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      • 生産性과 管理行動

        鄭旻溶 건국대학교 1982 學術誌 Vol.26 No.2

        This study intends to understand the importance of productivity concept and its development, and to inquire the essence of managerial behavior in order to improve the productivity at the enterprise level in connection with vicious economic circulation confronted by modern industrial society. For this purpose 1. In chapter II, we made an attempt to comprehend the characteristics of management task confronted by modern industrial society through the matrix model combined economic circulation process; production, distribution, and consumption with the fun damental input elements; natural resources, capital, and labor. 2. In chapter III, we intend to understand the expanded definition of productivity concept and new approaches to productivity improvement. For this purpose, traditional strategies of productivity, improvement in organization are assessed, and the new role of managerial and executive policy making relative to productivity improvement is considered according to the changing external and internal environments. 3. In chapter IV, we intend to suggest the fundamental indices for productivity analysis. With priority given to productivity of labor, 7 indices are selected for evaluation and comparison of management result, and structure of gross value-added and characteristics of each individual component are explained. 4. Finally, in chapter V, we intend to suggest the essence of managerial behavior for the productivity improvement at the individual enterprise level. In relation with this problem, externally, on the view point of structure of industry, distinctive competence of individual enterprise and its available strategy is surbeyed through PPLC model. And internally, for the harmonious circulation and control efficiency among managemant level, the importance of discrimination between price and quantity computation is considered.

      • 硏究方法論으로서 確率/統計學의 意義와 課題

        鄭旻溶 建國大學校 附設 産業技術硏究所 1991 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper is a general perspective on the Fundamental Research on the Theory of Probability/Statistics which will be finished with a series study continued by "The Emergence and Development of Probability/Statistics", and "The Prospective Direction of Fundamental Research of the Theory of Probability/Statistics." In chapter Ⅱ, we intend to consider the historical task of current human culture confronted with transitional stage headed for unprecedented, highly unified global culture pattern of mankind by surveying the characteristics of western civilization based on science and materialism and its dualistic value/belief system as the thought and behavior pattern which have been leading the current society since the modernization of western civilization. Christian value and belief system which is formulated by ceaseless reciprocal action, contradictorily or harmoniously, of the religious tradition of Hebraism and Hellenismic way of thinking based on reason has been extensively influenced upon way of thinking and belief of western European society during the past one thousand years up to the emergence of modern civilization. At this point of view, we intend to trace the origin of dualistic research attitude and methodology of westrn people specified by dichotomic approach such as noumena and phenomena, spirit and matter human and nature. In consequence of this viewpoint, it can be understood that western research methodology based on deductive/inductive thought and logic, and the approach of thought experiment or observational experiment innated in the modern science and technology sysem is the rebirth of Hellenismic tradition. In chapter Ⅲ, we intent to survey general trend and reflexion about the scientific metholology or paradigm of 20th century. In view of this trend, the nature and significance of Probability/Statistics theory as the research methodology is considered. After the emergence of western science since the 17th-18th century, western society has strived for development of research methodology, that is (1) naive inductive/deductive method based on heuristics through the accumulation of experimental facts such as natural history, (2) inductivism and deductivism indulged in rationalism and formal logic in the pursuit of validity evaluation of presupposed theory or hypothesis. But in these days, it is the prevailing view that the established methodology structured so far by rationalism and formal logic alone has come to a stalemate. In the meantime, new pardigm longing for meta-methodology has emerged from new circle of the science-philosophers, who accentuated the necessity of subjectivty and socio-psycho-logical aspects of research group by reflecting the so far sustained research attitude. By connecting this viewpoint of the current science philosophers with the current situation of Probability/Statistics, we intend to suggest new orientation of research area of Probability/Statistics intending for the meta-statistics. Finally, in chapter Ⅳ, at the viewpoint of looking for the meta-methodology or meta-statistics, we intend to consider the difference between western and eastern society from the viewpoint of the frame of conception, thought system, expecially the role and interrelation ship of attitude toward the intuition and reason since the axial age, from which four cultural pattern of world formulated. From this survey, we can extract the cultural dissimilaity of two society, that is, the western style of thought and research attitude addicted to the elemental-reductionism and mechanical-determinism, and the East-Asian inquiring attitude emphasizing the organic view of the world and pattern analogical methodology. And, by studying the circumstances and nature of General System Thory(GST), newly generated since the nineteen-sixties, with a noticeable feature of interdisciplinary approach, we intend to link together these approach with the traditional East-Asian inquiring system mainly connected with the fundamental frame of conceptions as a way of thinking, that is, flexible reticular continuum and various pattern analogical approach seeking for a new approach of Probability/Statistics as a meta-methodology.

      • 産業시스템 및 生産性 管理를 위한 네트-워크 모델의 構成과 適用(Ⅱ)

        鄭旻溶 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1987 논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        In the first paper, the qualitative fundamental conception system for production systems and productivity management was studied, along with the network model from the standpoint of systems approach. In this second paper, the network model of comprehensive index system for analysis and measurement of production system and performance is studied for the accurate understanding on the current socio-economic environment and internal management situation of the enterprise. 1. In chapterⅡ, by reviewing the relationships between business profit and socio-economic counterveiling power from the viewpoint of business object and reference frame of management under the firm level, we intend to study the nature and characteristics of productivity management through understanding the criteria of business activity and performance measurement such as economic efficiency, profitability and productivity. 2. In chapterⅢ, by studying the meaning of value-added productivity and value-added ratio conception, we intend to understand the structure of productivity analysis indices which can systematically grasp the correlation between the value productivity and physical productivity in relation to the determinants productivity. 3. Finally in chapterⅣ, by inquiring the relative interaction between upper management level interested mainly in aggregated pecuniary profit-oriented finance ration and lower control level concerned generally with technological, specialized quantitative-calculation-oriented managerial control ratio, we make an attempt to construct a consistent integrated system of working indices and its relations concerned with productivity improvement and/or adjustment by introducing the network model of productivity relationships among direct input factors invested in management activity.

      • 技術 및 需要豫測과 成長曲線모델

        鄭旻溶 건국대학교 1986 學術誌 Vol.30 No.2

        Over the past two decades, forecasting has gained widespread acceptance as an integral part of business planning and decision making. Accurate forecasting is a prerequisite to successful planning. Accordingly, recent advances in forecasting techniques are of exceptional value to corporate planners. This study intends to inquire into the characteristics and adaptability of a growth curve model as a forecasting technique from the stand point of general system theory conception and the construction of an analytical model based on a phenomenological basis. For this purpose. 1.In chapter II, we intend to study the significance of forecasting for business management based on forecasting·planning-control feedback cycle systems and to review the performance characteristics of forecasting in relation to three dimensions; namely, the scope of the problem, the type of information, and the type of model. Furthermore, we intend to pursue the systematic characteristics of an exponential and sigmoid growth curve model for the forecasting of technology and demand from the stand point of general system theory conception formulated by a simultaneous differential equation model. 2.In chapter III, we intend to inquire into the characteristics of the formulation process of a growth curve model through several representative examples and from the viewpoint of a phenomenological basis, to synthesize the relationship between an intuitive forecasting and analytical forecasting model constructed by a growth curve model, in addition to an envelope curve model for long-range technological forecasting. 3.Finally, in chapter IV, some observations on how the growth curve model has been used in planning for consumer durable goods is discussed along with the estimation process of sigmoid growth curve parameter based on the least square method.

      • 硏究 方法論의 관점에서 본 確率/統計學의 胎動과 發展의 史的 考察(Ⅰ)

        鄭旻溶 건국대학교 산업기술연구원 1994 건국기술연구논문지 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper is the first of the theses which will be followed by a series of studies, to survey the historical process on the emergence and development of Probability/Statistics theory from the viewpoint of research methodology. This study intends to reconsider the angles of views and methods for the historical study of Probability/Statistics as integrated research methodology by considering the various areas of discipline and its correlation, the situation and role of Probability/Statistics comparing with other research methods. For this purpose, in chapter Ⅱ, we intend to retrospect mutual relationship between the human being's activity fields such as Religion/Belief, Politics/Culture, Economy/Industy, with the characteristics and relationship of each research area such as Natural science, Social science, and the Humanities, by overviewing the transformation of human life styles and process of modern rearch systems followed by emergence and development of modern science-technology concepts and capitalistic economy institution in Western-European society since the 17th century. With the above viewpoint, we intend to understand the role and mutual relationship of each research area for the purpose of harmonizing religiousity, humanity, and productivity based on the instinctive character of human-being in the balance of their stability and growth. And it is emphasized that this intention can be achieved more effectively by interactive and complementary relationship superpositioned by North-East Asian way of thinking, based on the macroscopic view of Heaven(天), Human being(人), and Earth(地) with the West-European tradition constructed by microscopic view of Soul, Spirit, and Substance. In chapter Ⅲ, we intend to consider the nature of integrated disipline system and its methodological characteristics based on intentional relationship between causality-dominating Natural science and historicism or hermeneutics-dominating Social science which are intermediated by the Humanities. And by taking a bird's eye view of methodological nature and characteristic of Probability/Statistics, we intend to examine the possibility of them as an integrated research methodology. Finally, in chapter Ⅳ, we intend to survey the complementary relationship in the practical task of research system and direction of Probability/Statistics, connecting with the harmonious co-ordination of Value/Method system and Symbolic systems. For this purpose, "Global Optima/Reference-oriented Inference System(的準惟測學)" as a new system is proposed, in the pursuit of new integrated system of Probability/Statistics and a new historical standpoint of Probability/Statistics.

      • 事前生産管理 시스템과 그 行態의 確率 統計的 構造模型

        鄭旻溶 건국대학교 1977 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        Business management these days plays a central role in guiding modern society. It has important bearings upon the value systems and daily life of modern man in a collective as well as individual basis. Furthermore, remarkable development of communication and transportation systems has shifted the horizons and scopes of management activities from previously local to gloval scale. It has also caused any changes of situation at local setting to spread rapidly worldwide basis. As a result, modern management is bound to be constrained by complex factors attributable to structural changes over space and time. These factors include a) population explosion, b) rapid running-out of food and nonrenewable industrial resources, c) pollution d) increasing demand for high quality commodities from the mass inclined to open consumption pattern, and e) liberalization of humanity. These may be classified as external factors. In addition, modern business management is also constrained by internal factors such as cost-push of fixed productive inputs, shrinkage of knowledgeability and productivity of labor, and resulting management rigidity. These factors have also intensified business competitions at international market and hence induced a return to protectionism by leading countries in order to utilize the advantages. Business management of Korea in particular must challenge simultaneously these complex difficulties because of her lack of technology, capital and markets plus her vulnerability to political and economic situations abroad. It is essential therefore that business in Korea needs high degree of flexibility and elasticity in order to adjust readily as well as efficiently to changing external environments. This calls for continuous reliability on production systems in business. The reliability and elasticity of interdependent production systems in business depends upon accurate forecasting ability auld its readiness to environmental changes. This means that modern business management must pay mole attention to look forward the future rather than the past which was involved in inaccurate judgement, malforecasting, and unsatisfactory co-ordinations. It is crucial to recognize that the most important force in enhancing management reliability and elasticity is value oriented human resource ratter than machinery or materials. Because modern management needs eventually voluntary individual's participation, value oriented attitude, and their creative knowledgeability. This is specially true for Korea. It seems very difficult to exteblish self-reliant and independent production base in Korea without relying on value oriented human resource. Although there exist some degree of extent, such reliance on human-oriented production system must be applied eventually to the world business communities. Since Korea feces one of the most serious challenges in thin regard, she has to look for solution in her own initiative. Following this point of view, this studs attempts to stuffy the essence of a prior production management systems and behavioral structure with a help of probability and statistical modems. The second chapter analyzes environmental factors which influences production activities in terms of (a) political and social aspects, (b) coat-push problem of fixed inputs, (c) natural resources, (d) element of management, (e) human resource aspects. It also attempts to understand forecasting method on environmental changes and various tractors necessary to forecast and their interdependence. In addition, it studies nature o fproducts influenced by theme factors and marketing process by probability distribution model of product life cycles and price formation. This will enable us to delineate problem areas in relation to a prior management. The third chapter attempts to study static structure and functions of production system in relation to production environment on the point of enhancement of reliability and elasticity. Further, it classifies a prior management areas and presents implications of management criterion by understanding the values which provides dynamic vitality and information flows which feedbacks into production systems. The fourth chapter attempts to understand various factors of event by classifying a) essential factors (M), b) necessary factors (C), and c) sufficient factors (T). It analyzes the parameters of the probability distributions, and their random variables, expected values (u) and variance (σ2) and quadratic mean (Mq) following pythagoras theorem. It also studios process of transformation generated by their average trend and variances within a dynamic model of concentric circles. This will enable us to forecast in environmental changes within and between nodes and to establish an activity standard at each class and level. The last chapter reviews the quality design, standard work time and allowance, classification of cost by comparing traditional method. It is, however, impossibly to confirm the accuracy and reliability of this study without quantitative analysis of numerous cases and uniform interpretation of data and under-standing their structural relationships. Therefore it is recommend to continue to studs various studios within this framework.

      • 産業시스템과 그 管理를 위한 네트-워크모델의 構成과 適用(Ⅰ) : From the Viewpoint of Productivity Management -生産性管理를 中心으로-

        鄭旻溶 건국대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1985 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        Economic, social, and technological change is having an increasing effect on companies in our industrial society. As a result business enterprise, as a component of the socio-economic system, as well as an independent organization of itself, feels keenly the necessity of new production systems and management conception in order to keep up with socio-economic and production-technology change. This study intends to inquire into the characteristics and direction of production systems and productivity management from the stand point of open systems through the network model. For this purpose 1. In chapter Ⅱ, by reviewing the current socio-economic situation and production technology change, we intend to pursue the characteristics of decision-making in the management process. Decision-making is categorized in relation to three broad classes of activities which represent the management process, namely, the strategic, tactic, and operation levels. These are studied in relation to the types of decision-making models. 2. In chapter Ⅲ, we will make an attempt to make clear the fundamental concepts of efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity as a criterion for evaluating management activities from the viewpoint of value-added productivity and productivity-management cycle conceptions. 3. Finally, in chapter IV, we intend to inquire into the management-problem domain and its relative interaction in relation to the corporation, industry, and economy system level through a qualitative network model based on the instinct of human beings longing for harmonious growth of productivity, humanity, and spiritual values.

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