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      • KCI등재

        예수 가족의 활동에 대한 재평가

        정기문 한국서양고대역사문화학회 2022 서양고대사연구 Vol.63 No.-

        It has been regarded that, far from participating in it, the members of Jesus’ family took hostile attitudes towards the ministry of Jesus. The descriptions of the Synoptic Gospels regarding the family of Jesus are supposed to support this view. However, several scholars have tried to correct this view, because the Nag Hammadi Text, which was discovered in 1945, contained sources which were contradictory to the traditional view. For example, the Gospel of Philip and the First Revelation of James stated that the family of Jesus, such as the mother, brothers and sisters of Jesus supported Jesus in the ministry of Jesus. Furthermore, the discovery of the Qumran documents enhanced the historical value of the Gospel of John. In this paper, I have tried to rethink the traditional view. First, I have tried to correct the misinterpretation of Mark 3:21, which were regarded as evidence for the traditional view. We should connect Mark 3:21 to Mark 3:20, instead of Mark 3:31, because the subject of Mark 3:21 is not the family of Jesus but the followers of Jesus. Second, I have examined the historicity of the descriptions of the Gospel of John regarding the family of Jesus. The Gospel of John reveals the acts of the family of Jesus with regard to his ministry. If we accept the possibility of the participation of the family of Jesus in his ministry, we can explain more reasonably the fact that the members of Jesus’ family were the founders and key members of the Jerusalem Church. So we should rethink our opinions in relation to the attitudes of the family of Jesus with respect to his ministry. 예수의 어머니 마리아, 예수의 형제 야고보를 비롯한 예수의 가족은 예수의 공생애에 적대적인 태도를 취했던 것으로 인정되어 왔다. 이는 마가복음을 비롯한 공관복음이 전하고 있는 기사를 사실로 받아들였기 때문이다. 그러나 20세기 중반 이후 이 견해를 근본적으로 재고해야 할 필요성이 커졌다. 예수의 가족들이 예수의 공생애에 적극적으로 참여했음을 뒷받침하는 기록이 발견되었기 때문이다. 나그함마디 문서에 포함되어 있는 야고보 제1 계시록, 필립보 복음 등은 예수의 형제와 어머니, 자매가 예수의 공생애에 적극적으로 참여했음을 보여주었다. 또한 쿰란 문서의 발견 이후 요한복음의 역사적 가치가 재평가되었다. 그런데 요한복음은 예수의 가족이 예수에게 긍정적인 태도를 취했음을 보여주고 있다. 이런 문제 의식을 갖고 이 논문은 예수의 가족이 예수의 공생애에 참가했는지를 살펴보았다. 먼저 전통적으로 예수의 가족이 예수에게 적대했다는 근거로 이용되어온 기사, 즉 마가복음 3:21의 기사를 점검하였다. 일반적으로 3:21은 3:31과 연계해서 해석되었다. 그러나 3:21은 3:20과 연계해서 해석할 때 좀 더 자연스럽다. 이 경우 이 기사는 예수의 가족이 예수와 적대했다는 전통적인 견해와는 아무런 관련이 없다. 반면 요한복음이 전하고 있는 예수의 가족에 대한 상은 새로운 평가를 받아야 한다. 나그함마디 문서와 히브리인들의 복음을 비롯한 외경 복음이 이 견해의 역사성을 뒷받침하기 때문이다. 예수의 가족이 예수의 공생에 참가했다고 해석할 경우 지금까지 해명하기 곤란했던 문제, 즉 예수의 가족이 예루살렘 교회의 창설자이자 주요 구성원이었다는 사실을 좀더 합리적으로 해명할 수 있다.

      • Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development

        정기문 강원대학교 경영경제연구소 2010 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.1 No.1

        A view of cultural heritage as a form of capital considers the long term, dynamic,evolutionary, inter-temporal and inter-generational aspects of cultural heritage. Theprinciples of sustainability provide a basis on the broader issue of culture ineconomic development. They might be capable of specifying a pattern ofdevelopment that is “culturally sustainable” in the same way as somewhat similarset of criteria derived for the natural world, the criteria for defining ecologicallyand environmentally sustainable development. Thus we might accept the principlesof material and non-material advancement, intergenerational and intra-generationalequity, the maintenance of cultural diversity, the precautionary principle, and therecognition of system interdependence as benchmarks in assessing a culturaldevelopment process.

      • KCI등재

        1세기 후반 바오로 계승자들의 활동

        정기문 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2018 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        In the late fifties, Paul became a prisoner and was taken to Rome. What happened to the churches that Paul left after his disappearance from the stage of history? Many researchers have very negative opinions about this. In order to challenge these negative perspectives, this paper reviewed the documents issued by the churches of Paul in the second half of the first century. As a result, it is revealed that the churches of Paul restored their powers after surviving from the continuous attacks of the Circumcision in the 60s. They wrote Luke-Acts in the 80s. Unlike other writings of primitive Christianity, Luke-Acts was an advertising material toward the outside. It is clearly revealed in the preface of Luke-Acts. The writing of the churches of Paul toward the outside at this time shows that they had considerable influence at that time. In addition, the Luke-Acts highlighted Peter and Paul as key figures performing the ministry of God. In the late 90s, the churches of Paul published Pastoral Epistles. The Pastoral Epistles focused on the adaptation of the church to reality. As other churches had been separated from synagogues and seeking their own place of life, the churches of Paul presented a way to survive through the Pastoral Epistles.

      • KCI등재

        최소수리비용이 고장시간의 함수일 때 연장된 보증 정책

        정기문,Jung, Ki Mun 한국데이터정보과학회 2012 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        본 논문에서는 최소수리의 비용이 시스템의 수명시간에 의존하는 경우에 연장된 보증이 주어진 수리가 가능한 시스템에 대하여 사용자 측면에서의 총기대비용을 구하였다. 이를 위해서 연장된 보증을 정의하고 사용자 측면에서 연장된 보증이 종료된 이후의 교체모형을 가정하였다. 특히, 시스템의 교체모형에서 사용자가 연장된 보증을 선택하기 위한 기준을 제시하였으며, 시스템의 고장시간이 와이블 분포를 따를 때 수치적 예를 통하여 이를 설명하였다. In this paper, we determine the expected total cost from the user's perspective for the replacement model with the extended warranty when minimal repair cost is a function of failure time. To do so, we define the extended warranty and assume the replacement model following the expiration of extended warranty from the user's perspective. Especially, we propose the criterion to buy the extended warranty and the numerical examples are presented to illustrate the purpose when the failure time of the system has a Weibull distribution.

      • KCI등재

        인간의 텍스트로서 신약 성경

        정기문 동국역사문화연구소 2018 동국사학 Vol.64 No.-

        인류 최대 종교인 기독교의 경전인 신약 성경은 인류 사유의 형성과 발전에 그리고 세계사의 전개 과정에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 그런데 대부분의 경우 이 책은 단 하나의 관점으로 읽혀왔다. 이 책이 종교적 영성을 추구하는 기독교의 경전이기 때문에 신앙이 이 책을 읽는 거의 유일한 관점이었다. 이 논문은 비판적인 역사학의 관점에서 신약 성경에 대한 이해를 돕고자 시도하였다. 역사학의 관점에서 신약 성경을 본다는 것은 그것을 인간이 만든 하나의 텍스트로 파악한다는 것을 의미한다. 계몽사상의 성립 이후 세상의 모든 것을 이성과 비판의 관점으로 보려는 태도가 확립되었고, 18~19세기의 지식인들은 신약 성경을 이런 관점으로 보려는 태도를 확립하였다. 필사본 연구 결과는 이런 태도가 옳다는 것을 입증하고 있다. 근대 초 인쇄술이 발전하기 이전 필사로 성경이 전해지는 과정에서 수많은 변개가 이루어졌다. 사소한 실수로 이루어진 작은 변개도 있지만, 때때로 문단이나 장 전체를 추가하거나 변경하는 경우도 많았다. 현재 우리가 가지고 있는 신약 성경은 원본 신약 성경과 매우 다른 것이다. 신약 성경은 필사자들 가운데 상당수가 신약 성경이 신성한 책이기에 결코 변개할 수 없는 것이라는 인식을 갖고 있지 않았다. 따라서 성경은 어디까지나 신앙의 참고서일 뿐이지, 결코 절대적으로 믿어야 하는 진리는 아니다. 그것은 인간이 만들고, 인간이 편집한 텍스트일 뿐이다. The New Testament is the most influential book in the history of mankind. It has been produced and read a lot more than any other book. Since the New Testament had an enormous impact on the development of the world history, it is necessary to look at this book with the eyes of objectivity and reason. This paper firstly looked at the process of establishing the point of view of the New Testament as a text made by man. Deciding the New Testament as a canon, the early Christian leaders believed it was a sacred scripture so there could be no error in it. This viewpoint was maintained throughout the Middle Ages. Religious reformers, including Luther, made the Bible the sole standard of Christian faith and insisted on the inerrancy of the New Testament more strongly. However, after the establishment of the Enlightenment, an attitude that thinks everything in the world in terms of reason has been established. The intellectuals of the 18th and 19th centuries also studied the New Testament as this point of view. As a result, they established the attitude of “studying the Bible with the same method which handles other secular documents by liberating the Bible from the tradition, authority, and doctrine of the Church” Therefore, it is not strange to understand the New Testament as the method of historical criticism. After looking to the changes in attitudes toward the New Testament, this paper examined the validity of these attitudes through the result of manuscript research. Before early modern printing developed, in the process of passing down the Bible as a transcription, a number of corruptions were happened. While most of the corruptions were minor mistakes, but occasionally there were lots of case that added or changed entire paragraphs or chapters. The New Testament we have now is very different from the original New Testament. Many transcribers did not have the perception that the New Testament was so sacred book that it could never be changed. Therefore, the Bible was just made and edited by human.

      • KCI등재

        복음서의 장르는 무엇인가?

        정기문 부산외국어대학교 지중해지역원 2022 지중해지역연구 Vol.24 No.3

        To know the basic characteristic of a text, we need to know the genre of the text. The genre of the four Gospels has been disputed since the 18th century. Most scholars in the nineteenth century regarded the four formdeveloped who Gospels biographies. However, scholars as criticism in the twentieth century insisted that the Gospels be ‘something peculiar in themselves, sui generis’. In 1992, Burridge challenged this view. Burridge analyzed the forms andcontentsof ancient biographies and compared them with the four Gospels. He argued that the characteristics of the biographies were also observed in the four Gospels. The study of Burridge has been supported by many scholars. However, despite the study of Burridge the debate on the genre of the Gospels is not ended. Because, as Burridge claimed, ancient biographies had diverse and floating forms and contents. For example, there were Peripatetic biographies that dealt with the lives of generals and and written with public performance in mind, politicians were Alexandrian’s biographies that dealt with the lives of scholars, poets and artists, Encomium type that praised the public achievements of the main characters, Popular-novelistic type that presented the lives of the main characters to the public like a novel. This paper examines whether the Gospels belonged to the ancient biographies and, if they did, which sub-genre they belonged to. The four gospels does not belong to any of the sub-genres presented above. The four Gospels were similar to the Aretalogy. This is a biography of Divine Man, who has become a man of divine nature. There were no biography of the divine man before the Gospel, but since the second century, the biographies of various philosophers have been written in this form. Thus the Gospel is one of the Aretalogy.

      • KCI등재

        개인신용평점에서 항목그룹화와 모형평가를 위한 교육용 소프트웨어의 개발

        정기문,Jung, Ki-Mun 한국데이터정보과학회 2010 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        개인신용평점에서 항목그룹화의 과정은 연속형 특성변수를 밴드로 분할하고 이산형 특성변수는 그룹으로 분할하는 것이다. 또한 평점표는 시간이 지나감에 따라 성능이 떨어지게 되고, 따라서 사용되고 있는 승인점을 조정하여야 한다. 그러나 개인신용평점에서 항목그룹화와 승인점의 조정은 매우 복잡하고 번거로운 과정이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 비주얼베이직을 사용하여 개인신용평점에서 항목그룹화와 모형평가를 위한 소프트웨어를 개발하였다. 개발된 소프트웨어를 활용하면 항목그룹화에서 최적의 분할과 모형평가에서 최적의 승인점을 쉽게 찾을 수 있다. The coarse classifying procedure in credit scoring splits the values of a continuous characteristic into bands and the values of a discrete characteristic into groups of values. Also, the scorecard degrades over time and thus we should adjust the cut-off score being used. However, the coarse classifying and the adjustment of cut-off score in credit scoring are very complicate and troublesome procedure. Thus, in this paper, we develop a software for the coarse classifying and the model evaluation by using Visual Basic Language. By using the developed software, we can find the best split in the coarse classifying and the optimal cut-off score in the model evaluation.

      • KCI우수등재

        세상과 소통을 추구하다: 2017-8 서양고대사 연구 동향

        정기문 역사학회 2019 역사학보 Vol.0 No.243

        Some people say that a researcher’s maturity is in his 50s in the humanities, which seems to fit well with the study of western ancient history in our country. Looking at the research trajectory of several senior researchers, all those who belonged to the Western Ancient Cultural History Society have written papers every year, furthermore some of them have written three to five papers in a year. What’s more surprising is that many senior researchers write their papers across the ages and topics. The culmination of this maturity have led to the publication of excellent books . The most important feature of this session is that there have been many outstanding works in the field of books that combine professionalism and popularity. Although only two books were published in the last session, seven were published in this session. The publication of the books can be said to be the result of the academic community’s active efforts to communicate with civil society. These efforts were also observed in the writing of papers. There were many papers that dealt with topics related to modern society. These papers are the result of researchers’ efforts to contribute to social development through research. 2017-8년간 서양고대사 분야에서는 논문 70편, 저서 7권, 역서 5권이 발표되었다. 논문의 경우 2011-12년에 74편, 13-14년에 69편, 15-16년에 78편이 발표된 것은 고려하면 양적인 측면에서 보통의 수준이다. 논문을 시대별로 분류해보면 오리엔트사 7편, 그리스사 20편, 로마사 43편이다. 지난 회기의 주요 특징이 여러 시대를 비교하는 논문이 많았다는 것인데, 이번 회기에도 3편이 발표되었다. 고대 동서양의 군 주둔지와 제철 지역의 병참선을 비교한 연구(배은숙, 2018a), 고대 로마 제국 순교와 20세기 한국의 순교를 비교한 연구(최혜영, 2017d), 사회학의 이론인 ‘접경 지대 이론’을 로마의 변경에 적용할 수 있는지 탐색한 연구(반기현, 2017b)이다. 이런 연구들은 고대 역사 연구가 현대 사회와 관련성이 있는지 탐색하는 좋은 시도이다. 논문을 주제별로 살펴보면 문화사 33편, 정치사 14편, 사회사 13편, 군제사 8편, 경제사 1편, 역사교육 1편이 발표되었다. 문화사가 연구의 중추로 떠오르는 것은 2010년경부터이며 이 흐름이 이번 회기에도 지속 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        1-2세기 로마 교회의 다양성과 분파성

        정기문 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2020 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        It is very important to understand the development of the Roman Church, considering its status in the early Christianity. Previous studies of the church have shown a tendency to view the Roman church as a single unified church. This paper examined that the Roman Church consisted of several house churches until the third century, and the factions of house churches were very strong. There were three factors that strengthened the factions of the house churches. First, the Roman churches of the first and second centuries consisted of immigrants from various regions. Since Rome took over the Mediterranean world in the second century BCE waves of immigration had formed strongly throughout the empire. In the Pax Romana, many moved from the East to Rome. During this time, the absolute majority of the Roman population was foreign. Second, the first century Roman church belonged to the synagogues of the Jews. There were dozens of synagogues in Rome in the first century, which were highly divisive. Since the synagogues were run independently, the Roman churches that belonged to the synagogues were also divided. Third, the Roman Church in the first century was a secret association. Christians did not report to Roman authorities that they organized an association. It was difficult for them to gather freely in one place or have a centralized organization. As these three factors prevented the Roman Church from forming a single unity, the Roman Church had not formed a unified body until the middle of the second century. .

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