alleles ranging in size from approximately 302 to 440bp were identified in the BTGL1 locus. The heterozygosity(H) and polymorphic information content(PIC) values were 0.877 and 0.828 in Korean cattle population, respectively. Mendelian segregation and codominant inheritance for the alleles of VNTR loci were confirmed in paternal half-sib families of Korean cattle. The allelic bands seen in the offsprings of each pedigree were always observed from either sire or dam. However, among the thirteen paternal half-sib families examined, the falsely recorded pedigrees were found in three families having non-paternal bands. Therefore, the relationships between parents and offspring in these three families can be excluded. The BTGL1 VNTR DNA polymorphisms could be used as genetic markers for routine parentage testing and pedigree analysis in Korean cattle.

      • KCI등재후보

        Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) DNA Marker를 이용한 한국 재래흑염소육 감별

        정의룡 한국축산식품학회 2002 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 AFLP-PCR 유전자 지문분석 기법을 이용하여 우리나라 고유의 동물유전자원으로서 재래흑염소의 품종 및 흑염소육 감별을 위한 품종 특이적 DNA marker를 개발하고자 수행하였다. 흑염소로부터 추출한 genomic DNA를 EcoR I/Hind III 및 Taq I/Hind III 2종류의 제한효소 조합으로 이중 절단한 후 10종류의 two selective primer조합형을 이용하여 분석한 결과 각 printer 조합형당 검출된 AFLP band의 수는 36~74개의 범위로 평균 55.5개였다. 그리고 검출된 총 555개의 band 가운데 polymorphic band의 수는 149 개로 다형성 수준은 약 26.8%로 추정되었다. 재래흑염소 품종 특이적인 AFLP marker를 탐색하고자 육용종 수입흑염소 및 4품종의 유용종 염소와 AFLP 지문양상을 비교 검토한 결과 M13/H13 primer 조합형에서 2.01과 1.26 kb의 2개 band 그리고 E35/H14 primer 조합형에서 1.65 kb의 1개 band가 재래흑염소의 품종 특이적 AFLP marker로 검출되었다. 그리고 E35/H14 primer 조합형에서 수입흑염소의 2.19, 2.03, 0.96 및 0.87 kb band, Saanen종의 2.13 kb band, Nubian종의 2.08 kb band는 각 해당 품종에만 특이적으로 출현하는 품종 특이적 band로 확인되었다. 또한, E35/H13 primer 조합형에서 재래흑염소를 특히, Saanen종과 식별이 가능한 4개의 DNA band가 확인되었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 AFLP-PCR 기법을 이용하여 검출한 품종 특이적 DNA band들은 우리나라 재래흑염소, 수입흑염소 및 유용종 염소품종들간에 명확히 구별되어 재래종 흑염소 육과 육제품의 품종판별에 매우 유용한 DNA marker로 이용 가능할 것으로 기대된다. This study was carried out to develop the breed-specific DNA markers for breed identification of Korean native goat meat using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-PCR techniques. The genomic DNAs of Korean native goat, imported black goat and four dairy goat breeds(Saanen, Alpine, Nubian and Toggenburg) were extracted from muscle tissues or blood. Genomic DNA was digested with a particular combination of two restriction enzymes with 4 base(Mse I and Taq I) and 6 base(EcoR I and Hind III) recognition sites, ligated to restriction specific adapters and amplified using the selective primer combinations. In AFLP profiles of polyacrylamide gels, the number of scorable bands produced per primer combination varied from 36 to 74, with an average of 55.5. A total of 555 bands were produced, 149(26.8%) bands of which were polymorphic. Among the ten primer combinations, two bands with 2.01 and 1.26 kb in M13/H13 primer and one band with 1.65 kb in E35/H14 primer were found to be breed-specific AFLP markers in Korean native goat when DNA bands were compared among the goat breeds. In the E35/H14 primer combination, 2.19, 2.03, 0.96 and 0.87 kb bands detected in imported black goat, 2.13 kb band in Saanen breed and 2.08 kb band in Nubian breed were observed as breed-specific bands showing differences between goat breeds, respectively. The E35/H14 primer combination produced four DNA bands distinguished between Korean native goat and Saanen breed. The is study suggested that the breed specific AFLP bands could be used as DNA markers for the identification of Korean native goat meat from imported black goat and dairy goat meats.

      • KCI등재후보

        DNA검사기법을 이용한 PSE 돈육 생산 돼지 진단

        정의룡,정구용,Chung Eui-Ryong,Chung Ku-Young 한국축산식품학회 2004 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        돼지 골격근 근소포체의 $Ca^{2+}$ 방출통로(calcium - release channel)를 지정하는 ryanodine receptor (RYR1) 유전자의 이상은 악성고열증(malignant hyperthermia, MH)을 유발하고, RYR1 유전자의 점 돌연변이는 돼지 스트레스 증후군(porcine stress syndrome, PSS)과 밀접하게 관련되어 있다. PSS 유전인자 보유 돼지의 90% 이상은 PSE 돈육을 생산하는 것으로 알려져 있어 물퇘지 발생과 생산성 하락으로 경제적 손실을 초래하는 유전적 원인의 PSS 유전자를 검사하여 제거하는 것은 고품질 돼지고기 생산 및 국내 양돈산업의 경쟁력 향상에 매우 중요한 과제라고 할 수 있다. 따라서, 본 연구는 PCR-RFLP 및 PCR-SSCP 기법을 이용하여 PSE 돈육을 생산 하는 PSS 돼지 유전자 진단기술을 개발하고 이를 이용한 국내 종돈 및 교잡 비육돈의 PSS 유전자형 출현빈도를 파악하고자 수행하였다. 돼지 PSS의 원인이 되는 RYR 유전자의 단일염기 돌연변이 (RYR1 C1843T)를 포함하는 DNA 영역을 PCR로 증폭한 후 RFLP 및 SSCP 기법을 이용하여 분석한 결과 동형접합체의 정상 개체(N/N), 이형접합체의 잠재성 개체(N/n)그리고 열성의 돌연변이 유전자를 동형접합체 상태로 갖는 PSS 감수성 개체(n/n)에 각각 특이적인 RFLP 및 SSCP 유전자형이 검출되어 PSS 저항성, 잠재성 및 감수성 개체의 정확한 판별이 가능하였다. 돼지 주요 품종 집단내 PSS유전자형 출현빈도를 조사한 결과 Landrace는 PSS저항성 개체가 57.1%, 잠재성 개체가 35.7%그리고 PSS 감수성 개체의 출현 비율은 7.1%로 분석되었고 L. Yorkshire는 82.5, 15.8 및 1.7%, Duroc은 95.2, 4.8 및 0.0%로 각각 조사되었다. 비육용 교잡돈은 정상 개체가 72.0%, 잠재성 개체가 22.7% 그리고 PSS 감수성 개체는 5.3%였다. 특히, PCR-SSCP 기법을 이용한 RYR1 유전자 돌연변이 검출 방법은 보다 신속 간편하면서도 상대적으로 분석비용이 저렴한 정확성이 높은 PSS 돼지 진단기술로서 대규모 돼지집단 검색이나 RFLP 방법으로 판정이 불확실한 시료의 재검에 효율적으로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Stress-susceptible pigs have been known as the porcine stress syndrome (PSS), swine PSS, also known as malignant hyperthermia (MH), is characterized as sudden death and production of poor meat quality such as PSE (pale, soft and exudative) meat after slaughtering. PSS and PSE meat cause major economic losses in the pig industry. A point mutation in the gene coding for the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) in porcine skeletal muscle, also known calcium (Ca$^{2+}$) release channel, has been associated with swine PSS and halothane sensitivity. We used the PCR-RFLP(restriction fragment length polymorphism) and PCR-SSCP (single strand conformation polymorphism) methods to detect the PSS gene mutation (C1843T) in the RYR1 gene and to estimate genotype frequencies of PSS gene in Korean pig breed populations. In PCR-RFLP and SSCP analyses, three genotypes of homozygous normal (N/M), heterozygous carrier (N/n) and homozygous recessive mutant (n/n) were detected using agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. The proportions of normal, carrier and PSS pigs were 57.1, 35.7 and 7.1% for Landrace, 82.5, 15.8 and 1.7% far L. Yorkshire, 95.2, 4.8 and 0.0% for Duroc and 72.0, 22.7 and 5.3% for Crossbreed. Consequently, DNA-based diagnosis for the identification of stress-susceptible pigs of PSS and pigs producing PSE meat is a powerful technique. Especially, PCR-SSCP method may be useful as a rapid, sensitive and inexpensive test for the large-scale screening of PSS genotypes and pigs with PSE meat in the pork industry.y.

      • 고도 성인 흉부 측만증에서 시행한 후방 척주절제술

        정의룡,김진혁,이상민 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.5

        Objective : To report the result of one stage posterior vertebral column resection(PVCR) in treating severe adult thoracic scoliosis Materials and Methods : Thirteen patients(average age 30.2 years) with thoracic scoliosis were treated with PVCR. Their results were retrospectively reviewed after a minimum follow-up of 2 years for deformity correction and complications. Etiological diagnoses were neglected idiopathic in 6, congenital in 4 and others in 3. The average preoperative scoliosis was 96°(range: 70∼143) with less than 25% flexibility. The average preoperative trunk shift was 2.Ocm(range: O∼6.0) and the shoulder height difference was 2.1 cm(range: O∼8.0). The procedure consisted of a posterior midline approach, segmental pedicle screw fixation of the index curve, resection of the posterior elements, bilateral rib heads and vertebral bodies with adjacent discs, anterior column reconstruction with a structural graft or chip bones, and correction of the deformity by derotation and cantilever method. Results : Total 17 thoracic vertebrae were resected. The most common resection was T8 in 5 patients. The mean operative time was 387 minutes with an average blood loss of 4864 ml. At latest follow up, the index curve was corrected to 36(range: 15∼78) showing a correction of 63%. The loss of correction was 4%. The trunk shift and the shoulder height difference were improved to 0.4cm(range: O∼1.4) and 0.4cm (range: O∼1.0), respectively. One paraplegia occurred in scoliosis with Beal's syndrome, who had a preoperative neurologic deficit. Conclusion: One stage posterior vertebral column resection could be performed safely and effectively for severe adult thoracic scoliosis, even though technically demanding and involves possible risk for major complications.

      • KCI등재

        국민기초생활보장개정법률안 공동발의에 대한 연구 : 구조적 요인에 대한 ERGM 분석을 중심으로

        정의룡 국제문화기술진흥원 2020 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.6 No.1

        네트워크 분석에 있어서 기술적인 네트워크의 속성에 대한 연구 외에도 네트워크의 형성에 대한 구조적 원인 을 분석하는 것 또한 중요한 주제가 되고 있다. 본 연구는 국민기초생활보장법 개정안에 대한 공동발의망이 어떠한 구조적 원인에 의해 형성되는 지를 ERGM 방법으로 분석하였이다, 분석결과 해당 공동발의 네트워크는 대표발의자 의 역할에 의존하는 외향성 변수, 제3자적 관계로 이어지는 이행성 변수가 통계적으로 유의미한 작용을 하고 있는 것 으로 나타났다. 반면, 대표발의자와 공동발의자가 상보적인 관계를 주고받는 호혜성은 유의미하지 못했다. 이는 복지 정책에 대한 우리 의회조직의 비활성화된 행태 및 ‘작은’복지국가로서 진행되고 있는 것과 연관됨을 시사하고 있다. The aim of this study is to analyze the structural factors of cosponsorship network in the National Basic Livelihiid Security Legislative Revision. This study use ERGM method and Korea Congress Data. The result of the analysis shows outlet effect and transilative effect is negative. It suggests that inactivaion of the congress on the public welfare.

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