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        근대시 형성기 `순수`의 재구성

        정은기(Jeong, Eun-Ki) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.45

        『근대시 형성기 ‘순수’ 담론 고찰』(이후『순수 고찰』)은 근대시가 형성되어가는 과정 속에서 ‘순수’ 담론의 양상을 살피는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 과정에서 순국문, 순문학, 순문예, 국수(國粹) 등을 근대계몽기의 용례로 설정하여 ‘순-’의 의미를 분석하였다. 이는 근대성을 표상하는 기표에 해당했다. 이러한 논리는 단재의『천희당시화』와 최남선의 신시를 통해 구체화되고 있음을 살펴보았다. 1910년대는 이광수의 ‘순문학적 목적’과 김동인의 ‘순예술화한 사회’의 비교를 통해 ‘순수’ 담론이 하나의 단일개념이 아니라, 자아의 내면과 공동체의 성립을 동시에 담보해야 이중구조를 지니고 있음을 살펴보았다. 상징주의를 통해 수용한 자유시 역시, 개인의 호흡을 중시하면서도 민족적 리듬을 담보할 수 있어야 했다. 근대시에 대한 체계적인 모색은 1920년대에 접어 들어서야 가능했다. 김억은 ‘순정한 서정시가’라는 용어로 근대시를 요청하고 있었다. 이는 ‘언어에 대한 존중’과 ‘향토성 추구’를 전제 조건으로 하고 있었다. 이는 근대시가 조선어를 매개로 성립되어야 함을 의미하는 것이다. 이때 시를 조직하는 원리로서의 율(律)이 민족을 변별하는 핵심자질로 기능하고 있었다. 그리고 근대시가 도달해야 하는 ‘순정한’ 상태를 근대적 주체의 내면이율의 원리에 의해 시형과 완벽하게 조화를 이룬 상태라 가정했다. 그리고 이를 소설의 언문일치와 비교하여 ‘율문일치’라는 개념으로 설정하였다. ‘Study on discussion of ‘purity’ during the formative period of modernstyle poetry’ (‘Purity’ discussion) aims to investigate the process the ‘Purity’ discussion while a modern-style poetry was being formed. "Purity" was analyzed through defining a pure Korean literature, pure literature and nationalism(國粹) as the usage of modern enlightenment period. This was a signifier for the representation of modernity. The logic was solidified with Chunheedangsihwa, Dan-Jae and Sin-si, Choi, Nam-Sun. It was analyzed through the comparison of "Purpose of pure literature", Lee, Kwang-Soo and "Society becoming high art", Kim, Dong-In in 1910s that ‘purity’ discussion was not a single concept, but the dual structure that guaranteed the establishment of the inner-self and the community at the same time. Free verse accommodated through Symbolism also had to focus on an individual"s breathing and guarantee the ethnic rhythms. Systematic searching for a modern-style poetry was possible just in the 1920s. Kim, Eok requested for the modern-style poetry as the term of "pure lyric poetry". It meant that "Respect of the language" and "Folk feature" were preconditions, and the modern-style poetry must have been established via the Korean language. At this time, Rhythm(律) as the principle of poetry"s part was a key feature, distinctive qualities of this nation. Futhermore, it was assumed that "pure" state the modern-style poetry had to reach meant a perfect combination between the inner-self of the modern subject and versification by the rhythm"s principle, and it was defined as "the unity of rhythm and writing" compared to the concept of the unity of speech and writing.

      • KCI등재

        "순수"문학 개념의 전개와 변용 - 근대문학 형성기 문학 장에서의 "순수" 관련어 활용 양상을 중심으로 -

        정은기 ( Eun Ki Jeong ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.62

        이 논문은 근대문학 형성기 문학 장에서 ‘순수’ 관련어 활용 양상을 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 근대문학사에서 ‘순수’의 개념은 해방기 김동리의 순수문학 논쟁을 통해 탈정치화된 맥락으로 고정되어 버린 감을 지울 수 없다. 이에 본고는 기존의 논의가 이분법적 구도 속에서 대타항에 대한 부정적 정의를 통해 ‘순수’의 좌표를 설정했던 것과 달리, ‘순수’를 역사적 구성물로 인지하고 다양한 맥락 속에서 차이에 주목하는 방식으로 순수에 대해 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 1900년대부터 1920년대 초의 동인지 문단까지의 시기를 연구대상으로 논의를 전개하였다. 이러한 관점에서 순문예, 순문학등 ‘순수’ 관련어로 분류되는 접두사 ‘純-’의 출현 양상을 정리해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째 근대계몽기에서 ‘純-’은 이전 시대의 문학으로부터 근대적 성격의 문학이 분기하는 과정에서 도출되었다. 이때 ‘純-’은 근대적 질서로의 재편과정 속에서 선취되어야 할 미래를 의미하는 것이었다. 또한 이것은 민족국가의 내부와 외부를 구획하여 동일성을 위해 요청되는 당위로서 중요한 역할을 했다. 둘째, 이광수의 ‘순문학적 목적’과 김동인의 ‘순예술화한 사회’라는 수사가 지니고있는 의미구조를 통해서 ‘순문학’, ‘순예술’에서 ‘純-’의 의미가 단일한 개념으로 구성된것이 아니라는 사실을 살펴보았다. 그것은 개인의 주관성을 의미하면서도 이를 통해 새로운 사회개량을 의미하는 것이기도 했다. 셋째, 『창조』의 예술론을 통해 미의 절대적 가치가 도덕과 융화할 수 없음을 밝히고 있지만, 이시기의 문제는 공동체 구성에 기반하지 못하는 예술이 1920년대 문단에서 성립가능한가에 맞추어져 있었다. 때문에 『창조』 동인들의 순문학에 대한 논리는 모순을 내재할 수밖에 없었다. 그것은 이 시기의 ‘순문학’이 보편예술로서의 가치와 민족문학으로서의 이념을 내재하고 있는데서 비롯되었다. This study aims to inquire about use aspects of "purity"-related terms in the field of literature of the formative period of modern literature of Korea. In the modern literature history of Korea, we cannot help but feel that the concept of "pure" has been only fixed in the context of depoliticization through debates on pure literature of Tong-ni Kim in the liberation period. Hereupon, on the contrary to the dichotomous structure of existing debates in which the coordinate of "purity" has been established through negative definition on antagonistic category, this study has inquired about "purity" by acknowledging it as a historic construct and paying attention to differences from various contexts. For the purpose of this study, the period from 1900s through 1920s of literary arena of literary coterie magazine has been selected as a subject of study to develop debates. From this perspective, the emergence of prefix "pure-" which is classified as "purity"-related terms such as pure letters and pure literature can be arranged as follows: First, in the enlightenment period, "pure-" first emerged in the process of which literature with modern characteristics was diverging from existing literature. At this point, "pure-" referred to the future that should be preengaged in the process of reorganization toward modern orders. In addition, it played a role as an oughtness which is required for identity by dividing the inner and outer part of a nation state. Second, based on the semantic structure of rhetorical expressions observed in "purpose of pure literature" of Gwang-su Yi and "pure artistic society" of Dong-in Kim, I have inquired into the fact that the meanings of "pure-" were not composed as a single unit when referring to "pure literature" and "pure arts". This meant not only individual subjectivity but also new social reformation through this. Third, through the art discourse of "Changjo", it was revealed that the absolute value of beauty is not able to be integrated with morals, however, the problems of that period were focused on whether the art which is not based on community composition can be established in the literary world of the 1920s. For this reason, the logic of pure literature debated by members of literary coterie of "Changjo" was obliged to contain contradiction. This originated in the fact that "pure literature" inheres in the values of universal art and the ideology of national literature.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 순수 담론 연구

        정은기 ( In Hwan Ko ),고인환 ( Jeong Eun Ki ) 한국언어문화학회 2015 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.56

        The purpose of this paper is to identify the meaning of the pure in the modern Korean enlightenment period through the National Essence and 〈Cheonheedangsihwa〉 of Shin Chae-Ho. Modern period includes people with Korean language. Korean language mediates the people and nation-state. The ultimate goal of Shin Chae-Ho was to make a nation-state. The nation-state shall consist of people. National Essence is very important element to form a nation. According to Shin Chae-Ho, National Essence is the point at which the identity of the nation expressed to the maximum. This is the reconstructed origins at the entrance of the modern period. By discrimination and exclusion, including a identical thing and excluding a nonidentical thing is the principle of the pure. 〈Cheonheedangsihwa〉 tells that the pure is on the formation process of modern poetry. In the 〈Cheonheedangsihwa〉 Shin Chae-Ho suggests that language, writing and rhythm of own is the most important element in Korean Poetry. This means that the pure contains both the content and the form unlike the existing fact that the pure contains only content. With this classification rules, Shin Chae-Ho proposes a new poetry in the new era. In conclusion, up to date, We have understood the pure is the opponent of political thing. But the pure in the Korean modern enlightenment period represents the nation and is the sense of the modernity.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국의 정신건강 정책목표 비교

        이현경(Hyun-kyung Lee),정은기(Eun-ki Jeong),장안기(An-ki Jang),이종일(Jong-il Lee) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2009 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to review national mental health policy goal in Korea and America, and to suggest strategies for advancing the national mental health policy in Korea. Objectives: First, the review of nation mental health policy in Korea. Second, the review of nation mental health policy in America. Third, the development of nation mental health plan in Korea. Methods: To achieve this objectives, review the books, journals, and national published papers and so on. Results: First, 15 goals are planned for mental health promotion in Korea Health Plan 2010. Second, 14 goals and multiple strategies are planned for mental health promotion in America Healthy People 2010. Third, 3 plans are suggested for mental health promotion in Korea. Conclusion: Mental Health is essential dimension in holistic health. And mental health promotion has been increasingly emphasized in national health plan. Therefore, effective nation mental health policy establishment would be needed continuously.

      • KCI등재

        정신보건법의 주요 쟁점 조항에 대한 선진국과의 사례 비교

        홍진표,황순찬,박수빈,서동우,정은기,김진학,박종익,안주연,김수정,장홍석 大韓神經精神醫學會 2009 신경정신의학 Vol.48 No.2

        Objectives The Mental Health Act is an initiative aimed at changing and shaping mental health services and protecting human rights of persons with mental disorders. Since the Mental Health Act was legislated in 1995, four amendments have been made according to the issues that arose from public concerns. However, there are still many debates about the human rights protection of the mentally iII. This study aimed to provide information regarding major aspects of the Mental Health Act by comparing them among several developed countries. Methods Current Mental Health Acts of the state of Michigan in the United States, Scotland in England, the state of Victoria in Australia, and Japan were reviewed. Issues regarding the Korean Mental Health Act were collected from seminar materials, news media contents, and mental health professionals Results The definition of subjects in Korean Mental Health Act was more inclusive than other countries and was derived from a medical classification of mental illness. Family members or guardians were granted important responsibilities for deciding the involuntary admission of mentally ill patients in Korea and Japan. In Western countries, Mental Health Review Tribunals or courts have the primary responsibility for important decisions about mentally ill patients. The regulation of immediate dis- charge after request by voluntarily admitted patients was not enacted in all countries except Korea. The mandatory procedure for involuntary admission in Western countries includes an individual case review with personal interview by a Mental Health Review Tribunal or court. Conclusion The Korean Mental Health Act appears to meet the basic standards of Guidelines from international organizations. Our traditional culture and inherent health systems seem to influence the legal regulation of mental health service and might be related to the problems of human rights protection of mentally ill patients in Korea.

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