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      • KCI등재

        『집에 있는 올빼미』에 나타난 자아 정체성 찾기의 과정

        정순희 ( Jeong Sunhee ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2016 동화와 번역 Vol.32 No.-

        아놀드 로벨의 동화집 [집에 있는 올빼미]는 <손님>, <이상한 혹들>, <눈물 차>, <위층과 아래층>, <올빼미와 달>의 5 편의 각각 독립적인 이야기들로 이루어져 있다. 본고는 이 5편의 작품들이 `겨울 밤`이라는 시간적 배경과 `집안-집밖-집안` 의 공간적 배경을 공유하며 `나-자아 정체성 찾기`의 과정으로 연결된다는 것을 밝혔다. 낯선 타인과의 일방적 대면을 통해 자신의 특성을 알게 되는 겨울 초저녁의 거실(<손님>), 낯선 자신을 대면하며 타인을 알아가듯 자신을 알게 되는 겨울 밤 침실(<이상한 혹들>), 더 깊고 큰 자신으로 성장하느라 때로는 고통을 겪기도 한다는 것을 `눈물 차`를 마시는 것으로 보여주는 깊은 밤 거실(<눈물 차>), 나는 과연 어디에 있고 있어야 하고 있고 싶은지를 찾느라 위층과 아래층을 뛰어다니다 위아래층의 중간인 10번째 층계에 앉은 깊은 겨울 밤<위층과 아래층>), 낯선 달과 대면하여 서로를 이해하며 밀착하기도 하고 거리를 두기도 하는 겨울 새벽녘 바닷가-숲 속-침실(< 올빼미와 달>)의 과정이 바로 그것이다. 이렇게 [집에 있는 올빼미]의 5편의 이야기들은 시공간적 배경을 공유하며 수록된 순서 그대로 `올빼미가 집안과 밖에서 겪은 어느 하룻밤의 일`로 수렴되면서, 다시 삶의 과정에서 단계별로 겪는 통과의례에 대한 우의(寓意)로 확대된다. Owl At Home is a collection of fairy tales written by Arnold Lobel that comprises five books including The Guest, Strange Bumps, Tear-Water Tea, Upstairs And Downstairs, and Owl And The Moon. These five books have different stories, but this study confirmed that they were fables that were connected by different processes of finding one`s identify. The Guest is a story where the owl notices himself/herself through unfamiliar people when the owl runs into snowstorm in the living room during early evening. Strange Bumps is a story where the owl gets to know his/her unfamiliar self when the owl notices other people in the bedroom during a winter night. Tear-Water Tea is a story that describes how we sometimes undergo distress when the owl drinks “Tear-Water Tea” in the living room at midnight. Upstairs And Downstairs is a story where the owl finds where it wants to be, flying around upstairs and downstairs after drinking the “Tear-Water Tea” later in the night. Lastly, Owl And The Moon is a story where the owl and the moon get to know each other during when the owl meets and parts with the moon moving toward the seaside, forest, and bedroom within the limits of night and day. Thus, the five stories in Owl At Home share spatiotemporal backgrounds and are collected as the experiences that an owl had in one night. In addition, the “works in one night” are expanded as a fabulous lesson that present different processes for finding the identity of the owl.

      • KCI등재

        朴趾源 散文의 문체적 특성(2)

        정순희(Jeong Sunhee) 한국언어문학회 2009 한국언어문학 Vol.68 No.-

        In section of current literature equivalent to essay Chinese writing prose aesthetic of literature factors that have been, realistic meaning put to practical use and spot of human relations taking a serious view. It is difficult to see as literary stylish character that aesthetic of literature accomplishment that sometimes can find within individual works is discovered through a writer's a whole work or is consistent in work of fixed time. Unlike this Park Ji Won's prose is internal and emotional sense of beauty stands out. Park Ji won's writing is internal and emotional even Bijiryu. To show well it is <Baekjajeungjeongbuinbakssi myojimyeong>. This inscription on a tomb shows recollection structure which ①a current ferry that transmit sister's bier ②the room of previous day to marry sister ③current ferry that transmit sister's bier come and go. Through transfer of this time maximize sorrow which lose sister and sister's humanity. Also, in present of ③ author's gaze ㉠the ship that go away loading sister's bier→moving to space that is wrapping belly strength of sorrow amplify. Time and transfer of space are attained along author gaze's motion. When move time and space time of narration delay although is emotion of sorrow fast, run by peak. It is derivative internal and emotional atmosphere resembles closely with poetic atmosphere. In this way, Park Ji Won is internal moving in a story speaker's current time and space and emotional sound makes big poetic prose.

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