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      • KCI우수등재

        구문문법과 한국어 구문 연구

        정연주 국어학회 2023 국어학 Vol.- No.106

        In this paper, we present an overview of Korean linguistics literature on the linguistic unit of construction from the perspective of Construction Grammar. Construction Grammar is a theoretical framework that posits that all aspects of language, from the creation of new words to the production of complete sentences, are based on the cognitive unit of construction. This unit extends Saussure’s notion of the sign as a combination of form and meaning beyond morphemes and words to encompass phrases, clauses, sentences, and texts. This perspective is grounded in the observation that many linguistic units whose forms are not fully fixed exhibit conventionalized relationships between form and meaning and must be learned by speakers. While all linguistic phenomena can be described in terms of constructions, the Construction Grammar approach offers significant advantages over other frameworks in capturing and describing formal and semantic idiosyncrasies in language use. These include unpredictability in formal or semantic aspects, unique constraints on slots, and collocational preferences. There has been extensive research applying Construction Grammar to these areas. Future research should continue to uncover the various levels of idiosyncrasy exhibited by constructions and to more precisely identify the constraints or collocational preferences associated with them. Additionally, the future research should explore the potential benefits of incorporating pragmatic characteristics of language use into descriptions of constructional properties and explanations of constructional change.

      • KCI등재후보

        통합진보당 해산결정에 대한 검토

        정연주 국회입법조사처 2015 입법과 정책 Vol.7 No.1

        This article addresses the constitutional review on the decision of dissolution of the United Progressive Party(UPP). On December 19, 2014, the Constitutional Court decided that UPP shall be dissolved and that the mandates of the lawmakers of UPP shall be deprived. The reason of the dissolution of UPP is that the purposes and activities of UPP are contrary to the democratic basic order. This is the first case decided by the Court after establishment of the Republic of Korea. In the decision, the Court systemized the purposes and legal conditions of adjudication on dissolution of a political party and the effects of decision. In this point, the decision is very meaningful. On the other hand, however, the decision has been exposed on the severe criticism that it has the logical contradiction, fallacies of the facts, misunderstanding about essence and functions of adjudication on dissolution of a political party, etc. As is generally known, the institution of adjudication on dissolution of a political party aims to protect both democracy and political party. The decision, however, neglects the function of the latter, whereas it exaggerates the former. Futhermore, it reveals the political and ideological bias. Besides, without the reservation of the appropriate statutes, the Court decided the deprivation of the mandates of the lawmakers of UPP. It cannot be justified on the light of the principle of the rule of law. In short, the decision cannot be justified on the aspect of constitution. The detailed rules regarding effects of decision of upholding shall be enacted in the pertinent statutes. They have to include the deprivation of the mandates of the lawmakers of the dissolved party. Meanwhile, the composition and qualifications of the justices of the Court should be diversified. Moreover, the appointment system should be also revised. It is desirable that the concurrent vote of two thirds or more of the total members of the National Assembly shall be required for the appointment of a justice. 본 연구는 헌법재판소에 의한 통합진보당 해산결정의 문제점을 분석하고 관련 법규 보완의 필요성, 더 나아가 헌법재판관 선출 및 구성 방식의 개선 필요성을 다룬 것이다. 이 결정은 정당해산제도의 목적과 기능에 대한 이해 부족, 사실관계 오류, 논리적 비약, 근거가 박약한 사실관계의 인정, 법리적 오해 등 다양한 문제점을 노정했다는 비판을 면하기 어렵다고 본다. 또한 결과적으로 다원적 민주주의, 정당민주주의, 복수정당제도, 대의제도, 소수보호, 표현의 자유, 다양성과 관용성 등 중요한 헌법적 가치의 후퇴와 사회의 분열의 심화, 다수와 기득권의 횡포, 사법의 정치화를 야기시킬 수 있다는 우려도 나온다. 특히 법률의 근거도 없이 소속 국회의원들의 의원직 상실 결정을 내림으로써 헌법재판소 스스로가 헌법과 법률을 위반하면서 국회의 입법권한을 행사했다는 비판도 제기된다. 또한 소속 국회의원의 의원직을 상실시키는 결정을 내리면서 국회의원직을 상실한 소속 의원들의 보궐선거에서의 재출마 문제와 소속 지방의회의원의 의원직의 상실 여부 등에 대하여는 판단하지 아니한 것도 문제시 되고 있다. 따라서 정당해산제도 및 해산결정에 따른 소속 국회의원과 지방의회의원의 의원직 상실이나 재입후보 문제 등 제반 후속조치에 대한 법적 근거가 마련되어야 할 것이다. 한편 이 결정은 지나친 이념적・정치적 편향성을 드러냈고, 결과적으로 사회통합을 저해할 수 있다는 우려가 제기된 바 있다. 이러한 평가가 사실이라면 이를 야기한 원인 중 하나는 헌법재판관 구성의 문제점이라고 하겠다. 즉 헌법재판관의 이념적 편향성과 다양성의 부족, 법조인 일색의 경험적 획일성 등이 문제로 거론된다. 이를 위해 차제에 헌재의 구성과 선발 방식도 재고해야 한다고 본다. 즉 헌재 구성의 이념적 균형성을 유념하면서 헌재의 구성을 다양화하고, 이를 위해 재판관의 자격을 다양화시켜야 하며, 재판관 선출방식도 재판관 전원을 국회에서 재적 2/3로 선출하도록 개정해야 할 것이다. 그럴 경우 여야 합의에 의한 재판관 선출과 재판부의 이념적 균형성의 제고가 가능해지고, 결국 대의기관의 다수 및 국민의 다수가 찬성하는 훌륭하고 균형잡힌 인사가 재판관이 될 수 있으며, 결과적으로 특정 세력과 특정 이념 및 정권이나 인사권자의 의중이 반영되는 편향된 결정의 가능성이 줄어들고, 소수보호 및 관용성과 다양성을 갖춘 결정이 가능해 져, 결국 헌법의 이념인 진정한 다원적 자유민주주의와 법치주의 및 사회국가원리를 바탕으로 한 기본권 실현과 사회통합이 강화될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of Explicit Instruction in Learning L2 Grammar Through an Interactive Language Task

        정연주 한국응용언어학회 2019 응용 언어학 Vol.35 No.1

        This study examined the effect of explicit instruction on the acquisition of second language (L2) grammar when it is presented to L2 learners before carrying out an interactive language task. In particular, this study investigated the role of explicit instruction in drawing learners’ attention to the target linguistic form (i.e., noticing) during peer interaction and facilitating the learning of the relevant structure. The target grammatical structure was the object-of-preposition type of relative clauses (RCs). The current study employed a pretest-posttest design with 32 English as a Second Language (ESL) learners who were randomly assigned to either an interactive task with explicit instruction (+EI) group or an interactive task alone (-EI) group. Learners participated in a pretest, a treatment session, and a posttest. Learners’ implicit and explicit knowledge of the target structure was measured using a grammaticality judgment task and a sentence completion task, respectively. Results indicated that explicit instruction did not necessarily lead to greater instances of noticing and that explicit instruction was beneficial for acquiring explicit knowledge but not implicit knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        ‘-어 하-’와 통합하는 객관형용사의 의미 특성

        정연주 한국어의미학회 2010 한국어 의미학 Vol.33 No.-

        Although, ‘-eo ha-’ is generally combined with subjective adjective, in some case, it is also combined with objective adjective. Such objective adjectives may be classified into two groups. One is the group where when original objective adjective such as ‘jobda(좁다)’ is converted to subjective adjective and it may be combined with ‘-eo ha-’. The other is the group where even though there is no possibility of being converted to subjective adjective in itself, outwardly, it seems that the construction [objective adjective + -eo ha-] is created, by sharing certain characteristics with the [subjective adjective + -eo ha-] construction. First, with regard to the ‘jobda(좁다)’ type adjective, it is mentioned that it will be combined with ‘-eo ha-’, when it describes the property or state of a theme through perceptual experience such as hearing, touch, smell, taste, not through the way, which is relatively objective(which uses only sight). In this way, among objective adjectives, the adjective which can be related with subjective, perceptual experience may be categorized into subjective adjective by its nature. When it comes to the ‘gyeomsonhada(겸손하다)’ type adjective, it is mentioned that such objective adjectives as have potential characteristics, ‘being related to subject's internal psychological aspect’ as well as ‘being behavioral’, may be combined with ‘-eo ha-’. It is discussed that this kind of adjective, unlike typical adjectives, have a potential characteristic of ‘being behavioral’ in the sense that this may be combined with imperative endings or endings which indicate certain intent. Add to that, that behavior is related to ‘the subject who is psychologically affected’. These two are the fundamental characteristics of the [subjective adjective + -eo ha-] construction. Like this, it is shown that human's ability of motivation, where the primary characteristics of the ‘-eo ha-’ construction are to be abstract and new expressions which accord with the characteristics are created and interpreted according to the existing the ‘-eo ha-’ construction, affects the process of expansion of the distribution of the ‘-eo ha-’ construction.

      • KCI등재

        학업중단 청소년의 흡연: 아동학대 피해 경험을 중심으로

        정연주,강지현 경찰대학 치안정책연구소 2020 치안정책연구 Vol.34 No.4

        This study explored the influence of child abuse on cigarette smoking among adolescents who dropped out of school. Gender differences were also examined. The data of 685 adolescents from the National Youth Policy Institute were included for analysis. It was found that their smoking rate was significantly higher than that of their cohorts who were attending high school. Although neither physical nor verbal abuse experience was found to significantly increase the risk of smoking among male adolescents, the risk of smoking among females was found to be increased to 3.8 times if they had been verbally abused by their parents or guardians before. These results suggest that smoking cessation interventions for youth should be tailored to reach out to those who do not have access to school-based program, and to consider gender differences, In addition, it should be considered that female adolescents who use tobacco need additional help and support as they might be at risk of experiencing other problems, such as child abuse experiences and suicidality. 본 연구는 부모나 보호자의 학대가 학업중단 청소년의 흡연에 미치는 영향과 성별에 따른 차이를 알아보고자 청소년정책연구원에서 실시한 <제 1차 학업중단 청소년 패널조사>의 결과를 분석하였다. 685명의 고등학교급 학업중단 청소년의 흡연율은 같은 시기에 재학 중인 청소년에 비해 남녀 모두 현저히 높은 것으로 나타났다. 남성의 경우 학대 피해 경험은 흡연행동에 유의한 수준의 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타난 반면, 여성의 경우 부모나 보호자로부터 언어적 학대를 당했을 경우 흡연 위험이 약 3.8배 가량 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 청소년 대상 금연프로그램을 성별에 따라, 학교 재학 여부에 따라 개발할 필요성과 함께, 여성 청소년의 경우 가정 내 학대, 자살 충동 등의 문제에 대한 지지와 도움을 병행해야 한다는 것을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        Predicting Second Language Writing Proficiency in Learner Texts Using Computational Tools

        정연주,Scott Crossley,Danielle McNamara 아시아테플 2019 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.16 No.1

        This study explores whether linguistic features can predict second language writing proficiency in the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) writing tasks. Advanced computational tools were used to automatically assess linguistic features related to lexical sophistication, syntactic complexity, cohesion, and text structure of writing samples graded by expert raters. The findings of this study show that an analysis of linguistic features can be used to significantly predict human judgments of the essays for the MELAB writing tasks. Furthermore, the findings indicate the relative contribution of a range of linguistic features in MELAB essays to overall second language (L2) writing proficiency scores. For instance, linguistic features associated with text length and lexical sophistication were found to be more predictive of writing quality in MELAB than those associated with cohesion and syntactic complexity. This study has important implications for defining writing proficiency at different levels of achievement in L2 academic writing as well as improving the current MELAB rating scale and rater training practices. Directions for future research are also discussed.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        현행 국회의원선거제도의 비례성 증대방안

        정연주 한국법제연구원 2017 법제연구 Vol.- No.52

        This article addresses a method to increase the proportional representation of the current National Assembly electionsystem. The current mixed member system of the National Assembly Election cannot reflect the exact proportional representation of ballots of Electors. That is, the proportional number of members of Parliament according to the acquired ballots cannot be distributed to the relevant political parties. This violates the equal ballots principle, the proportional representation, and diverse democracy based on the political party system of Article 8 of the Constitution. Such a problem comes from the mixed member majoritarian system of the Public Official Elections Act, too small number of the proportional representation law makers of the National Assembly, inappropriate combination rate of the district members and the proportional representation members, etc. Therefore, the German mixed member proportional system should be introduced to solve the problems. Furthermore, the number of members of the National Assembly has to be enhanced dramatically up to 400 to 500. Besides, the combination rate of the district members and the proportional representation members should be 1:1. The German mixed member proportional system, however, can result in so called overhang seats. To eliminate this side effect, the constituency of the proportional representation should be a single-national constituency. On the other hand, multi-member district system do not have to be adopted to strengthen the proportional representation. 현행 국회의원선거제도하에서는 각 정당에게 선거권자의 지지도에 비례하는 의석이 배분되지 못한다. 이는 평등선거의 원칙과 대표의 정확성 및 비례성에 위배된다. 이 문제의 해결은 정당투표를 통해 각 정당이 획득한 득표율에 비례한 의석을 해당 정당이 가져가도록 선거제도를 설계하는데서 출발한다. 결국 비례대표의석을 대폭 늘리고, 현행 지역구선거제도와 비례대표선거제도의 결합방식을 연동형으로 전환하면서 양자의 의석비율을 개혁하는 것이다. 이럴 때 비로소 표의 등가성을 요구하는 평등선거의 원칙뿐 아니라 비례대표제도의 이념과 장점 중의 하나인 진정한 의미의 기능대표 내지 전문가대표 및 소수정당 내지 소수세력의 보호가 실현될 수 있고, 다양한 정치세력과 정치적 견해가 대의 내지 반영될 수 있는 정당민주주의를 근간으로 하는 다원적 민주주의를 실현할 수 있는 것이다. 결국 연동형 비례제, 양자의 의석비율 1:1, 의석정수의 400석 내지 500석으로의 증대, 전국단위의 비례대표명부작성 등이 도입되어야 한다. 그리고 이러한 사항들은 모두 선거권·피선거권이라고 하는 기본권의 본질적 내용이자 대의제도와 선거제도라는 통치구조의 조직과 작용에 관한 본질적 사항이므로 법률유보의 원칙에 따라 공직선거법 등에 명문화되어야 할 것이다.

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