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      • KCI등재

        『龍飛御天歌』에 나타난 조선왕실의 “小中華”적 정체성 창출과 타자인식

        정다함(Chong Da-ham) 고려사학회 2014 한국사학보 Vol.- No.57

        Ever since modern scholarship of the studies of Korean literature and Korean history after 1945 in Korea, the text of Songs of Flying Dragons(龍飛御天歌) has always been interpreted within the narrow nationalist frame which only highlights that the text is to show “unique” origin of Korean identity, only because those small portions of the whole texts were written in Hunmin’ch?ng’?m(訓民正音) alphabet. However, in fact, Songs of Flying Dragons not only includes the texts about Joseon royal house’s unique Korean identity, but also shows elaborate descriptions and interpretations on identities such as “Middle Kingdom(中華)”, Jurchens, and “Wako” pirates that modern Korean scholarship can hardly define as “Korean” or “proto-Korean”. This study is to rethink those different identities of others that has been seen as alien and thus secondary in the text of Songs of Flying Dragons by korean nationalist scholarship, and to reinterpret them as the necessary “others” to which Joseon royal house mirrored itself to imagine its own identity and position as “Lesser middle Kingdom(小中華)” by compiling Songs of Flying Dragons, converging into the “universal” Confucian civilization of “Middle Kingdom” and differentiating from the savagery of “barbarians”.

      • KCI등재

        특집 : 이중언어작가 2 ; “中國(듕귁)”과 “국지어음(國之語音)(나랏말□)”의 사이 -선초(鮮初) 한문(漢文),한리문(漢吏文),한어(漢語)와 훈민정음(訓民正音)의 관계성을 중심으로

        정다함 ( Da Ham Chong ) 한국비교문학회 2013 比較文學 Vol.0 No.60

        This paper examines how fifteenth century Choson ruling elites tried to use spoken and written languages to establish the royal house`s authority, which basically was the process of translation of the universal civilization of “Sinitic World” into Choson`s soil. Conspicuous in early Choson historical accounts is the dynasty`s preoccupation with language. King Sejong showed obsessive devotion to learning the spoken language of China proper. Diplomatic language of Hanliwen was a active component of study too. And ultimately, the Choson phonetic alphabet (Kr. Hunminchong`um 訓民正音) was systematized. However, because of the discourses on “National Language” in modern Korea, the central question - why the period saw such attention bestowed on learning Chinese and at the same time an attempt at creation of Choson indigenous writing system - has not been answered by those scholars keen to understand the two phenomenal language issues as polar opposites, and to cast them as an inherent contradiction impossible to explain. Therefore, there is a need for a new perspective that transcends nationalism. In fact, the two functions Choson alphabet served were to actualize the Ming court`s Shengjiao 聲敎 through propagation of the Ming standardized language transliterated into the indigenous language, and to spread Choson`s own songgyo 聲敎 with its indigenous language. These two roles, from a nationalist perspective, appear contradictory, but in reality, they shared a reciprocal relationship in the overall political scheme, with one being unable to do without the other.

      • KCI등재

        征伐이라는 戰爭/征伐이라는 祭祀

        정다함(Chong, Da-ham) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.52

        Contrary to the view of nationalist historiography that has deliberately concealed the aggressive character of 15th-century Joseon, the warfare against Jurchens and Tsushima people was not merely self-defense, but a concrete manifestation of the early Joseon idea concerning its position in the Northeast Asian political order, in which Joseon was deemed a rightful suzerain over Jurchen and Tsushima polities. Such violence was defined as a “war for punishment and correction of the world order”, Zhengfa(Kr. Chongb?l), to establish the self and the other as enforcer vis-a-vis disrupter. This was an appropriation of the rhetoric of the “Sinitic” universal empire by Joseon kings representing their role of an aggressor as a divinely mandated punisher carrying out retribution against those who disrupted Joseon-centered hierarchy. Thus, the proclamations of war were accompanied by assertions that Jurchens were Joseon’s vassal, and that Joseon kings were like benevolent parents, against whom Jurchens were committing parricide. Since each war was a symbolic enactment of this perceived relationship, rituals and traditional sciences during warfare functioned to emphasize this vertical hierarchy. From the departure of soldiers to their return to the capital, Joseon deployed a powerful combination of rituals and technologies, including sacrifices, clocks, calendars, and firearms, to legitimize its execution of war, representing itself as the upholder of heavenly prerogative. Warfare was not simple aggression, but an elaborate ceremony to inscribe a particular power relation, with Joseon made a “lesser suzerain” subjugating Jurchens as its vassal, even as it remained itself a subordinate to the larger Sinocentric world order located around Ming.

      • KCI등재후보

        Making Chosŏn’s Own Tributaries

        Chong Da-ham(정다함) 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2010 International Journal of Korean History Vol.15 No.1

        지금까지 주로 조선 경내에 파견되었던 것으로 알려져 왔던 경차관은 왜 조선의 경내(境內)를 벗어난 지역에까지 파견된 것일까? 왜 경차관 파견과 같은 조선-야인(여진), 조선-대마도 관계의 수직적 질서가 제대로 연구되지 못했던 것일까? 그럼 여진이나 대마도에 대한 경차관 파견은 조선의 자기중심적인 지역질서 인식과 어떠한 관련이 있는 것일까? 필자의 문제의식은 이러한 세 가지의 의문에서 출발한다. 사실 조건은 이성계의 여진 및 대마도에 대한 승리를 역사편찬을 통해 유교적 명분론으로 분식(粉飾)하여, 조선을 이들의 상국(上國)으로서 공식화하는 작업을 진행시켰고, 마치 명(明)이 조선을 번국(藩國)으로 규정한 것처럼, 사실상 이들을 조선의 번리ㆍ번병(藩籬ㆍ藩屛)으로 규정하였다. 이에 따라, 명(明)이 그 번병(藩屛)인 조선에 파견하는 ‘흠차관(欽差官)’을 차용(借用)하여, 여진족과 대마도에 조선에 대한 ‘사대(事大)’를 종용하려 파견한 것이 ‘경차관(敬差官)’이었다. 이러한 현상이 제대로 연구되지 못했던 것은 바로 한국의 한국사학계나 동양사학계, 그리고 서구학계에서 여전히 사용되고 있는 “교린”이라는 틀 때문이다. 15세기 조선-여진 그리고 조선-대마도 관계의 수직적 질서의 본질이 제대로 연구되지 못하고, “교린”의 틀을 통해 그 관계가 수평적이고 호혜적이었다고 이해해 왓던 배경에는 다음과 같은 딜레마가 있었다. 먼저 한국의 한국사학계나 동양사학계가 중국 중심적인 ‘사대(事大)’와 민족주의적인 관점 모두를 극복할 수 있는 탈중심적 관점을 마련하지 못했다는 점이다. 민족주의적 입장에서도 조선이 명(明)을 ‘사대(事大)’하였다는 관점을 극복하지 못하자, 중화(中華)의 인신(人臣)으로 다른 세력과 사사로이 교류할 수 없다는 “인신무외교(人臣無外交)”의 원칙을 그대로 받아들일 수 밖에 없고, 결국 조선이 여진(女眞)과 대마도(對馬島)를 적극적으로 경략하려 했던 의도의 본질을 정확하게 설명하지 못했다. 다음으로 한국 사학의 뿌리 깊은 피해의식이 작용했다. 진화론적 관점에서 한국사학은 조선을 근대에 가까워진 ‘근세(近世)’로 규정하고 그 시작을 세종(世宗)을 앞세워 유례없는 문화적 과학적 발전의 시기로 묘사하였기 때문에, ‘근세(近世)’의 끝에 기다리고 있는 근대화의 실패에 대해서는 당혹스러울 수밖에 없었다. 따라서 근대화 실패의 원인으로 늘 일본제국주의의 침략을 강조해왔다. 이렇게 한국사학이 늘 ‘피해자’의 입자을 강조했기 때문에, 근대와 직접 연결되는 ‘근세(近世)’라는 15세기에, 조선이 여진(女眞)과 대마도(對馬島)에 취한 폭력의 본질을 인정하기가 껄끄러워지는 딜레마에 빠질 수밖에 없었다. 결국 “교린”은 이러한 딜레마를 은폐하는 틀이었다. 한국의 역사학계는 “교린”이라는 선량해 보이는 틀로 조선이 여진과 대마도와 맺은 관계가 수평적이고 호혜적인 것이었던 것처럼 설명하는 한편, 그 속에서 매우 교묘하게 조선이 이들을 군사적으로 공격한 것은 ‘침략’이 아닌 정당방위의 응징일 뿐이었고, 또한 조선의 문명, 문화, 과학기술이 여진과 대마도의 그것보다 진보한 것이었으며 이것이 결국 여진족과 대마도를 발전시키는 데 문화적으로 중요한 역할을 했다는, 사실상 매우 민족주의적인 논리를 펴왔기 때문이다. 그리고 이 논리는 한국의 학계가 끊임없이 비판해 온 일본 제국주의의 조선침략에 대한 변명과 묘하게 닮은 꼴이었다. 그럼 제국주의의 자기중심적 시각에 입각해 “사대”를 강조하는 시각과 민족주의가 이를 전유하는 또 다른 자기중심적 인식인 “교린”이라는 틀을 벗어나, 즉 탈중심적으로 조선-여진 그리고 조선-대마도 관계를 이해할 수 있는 방법은 무엇일까. 그 단서는 경차관 파견을 중심으로 나타나는 명 중심의 동아시아 질서와 그 속에 위치하는 조선중심의 동북아시아 질서의 실제양상 속에 감춰져 있다. 즉 조선은 명(明)의 흠차관(欽差官)을 차용하였으면서도 이를 경차관으로 한 단계 낮추는 수사적(修辭的) 기교를 통해, 여진족과 대마도에 대한 우위를 확보하면서도 동시에 명(明)의 신하로 사사로이 다른 세력과 교류할 수 없다는 명(明) 중심의 질서를 거스르지 않는 영악함을 발휘하고 있었다. 결국 조선초기 여진과 대마도에 대한 번리ㆍ번병(藩籬ㆍ藩屛) 인식의 형성과 이에 기반한 경차관(敬差官) 파견의 관행은, 명(明) 중심의 동아시아질서를 강조하는 시각만으로 설명하기 어렵고, 또한 외세의 침략으로 인한 근대화 실패에 대한 피해의식으로 인해 조선의 여진과 대마도에 대한 침략을 인정하지 않는 “교린(交隣)”이라는 시각만으로도 역시 설명하기 어려운, 동아시아의 변방인 조선과 여진 및 대마도 사이에서 역동적으로 진행되던 탈중심의 관계를 생생하게 보여준다. Ky?ngcha’gwan, conventionally known as Chos?n kings’ domestic envoys, were the envoys who also delivered the Chos?n kings’ orders to their vassals such as the Jurchens and Tsushima. This fundamental characteristic of Ky?ngcha’gwan culminated in the ceremonial rituals of receiving Ky?ngcha’gwan, which signified Chos?n’s “lesser suzerainty” over its vassal, under the bigger umbrella of Ming “suzerainty.” The reason why these vertical dimensions of Chos?n-Jurchen and Chos?n-Tsushima relations in 15<SUP>th</SUP> century have not been scrutinized actually lies in the “Kyorin” frame, which was modern invention of the same term in modern Korean historiography. “Kyorin” as a modern frame implies that Chos?n tried to maintain peaceful relations with the Jurchens and Tsushima, based on its Confucian orientation. Korean historians could not conceptualize what did not fit in that frame, because they were too overwhelmed by traditional “Sino-centric” perspective to provincialize and de-centralize it, on the one hand. And they were also stuck in the mythology of a peace-loving and innocent Korea produced by their single lineal evolutionary frame of “Korean History (Hanguksa)” which is based on the hereditary victimhood of modern Korean historiography, on the other hand. With their eyes blinded, it was unable for them to provincialize both the “Sino-centric” and “Korea-centered” perspectives, they were not able to re-conceptualize the various active dimensions of regional dynamics that constituted Chos?n-Jurchen and Chos?n-Tsushima relations in 15<SUP>th</SUP> century. Furthermore, the nature and logic of the Kyorin frame, which argued that early Chos?n’s advanced cultures helped the Jurchen and Tsushima to be more civilized and which have deliberately downplayed early Chos?n’s expansionist military and interstate policies toward the Jurchens and Tsushima, ironically takes exactly after the nature and logic of Japanese Imperialist’ justifications of the colonization of Chos?n, which Korean scholars have continued to reject up to the present. In fact, the historical origin of this regional hierarchy where Chos?n was able to force this practice on Jurchens and Tsushima was not something just mainly “cultural.” Rather, it was Kory? and Chos?n’s military subjugation of them and Chos?n’s founder Yi S?ng’gye’s contribution to it. According to the changes in the East Asian interstate frame, the ruling elites of early Chos?n used these subjugations as useful historical sources for legitimizing their superiority over those two non-Chos?n polities in writing its own history. Through this, the ideological basis of Chos?n’s having its own vassals such as the Jurchen and Tsushima was created. And on the basis of this idea, Chos?n’s ruling elites tried to perpetuate their imagined “suzerainty” over them. The dispatch of Ky?ngcha’gwan was one of the typical diplomatic practices to symbolize this relationship. The institutional origins of Ky?ngcha’gwan shed light on this symbolic meaning of Chos?n’s Ky?ngcha’gwan more clearly. Ming sent its low-level envoys called Qinchaiguan (欽差官) to its vassals such as Chos?n. Imitating the Ming’s imperial mode of interstate policies, Chos?n came up with Chos?n’s own version of Ming imperial model, such as Ky?ngcha’gwan (敬差官) dispatches to the Jurchens and Tsushima that Chos?n identified as its vassals. However, this does not necessarily mean that Chos?n denied the “Sino-centric” East Asian order. Rather, by modifying its original imperial model according to Chos?n’s own position under Ming, Chos?n could still signify its suzerainty over the Jurchen and Tsushima, without violating Ming suzerainty. Chos?n’s ruling elites who carried out interstate policy in 15<SUP>th</SUP> century were very shrewd, aggressive, and even mean. Was Chos?n ruling elites’ superiority to the Jurchens and Tsushima only “cultural” as those Korean scholars have implied with the Kyorin frame? It seemed to be far more realistic than “cultural,” since

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1945년 이후의 조선시대사 연구와 유교근대론/ 동아시아론에 대한 post-colonial / trans-national한 관점에서의 비판적 분석과 제언

        정다함(Chong, Da-ham) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2017 코기토 Vol.- No.83

        최근 활발하게 제시되고 있는 이른바 유교근대론과 동아시아론은, 이 지역에서 지금까지도 “보편”으로 받아들어지고 있는 서구중심주의와 그 근대성에 대한 본질주의적 관점을 비판하고 넘어서는데 별 도움을 주고 있지 못하다. 그리고 그러한 유교근대론과 동아시아론은, 부상하고 있는 중국에 대해서도 역시 마찬가지의 본질주의적 접근을 하게 만드는 위험성을 내포하고 있다. 필자는 이러한 입장에서 이 논고를 통해, 현재 한국 역사학계에서 제기되고 있는 “동아시아론”과 그와 직결된 “유교근대론”의 문제점과 한계에 대한 비판적 분석을 제시하려고 한다. 그리고 비판의 과정에서, 분석의 대상으로 삼으려는 “동아시아론” 및 “유교근대론”의 범주를, 주로 한국 역사학계에서 조선시대사를 연구해 왔던 연구자들이 제시하고 있는 그것으로 한정하려 한다. 이 논고는, 그 동아시아라는 경계를 그리고 그 동아시아의 전통이라는 것의 범주를 실체화하고 본질화시키는 유교근대론/동아시아론의 문제점을 비판적으로 분석하고, 이를 토대로 보다 성찰적으로 동아시아와 그 이웃들의 현실과 미래에 대한 논의를 펼쳐나갈 수 있도록 하기 위해, post-colonial하고 trans-national한 역사인식론으로 그 “동아시아”와 “유교적 전통”이라는 것을 다시 읽어낼 것을 제안한 것이다. 이 논문을 계기로 앞으로 동아시아와 그 유교적 전통이라는 것에 대한 보다 성찰적이고 생산적인 토론이 이루어질 수 있기를 기대해본다. This paper aims to provide a post-colonial/trans-national critique on Confucian modernity and Pan-East Asianism discourses which have been closely related with the studies of Choson history since 1945 in Korea. By providing a post-colonial/trans-national critique on Confucian modernity and Pan-East Asianism discourses from the studies of Korean history which have exposed dangerous problems of essentialism and fundamentalism in understanding so called “East Asia” and its “Confucian tradition”, this paper seeks to find a way to keep the discussion on “East Asia” and “Confucianism” open, contingent, and productive.

      • KCI등재

        ‘事大’와 ‘交隣’과 ‘小中華’라는 틀의 초시간적인 그리고 초공간적인 맥락

        정다함(Chong Da-ham) 고려사학회 2011 한국사학보 Vol.- No.42

        Since the liberation, ROK historians have depicted the history of the Korean peninsula as that of an already-always, bordered territorial entity, evolving in a continuous linear progression into the modem nation-state. This paper seeks to challenge conventional nationalist Korean historiography and the territorialized imaginary and Confucian civilizational bias that support it, and to elucidate the complex and dynamic historical relationships between the peoples and states inhabiting this geographical space. I do so through scrutinizing South Korean historiography on the early Joseon period, analyzing the ways in which the models of political, economic, cultural and military interaction between Joseon and its neighbors inhabiting its peripheral spaces have been reinterpreted in modem times to underpin the dominant nationalist paradigm and the boundaries of Korean-ness it polices. South Korean historiography has constructed a model of the Northeast Asian region based on a Neo-Confucian hierarchy and conceptual dichotomy between “civilized” center and “barbarian” periphery, which has been combined with contemporary understandings of the nation-state. Through this process, these dogmatic frameworks, so called Sadae(事大; 사대) and Kyorin (交隣; 교린) that relegate the complex web of dynamic relationality between early Joseon and its neighbors to a fixed hierarchy based on Confucian civilizational biases, have been established and they are still dominating South Korean historiography. By providing a new trans-temporal and trans-spatial approach based on transnational perspective which enables us to profoundly understand how South Korean historiography re-appropriated traditional Confucian civilizational paradigm early Joseon dynasty had appropriated from Ming under the hegemony of U.S. in late 20th century. I assert such frameworks which have substantialized hierarchical set of the relations among Ming, Jurchen, Joseon, Tsushima, Muromachi Bakufu are the invention of South Korean nationalist Historiography, and have categorically denied the fluidity of spaces and peoples.

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