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        정성은(Sungeun Jung),염희운(Heewoon Yum),박수희(Suehee Pak),김대호(Daeha Kim),윤이중(E-Joong Yoon) 한국정보과학회 1996 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.2B

        정보 보호 서비스의 주요 기능인 강한 인증 서비스는 공개키 암호 시스템에 기반을 두고 있다. 공개키 암호 시스템을 사용하기 위해서는 키 관리가 필수적이다. 공개키는 신뢰성을 위하여 보증서 형태로 보증기관에 의하여 발급되어 사용된다. 본 논문에서는 X.509의 인증 구조를 근간으로 인증정보를 저장하기 위해 X.500 디렉토리를 사용하는 EDI용 보증서 관리 시스템을 제안한다. EDI용 보증서 관리 시스템은 키 관리 인터페이스, CA용 키 관리 시스템, CA용 DUA, 공개키 관리 서버 및 클라이언트로 구성된다. 제안된 보증서 관리 시스템은 다양한 응용 프로그램에 사용될 수 있도록 설계되었다.

      • KCI등재

        영유아교사의 셀프리더십 교사효능감, 교사전문성의 관계 및 경력에 따른 비교

        정성은(Sungeun Jung),강순희(Soonhee Kang) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.10

        목적 본 연구는 영유아교사의 전문성 제고를 위해 셀프리더십, 교사효능감, 교사전문성으로 구성된 연구모형을 분석하고, 경력에 따른 비교분석을 실시함으로써 교사전문성을 높일 수 있는 다양한 시사점을 논의하는 데 연구목적을 두었다. 방법 연구대상은 울산시와 경북 지역 영유아교육기관에 재직중인 영유아교사 275명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시한 자료를 사용하였으며, SPSS 26 프로그램을 활용하여 인구학적 특성, 주요변수의 특성을 확인하기 위한 기술통계분석, 주요변수 간 상관성을 파악하기 위한 Pearson 상관관계분석, 연구모형 검증을 위한 Baron & Kenny(1986)가 제시한 3단계 매개효과 분석 등을 실시하였다. 더불어 매개효과의 유의성을 확인하기 위해 Sobel-test를 실시하였다. 결과 첫째, 영유아교사의 셀프리더십은 교사효능감, 교사전문성에 정적으로 유의한 영향을 미쳤고, 교사효능감 역시 교사전문성에 정적 영향을 미쳤다. 그리고 셀프리더십과 교사전문성의 관계에서 교사효능감의 매개효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 더불어 경력에 따른 비교분석 결과, 셀프리더십의 하위요인 중 인지적 요소가 교사전문성에 미치는 영향력이 10년 미만에서 유의하였고, 10년 이상 고경력 교사들에게서는 직접 효과보다는 교사효능감을 매개하여야 유의해짐을 확인하였다. 결론 분석결과를 토대로 본 연구는 교사전문성을 높이기 위해 셀프리더십, 교사효능감을 높일 수 있는 다양한 프로그램과 교육이 필요함을 논의하였고, 특히 경력에 따라 교사전문성을 높일 수 있는 예측요인이 달라질 수 있음을 확인하였기 때문에 전문성 향상 교육에 있어 경력에 따른 차별화된 개입이 요구됨을 제언하였다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to analyze the research model consisting of self-leadership, teacher effi-cacy, and teacher professionalism to enhance the professionalism of early childhood teachers, and to discuss vari-ous implications for enhancing teacher professionalism by conducting comparative analysis according to experience. Methods The subject of the study was data from a survey of 275 infant and toddler teachers working at early child-hood education institutions in Ulsan and Gyeongbuk regions, and descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to confirm demographic characteristics and characteristics of key variables using the SPSS 26 program. , Pearson correlation analysis to identify correlations between key variables, and a three-stage mediation effect analysis suggested by Baron & Kenny (1986) to verify the research model were conducted. In addition, a Sobel-test was conducted to confirm the significance of the mediation effect. Results First, early childhood teachers' self-leadership had a statically significant effect on teacher efficacy and teacher professionalism, and teacher efficacy also had a static effect on teacher professionalism. In addition, it was confirmed that there is a mediating effect of teacher efficacy in the relationship between self-leadership and teacher professionalism. In addition, as a result of the comparative analysis according to experience, it was con-firmed that the influence of cognitive factors on teacher professionalism among the subfactors of self-leadership was significant in those with less than 10 years, and that it was significant in teachers with more than 10 years of experience when teacher efficacy was mediated rather than direct effects. Conclusions Based on the results of the analysis, this study discussed the need for various programs and educa-tion that can enhance self-leadership and teacher efficacy in order to enhance teacher professionalism, and in particular, it was confirmed that the predictors that can increase teacher professionalism may vary depending on experience, so it is suggested that differentiated interventions according to career are required in professional im-provement education.

      • KCI등재

        펑즈(馮至)·사오쉰메이(邵洵美) 애정시 속 ‘뱀’ 은유(隱喩)와 ‘데카당스’의 두 양상

        鄭聖恩 ( Jung Sungeun ) 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.101

        Fengzhi and Shao Xunmei, Chinese modern poets, wrote unique love poems about snakes that were shunned in classical Chinese poetry. The two poets’ poems, “Snake”, are their representative works and controversial works in modern Chinese poetry. Therefore, this study examined the reason why “Snake” was suddenly born during this period, and its significance in aesthetics and history of literature. Published in 1927, Fengzhi’s “Snake” was born in the inspiration of A.V. Beardsley’s illustration in Wilde’s novel Salome. A snake is a metaphor for masculine self and sexual love, while a flower is a female genital and a femme fatale like Lorelei or Lilith. Written during this period, four poems of “A man Playing the Bamboo Flute”, “Insignia”, “Silkworm Horse”, and “In Front of the Temple Gate” combined the influences from German Romantic ballads by Goethe, Heine, and Novalis, the paintings of pre-Raphaelite, and Baudelaire’s “The Flower of Evil.” Fengzhi shows love, fate, thoughts on art and its tragedy through poetic connotation and the scenery of wisdom by combining the romantic love stories, using Chinese classical myths and legends, such as Various Hermits 列仙傳and Strange Stories 搜神記, with Decadence. Absorbed in the Greek female poets Sappho, Swinburne, and Baudelaire, Shao Xunmei gradually became interested in the literary works of Decadence in England and France at the end of the century, including Beardsley, Wilde, and George Moore. He intentionally exaggerates the demonism and anti-naturalist consciousness in Baudelaire’s “The Flower of Evil” through his poems “May”, “To Swinburne”, “Madonna Mia”, “Love of Decadence”, and The Sin like a Flower.” Created in 1931, “Snake” is the combination of Eros and Thanatos, which is both Salome of deadly temptation and a symbol of eternal immortality such as the Hanga(姮娥) of China. His pursuit of Dionysian pleasures and enjoyment, such as anti-religion, anti-nature, carnal desire, and lust, shows the characteristics of the aesthetic Decadence.

      • KCI등재

        시무룽(席慕蓉)ㆍ왕궈전(汪國眞) 시집 베스트셀러 현상과 문화연구

        정성은 ( Jung Sungeun ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.90

        Since the resentment of Menglong poetry in 1985, the bestseller phenomenon of the books of Xi Murong and Wang Guozhen’s poetry has occurred in contrast to the marginalization of modern Chinese poetry. This was created by the effect of the pop culture boom at the time, amid the impressional summarization and enthusiasm among students and teenagers. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, young people who were alienated amid the rapid social changes and political upheaval in China revered short and easy poems about youth, love and life. Through poetry, young people formed their own sense of self-identity and peer-to-peer homogeneity and ‘Habitus’ of ‘Subculture of Youth’. Chinese orthodox critics criticized and ignored the bestseller phenomenon of the two poets’ books as ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’. Since the 2000s, however, the two poets’ poems have been included in Chinese Language textbooks. This is because Confucian equilibrium, Taoistic plainness, and Buddhistic Paticcasamuppada (or relationship) for youth and love represented in two poets’ poems include far more instructive and conservative values than the senses of deviation and defiance that the after-80 literature of youth since the 2000s has shown. On the artistic side, the two poets mixed influences from traditional poems such as “Nineteen Old Poems”, Lee Sangen, Lee Qingzhao, Lee Yu, and 5.4 short poems, and those of western poets such as Emily Dickinson, Aleksandr Pushkin. In particular, the characteristic weakening of poetic esthetics has been brought about due to the lack of metaphor and symbol caused from the single impression for love and womanly desire of escapism in Xi Murong’s poems, and Wang Guozhen’s short poetic form of lyricism such as aphorism or catchphrase and the duplication of poetic landscapes of his own and others’. As above, the two poets have opened the possibility of public poetry in which modern poetry can make general public entertained and pleased, but controversy of ‘Kitsch’ was caused in that they have not allowed readers to reach the real poetic healing and regeneration by selling cheap superficial emotions and ideals like love, encouragement, mourning, and lyricism as commodities. The bestseller phenomenon of the two poets’ poems casts quite a few embarrassments and problems to modern Chinese poetry and poetic history, creating fundamental questions about the spiritual values and aesthetic senses of the genre of poetry itself, as well as the commercialization and popularization of modern Chinese poetry in the context of the market economy.

      • KCI등재

        광역의회제도화와 입법생산성: 패널데이터 분석

        정성은 ( Jung Sungeun ) 한국의회발전연구회 2020 의정연구 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 광역의회의 제도화 수준이 의회의 입법생산성에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 의회제도화 이론에 근거하여 광역의회의 제도화 수준을 측정하는 3가지 독립변수(안정성·복잡성·적응성)를 선정하고 그를 대리측정할 수 있는 9가지 하위 분석지표(초선의원 비율·의장의 평균선수·의장의 수·본회의 개회일수·특별위원회 수·의회사무처 직원 정원·전문위원 수·의회 실제대수·의원 1인당 유권자 수)를 설정하였다. 또한 입법 과정 중, 발의의 중요성에 집중하여 투입 측면의 입법생산성에 초점을 두고 종속변수를 설정하였다. 이를 위하여 의회의 절대적인 입법생산성을 측정하는 의회 조례안 발의건수, 행정부에 대한 의회의 상대적인 입법생산성을 측정하는 의회 조례안 발의율, 의회 규모를 통제한 상태에서 입법생산성을 살펴볼 수 있는 의원 1인당 조례안 발의건수라는 세 가지 차원의 변수를 설정하여 다차원적으로 입법생산성을 측정함으로써 광역의회의 입법생산성을 보다 면밀하고 보수적으로 측정할 수 있도록 하였다. 광역의회의 제도화 수준이 입법생산성에 미치는 영향을 분석한 주요 결과는 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, 초선의원 비율과 의장의 평균선수의 증가는 의회 조례안 발의건수에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타난 반면, 나머지 지표들의 증가는 모두 의회 조례안 발의건수를 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 의회 조례안 발의율의 결정 요인은 의장의 평균선수, 특별위원회 수, 전문위원 수, 의회 실제대수, 의원 1인당 유권자 수로 나타났다. 의장의 평균선수를 제외하고 모두 의회 조례안 발의율 증가에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 셋째, 의장의 평균선수가 증가하면 의원 1인당 조례안 발의건수가 감소하고, 의회의 대수가 높아지고 의원 1인당 유권자 수가 많아질수록 의원 1인당 조례안 발의건수가 증가하는 것으로 확인되었다. 다른 조건과 함께 살펴보았을 때 상대적으로 입법생산성이 저조한 광역의회가 있다면 본 연구의 다양한 분석 결과를 통해 어떠한 정책적 고려가 필요한지, 개선 방안을 모색해 볼 수 있을 것이다. This study analyzes the effect of institutionalization of Korean metropolitan councils on legislation productivity. Based on the theory of institutionalization of legislatures, three independent variables (stability, complexity and adaptability) were selected to measure the level of institutionalization of a metropolitan council and nine sub-analysis indicators. The main results of the analysis of the effect of the institutionalization of the metropolitan council on legislation productivity are as follows: First, the factors that determine the number of reported bills were the ratio of first-term lawmakers, average number of elected of the chairmen, number of special committees, number of legislative experts, actual age of metropolitan councils, and number of voters per lawmaker. Second, the factors that determine the rate of reported bills were the average number of elected of the chairmen, the number of special committees, the number of legislative experts, the actual age of metropolitan councils, and the number of voters per lawmaker. Third, the factors that determine the number of reported bills per lawmaker is the average number of elected of the chairmen, the actual age of metropolitan councils, and the number of voters per lawmaker. The above result points out that legislation productivity differences of past metropolitan councils can be understood as differences arising from legislative institutionalization levels and several policy considerations can be made to enhance legislation productivity of metropolitan councils.

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