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      • KCI등재

        FTA 특혜원산지규정의 문제점과 조화

        정순태(Sun-Tae Cheong) 한국관세학회 2012 관세학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        In this paper we explain why rules of orgin are a necessary feature of FTA, but why they also serve to distort trade and investment, and why they have a powerful impetus towards strengthening the spaghetti-bowl effect in international trade. Then we find altenatives to harmonize preferential rules of orgin. Recently the rapid spread of FTA has focused increasing attention on rules of orgin and their importance. The concern voiced over orgin regime are two-fold: restrictiveness and spaghetti-bowl effect. While more liberalizing preferential rules of orgin should result in trade creation, their use of more restrictive rules of orgin may result in trade and investment diversion. In other words, the restrictiveness of rules of orgin and the spaghetti-bowl effect should result in trade and investment distortions. Multilateralizing preferential rules of orgin could serve to limit the distortions caused by the restrictiveness and the spaghetti-bowl effect, and the most ideal solution to rules of orgin tangle is a strategy of regional convergence governed by a multilateral agreement.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아지역의 FTA 현황과 범지역적 광역 FTA 구상

        정순태(Sun-Tae Cheong) 한국무역연구원 2013 무역연구 Vol.9 No.6

        The inability to conclude the DDA negotiations bas spawned a proliferation of bilateral FTAs across the world. While East Asia is a relative newcomer to FT As, the region has seen a dramatic increase in the number of agreements in recent years. The proliferation of bilateral FTA may result in the spaghetti-bowl effect and the inefficiency of supply chain in East Asia. A large region-wide FTA could serve to limit the problems caused by bilateral FTA . In this paper we explain the recent trend, and feature of bilateral FTA in East Asia, and why they also serve to distort trade and investment, and why they have a powerful impetus towards strengthening the spaghetti-bowl effect in international trade. Finally we suggests the most ideal solution to spaghetti-bowl effect is a strategy of regional convergence governed by a large region-wide FTA and explores a possible scenario to realize a large region-wide FTA in East Asia.

      • EC의 共同貿易政策과 國際貿易秩序

        孫炳海,鄭淳太 경북대학교 경제경영연구소 1990 經商論集 Vol.18 No.4

        Since the Customs Union established in 1968. The European Communtiy has practiced a common external commercial policy in order to promote integration of the internal market and to support the function of the common market. This common external commercial policy has been drived in the from of unfying individual trade policy of member states into the Community's common trade policy, and its purposes are to liberalize internal trade and to expand external trade. However, as the international competitive power of the EC industry fell behind that of America and Japan, the EC's common commercial policy has been used as a means of potection for the comunity's industry. As a result, the EC's common external commercial policy has been seen to outsiders as a type of collective protectionism and as a representation of regionalism to threaten the world-wide free trade system. On the other hand, the contents of common commercial policy has diverse characteristics in itself, becaus it is directed by the common import regulation policy and the common agricultural policy as well as the external trade association policy in overseas market. The instruments of the common external commercial policy are various like as common external tariffs, safeguard measurment, anti-dumping regulations, and new measurement of import restrictions. Each instrument of the policy has an important influences not only on internal trade of the community but also on world wide trade flow, especially, on international trade order. Accordingly, Korea's strategy toward the EC market should be directed not by country to country market basis but by regional market approach in response to this community's common external commercial policy.

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