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      • KCI등재

        한국인 최초 유도10단 석진경(石鎭慶)의 생애와 사상

        정삼현(SamHyeonJeong),조재기(JaeKiJo),하형주(HyoungJooHa),유성연(SungYeonYoo) 한국체육학회 2010 한국체육학회지 Vol.49 No.1

        이 연구에서는 수많은 업적에도 불구하고 후학들에 의해 아직 조명 받지 못한 석진경의 업적과 사상을 밝힘으로서 그의 업적과 사상을 이해하고 석진경의 삶이 후학들에게 어떻게 전해지고 있는지를 기술하였다. 1912년에 출생한 석진경은 배재고보 4학년 당시 본격적인 유도 수련에 매진하게 된다. 배재고보 졸업이후 일본 릿츠메이칸 대학에 진학하여 그들의 리더로서 한민족자강의 수단으로 유도선수 활동을 한 석진경은 귀국이후 국내 지도자로 활동하면서 한국유도용어정립, 조선유도연맹 창설, 대한유도학교 설립, 동아대학교 유도부 창설 등 그가 유도를 통해 세상에 기여한 업적은 이루 헤아릴 수 없을 정도로 많다. 한국유도는 석진경과 같은 헌신적인 인물의 노력으로 유도 강국의 반열에 올라섰으며 그의 지도아래 수많은 유도 명인들이 배출되었고 그의 후학들은 그의 사상과 유지를 이어받아 새로운 후학들에게 대물림하여 전해지고 있다. 물욕이 없는 삶, 유도를 통해 영웅이 되기보다는 성인이 되라는 그의 지도는 많은 후학들에게 귀감이 될 만하다. 유도를 통한 영웅들은 많이 나타났으며 앞으로도 많이 나타날 것이다. 하지만 진정으로 그가 원한 것은 유도를 통해 영웅이 되기보다는 유도 수행을 통해 자신을 희생할 수 있는 성인이 되라는 가르침일 것이다. 한국인 최초로 최고단자인 10단 유성(柔聖)의 경지에 오른 석진경의 삶은 계승 발전 되어야 할 것이다. This study clarified achievements and thought in Seok Jin-gyeong, who had failed to be illuminated yet by younger students in the face of numerous achievements, thereby having understood his achievements and idea and having described how Seok Jin-gyeong's life is being transmitted to younger students. Seok Jin-gyeong, who was born in 1912. comes to push on the substantially judo training at that time when he was in the 4th grade of Baejae school. As entering Ritsumeikan University in Japan after graduating from Baejae school, Seok Jin-gyeong comes to be active as a player as a means of self-impowerment in the Korean race. As being active as a domestic coach after returning home, he comes to feel keenly necessity for a new thought and spirit in judo in line with the situation of period in order to remove bad image in judo at that time. Joseon judo Association, establishment of Daehan Judo School, and establishment of judo division of Dong-A University. Korean judo rose to the rank of strong power in judo due to an effort of a devoted figure like Seok Jin-gyeong. Under his instruction, the numerously noted people in judo were produced. His younger students succeed to his thought and last wishes of being followed and inherited by new younger students. The life of Seok Jin-gyeong, who was granted the command of the 10th dan Yuseong(柔聖), which is the highest dan for the first time in Korea in 1990, by being recognized this meritorious service, will need to be succeeded and developed.

      • KCI등재

        무용학 : 규칙적인 무용활동 참여가 여자 청소년의 무드상태와 자아존중감에 미치는 영향

        신병철(ByoungChulShin),정삼현(SamHyeonJeong) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to determine effects of regular participation in dance activities on young girls mood state and self-esteem.For the purpose, this researcher surveyed total 435 middle and high school girls(217 participants and 218 non-participants) to know whether they participated in dance activities regularly differences in mood state and self-esteem among them in accordance with their school level. As a result, the researcher could get significant results as follows. First, young girls participation in dance activities is effective in reducing their negative mood states such as depression, anger, anxiety and confusion. Second, young girls participation in dance activities promotes their positive self-esteem and reduces their negative self-esteemThird, young girls self-esteem are correlated with their mood state. Whether such correlation is static or non-static depends on whether those girls participate in dance activities or not. In conclusion, regular participation in dance activities reduces young girls negative mood and promotes their positive self-esteem. However, it is still needed to make further analyses to know why such participation promotes self-esteem, what type of dance is more effective, what physical strength of dance is most effective and what relations exist between self-esteem and mood state. These should be further dealt with through subsequent studies.

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