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      • KCI등재

        조선 왕실 祭祀茶禮의 禮制 성립과 그 배경에 관한 고찰

        정영선 한국유교학회 2006 유교사상문화연구 Vol.25 No.-

        제사로서 ‘茶禮’라는 이름의 예제가 처음 행해진 것은, 조선시대 世宗 29年(1447年)에 世子가 陵에서 지낸 ‘晝茶禮’이다. 晝茶禮는 朝鮮時代 王室의 喪禮 기간 중에 朝夕 上食과 같이 매일 午時에 점심식사를 대신하여 茶果와 간단한 祭饌을 올리던 小祀이다. 주다례가 처음 시행되었을 때는 ‘晝茶儀’라고도 기록되었고 내시종친부마가 주재하였으나, 文宗이 친제하기 시작하여 왕실의 제례로서 자리 잡게 되고 조선말까지 이어져 행해졌다. 晝茶禮가 생겨난 때부터 20年가량 지난 睿宗 1年(1469年)에 추모의 別祭인 ‘茶禮’를 貞熹왕후가 행하게 되면서 점심茶禮가 아닌 제사茶禮가 생겨나 吉禮로서 발전하게 된다. 이어 ‘別祭의 茶禮’를 뜻하는 ‘別茶禮’가 明宗 卽位해인 1546年의 記錄에 나타나서 흔히 ‘茶禮’라고도 기록되며 名日이나 告由 등의 명목으로 간소한 제례로 행해진다. 16세기에는 다례가 吉祀로 정착되고 宮家뿐 아니라 士大夫와 民間에도 영향을 주어 ‘茶禮(차례)’제사의 풍습으로 정착된다. 조선의 왕실에서 茶禮제사가 생겨나게 된 배경은 다음과 같다. 太祖定宗太宗世宗文宗은 喫茶家였고 사신 접대인 ‘茶禮’를 公禮와 私禮로서 흔히 행했으며, ‘茶房’, ‘茶時’, 茶母 등 茶와 관련된 제도를 만들어 사회 기강을 세우는 데 茶供문화를 중시하였다. 그리고 宋의 朱熹와 고려말조선초 유학자들의 茶道觀의 영향이 있었으며, 또한 고려 佛家의 유교식 獻茶제사와 주자가례, 그리고 조선 초기 왕실 凶禮의 降神 茶儀가 茶湯과 제사의 긴밀함을 인식하게 하였다. 왕실 제사다례의 특성으로서 제찬과 의식이 간소한 小祀라는 점과, 제사의 행례 시각이나 명분을 형편에 맞추어 정하는 임의성은 현대인의 생활 취향에 잘 맞을 뿐 아니라, 중국의 풍습을 본뜨지 않고 독자성을 지니며 오랜 역사를 거쳐 토착화되었으므로, 제사다례는 미래에도 유교적 미풍양속으로 이어지고 가꾸어질 가치가 있는 한국문화이다.

      • KCI등재

        동맥 혈전색전증의 동맥내 Urokinase 주입치료

        정영선,이광만,원종진,채권묵 대한혈관외과학회 1988 Vascular Specialist International Vol.4 No.1

        Four patients with arterial occlusions demonstrated by angiography were treated using intraarterial urokinase infusion. The catheter was embedded at the site of arterial occlusion if possible. Bolus injection of 20000-40000 unit of urokinase were given initially in 3 cases. And then urokinase was infused at 20000-30000 u/hr in a volume of 500 ml saline using an arterial infusion pump as maintenance dose. The duration of infusion varied from 9 to 60 hrs. Of 4 patients infused, 3 had complete or partial lysis of thromboembolism.

      • KCI우수등재

        건축 단열재 열전도율 시험에 대한 측정 불확도 추정

        정영선,최경석,이승언 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.8

        To correspond mutual recognition between nations of industrial products, it is very important that we estimate and express an uncertainty of measurement for confidence of tests and measurements. The study and spread of an uncertainty of measurement are becoming in various fields, but it is very difficult to find such a case study in thermodynamic field. The purpose of this study is estimating uncertainty of measurement on thermal conductivity test for building insulation materials. The factors of uncertainty on thermal conductivity test in this study are .insulation material thickness(d) factor, quantity of heat(Qt) factor, .high surface temperature(Tu) factor, .low surface temperature(Tl) factor, .test environment(temp. & humidity) factor and .test result distribution(5 times test). The result of estimation of uncertainty on thermal conductivity test is 0.034 ∂0.00096[W/(m;K)] ( 95%, k=2 ) in this study.

      • KCI등재

        Association of vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures in postmenopausal women

        정영선,홍승호,민경태,신동은,이재호,심유식,안정용,김남근 한국유전학회 2010 Genes & Genomics Vol.32 No.6

        Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is involved in bone formation through its role in angiogenesis. VEGF is also known to promote the healing of fractures. Thus, we determined whether or not VEGF -2578C>A, -1154G>A,-634G>C, and 936C>T polymorphisms and haplotypes are associated with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF) in postmenopausal Korean women. The study subjects consisted of 82 patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures and 117 control postmenopausal Korean women. PCR-RFLP and real-time PCR were used to analyze the VEGF polymorphisms. Homocysteine levels were also measured to determine whether or not polymorphisms of the VEGFgene affect homocysteine/folate metabolism. The AA genotype of the -2578C>A polymorphism was significantly

      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 인터넷 중독 실태와 비만도 및 체력에 관한 연구

        정영선,양춘호 한국웰니스학회 2011 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of Internet addiction on the physical??fitness of high school students. The subjects of this study were the first and second grade students of high schools??located in the S and C cities of Chungnam Province. Data collection was conducted through the questionnaires of??306 randomly selected students. Statistical descriptions, one-way ANOVA, and t-tests were performed for data??processing, and scheffe′s testing was done for post verification. Results were obtained as follows. First, it was apparent??that males had a more serious degree of Internet addiction than females. Second, it was revealed that the??purpose of Internet use was for overcoming stress, impulsive use, passing time, and doing homework in the order.??Thirdly, it was shown that the group which used internet cafes as their primary means of internet use, suffered the??most addiction as compared to those who surfed the web primarily at school or home. Fourth, the evidence??suggested that groups which exercised for more than two hours per day, suffered from a lower degree of Internet??addiction than those groups which got under two hours of exercise per day. Fifth, it was shown that the obesity??degree was shown more in the high risk-group of Internet addiction than in the general user group. Sixth, it was??shown that physical fitness such as flexibility, reflexes, and endurance were all shown lower in high-risk group of??Internet addiction than in potential-risk group and general user group. From the results mentioned above, it was??shown that Internet addiction had a bad influence on teenager's obesity and factors for physical strength.??Therefore, in order to maintain and improve their physical fitness, I suggest that we should not only stress the??positive aspects of utilizing Internet but also devise creative ways to offset adverse effects of the Internet. It will??allow teenagers to aggressively participate in physical activities related to the Internet, and also to play a leading??role in an information-oriented society.

      • KCI등재

        The Prospect for the Regional Human Rights Mechanism in South Asia

        정영선,나세르 엠란 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2017 法學硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        Regional Human Rights Mechanism comparing to the Universal Human Rights Mechanism is proven as one of the effective human rights protection system ensuring justice in different region of the present world. Asia as a largest continent in the world could not establish regional human rights mechanism like as America, Europe and Africa because of its cultural diversity, political conflicts and so on. However, the sub-regional initiatives for establishing human rights mechanism have been taken by different sub-regional organizations. As a result, the League of Arab States which is a sub-regional part of Asia and commonly known as Arab League, has finally adopted the Arab Charter on Human Rights in 2004 with a plan to establish intergovernmental human rights court. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), on the other hand, has established ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights in 2009 with a plan to adopt ASEAN intergovernmental human rights Charter and to establish ASEAN intergovernmental human rights court as well. Likewise, the South Asia as a sub-region of Asia has a huge possibility to establish regional human rights mechanism through the existing framework of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). In fact, SAARC has adopted the SAARC Social Charter in 2004 emphasising the protection and promotion of human rights with an implied mandate to open a door to establish regional human rights mechanism in South Asia. But, the socio-economic and political problems along with the cultural diversity are an unresolved and a common problem in South Asia and are somehow delaying the South Asian countries to establish sub-regional human rights mechanism in the region. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to show a direction for establishing the sub-regional human rights mechanism in South Asia finding the initial problems, present crises and different barriers along with the proper possible solutions and suggestions.

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