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      • KCI등재

        사회집단별 특성에 따른 여가태도와 문화소비의 차이

        정선기(Chung, Sun-kee) 한국지역사회학회 2016 지역사회연구 Vol.24 No.2

        To examine the social policy implications of ‘leisure’, which is increasingly important in contemporary society, this research sets its task as follows. First, based on the concept of ‘lifestyle’, is to settle the debate of conventional theory about the relationship between labor and leisure, It is also to constitute an analysis framework that can verify the relationship between social groups and leisure. Finally, it hopes to analyze the differences in leisure attitudes according to the characteristics of social groups, to draw a social policy implications for improving the quality of leisure. As a result, its first discovery is, that influences of labour categories on identity building of social groups have been weakened, while signification of auxiliary variables such as ‘educational background’, ‘age’, ‘gender’ is receiving a relatively greater notice than other factors. Second, the policy meaning of "education-jobs-retirement" model designed based on job career(professional activity) is weakening, a leisure policy and life planning according to the characteristics of each group is emerging as an important task. Third, a policy development for leisure requires an approach that goes beyond simple empirical observation and on that pursues the integration of labor, consumption, free time, and family.

      • KCI등재

        Luhmann의 사회이론에서 의미와 관찰

        정선기(Sun-Kee Chung) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2017 사회과학연구 Vol.28 No.4

        In Luhmann’s system theory, ‘meaning’, unlike in Weber’s theory, is not some purpose or thought a transactor intends or creates. Rather, it is a ‘form’ by which the system reduces complexity and processes experiences. Also, Luhmann doesn’t view ‘communication’ as a process of transferring some kind of meaning or information. Rather, he views communication as the common actualization of a ‘meaning’ for more than one participant. Therefore, it is not the transfer of information, but rather the action of a concept structure leading to the modulation of a new observation amongst other observations. For Luhmann, action always manifests itself as an event that processes an experience, reduces complexity by selection and denial by means of ‘meaning’, actualizes the possibilities, and holds the potential for other possibilities. Therefore, all observations, including academic work, have an inevitable blind spot, and all sociological research will inevitably be brought into question by other observations. Luhmann’s idea of the blind spot allows for openness in sociological theory, and all types of reflective self-instruction, including academic communication, constitute a reflective activity which creates emergent properties through the dual perspective of the self and others.

      • KCI등재

        도시민의 생활양식과 삶의 질(QOL)

        정선기(Sun-Kee Chung) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 사회과학연구 Vol.25 No.2

        The following research reconsiders the lifestyle concept in sociological tradition and theoretically reconstructs a conceptual framework to analyze the relationship between the lifestyle and the quality of life (QOL). It’s purpose is to explore group QOL differences resulting from lifestyle differences of urban residents. Through this research, the theoretical significance of lifestyle concept, which has been overlooked in the national research of quality of life for some time, can be emphasized. While also making suggestions on policy implications that should be considered in the study of QOL. First, it can be confirmed that while objective conditions are significant in the research on urban QOL, subjective perceptions cannot be ignored as major variables. Second, although social stratification factors remain an important variable in causing QOL differences among urban residents, regional variables, which were long overlooked, must also be considered a significant factor. Third, among lifestyles related to QOL, leisure was found to have the most effect ? active leisure activities in particular show a tighter relationship with QOL than passive attitudes. Fourth, the relation between participative lifestyle - considered an action towards self-realization ? and QOL can also be confirmed. An eco-friendly practice that sacrifices convenience, rather than a lifestyle that pursues it, shows a more significant QOL relation.

      • KCI등재

        기능적 분화와 사회적 불평등

        정선기(Sun-Kee Chung) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2018 사회과학연구 Vol.29 No.1

        Luhmann and Bourdieu are considered two of the most significant scholars that provide theoretical resources in analyzing the structural properties of differentiated society. The following research attempts to compare the theoretical resources provided by both sources regarding social differentiation and inequality. In order to do this, we must first look at how the two theorists employ the results of phenomenological thinking to overcome the blind spots of structuralism. Second, we must analyze how the two theories provide a persuasive conceptual tool for the observation and diagnosis of differentiated societies. Third, we must compare how the two theories observe inequalities in differentiated societies. The two theorists, despite their different academic attitudes, attribute the spreading problems of inequality in modern society to many reasons. Despite their different opinions on the conceptual methods for the approach on differentiation and problems of inequality, the two theorists agree that problems of inequality, discrimination, and exclusion formed in functional systems(or fields) are a serious social issue. If we can reconcile the observations of Luhmann, who notes the interaction of exclusion by functional systems, with the approach of Bourdieu, who attempts to observe exclusion through the study on lifestyles, then we will be able to use it as a significant theoretical resource in extending our research on social inequality in differentiated societies.

      • KCI등재

        Bourdieu의 구성적 구조주의와 사회적 장의 동학

        정선기(Sun-Kee Chung) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2024 사회과학연구 Vol.35 No.1

        Bourdieu’s field theory is a persuasive analytical model that can elucidate the problem of the relative autonomy of a superstructure built by sub-sectors of a highly differentiated society. It is far from the commonly raised ‘base reflection theory’ or ‘economic reduction theory’, and the point that it does not comprehensively deal with the problems from the daily practice of various actors cannot be a fair criticism. Field theory starts from the classic problem-raising of ‘social inequality’ and ‘inverted consciousness’, and continues the tradition of Weber’s sociology, which focuses on ‘inequality at the symbolic level’ and ‘institutionalization of values’. It explains not only how competition and struggle over symbolic values in various differentiated areas of society operate, but also how the autonomy of individual fields is strengthened and how it operates as a mechanism for reproducing social inequality. By opening up the possibility of analyzing not only the structural characteristics within fields but also the relationships between fields, it (1) provides an explanation of the ‘relative’ autonomy that appears in sub-fields of a differentiated society, and (2) by redefining the concept of class, it contributes to analyzing the problem of inequality in society, and (3) helps in understanding the dynamics of reproduction of inequality operating in certain areas of society.

      • KCI등재

        생활권 분화에 따른 밀류(Milieus)의 공간적 불평등

        정선기(Sun-Kee Chung) 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2015 사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.1

        이 연구는 대전광역시의 생활권별로 주민들의 가치지향, 문화향유, 주관적 인식, 계층의식이 어떤 차이를 보이는가를 살펴봄으로써 최근 제기되고 있는 장소와 밀류의 분절(Entkoppelung) 테제를 검증해 본다. 오늘날 도시생활에서 장소는 점점 더 밀류가 아닌 단지 왔다가는 무대로서의 의미만을 가진다는 주장이 제기된다. 그러나 이러한 물리적 공간의 이동성은 도시 공간의 사회적 규정력이 약화되어서라기보다 오히려 강화되기 때문에 나타나는 현상으로 볼 수 있다. 도시의 생활권별 밀류의 차이는 확인되고 있으며, 도시의 생활권 분화와 더불어 나타나는 공간적 이동성은 경제적 이익과 상징적 가치를 추구하는 중산층 집단에 해당하는 밀류 특성이다. 주거의 선택에서 새롭게 개발되는 지역의 경제적 가치와 공간의 점유를 통한 상징적 가치의 획득은 직장과 주거의 거리만큼이나 중요한 요소지만 언제나 그것을 실행할 수 있는 부유층과 선택의 여지가 없는 서민층의 차이를 더욱 확고하게 구별짓는다. 새롭게 개발되는 주거 장소의 경제적 가치와 상징적 의미가 상승하면 할수록 기존 주거공간과 차별은 강화되고, 도시공간의 분화는 점점 더 계층적 밀류를 구분짓는 방향으로 발전하고 있다. 다만 ‘특정 도시 공간에서 확인 가능한 밀류가 얼마나 중첩적인 특성을 내포하고 있는가’, 또는 ‘특정 공간에 하나 이상의 밀류가 공존하고 있는가’의 문제는 후속 연구를 통해서 좀 더 세밀하게 검증을 해보아야 할 과제라 할 수 있다. The following research examines the thesis on the Entkoppelung of physical space and Milieus by taking a look at how the value orientation, cultural participation, subjective perception, stratification consciousness of citizens differ depending on their living space. It has been claimed that, in recent urban life, physical location is beginning to possess meaning as more of a stage to come and go rather than a milieus. However, the mobility of location is brought about due to the strengthening of social regulation rather than its weakening. The milieus difference between urban living spaces can be confirmed, and the mobility of location following the differentiation of urban living space is a characteristic of the upper class milieus. When it comes to the selection of residency, the acquisition of symbolic value through the occupation of economic value and physical space in newly developing areas is a factor that is just as important as the distance between house and work. However, it broadens the gap between the upper and lower classes. As the economic value and symbolic meaning of newly developing areas increases, the differentiation from preexisting dwellings strengthens and the distinction of city space develops in such a way that separates class milieus. On the other hand, the question of ‘how much overlapping properties do traceable milieus possess,’ or ‘are one or more milieus existing in a certain space’ is something that should be examined in more detail through subsequent research.

      • KCI등재

        사회집단별 특성에 따른 사회자본, 가치태도, 행위효과

        정선기(Chung, Sun-Kee) 한국지역사회학회 2017 지역사회연구 Vol.25 No.2

        Social capital is considered to be an effective tool to lower social costs of policy execution and stimulate solidarity required for democracy. However, social capital as group ties does not only contribute to public benefits, but may also have adverse effects such as creating negative externality and inducing inequality. Therefore, researchers have tried to develop a theoretical device that can strengthen the positive functions of social capital, and avoid its negative effects. However, the so called "trust" research that tried to capture the positive effects of social capital, has approached without distinguishing between group, value attitudes, and action effects, and has been unable to avoid the defining arbitrarily certain effects as positive. According to the following research, (1) the inequality of social capital appears most prominently with respect to the group variable, and is partially meaningful for the value attitude variable, and does not show any meaningful relations with action effect. Also, (2) the variable that creates action effect is civil value attitude, and personal attitude also seems to have some influence. Therefore, (3) in order to strengthen the characteristics of social capital as a public good, and lower social costs, attention must go not for expansion of organizations or networks, but for utilizing preexisting organizations and networks. Finally, (4) if all organizations and networks possess both exclusiveness and inclusiveness, social capital must focus not on its own expansion but on the elevating of other forms of capital such as human capital.

      • KCI등재

        마을공동체의식과 지역사회 관계 분석

        정선기(Chung, Sun-kee),송두범(Song, Doo-bum),임현정(Im, Hyun-jung) 한국지역사회학회 2015 지역사회연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This research analyzes the relationship between the sense of community of the village residents and the village activities for the villages in the city of Daejeon, which is considered to have formed village communities comparatively well. The research results are as follows. First of all, the difference in the sense of community according to the personal traits of the village residents seem to be high in the elderly of 50s and older and in married women. Secondly, regarding the differences of residence, it was higher with longer duration of residence, higher number of family members, owner-occupied homes, and the sense of community appeared higher in people residing in apartments. However, there were no big differences according to the residential area. Third, according to the recognition of the community organization active in the village, the people who are aware of the community organization of the village and activities showed higher sense of community. Likewise, the sense of community of the residents was analyzed on the villages with relatively active community activities in the village, and though there were no regional differences in the awareness of the community organization, yet the significant relationship with the sense of community was realized according to the awareness. Also, differences in the sense of community appeared according to the personal traits or residence. This signifies that the village community organizations must be approach the residents and the region in more familiar manner in order to heighten the sense of community of the residents. The direction of the village communication activities being actively enforced are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        마을만들기를 통한 공동체 형성과정

        송두범(Song, Doo-bum),임현정(Im, Hyun-jung),정선기(Chung, Sun-kee) 한국지역사회학회 2016 지역사회연구 Vol.24 No.4

        This research is an investigation on the process of making community at Seokkyo-dong in Dae-jeon which undergoes community building at the moment. The process of making community at Seokkyo-dong is not specifically defined in timely manner. However, the residents divided the process of making community into 3 steps by considering those major incidents including various small gatherings, participation-activation step, organization step and semi-autonomous step. The residents are currently proceeding various community businesses and group works and programs. The characteristics of community formation at Seokkyo-dong is as such: firstly, there are many residents who have been living there for a long time as Seokkyo-dong is an old town. Secondly, the residents know what the major problems are in their town. Those residents who have been living in the town for a long time, are very interested in various community activities to understand and to solve those problems in the town. Thirdly, there are many social activists living in the town who maintain close relationships with the residents. The activists have an important role in the community formation by sharing the daily life with the residents. Fourthly, those various gatherings and families already formed overly network in the town. Fifthly, the community activity is connected to each other. Continuous consideration on the problems is reflected on planning the community formation and is applied in making community. Seokkyo-dong community is still in progress of community formation. The residents at Seokkyo-dong now become aware of the community and moreover, become autonomous leaders of the community with forming a community spirit through the community activities of community formation. The awareness of residents about the community will lead Seokkyo-dong to be more mature community.

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