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      • 草梁倭館의 조영과정에서 나타난 일본 건축 기술자들에 관한 연구 - 1727년 東館三大廳중수공사를 중심으로 -

        정예정,서치상 대한건축학회지회연합회 2006 대한건축학회지회연합회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        This study focuses on Japanese Architectural Technicians who had joined repair Of Dongwan-Samdaechung in 1727. Dongwan-Samdaechung was located in Choryang-Weagwan which was the largest Japanese House left in Busan through Chosun Dynasty. It was known to have been jointly constructed by Korean and Japanese carpenters. Therefore, Weagwan was a place for exchange of architectural tradition between Korea and Japan. Judging from this point of view, It is certain that mutual influences helped to shape architecture of Choryang-Weagwan. At the start of construction, Weagwan was built partly in Japanese-style by the carpenters from Tokugawa Shogunate. But as time passed, the participation rate of Japanese carpenters diminished gradually. After 1831, Japanese technician vanished extremely and repairing construction was continued by the Korean.

      • KCI등재

        1727년 초량왜관(草梁倭館) 수리(修理)의 일본(日本) 장인(匠人)과 도구(道具)에 관한 연구 -대마도종가문서(對馬島宗家文書) "관수옥(館守屋).시대청(市大廳).재판가(裁判家) 수리기록(修理記錄)"을 중심으로-

        정예정,서치상,Chung, Ye-Jung,Seo, Chi-Sang 한국건축역사학회 2007 건축역사연구 Vol.16 No.5

        Choryang-weagwan which was the largest international trading place between Joseon Dynasty and Tokugawa Shogunate had been maintained from 1678 through 1872 in Busan. Particularly, they had 21 times repairing constructions for 200 years since its establishment. It is noticeable that Joseon Dynasty permitted Tokukawa Shogunate to construct main pavilions and guesthouses as his style due to the good-neighbor policy between two countries, and Tokukawa Shogunate struggled to achieve his own culture in that place under the supervision of Joseon Dynasty. For satisfying his needs, the architectural craftsmen of Tokukawa Shogunate were mobilized by the chief of construction company which was called kumi-gasira in the most of cases. When they came to Busan for the construction, they brought their own architectural tools. On the one hand, the carpenters and workers of Joseon Dynasty were organized by the traditional construction superintendents which were called Gamdong-gwan and they had to carry out their responsibilities with Japanese technicians at the same workplace. Judging from this fact, the construction site of Weagwan was the good place for exchanging the architectural technology between two countries. This study especially focuses on Tokukawa Shogunate craftsmen who made the repairs of Dongwan-samdaechung in 1727 such as carpenters(Dai-ku), sawyers(ko-biki), and surveyors(Tsue-tsuki) and their tools such as Hatsuri(=Masakari) and Yo-ki(=Oh-no). The constructions in this period, there were not only the repairs of 3 major pavilions including the trading center, but also one of the most active repairing constructions comparing with other period, therefor these were important constructions to shows us repairing construction of Choryang-weagwan of those days.

      • KCI등재

        1774년 草梁倭館 修理의 日本 職人과 道具 및 建築材料에 관한 연구

        정예정(Chung Ye-Jung) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2008 한국민족문화 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper discusses the architectural exchange between the Joseon Dynasty and Tokugawa Shogunate through the construction of Choryang-waegwan. Choryang-waegwan, which was the largest international trading quarters between Joseon Dynasty and Tokugawa Shogunate had been maintained from 1678 through 1872 in Busan. These complex buildings, that area was around 363,000㎡, were divided into Donggwan(the trading center) and Seoggwan(the lodgings for Japanese public servants) with Yong-Du mountain. And also, Ramparts and Joseon offices were set up outside of the main buildings. They were named Donggwan and Seoggwan. Thus, this fact, which the Japanese quarters and Korean offices were located in the same place, suggests that both Koreans and Japaneses could learn each other's expressions of mutual architectural culture. These expressions gave two countries' artisans the motivation to learn each other's style. Moreover, artisans of the two countries were given a lot of chances to study each others'style, because there were 21 repairs over 200years after the creation of the Choryang-waegwan. Tokukawa Shogunate struggled to express their own style in that place under the supervision of the Joseon Dynasty. To satisfy their needs, Tokukawa Shogunate organized administrators into capable groups. When they came to Busan for the construction, artisans of Tokukawa Shogunate brought their own architectural tools. On the one hand, the artisans and workers of Joseon Dynasty were organized by the traditional construction managers who were called Gamdong-gwan and they preserved their responsibilities with Japanese artisans in the same workplace. Judging from this fact, it is concluded that the site of Waegwan was a good place for exchanging architectural technology between two countries. This study particularly focuses on Tokukawa Shogunate artisans who made repairs to Donggwan and Seoggwan in 1774. They were capenters(Dai-ku), sawyers(Ko-biki), surveyors(Tsue-tsuki) and their tools such as Hatsri, Yo-ki and Tsuroo-hasi. Also, They used various architectural materials such as Japanese floor mats(Tatami), Japanese nails and tool boxes while they were making these repair. This evidence presented the influx of Japanese architectural technique into Joseon Dynasty. The constructions in this period, they were not only major pavilions including the trading center and the living quarters, but also one of the most vigorous periods of constructions as compared with any other time. Therefore, this was the most important time for the construction Choryang-waegwan.

      • KCI등재

        草梁客舍 造營에 관한 硏究

        정예정(Chung, Ye-Jung) 한일관계사학회 2010 한일관계사연구 Vol.37 No.-

        草梁客舍는 1678년 창건 이래 총 9회 이상의 중수공사가 행해졌다. 객사가 여러 번 중창되면서 間架의 수도 늘어났는데, 정청 및 동?서헌 주요 건물은 24칸에서 33칸 정도의 규모를 거쳐 45칸의 규모까지 증축되었다. 주요 건물과 함께 외삼문과 내삼문 등 부속 건물이 증축되었으며, 객사 주변의 담장 및 축대를 포함한 정비공사가 이루어지기도 했다. 왜관접수가 일어난 다음해인 1873년에도 초량객사의 중수가 이루어진 사실을 통해 초량객사의 건축물은 초량왜관이 일본인 전관거류지로 변모해 가는 동안에도 유지되었음을 알 수 있다. 「東萊府使接倭使圖」?「釜山通草梁和館之圖」에 묘사된 초량객사의 외관은 전패를 모시는 正廳과 관료나 조공사신을 접대하기 위해 온돌방을 배치한 左右翼舍를 가진 조선시대 일반적 객사형식과 같다. 초량객사는 매번 수리마다 국왕에게 보고되면서도 조정의 관할이 아니라는 이중적 기준이 적용되었다. 왜관수리가 강력한 중앙의 통제에 의해 이루어진데 반하여, 초량객사로 대표되는 초량공해의 조영은 경상감영의 지시 아래 자치행정계통을 통해 이루어졌다. 초량공해의 공사행정은 크게 두 가지 방식으로 운용되었다. 재목을 수취할 경우 留山鎭이 담당하였고 일반 물력을 수취할 경우 동래부사가 담당하였는데, 후자의 경우 留鄕所에서 面?里任으로 연결되는 자치행정계통에 의해 물력을 조달하였다. 감동인력은 材木을 구해야 하는 경우에는 개운포와 다대진이 담당하였고, 그 재료로 목구조를 결구하고 세부를 치장하는 수리공사는 釜山鎭과 東萊府가 맡고 있었다. 재목의 수취는 차사원의 활약에 의해 이루어졌으며, 감작차사원의 경우, 왜관재목을 감작하는 개운포만호라는 점에서 초량 객사의 재목수취방식이 왜관과 같음을 알 수 있다. 수리공사의 경우 鎭堡의 邊將들이 공사를 담당하는 것이 전례화 되어 있었으나,1873년 초량객사 중수에는 문?무관직이 다양하게 편성되어 공사를 감독하였다. 이러한 자치적 감동조직의 편성 아래 왜학 역관의 활동이 두드러지는데, 이는 같은 시기 동래부 관아 건축에서 볼 수 없는 이례적인 것이다. 왜학역관이 감동관으로 활동하는 상황은 왜관수리공사의 경우와 같으며, 이로써 건축 행정적인 측면에서도 초량객사는 동래부객사와는 성격을 달리하는 외교 시설로서 운영되 었음을 알 수 있다. 기술 장인들은 보상을 받고 공사에 참여했으나, 잡역은 무상노동을 기본으로 하고 있었으며 수리 초기에는 釜山鎭 소속 土卒들이 동원되었다. 토졸의 과중한 업무 분담으로 이후 烟戶를 사역하게 되었다. 이처럼 19세기에도 여전히 民丁은 중앙권력에 의한 지배와 수취의 대상이 되었는데, 이는 조선후기 만성적 재정난 속에서 이루어지는 관영공사의 사례가 모두 그러하듯이 공사비 지출을 줄이기 위 한 다각적 노력의 한 방편이었던 것이다. 草梁客舍의 재원을 확보하는 방식은 草梁倭館 수리의 그것과 유사하나 역가 지급방식은 서로 차이를 보이는데, 초량객사에서는 米와 布로써, 왜관에서는 공가로써 지급하였다. 초량공해의 수리는 비교적 자발적으로 이루어졌으며, 수리 요청이 생기면 지연 없이 어떠한 경로를 통해서든 물력을 갖추었다. 초량공해의 수리를 담당한 관리는 주어진 상황 속에서 최 선의 방법을 동원하여 공사를 잘 진행하여야 하는 중책을 맡고 있었으므로, 목재를 절약하고, 공사도구를 民으로부터 회수하는 등의 방법을 통해 어렵게 확보한 공사비의 지출을 줄이기 위한 노력을 하였다. This paper discusses the architectural activities of supervisors and artisans who belonged to Dongnae-bu of what is now the city of Busan and fundraising for building repairs through the construction of Choryang-gaeksa. Choryang-gaeksa had been located near the Choryang-waegwan, which was the largest international trading quarters between Joseon Dynasty and Tokugawa Shogunate had been maintained from 1678 through 1872 in Busan. This Korean traditional style building was used to perform the ceremony which was concerned with Joseon"s diplomatic policy toward Tokugawa Shogunate. The government offacials of the Joseon Dynasty enshrined the wooden tablet which was inscribed the Chinese letter Jeon(殿) whose meaning is the king of Joseon Dynasty and the envoys of Tokugawa Shogunate bowed before the symbolized plate because they could not be received in royal audience in capital of Joseon. Therefore, Choryang-gaeksa was more important than other government offices which were located Choryang area, and had more than 9 times repairing constructions for nearly 200 years since its establishment. Although the building was stationed right outside the wall of the Choryang-waegwan, the construction process of the building(Choryang-gaeksa) was detimtely different from the usage which was carded on repairing of Choryang-waegwan. The construction of Choryang-gaeksa was achieved by local govemment(Dongnae-bu), whereas the architectural activities of Choryang-waegwan were regulated by the central government. The construction organization was consisted of superintendents, artisans and ordinary people who had to serve compulsory labor every period of public construction. Superintendents of the construction were called Chal-bang, Man-ho and Hun-do, who acted as civil or military officers as well. They struggled to secure and reduce construction expenses in order to accomplish construction work without damaging the provincial finance. Because artisans were under the authority of the local government, the superintendents could send them under escort on a case by case basis. Laborers had to do compulsory service without any compensation, in contrast to the cases of the constructions which were performed in the 19th century.

      • KCI등재

        초량왜관(草梁倭館)의 창건(創建), 수리(修理) 및 중수(重修)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        김순일,정예정,Kim, Soon-Il,Chung, Ye-Jung 한국건축역사학회 2001 건축역사연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This study concerns especially Choryang-Weagwan which was the largest Japanese House left in Pusan through Chosun Dynasty. Choryang-Waegwan was known to have been jointly constructed by Korean and Japanese carpenters. Therefore, Weagwan was a place for exchange of architectural tradition (special features such as sliding door and straw mat) between Korean and Japan. Judging from this point of view, It is certain that mutual influences helped to shape architecture of Choryang-Weagwan. After establishment Choryang- Weagwan was gradually extended, owing to the prosperity of trade with Japan. But since late 18th century government of Chosun did not give as much care to maintaining Choryang- Weagwan as a result of deteriorating condition of commercial and diplomatic relations with Japan. From the beginning of Choryang- Weagwan construction, Superintendents of the construction were called Hun-do and Byl-cha, who acted as official interpreters as well. And, during construction works, they were called Gamdong-gwan, At the start of construction, Weagwan was built partly in Japanese-style by the carpenters from Tokugawa Shogunate. But as time passed, the participation rate of Japanese carpenters diminished gradually. After 1831, Japanese technician vanished extremely and repairing construction was continued by the Korean workers only.

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