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      • KCI등재

        雪松 鄭光鉉 선생의 생애와 학문의 여정

        鄭肯植(Jung Geung Sik) 한국법사학회 2016 法史學硏究 Vol.54 No.-

        설송 정광현 선생(1902~1980)은 1930~38년 연희전문학교에서 법학을 교육하였다. 1950년 서울대학교 법과대학 교수로 부임하여 본격적인 연구를 하였으며, 평생 저서 10권, 논문 136편, 합계 146편을 발표하였다. 그는 학문적으로 엄정하였으며, 제자들을 교육할때에도 그러하였다. 그는 한국에서 친족상속법의 기초를 구축하였으며, 그의 연구성과는 서거 후 30년 지난 현재에도 의미가 있으며, 그의 역저 『한국가족법연구』는 이미 고전이 되었다. 그는 민법 중에서도 오로지 친족상속법만 연구를 하였으며, 그 목적은 가족법의 민주화, 나아가 사회의 민주화로 헌법의 남녀평등이념을 입법에서 구현하려는 것이었다. 이를 실천하기 위해 학술활동은 물론 대중계몽활동에도 적극적이었다. 그의 이러한 활동은 1956년 한국가정법률상담소의 창립으로 결실을 맺었다. Professor Seolsong Jung Kwanghyun(1902~1980) was teaching law at 1930-1938 at the Yonhee Professional School. He was appointed as professor of College of Law Seoul National University in 1950. In his lifetime, 10 books and 136 articles in total 146 pieces were released. He was academically sincere and strict, he was teaching students who would become scholars so. He has built the foundations of family law in Korea, his academic achievements are meaningful to us, even after his the demise 30 years passed. And his masterpiece “Korean Law of Family Relations and Successions: A Study of, its History and Interpretation” has already become a classic. He majored family laws, furthermore specialized only law of family relations among civil laws. His goal was to democratization of family law, ultimately to build democratic families in society and to realize the constitutional principles of equality between men and women. To practice it, he was aggressive in academic activities, as well as public activities. Finally, his activities were formed the basis of the establishment of the Korea Legal Aid Center for Family Relations at 1956.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 가계계승에서 여성의 지위

        鄭肯植(Jung Geung Sik) 한국법사학회 2013 法史學硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        이 논문에서는 여성호주의 지위를 조선시대에서 식민지기까지 통시적으로 검토하였다. 《經國大典》에서는 남성 중심의 가계계승을 규정하였지만 예외적ㆍ한시적으로 여성에 의한 가계계승을 인정하였다. 그리고 국가에서 관리하는 호적에서는 국역을 부담하는 男丁을 중심으로 편제하여 남성이 호주가 되는 것이 원칙이었다. 그러나 호적에서 여성호주가 나타났다. 다만 조선후기에는 유교적 가족제도가 확산됨에 따라 여성호주가 줄어들었다. 1896년의 『戶口調査規則』과 1909년의 『民籍法』은 조선후기의 상황을 반영하여 제정되었다. 특히 『民籍法』에서는 남성중심의 민적을 편제하였으며, 이는 1923년의 『朝鮮戶籍令』과 1960년 『호적법』에 그대로 이어졌다. 식민지기의 호주상속관습은 남성을 중심으로 형성되었지만, 예외적ㆍ한시적 존재로서 여성호주를 인정하였다. 이는 조선후기에 존재한 여성호주와 크게 다르지는 않았다. 그러나 양자 사이에는 큰 차이가 있는데, 조선시대에는 법적 제약없이 혼인을 할 수 있었으나 식민지기에는 호주의 동의라는 법적 제약이 있었고 또 호[가]의 연속을 중시하여 여성호주, 특히 과부는 혼인을 함에 제약이 많았다. 그 제약은 조선시대에는 사실에 불과하였으나, 식민지기에는 법적 제도적인 것이었다. 이것이 가장 중요하다. In this article, I have surveyed women’s position of succession in the family from the Josun Dynasty to the Colonial Korea diachronically. In Kyungkukdaejun(經國大典), it was stipulated that men succeeded as the head of family(戶主), but women could also albeit temporarily. In family registers which were managed by the state, the principle was to organize family registers focused on men, for they serviced as soldiers and were burdened with taxes, so men became a head of family. Nevertheless women as the head of family existed in books of Family Registers in the late Josun Dynasty. But as Neo-Confucian Ideology was proliferated in Josun society, the number of women as the head of family were diminished. The Regulation of Census(戶口調査規則) in 1896 and the Decree of Family Register(民籍法) in 1909 were legislated by reflecting upon the reality of family succession and the composition of the heads of family in the late Josun Dynasty. Specially in the Decree of Family Register, family registers were made based on men and this tendency continued in the period of colonial Korea. The Korean Law of Family Register in 1960 was a legacy of colonial experiences. In the colonial society women could become the head of family temporarily. This is not different from the late Josun Dynasty. But there was a big difference between the late Josun society and the colonial society. In the late Josun society, women were free and so she, especially widows, had no restriction in marrying. But in the colonial society women were not so, and she needed permission from the heads of family of her father and her father in law. Moreover a widow could hardly remarry because she had to succeed as the head of family. The restriction was only de facto in the late Josun society, but it was strongly de jure in the colonial society. That is the most important point.

      • KCI등재

        ≪조선경국전(朝鮮經國典)≫과 조선초기(朝鮮初期) 법제정비(法制整備)

        정긍식 ( Geung Sik Jung ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2015 서울대학교 法學 Vol.56 No.2

        본고에서는 정도전이 편찬한 ≪조선경국전≫이 사찬이 아니라 태조와의 교감 하에진행된 관찬의 성격이 짙음을 당시와 후대의 자료 및 중국의 사서편찬 전통을 통하여 논증하였다. 정도전의 핵심저작인 ≪佛氏雜辯≫, ≪經濟文鑑≫, ≪조선경국전≫에는 새로운 국가와 사회를 건설하기 위한 그의 사상이 표현되어 있다. 그는 ≪조선경국전≫에서 조선이 지향해야 할 통치제도의 개략을 선언하였다. 그리고 현존 ≪조선경국전≫ 이 전체가 아니라 서문만 초록한 것이라는 末松保和의 견해와 달리 전체임을 논증 하였다. ≪조선경국전≫의 체재는 주례에 연원하는 六典體裁인데, 이는 元의 ≪經世大典≫의 영향을 직접적으로 받았다. 周禮에 입각한 ≪조선경국전≫의 육전의 순서는 세종대의 관제개혁에 그대로 반영되어 조선시대 법전편제의 기본이 되었다. ≪조선경국전≫ <憲典>은 ≪大明律≫ 전체를 소개하고 있는데, 이는 당시 ≪大明律≫이 형사일반법으로 자리를 잡아가는 과정을 반영하는 것이다. This paper proves that Chosunkyeongkukcheon(朝鮮經國典) was compiled officially in communion between King Taejo and Chung Tocheon(鄭道傳) rather than privately, with the help of the historical materials and the tradition of compilation in China. Chung`s idea to establish a new country was expressed in his major works, such as BulssiJabpyeon(佛氏雜辨), Kyeongchemunkam(經濟文鑑), and Chosunkeongkukcheon. He declared the outline of the ruling system that the Chosun Dynasty should aim for. This paper also proves that Chosunkyeongkukcheon was not the abstract of the preface but the whole text, as opposed to the argument of Suematsu Yasukazu(末松保和). The system of Chosunkyeongkukcheon originated in the sextant system of Churye(周禮) and was directly influenced by Kyeongsedaecheon(經世大典) of the Won(元) Dynasty. The order of Chosunkyeongkukcheon which was based upon Churye was reflected in the reform of government organization in the ruling period of King Sejong and became the prototype of the compilation of law books in the Chosun Dynasty. The body of Taemyeongyul(大明律) was introduced in the chapter of Heoncheon in Chosunkyeongkukcheon, which shows that Taemyeongyul was being received as general criminal law in the Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        근대 한국 법학교육 제도사

        정긍식 ( Geungsik Jung ) 한국법교육학회 2015 법교육연구 Vol.10 No.3

        이 논문에서는 1895년 법관양성소의 설립에서 시작한 근대법학교육 120년을 통시적으로 정리하였다. 재판관을 양성하기 위해 1895년 법관양성소를 설립하여 법학교육을 하였지만, 일본의 사법권 장악으로 1909년 법학교로 개편되었다. 또한 보성전문학교 등 민간차원에서도 법학교육을 하였다. 식민지기에 일본은 원칙적으로 조선에서 고등교육을 실시하지 않은 방침을 세웠지만, 곧 포기하고 통치의 편의를 위해 경성법학전문학교 그리고 사립 보성전문학교에서 실무가 양성을 목적으로 한 법학교육을 실시하였다. 1926년 경성제국대학 법문학부의 설치는 식민지 조선에서 학문으로서 법학을 교육할 기반을 마련하였다. 하지만 전쟁기에는 법학교육은 거의 폐지되었다. 해방 후 고등교육에 대한 수요의 증가로 법학교육은 확대되었다. 대학의 양적 증가는 질적 하락의 우려가 있어서 국가가 학과의 신설 등에 개입하였으며, 국가의 고등교육정책에 따라 법학교육도 영향을 받았다. 대학교육의 대중화, 보편화에 따라 법학교육기관도 확대되었다. In this paper, I dealt with a history of legal educations in the Modern Korea 120 years as diachronic.It started with the Judicial Officials Training Institute was founded to train judges in the reform of the judicial system at 1895. Although the legal education was carried out systematically, judicial control of Japan in 1909 it was reorganized into the Law school. In civilian sphere, in the Boseong Professional School, legal educations were performed. In the colonial period, the General Governor of Imperial Japan was not carried out in higher education in the Colonial Korea. But for convenience of the ruling, legal educations were carried out at the Official Seoul Professional Law School(Kyungsung Pophakchonmun Hakgyo), the Private Posung Professional School(Posung Chonmun Hakgyo) to train legal professions. At 1926 by installation of the Department of Law and Literature at the Keijo Imperial University, the higher legal education―jurisprudence― was possible as social science. But after 1940, legal educations have been almost abolished.After the liberation at 1945, legal educations have expanded to the increase in demand for higher educations. Quantitative increase in universities were involved in the cause of qualitative decline, so the government has intervened the policy of educations in universities to improve educational standards. And legal educations were also affected by the higher education policy. Popularization of higher education, legal education institutions was extended.

      • KCI등재후보

        1517년 安東府 決訟立案 분석

        정긍식(Jung, Geung-Sik) 한국법사학회 2007 法史學硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        본고에서는 현존하는 最古의 판결문인 1517년 安東府 決訟立案을 치밀하게 번역?분석하였다. 立案은, 우리 고유의 용어로, 개인의 청원에 따라 특정한 사실에 대해 관에서 이를 확인하여 개인에게 그 사실을 증명하여 발급해주는 공문서이다. 본 결송입안은 경국대전 예전에 규정된 형식을 준수하고 있다. 소송은 당시의 법과 관례에 따라 전개되었는데, 이는 <聽訟式>과 ≪儒胥必知≫의 <決訟立案式>을 통해 확인할 수 있다. In this paper, I translated and analyzed a civil judgement archive of Andong District(安東府i) in 1517. It is the oldest judgement archive in Korea. Yipan(立案) is a proper term of official documents. Government offices issued them by petitioners who wanted to notarize something related their rights from government offices. At first, I translated it thoroughly words by words and verified their meaning and usages. So I argued errors in present studies. And next, by analyzing the archive, I presented civil procedures in the 16th century. There were two rules in the civil procedures, one was positive law and an other was customary laws. In this document, the former was written down as "Taecheon(大典)", the latter was written down "Sik(式)" which means rules or general laws. At that time, the positive laws in civil procedures were consisted of Kyungguktaecheon(經國大典), Taecheonsokrok(大典續錄) and Sugyo(受敎) - its meaning is royal order - etc. I exhibited the civil procedures were lawful observing prescriptions in codes and customs. And the form of Yipan accorded with Yipansik(立案式) in Kyungguktaecheon Yecheon(禮典.), Chungsongsik(聽訟式) of 16th centuty and Kyeolsongyipansik(決訟立案式) of Yuseopilchi(儒胥必知). These facts mean civil procedures were executed legally in Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국율령의 수용과 한국 전통사회

        정긍식(Jung Geung Sik) 한국법학원 2017 저스티스 Vol.- No.158-2

        본고에서는 고려부터 조선까지 중국율령의 수용과정과 그에 따른 한국법제의 변화를 살펴본다. 고려는 당률을 기반으로 법제를 정비하였지만 필요에 따라 중국의 다양한 법을 수용하였다. 원은 고려에 대해 법제개혁을 요구하였으나 고려는 사회의 기반이 다름을 이유로 반대하였는데, 결국 원은 근친혼의 금지는 관철하였지만 노비제도의 개혁은 실패하였다. 고려는 왕법국가로 법적 안정성이 취약하였고 그래서 사회가 혼란하였다. 14세기말 혼란한 법질서를 정비하기 위해 대명률을 수용하였으며, 조선에 그대로 이어졌다. 주례의 6분체제는 고려의 통치조직의 근간이 되었으며 조선시대에는 통치조직뿐만 아니라 법전편찬도 이에 따랐다. 14세기말 성리학과 주자가례의 수용은 남녀평등적 가족을 가부장제적 가족으로 변모시켰다. 이는 婦處制에서 夫處制로의 혼속의 변화에서 시작하여 제사에서 여성이 배제되고 점차 남자와 장자의 재산상속권이 강화되는 방향으로 진행되어 19세기 말에는 가부장제가 사실상 성립하였으며 식민지기를 거치면서 강화되었다. 또 형사법에서는 시간이 흐를수록 대명률과는 다른 조선에 특유한 규정이 많이 등장하여 형사법의 조선화가 진행되었는데, 신분관계 등 윤리를 중국보다 강조하였다. 전통시대에 중국법 수용의 특징은 우리의 필요에 따라 능동적이고 주체적으로 수용한 점이며, 이러한 자세는 세계가 통합되어가는 21세기 현재에도 여전히 의미가 있다. In this article, I examine receptions of Chinese laws from the Goryeo Dynasty to the Joseon Dynasty and the changes in Korean legal systems and its historical and social meanings. The Goryeo Dynasty has regulated the legal system based on Tanglu, but accepted various laws of China as needed. The Yuan[元] Dynasty demanded legal reforms of Goryeo, but Goryeo opposed it because of differences in social background, and eventually the Yuan Dynasty failed to reform the Nobi [奴婢]-System, although the prohibition of marriage of near relation took place. The Goryeo Dynasty was a kingdom based on royal decrees and legal stability was very weak, so society was confused. In the end of the 14th century, the Taminglu was received to adjust the confused legal systems, the Taminglu was accepted as general penal code in the Joseon Dynasty. The Sextant System based on the Zhouli became the basis of Goryeo’s governing organization, and it followed not only the governing organization but also the code, in the Joseon Dynasty. The acceptance of Neo-Confucianism and Zhuxi’s Family-Rituals in the late 14th century, the gender equality family was transformed to a patriarchal family. It started from the change of mood from uxorilocal marriage to virilocal marriage and proceeded to exclude women from the Ancestor-Worship ceremony and progressively strengthened the rights of inheritance of men and the eldest son. In the end of the 19th century patriarchy was established de facto and was reinforced de jure in the colonial society under the Imperial Japan. In criminal laws, many special provisions, which were different from Taminglu, were enacted in the late Joseon Society, it means the Koreanization of the criminal laws. And its substance was to strengthen ethics, such as the status quo, than Chinese laws. The characteristic of receptions of Chinese laws in the traditional Korean Society is that it is actively and subjectively accepted according to independent needs, and this attitude is still meaningful as of the 21st century when the world is integrated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선시대(朝鮮時代)의 가계계승법제(家系繼承法制)

        정긍식 ( Geung Sik Jung ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2010 서울대학교 法學 Vol.51 No.2

        조선시대의 가계계승은 적장자승계가 원칙이다. 그러나 현실적으로는 無後 등으로 가계의 단절을 피할 수 없다. 이러한 위험을 피하기 위해 고안된 것이 양자제도이다. 경국대전에서는 사후봉양에 바탕을 둔 봉사조와 가계계승을 목적으로 한 입후조로 구성되어 있다. 양자는 첩자의 지위에 대해 모순을 보이고 있는데, 결국 혈연을 우선하는 방향으로 타협을 보았다. 법제의 정비에도 불구하고 16세기 초까지는 가계계승을 위한 양자는 많지 않았다. 16세기 중반부터 양자가 등장하기 시작하여 19세기에는 널리 보급되었다. 이러한 현상은 법에도 반영되었다. 16세기 중엽에 양자와 관련된 법제가 개별 분쟁을 해결해 가면서 완비되었으며, 후기에는 절차적 규정이 보완되었을 뿐이다. 특히 사후양자에 대한 절차규정의 정비는 양자가 보편화된 현실을 반영하는 것이다. 이러한 상황에서 가계계승을 위해 법에서는 허용하지 않는 차양자나 백골양자가 등장하였다. 그러나 여전히 제사를 사후봉사로 여기고 있었기 때문에 가계계승과는 무관한 양자는 조선후기에도 상당하였다. 현재에는 호주와 가제도가 폐지되고 친양자제가 도입되는 등 가계계승은 임의적인 것으로 되었다. 이러한 현상은 가계계승이 15세기로 회귀하였다고 할 수 있다. It is a principle for the eldest son to succeed a family in the traditional Korean society. Because he had no sons, he should have a risk that his family died away. A adoption is a legal apparatus to prevent that risk. Laws concerning succession of a family were consisted of two articles in Kyungkuktaechun(經國大典). One is Ancestor-Worship[Bongsa, 奉祀] which was formed in the ground of serving the dead, and the other is Adoption(Yiphu, 立後] to succeed family. The contradiction and problems in them were solved and compromised to regard kinship than justification. In the 15th century the laws of adoption were established, but it was not popular to early the 16th century. In the middle 16th century it was extended and highest to about 16% in the 19th century. These facts were reflected in laws. In middle 16th century, laws of adoptions were prepared and enacted by solving many problems in related of succeeding a family and adoptions and properties. And after the 17th century, procedural regulations were supplemented. Specially, procedural regulations about posthumous adoption were impacted in universalization of adoption. And in these circumstance, non-legal adoptions were emerged in the high society. But in the low society, adoptions unrelated succession were lasting to the early 20th century, because they thought ancestor-worship as serving them after death. Today, the head of family[Hoju 戶主] and Ie-System[家制度] were abrogated and adoption unrelated blood and family was introduced in the Korean Civil Code. So the succession of family is not compulsive and free. Korean history goes back to the 15th century in the succession of family.

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