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      • 자연치유 산업화 방향과 제언

        정기성 ( Ki-sung Chung ) 한국인터넷비즈니스학회 2017 인터넷비지니스연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Nationally, by introducing natural healing in the area of medical insurance, medical treatment through regular recreation should be made as a tool to help medical healing, and a case should be made to recognize the true healing through natural healing. If delayed healing is insured and the people alleviate certain economic burdens, the public health will be able to attain the world's top amenity. In the United States, medical insurance is already applied to Chiropractic treatment. Sports is to cultivate the national health, which is to cultivate public sentiment through the tourism industry and promote the health of the people through sports. This natural healing area can be hypothesized as a region where natural healing industry can be made up with sports and tourism. It is clear that the medical tourism industry and the natural healing industry may have different conceptions, but as a result they can have similar results. Therefore, it is necessary for the national government to support the natural healing industry as a part of the medical tourism industry research will be.

      • 자연치유와 건강산업에 관한연구

        정기성 ( Ki-sung Chung ) 한국인터넷비즈니스학회 2018 인터넷비지니스연구 Vol.19 No.1

        Naturopathy is based on the natural healing power of our own body. This is called as Homeostasis, which is getting some healing effect maintaining the harmony and balance of our body through the five senses. Naturopathy has to bring the healing effect finally to the patient. For this purpose therapist has to know the patient’s physical constitution to bring the healing result and provide some suitable prescription. The physical constitution is the field to understand some information regarding the energy of the body and make stronger from the weakness. These healing process is completed through forest healing, ear consulting, body stretch life, food therapy and Christian natural praying, etc.. Especially aroma therapy is expanding its scope through production of nature energy. There are other fields including color therapy, music therapy, chiropractic, etc. for more various naturopathy. However these naturopathy can be offered to the needed patient individually who hopes to get the therapy, it is discussed to make an healing industry to develop and maintain the health with the industrializing wave for the modem society. The health industry can be focused on the development of naturopathy. Moreover the natural healing center, natural healing industry have to be supplied for the patients with the developed service by the high level healing prescriptions for the people who are weak and sick. This is the future study field for the development of naturopathy.

      • 글로벌 경쟁력 확보를 위한 대학의 종합인력 개발에 관한 연구

        정기성 ( Ki Sung Chung ) 한국인터넷비즈니스학회 2011 인터넷비지니스연구 Vol.12 No.1

        The pm-pose of this research is to pm-sue the integrated human resources development to obtain the global competitive strategy finding the relations of the competitive factors and university curricular. For this research it was analyzed in the developed stage of the university, and on the each stage how they achieve the global competition, and it was explained how much affective to the economic society supporting the college education competitiveness. The rapid change of the circumstances surrounding the university was a factor to explain that the pivotal strategy was to achieve the global competitiveness by the analysis of the economic, social and political, and cultural environment. However because the statistical approach is rather a complex method for this kind of research, mainly it is relied on the documentary research and analytical report of the integrated human resources development institution data of Gangreung-Wonju National University. Through the analysis, some conclusions and hints were obtained for the enhancing of university global competition for human resources development as below. (1) It can be possible to produce competitive human resources when the industry wants not only pursuing the university education purpose but the special curricular for job-taking. (2) It has to be considered in more various and profitable training courses to open for the integrated human resources development. (3) The university which demands the elastic curricular operation can obtain the competitiveness more rapidly.

      • 긍융위기시대의 중소기업 긍융정책의 개선에 관한 연구

        정기성 ( Ki Sung Chung ) 한국인터넷비즈니스학회 2009 인터넷비지니스연구 Vol.10 No.1

        The financial crisis from US at the end of 2008 reminded us how important the finance system is. It was the lost of liquidity of financial flow because of the fluctuation of primary market and the bankruptcy of financial institutions of New York and the paralyzing of financial market. This resulted the housing finance market broken, the diminished stock market, and small business bankruptcy. It was defined as the financial crisis, to solve this crisis, US, China, Korea and Japan, etc., are providing such a huge amount of money to settle the crisis. This makes the e-Business market, which is a symbol nowadays as the service market, shrink, and bring not only the small business down but the economic paralyzing, etc. The small and medium industry finance policy has adapted the classical method, which used the collateral for the loan credit, however, the credit warranty, the business appraisal, and other new ways are considering to expand the loan policy for the small business. Because the small business financial policy is to supply the lack of money, and cover the risk with public finance. It is very important to solve this problems with the improvement of system, and the arrangement of credit insurance. Of course, this has to accompany with the new innovation policy of the loan risk management. These kinds of various approach seek the innovation of the loan policy to vivid the small business, this is the pivot to alive the nation`s economy. This policy is drawing not only the innovation, but also the improvement for the new nation`s system. There is very little space to assist the system innovation of small business finance with the law regarding the merge of finance market. In spite of this disadvantage, the finance market will be innovated by the law, including the personal financial system, this will lead the finance innovation. Now the finance crisis from US bring the basic improvement for finance. This means it demands the new study regarding the finance policy innovation in this financial crisis era.

      • SCIEKCI등재
      • 자연치유의 산업화 방안과 사례연구

        정기성(Ki-sung Chung) 한국자연치유교육학회 2017 자연치유교육학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        자연치유란 자연치유력을 증진시키는 내츄럴코드에 몸을 맞추는 것이다. 우리 몸은 이상 현상을 정상으로 회복하거나 유지하려는 항상성(homeostasis)을 가지고 있다. 그러므로 이러한 항상성을 인정하고 재생력을 확보하려는 것이 자연 치유의 중요한 방안이다. 현대 사회에서 질병은 식생활과 고령화 등, 잘못된 습관에 의해 치유력을 잃어 가는 것인데 이것을 극복하도록 환경을 조성하여 주는 것이 자연치유의 산업화이다. 적절한 식이 요법인 푸드 세라피(food therapy)와 명상과 기도 등 치유의 환경을 조성하여 치유를 이끌어 내는 것이다. 이러한 건강산업은 국민 건강을 증진시켜 자연치유가 국민건강에 기여하는 하나의 방안이 될 수도 있음을 보여 주고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 치유 환경을 산업화하기 위해 이미 조성되어 있는 치유 환경 사례를 분석하여 앞으로 자연 치유가 어떻게 일반인들에게 접근할 것인가를 발견하고자 하는 것이다. 본 사례분석연구에서는 각각의 시설들이 각각의 특색을 가지고 여러 가지 협업을 통한 자연치유 환경 및 치유 방안과 독특한 자연 치유를 제공하여 산업화 한 것을 발견하였다. 특히 본 연구의 중요한 발견은 자연치유를 원하는 내방자들에게 종합적인 환경을 조성하고 있는 것인데, ① 한방과의 협업을 중심으로 자연치유를 제공하는 한방 힐링 자연치유요양원, ② 자연건강 학교에서 기숙생활을 통해 치유교육과 치유를 체험하는 자연치유 학교, ③ 양방의사가 좋은 자연의 환경 제공을 바탕으로 만성 환자의 치유를 돕는 자연치유 아카데미, ④ 고급시설을 만들어 고급의 자연치유 환경과 휴식 및 식습관, 운동 습관의 변화 등을 유도하는 우리나라 최초의 웰에이징 힐링 센터(well aging healing center)인 힐리언스 선마을, ⑤ 예수님의 치유 사역을 본받아 성령을 중심으로 걷기와 명상 등을 통해 치유를 얻도록 설계하고 있는 바이블 파크 등을 분석하였다. 여기서 바이블 파크는 성경의 말씀을 묵상하며 푸드세라피(food therapy)등의 처방을 받아 치유 생활을 실천 하며 자연과 더불어 기도하는 공간을 조성하여 자연치유가 실현되도록 하는 바이블 파크 치유 골짜기(Bible Park Healing Valley)라고 할 수 있는데, 이곳을 방문하는 방문객들을 위해 은퇴 교역자들이 일하며 일반인들의 자연치유를 도와줄 수 있는 치유의 골짜기를 구상한 것이다. 결론적으로 이러한 사례분석을 통하여 자연치유의 진정한 산업화가 무엇인지를 파악하고 자연치유의 산업화 방안을 발견한 것이 본 연구의 성과라고 할 수 있다. Natural healing is to fit our body to natural code which is increasing the natural therapy. Our body has homeostasis which recover or keep the normal condition from the abnormal condition. Therefore it is an important strategy to acquire the homeostasis through accepting this kind of nature therapy. People can easily loose their natural healing power of healthy condition by the wrong habit, aging or wrong food life. Food therapy, meditation and praying are the very important method to keep better health through normal dietary therapy. This kind of healing industry is one of the contributing methods that is increasing the healthy condition in the people. On this study it is focused to get the information and data from the business institutions which are managed for the healthy industry, furthermore the nature therapy can to approach to the people through the analysis of the healing industries throughout the Korea. On this case analysis it was found that the healing industries are cooperated with the unique nature therapy system as an industry for the natural healing each other. Especially it was discussed that the healing institutions support the patients who are visiting to get the healing service. There are many kind of healing centers in this country. The well aging healing center was found by a doctor who wanted to give the nature healing system anyway. It is suggested to draw the bible park that shows the bible events in the bible as a story with the statue on the road side. If this kind of park would be realized, which can be called as Bible Park Healing Valley, it will contribute as a Christian Healing Center for the natural healing and meditation. In conclusion it is discussed what is the real natural healing center and how it is managed as a business.

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